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Sterol carrier protein-2 (SCP-2) facilitates cholesterol (Ch) and phospholipid (PL) transfer/exchange between membranes and appears to play a key role in intracellular lipid trafficking. Whether SCP-2 can also facilitate lipid hydroperoxide (LOOH) transfer between membranes and thereby potentially enhance dissemination of peroxidative damage was examined in this study. Transfer kinetics of photochemically generated cholesterol hydroperoxide (ChOOH) species (5alpha-OOH, 6alpha/6beta-OOH, 7alpha/7beta-OOH) and phospholipid hydroperoxide (PLOOH) families (PCOOH, PEOOH, PSOOH) were determined, using HPLC with electrochemical detection for peroxide analysis. LOOH donor/acceptor pairs employed in transfer experiments included (i) all liposomes (e.g., agglutinable SUVs/ nonagglutinable LUVs); (ii) photoperoxidized erythrocyte ghosts/SUVs or vice versa; and (iii) SUVs/mitochondria. In a SUV/ghost system at 37 degrees C, the rate constant for total ChOOH spontaneous transfer was approximately 8 times greater than that for unoxidized Ch. Purified bovine liver and human recombinant SCP-2 exhibited an identical ability to stimulate overall ChOOH transfer, 0.5 unit/mL (based on [(14)C]Ch transfer) increasing the first-order rate constant (k) approximately 7-fold. SCP-2-enhanced translocation of individual ChOOHs increased with increasing hydrophilicity in the following order: 6beta-OOH < 6alpha-OOH < 5alpha-OOH < 7alpha/7beta-OOH. Likewise, SCP-2 stimulated PCOOH, PEOOH, or PSOOH transfer approximately 6-fold, but the net k was 1/5 that of 5alpha-OOH and 1/10 that of 7alpha/7beta-OOH. Donor membrane properties favoring SCP-2-enhanced LOOH transfer included (i) increasing PL unsaturation and (ii) increasing net negative charge imposed by phosphatidylserine. Cytotoxic relevance was demonstrated by showing that SCP-2 accelerates 7alpha-OOH transfer from SUVs to isolated mitochondria and that this enhances peroxide-induced loss of the mitochondrial membrane potential. On the basis of these findings, we postulate that SCP-2, by trafficking ChOOHs and PLOOHs in addition to parent lipids, might exacerbate cell injury under oxidative stress conditions.  相似文献   
Susceptibility to smoking related larynx cancer has been suggested to be associated with genetically determined differences in the ability to detoxify carcinogens present in tobacco smoke. The genetic polymorphisms of glutathione S-transferases, involved in the metabolic inactivation of, for example, tobacco derived carcinogens, have been recognized as potential risk modifiers in various environmentally induced malignancies, including larynx cancer. We employed PCR-based methods to determine the distribution of the GSTM 1 and G STT1 null genotypes in 171 larynx cancer patients and 180 controls to examine further their potential role in individual susceptibility to this neoplasm. The GSTM 1 null genotype was found in 49 1 % of the cases and 57 7 % of the controls and the GSTT1 null genotype in 17 5 % of the cases and 21 7 % of the controls, respectively. Larynx cancer risk associated with the lack of GST M 1 (OR = 0 7; 95 % CI: 0 5-1 1) or GSTT1 (OR = 0 8; 95 % CI: 0 5-1 3) was not significantly affected by age, smoking status, or cancer progression. Although this study thus suggests no role for the G STM 1 and GSTT1 gene polymorphisms in individual susceptibility to smoking-related larynx cancer, due to its relatively small sample size more data are required before any definite conclusions can be drawn.  相似文献   
The physical properties of membranes derived from the total lipid extract of porcine lenses before and after the addition of cholesterol were investigated using EPR spin-labeling methods. Conventional EPR spectra and saturation-recovery curves indicate that the spin labels detect a single homogenous environment in membranes before the addition of cholesterol. After the addition of cholesterol (when cholesterol-to-phospholipid mole to mole ratio of 1.55-1.80 was achieved), two domains were detected by the discrimination by oxygen transport method using a cholesterol analogue spin label. The domains were assigned to a bulk phospholipid-cholesterol bilayer made of the total lipid mixture and to a cholesterol crystalline domain. Because the phospholipid analogue spin labels cannot partition into the pure cholesterol crystalline domain, they monitor properties of the phospholipid-cholesterol domain outside the pure cholesterol crystalline domain. Profiles of the order parameter, hydrophobicity, and oxygen transport parameter are identical within experimental error in this domain when measured in the absence and presence of a cholesterol crystalline domain. This indicates that both domains, the phospholipid-cholesterol bilayer and the pure cholesterol crystalline domain, can be treated as independent, weakly interacting membrane regions. The upper limit of the oxygen permeability coefficient across the cholesterol crystalline domain at 35 degrees C had a calculated value of 42.5 cm/s, indicating that the cholesterol crystalline domain can significantly reduce oxygen transport to the lens center. This work was undertaken to better elucidate the major factors that determine membrane resistance to oxygen transport across the lens lipid membrane, with special attention paid to the cholesterol crystalline domain.  相似文献   
An in vitro study of digestion by the subterranean larva of S. geminata revealed the presence of enzymes able to digest starch, trehalose, salicin, cellobiose, melibiose, maltose, sucrose, casein, and several forms of cellulose. The midgut is the major source of all enzymes except invertase and CMC-cellulase, for which hindgut preparations are more active. The pH values of the gut contents are: foregut 6.9, midgut 9.0 and hindgut 7.5. The midgut fluid is pumped forward into the foregut, and the carbohydrases in it are generally more active at the pH of the foregut than at the pH of the midgut. It is possible, therefore, that the foregut, which is itself insignificant as a source of enzymes, is the site of considerable carbohydrate digestion. The proteinase is inhibited 28% by trypsin inhibitors.
Zusammenfassung Eine in vitro-Untersuchung über die Verdauungsvorgänge in den unterirdisch lebenden Larven von S. geminata wies Enzyme nach, die Stärke, Trehalose, Salicin, Cellobiose, Melibiose, Maltose, Rohrzucker, Kasein und mehrere Celluloseformen abbauen können. Versuche mit Vorder-, Mittel- und Enddarmextrakten zeigten, daß der Abbau von Rohrzucker und CMC-Cellulose in Ansätzen mit Enddarmpräparaten prozentual am höchsten war. Maximale Verdauung aller anderen geprüften Substrate erfolgte dagegen mit Mitteldarmpräparaten.Die pH-Werte betrugen im Vorderdarm 6,9, im Mitteldarm 9,0 und im Enddarm 7,5. Im Mittel- und Enddarm lagen die jewciligen optimalen pH-Werte für Maltose bei 6,5–7,0 und 7,5, für Melibiose bei 6,0–7,0 und 7,0–7,5, für Cellobiose bei 6,0–7,0 und 4,5, für Rohrzucker bei 7,0 und 6,0, für CMC bei 5,2 und 5,6.Die Verdauung unlöslicher Celluloseformen war durchweg gering, die der CMC dagegen beträchtlich.Die Mitteldarmflüssigkeit wird nach vorn in den Vorderdarm gepumpt. Die darin enthaltenen Carbohydrasen sind beim pH-Wert des Vorderdarmes meistens wirksamer als in dem des Mitteldarmes. Es ist deshalb möglich, daß im Vorderdarm, welcher selbst wahrscheinlich keine Enzyme produziert, doch eine beträchtliche Kohlenhydratverdauung stattfindet.Die Wirksamkeit der Proteinase wird durch bekannte Tryptin-Hemmstoffe um 28% reduziert.
Non-native tree species have been widely planted or have become naturalized in most forested landscapes. It is not clear if native trees species collectively differ in ectomycorrhizal fungal (EMF) diversity and communities from that of non-native tree species. Alternatively, EMF species community similarity may be more determined by host plant phylogeny than by whether the plant is native or non-native. We examined these unknowns by comparing two genera, native and non-native Quercus robur and Quercus rubra and native and non-native Pinus sylvestris and Pinus nigra in a 35-year-old common garden in Poland. Using molecular and morphological approaches, we identified EMF species from ectomycorrhizal root tips and sporocarps collected in the monoculture tree plots. A total of 69 EMF species were found, with 38 species collected only as sporocarps, 18 only as ectomycorrhizas, and 13 both as ectomycorrhizas and sporocarps. The EMF species observed were all native and commonly associated with a Holarctic range in distribution. We found that native Q. robur had ca. 120% higher total EMF species richness than the non-native Q. rubra, while native P. sylvestris had ca. 25% lower total EMF species richness than non-native P. nigra. Thus, across genera, there was no evidence that native species have higher EMF species diversity than exotic species. In addition, we found a higher similarity in EMF communities between the two Pinus species than between the two Quercus species. These results support the naturalization of non-native trees by means of mutualistic associations with cosmopolitan and novel fungi.  相似文献   
The plasma membrane is an important compartment that undergoes dynamic changes in composition upon external or internal stimuli. The dynamic subcompartmentation of proteins in ordered low-density (DRM) and disordered high-density (DSM) membrane phases is hypothesized to require interactions with cytoskeletal components. Here, we systematically analyzed the effects of actin or tubulin disruption on the distribution of proteins between membrane density phases. We used a proteomic screen to identify candidate proteins with altered submembrane location, followed by biochemical or cell biological characterization in Arabidopsis thaliana. We found that several proteins, such as plasma membrane ATPases, receptor kinases, or remorins resulted in a differential distribution between membrane density phases upon cytoskeletal disruption. Moreover, in most cases, contrasting effects were observed: Disruption of actin filaments largely led to a redistribution of proteins from DRM to DSM membrane fractions while disruption of tubulins resulted in general depletion of proteins from the membranes. We conclude that actin filaments are necessary for dynamic movement of proteins between different membrane phases and that microtubules are not necessarily important for formation of microdomains as such, but rather they may control the protein amount present in the membrane phases.Living cells need borders and molecular compartments for biochemical reactions and storage of metabolites. The plasma membrane therefore is a prerequisite for the evolution of different life forms. It consists of a phospholipid bilayer into which proteins and special lipid species such as sterols, sphingolipids, and glycolipids are inserted. The first complex model of plasma membrane was proposed in 1972 by Jonathan Singer and Garth Nicolson (1), replacing the concept of the plasma membrane as a strict protein–lipid–protein sandwich that was generally accepted until then. In Singer and Nicolson''s model, the cell membrane is a two-dimensionally oriented viscous solution in which the membrane constituents are orientated in the most thermodynamically favorable manner, hiding hydrophobic hydrocarbon chains inside the lipid bilayer and exposing polar and ionic groups to the aqueous phase. This fluid mosaic model also implied that membrane proteins as well as lipid components are distributed in a homogeneous lipid bilayer at long range, but they can form specific aggregates and phases at short range, which were also termed “lipid rafts” or membrane microdomains.Over the past 30 years, it has become evident that the plasma membrane is not such a homogeneous structure as it was initially proposed. We now know that the lipid bilayer is asymmetric (2) and that the free diffusion of membrane proteins is restricted by their interactions with intracellular and extracellular components (3). More recently, Simons and Ikonen suggested that large ordered phases, enriched with cholesterol and sphingolipids, emerge within the plasma membrane and that they function as platforms for enrichment of certain proteins while excluding others (4). This current membrane model suggests that the mixture of sterols and polar lipids within the plasma membrane can appear in two distinct phases: liquid disordered (Ld) and liquid ordered (Lo) phase (5). In this view, the so-called membrane microdomains are considered to be part of the Lo phase. Based on work on model membranes, it is suggested that lateral segregation of components into Ld and Lo phases occurs spontaneously (6) with the self-associating properties between sterols and highly saturated hydrocarbon chains of phopsho- and sphingolipids as the main driving force (7). Additionally, it is suggested that also specific lipid-protein and protein-protein interactions are essential for the formations of membrane domains as well as for stabilization of smaller nanodomains which subsequently may cause formation of larger platforms. In contrast to the animal cells, in plants these membrane microdomains seem to be rather immobile (8), possibly due to their attachment to the outer cell wall. More recently, it became obvious that membrane microdomains within a single cell are highly diverse and of different compositions (9). Generally, in the plant model, organisms'' plasma membrane microdomains turned out to be important in plant defense (10, 11), cell polarity (12, 13), and general signaling properties of the plasma membrane (14, 15).The cytoskeleton was identified as an essential cellular component with important roles in membrane topography, bordering, trafficking, and organelle movement (16). Single particle tracking in mammalian cells revealed that the transferrin receptor and macroglobulin receptor demonstrate normal Brownian diffusion but only within a specific membrane compartment (17). Two hypothetical models were proposed in order to explain this phenomenon (supplemental Fig. 1). Direct interactions between transmembrane proteins and cytoskeleton are suggested to creates a barrier, called “fence,” where cytosolic parts of transmembrane proteins collides with cytoskeletal components, limiting their diffusion to certain areas. These molecules can jump over the “fence” to a neighboring compartment, possibly due to the dynamic nature of the interaction of membrane proteins and cytoskeleton, where they are again temporally trapped (17). This phenomenon was recently described also in A. thaliana where the interplay between membrane microdomains and microtubules plays a role in secondary cell wall formation (reviewed in (18)). The second model assumes, additionally, that particular transmembrane proteins are anchored to and lined up along cytoskeleton and act as “pickets” to arrest free diffusion of other membrane components, including nontransmembrane proteins, within the enclosed compartment (19).For plants, the composition of these sterol-rich membranes phases was analyzed in several biochemical studies (14, 2022). Thereby, low-density preparations of plasma membrane fractions after treatment with nonionic detergents (DRM1 fractions) were considered as a biochemical representation enriched in cellular membrane ordered phases or microdomains. Proteomic studies in mammalian cells consistently reported that the DRM fraction is highly enriched with several cytoskeletal proteins such as actin, tubulin, myosin, dynamin, actinin, and supervillin (2325). Additionally, the level of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PI(4,5)P2), a lipid connecting the plasma membrane to actin filaments, was also significantly elevated in DRM preparations (26). Treatment with microtubule and actin depolymerizing agent results in drastic loss of many signaling proteins from these DRM fractions prepared from adult rat cardiac myocytes (27) or human embryonic retinal cells (28).Based on this knowledge, we propose two hypothetical models for the relationship between cytoskeleton and membrane microdomains for plant cells: (i) Actin filaments and microtubules could be important in the membrane phase separation or formation of the membrane microdomains themselves. In this case, disruption of the cytoskeleton would cause a lack of phase segregation in the plasma membrane. (ii) The cytoskeleton is only important for the incorporation of specific protein into the sterol-enriched regions but not for the general formation of these phase separations. This view implies that phase separations or membrane microdomains would still be present after cytoskeleton disruption but their protein composition can be different. Another possible scenario is (iii) that cytoskeletal elements serve as anchors for membrane microdomains at particular position in the plasma membrane, so the absence of these anchors would cause the increased mobility of microdomains (supplemental Fig. 1).The primary aim of this study was to characterize the interplay between cytoskeletal components and different membrane phases (microdomains) in A. thaliana suspension cell cultures. To reach this goal, biochemical and proteomic approaches were combined with confocal microscopy and activity assays measuring the influence of actin or tubulin disruption on the composition, localization, and biochemical properties of the sterol-enriched membrane microdomains. Thereby, for biochemical analyses, low-density detergent-resistant membrane fractions are analyzed as containing cellular sterol-rich membrane compartments.  相似文献   
cis-Prenyltransferases (CPTs) comprise numerous enzymes synthesizing isoprenoid hydrocarbon skeleton with isoprenoid units in the cis (Z) configuration. The chain-length specificity of a particular plant CPT is in most cases unknown despite the composition of the accumulated isoprenoids in the tissue of interest being well established. In this report AtCPT6, one of the nine Arabidopsis thaliana CPTs, is shown to catalyze the synthesis of a family of very short-chain polyisoprenoid alcohols of six, seven, and eight isoprenoid units, those of seven units dominating. The product specificity of AtCPT6 was established in vivo following its expression in the heterologous system of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and was confirmed by the absence of specific products in AtCPT6 T-DNA insertion mutants and their overaccumulation in AtCPT6-overexpressing plants. These observations are additionally validated in silico using an AtCPT6 model obtained by homology modeling. AtCPT6 only partially complements the function of the yeast homologue of CPT-Rer2 since it restores the growth but not protein glycosylation in rer2Δ yeast. This is the first in planta characterization of specific products of a plant CPT producing polyisoprenoids. Their distribution suggests that a joint activity of several CPTs is required to produce the complex mixture of polyisoprenoid alcohols found in Arabidopsis roots.  相似文献   
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