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Interactions between coral reef topography, tide cycles, and photoperiod provided selection pressure for adaptive physiological changes in sheltered hypoxic niches to be exploited by specialized tropical reef fish. The epaulette shark Hemiscyllium ocellatum withstands cyclic hypoxia in its natural environment, many hours of experimental hypoxia, and anoxia for up to 5 h. It shows neuronal hypometabolism in response to 5% oxygen saturation. Northern-hemisphere hypoxia- and anoxia-tolerant vertebrates that over-winter under ice alter their inhibitory to excitatory neurotransmitter balance to forestall brain ATP depletion in the absence of oxidative phosphorylation. GABA immunochemistry, HPLC analysis and receptor binding studies in H. ocellatum cerebellum revealed a heterogeneous regional accumulation of neuronal GABA despite no change in its overall concentration, and a significant increase in GABAA receptor density without altered binding affinity. Increased GABAA receptor density would protect the cerebellum during reoxygenation when transmitter release resumes. While all hypoxia- and anoxia-tolerant teleosts examined to date respond to low oxygen levels by elevating brain GABA, the phylogenetically older epaulette shark did not, suggesting that it uses an alternative neuroprotective mechanism for energy conservation. This may reflect an inherent phylogenetic difference, or represent a novel ecophysiological adaptation to cyclic variations in the availability of oxygen.  相似文献   
Photosynthesis is inhibited by heat stress. This inhibition is rapidly reversible when heat stress is moderate but irreversible at higher temperature. Absorbance changes can be used to detect a variety of biophysical parameters in intact leaves. We found that moderate heat stress caused a large reduction of the apparent absorbance of green light in light-adapted, intact Arabidopsis thaliana leaves. Three mechanisms that can affect green light absorbance of leaves, namely, zeaxanthin accumulation (absorbance peak at 505 nm), the electrochromic shift (ECS) of carotenoid absorption spectra (peak at 518 nm), and light scattering (peak at 535 nm) were investigated. The change of green light absorbance caused by heat treatment was not caused by changes of zeaxanthin content nor by the ECS. The formation of non-photochemical quenching (NPQ), chloroplast movements, and chloroplast swelling and shrinkage can all affect light scattering inside leaves. The formation of NPQ under high temperature was not well correlated with the heat-induced absorbance change, and light microscopy revealed no appreciable changes of chloroplast location because of heat treatment. Transmission electron microscopy results showed swollen chloroplasts and increased number of plastoglobules in heat-treated leaves, indicating that the structural changes of chloroplasts and thylakoids are significant results of moderate heat stress and may explain the reduced apparent absorbance of green light under moderately high temperature.  相似文献   
The architecture of grass genomes varies on multiple levels. Large long terminal repeat retrotransposon clusters occupy significant portions of the intergenic regions, and islands of protein-encoding genes are interspersed among the repeat clusters. Hence, advanced assembly techniques are required to obtain completely finished genomes as well as to investigate gene and transposable element distributions. To characterize the organization and distribution of repeat clusters and gene islands across large grass genomes, we present 961- and 594-kb contiguous sequence contigs associated with the rf1 (for restorer of fertility1) locus in the near-centromeric region of maize (Zea mays) chromosome 3. We present two methods for computational finishing of highly repetitive bacterial artificial chromosome clones that have proved successful to close all sequence gaps caused by transposable element insertions. Sixteen repeat clusters were observed, ranging in length from 23 to 155 kb. These repeat clusters are almost exclusively long terminal repeat retrotransposons, of which the paleontology of insertion varies throughout the cluster. Gene islands contain from one to four predicted genes, resulting in a gene density of one gene per 16 kb in gene islands and one gene per 111 kb over the entire sequenced region. The two sequence contigs, when compared with the rice (Oryza sativa) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) genomes, retain gene colinearity of 50% and 71%, respectively, and 70% and 100%, respectively, for high-confidence gene models. Collinear genes on single gene islands show that while most expansion of the maize genome has occurred in the repeat clusters, gene islands are not immune and have experienced growth in both intragene and intergene locations.Genome sequencing of the maize (Zea mays) genome is nearing completion (Bennetzen et al., 2001; Chandler and Brendel, 2002; Wessler, 2006); it is the largest and most difficult-to-assemble plant genome sequenced to date. Maize is an important economic, agricultural, industrial, and research crop; however, with a genome close to the size of the human genome (2.8 Gb) and its high percentage of repetitive elements, acquiring the maize genome seemed a daunting task. Approximately 67% of the genome is made up of transposable elements (TEs; Haberer et al., 2005; Kronmiller and Wise, 2008), increasing the difficulty of assembly (Rabinowicz and Bennetzen, 2006). Much exploratory work has gone into isolating and sequencing just the gene areas and ignoring the repetitive regions, both by methylation filtration (Rabinowicz et al., 1999; Palmer et al., 2003; Whitelaw et al., 2003) and high-C0t (Whitelaw et al., 2003; Yuan et al., 2003) systems, which have assisted researchers with selecting only genic regions to sequence. These methods have captured a majority of the maize genic sequence (Fu et al., 2005), but they still have the potential to miss important regions. The current genome-sequencing project aims to capture the entire gene set of maize, including regulatory regions. However, the current strategy will not provide a fully assembled genome but rather assembled bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) contigs ordered and orientated to provide complete gene regions that are adjacent to potentially incomplete TE clusters.The landscape of the maize genome provides an interesting challenge for both sequencing and subsequent annotation. A high density of long terminal repeat (LTR) retrotransposons has had a direct effect on the genome size of many plant genomes, including maize (SanMiguel et al., 1996; Bennetzen et al., 2005; Hawkins et al., 2006; Piegu et al., 2006). Besides expanding genome size, LTR retrotransposons can have an impact on evolution of the species (Kidwell and Lisch, 2000). LTR retrotransposon insertions tend to form nested clusters (SanMiguel and Bennetzen, 1998), which are separated by small regions of several genes. Large nested repeat clusters consist of TE insertions inside TE sequences, expanding the repeat cluster and breaking up the sequence of the TEs found within, hindering repeat and gene annotation and increasing the difficulty of assembly. However, full sequence completion of the repetitive regions can be of great benefit to understanding the evolutionary history of the maize genome. LTR retrotransposons can provide an estimated time since insertion by calculating the divergence of their LTRs (Kimura, 1980; Ma and Bennetzen, 2004), and carefully sequenced assemblies of nested repeat clusters can help to illustrate their expansion, proliferation, and evolution across the genome (Kronmiller and Wise, 2008).Previous studies of large contiguous regions of maize have provided a general view of the landscape of the genome. Unfinished sequence totaling 7.8 Mb from chromosome 1 and 6.6 Mb from chromosome 9 shows a gene density of one gene per 33 and 27 kb, respectively (Bruggmann et al., 2006). BAC contigs ranging in size from 126 to 405 kb show a gene density of one gene per 19 kb and genes found in small groups between large repeat clusters (Brunner et al., 2005). Genome-wide analysis of maize BACs has painted a different picture: while gene density of 100 random BACs at one gene per 44 kb was similar to the above results, genes were not observed in tight clusters (Haberer et al., 2005). When investigating gene-specific areas of maize, this dichotomy of gene density is also seen. Analysis of gene-rich regions such as the 22-kd α-zein gene family on maize chromosome 4 reveals a high density of genes, with one gene observed per 10 kb over 346 kb (Song et al., 2001). The Adh1 locus on maize chromosome 1 contains two genes across 280 kb, or one gene per 140 kb. Perhaps the only message learned here is that the gene density across the maize genome varies to a great degree, and large contiguous sequenced regions can begin to capture the true diversity of maize chromosome architecture.In order to characterize large contiguous regions of maize sequence, we identified and sequenced two B73 BAC contigs from the centromeric region of chromosome 3. These contigs of 961 and 594 kb correspond to contigs 117 and 119, respectively, on maize WebFPC (Wei et al., 2007) and span regions associated with the rf1 (for restorer of fertility1) locus for Texas (T) cytoplasmic male sterility (cmsT; Duvick et al., 1961; Wise et al., 1996). As a foundation for the isolation of the Rf1 locus, four rf1 male-sterile mutants were recovered from a screen of 123,500 flowering plants (Wise et al., 1996). A 5.5-kb Mu1-hybridizing EcoRI restriction fragment was identified that cosegregated with the rf1-m3207 allele. Sequences from this fragment were hybridized to a Rf1 cDNA library, and probes designed from the identified cDNA, p6140-1 (Wise et al., 1999), were found to cosegregate with the rf1 locus in a recombinant population selected from over 10,000 progeny.Using probes designed off the 5.5-kb cosegregating restriction fragment and the p6140-1 cDNA, we have identified two BAC contigs spanning the rf1 locus. Sixteen BACs were sequenced to completion to provide high-quality finished sequence. Here, we present two methods for computational finishing of highly repetitive grass genomes, which were successfully utilized to close 11 TE-induced gaps. Sixteen nested repeat clusters were found, each spanning as much as 155 kb and containing a variety of LTR retrotransposon types and ages of insertion. Genes are found tightly clustered, showing a density rate of one gene per 16 kb within gene islands. Finally, comparative analysis with rice (Oryza sativa) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) shows that while many genes are retained across all three species, genes have both been lost and translocated across the genomes.  相似文献   
Generalist predators contribute to pest suppression in agroecosystems. Spider communities, which form a substantial fraction of the generalist predator fauna in arable land, are characterized by two functional groups: web-building and cursorial (non-web-building) species. We investigated the relative impact of these two functional groups on a common pest (Sitobion avenae, Aphididae) in wheat by combining a molecular technique that revealed species-specific aphid consumption rates with a factorial field experiment that analyzed the impact, separately and together, of equal densities of these two spider functional groups on aphid population growth. Only cursorial spiders retarded aphid population growth in our cage experiment, but this effect was limited to the initial aphid-population growth period and low-to-intermediate aphid densities. The molecular analysis, which used aphid-specific primers to detect aphid DNA in predator species, detected the highest proportion of aphid-consuming individuals in two cursorial spiders: the foliage-dwelling Xysticus cristatus (Thomisidae) and the ground-active Pardosa palustris (Lycosidae). The results suggest that manipulating the community composition in favour of pest-consuming functional groups may be more important for improving biological control than fostering predator biodiversity per se. Agricultural management practices that specifically foster effective species or functional groups (e.g. mulching for cursorial spiders) should receive more attention in low-pesticide farming systems.  相似文献   
Rabies is a fatal neurologic disease caused by lyssavirus infection. Bats are important natural reservoir hosts of various lyssaviruses that can be transmitted to people. The epidemiology and pathogenesis of rabies in bats are poorly understood, making it difficult to prevent zoonotic transmission. To further our understanding of lyssavirus pathogenesis in a natural bat host, an experimental model using straw-colored fruit bats (Eidolon helvum) and Lagos bat virus, an endemic lyssavirus in this species, was developed. To determine the lowest viral dose resulting in 100% productive infection, bats in five groups (four bats per group) were inoculated intramuscularly with one of five doses, ranging from 100.1 to 104.1 median tissue culture infectious dose (TCID50). More bats died due to the development of rabies after the middle dose (102.1 TCID50, 4/4 bats) than after lower (101.1, 2/4; 101.1, 2/4) or higher (103.1, 2/4; 104.1, 2/4) doses of virus. In the two highest dose groups, 4/8 bats developed rabies. Of those bats that remained healthy 3/4 bats seroconverted, suggesting that high antigen loads can trigger a strong immune response that abrogates a productive infection. In contrast, in the two lowest dose groups, 3/8 bats developed rabies, 1/8 remained healthy and seroconverted and 4/8 bats remained healthy and did not seroconvert, suggesting these doses are too low to reliably induce infection. The main lesion in all clinically affected bats was meningoencephalitis associated with lyssavirus-positive neurons. Lyssavirus antigen was detected in tongue epithelium (5/11 infected bats) rather than in salivary gland epithelium (0/11), suggesting viral excretion via the tongue. Thus, intramuscular inoculation of 102.1 TCID50 of Lagos bat virus into straw-colored fruit bats is a suitable model for lyssavirus associated bat rabies in a natural reservoir host, and can help with the investigation of lyssavirus infection dynamics in bats.  相似文献   
We investigated the nature and sites of changes in the hypothalamic-pituitary axis associated with the onset of high-frequency, high-amplitude discharges of luteinizing hormone (LH) in young bulls during the transition from the infantile to the prepubertal phase of development. Blood serum and neuroendocrine tissues from bulls killed at 1, 6, 10, 14, or 18 wk of age were evaluated. Concentrations of LH in serum from bulls 1 or 6 wk old averaged less than 0.25 ng/ml and only one episodic discharge of LH was detected for 10 bulls. At 10, 14, or 18 wk, 14 of 15 bulls had episodic discharges of LH. Concentrations of testosterone in serum were progressively higher at 10, 14, and 18 wk, but the concentration of estradiol was maximal at 6 wk. The concentrations of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) in the anterior hypothalamus, posterior hypothalamus, or median eminence were not influenced by age. However, concentration of GnRH receptors in the anterior pituitary gland increased 314% between 6 and 10 wk and the concentration of LH increased 67%. Between 6 and 10 wk, concentrations of estradiol receptors in the anterior and posterior hypothalamus declined by 68% and 46%, but the concentration of estradiol receptors in the anterior pituitary gland increased by 103%. For most characteristics, there was no major change between 10 and 18 wk. We postulate that between 6 and 10 wk of age, there is 1) removal of an estradiol-mediated block of GnRH secretion and 2) an estradiol-mediated, and possibly GnRH-mediated, increase in pituitary GnRH receptors. Together, these changes result in greatly increased stimulation of the anterior pituitary gland by GnRH between 6 and 10 wk of age and stimulation of the discharges of LH characteristic of bulls in the early prepubertal phase of development.  相似文献   
Abstract 1. The herbaceous plant Solanum carolinense (L.) (Solanaceae) is host to a number of specialist insects, including the leaf-feeding beetles Epitrix fuscula (Crotch) and Leptinotarsa juncta (Germar) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Potted individuals of S. carolinense were subjected to one of two treatments: exposure to herbivory by E. fuscula or exclusion of all herbivores. The effects of E. fuscula herbivory on larval performance and oviposition preference of L. juncta were investigated.
2. Although the masses of the L. juncta pupae did not differ between the two treatments, larvae feeding on damaged plants developed more slowly than those feeding on undamaged plants.
3. In both paired leaf choice trials and whole plant choice trials, larvae of L. juncta showed no preference for undamaged versus damaged hosts.
4. In a field transplant experiment, adult L. juncta females showed slight feeding preferences and strong oviposition preferences for undamaged plants versus plants that had been fed on by E. fuscula .
5. The results are discussed with reference to their implications for plant-mediated competition among herbivores and constraints on the evolution of plant resistance.  相似文献   
The gene coding for the AU-rich RNA required for mitochondrial RNase P activity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae codes for a 490-base RNA while that in Candida glabrata codes for a 227-base RNA. We have detected a 140-nucleotide RNA coded by the mitochondrial DNA from Saccharomycopsis fibuligera by hybridization with an oligonucleotide complementary to a conserved sequence found in mitochondrial and prokaryotic RNase P RNAs. DNA sequence analysis of the mitochondrial DNA from the region coding for this RNA revealed a second conserved sequence block characteristic of RNase P RNA genes and the presence of a downstream tRNA(Pro) gene. Like previously characterized mitochondrial RNase P RNAs, this small RNA is extremely AU-rich. The discovery of this 140-base RNA suggests that naturally occurring RNase P RNAs may be quite small.  相似文献   
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