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The Kingdom Fungi adds substantially to the diversity of life, but due to their cryptic morphology and lifestyle, tremendous diversity, paucity of formally described specimens, and the difficulty in isolating environmental strains into culture, fungal communities are difficult to characterize. This is especially true for endophytic communities of fungi living in healthy plant tissue. The developments in next generation sequencing technologies are, however, starting to reveal the true extent of fungal diversity. One of the promising new technologies, namely semiconductor sequencing, has thus far not been used in fungal diversity assessments. In this study we sequenced the internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) nuclear encoded ribosomal RNA of the endophytic community of the economically important tree, Eucalyptus grandis, from South Africa using the Ion Torrent Personal Genome Machine (PGM). We determined the impact of various analysis parameters on the interpretation of the results, namely different sequence quality parameter settings, different sequence similarity cutoffs for clustering and filtering of databases for removal of sequences with incomplete taxonomy. Sequence similarity cutoff values only had a marginal effect on the identified family numbers, whereas different sequence quality filters had a large effect (89 vs. 48 families between least and most stringent filters). Database filtering had a small, but statistically significant, effect on the assignment of sequences to reference sequences. The community was dominated by Ascomycota, and particularly by families in the Dothidiomycetes that harbor well-known plant pathogens. The study demonstrates that semiconductor sequencing is an ideal strategy for environmental sequencing of fungal communities. It also highlights some potential pitfalls in subsequent data analyses when using a technology with relatively short read lengths.  相似文献   
Comparative immunogenicity of hepatitis B virus core and E antigens   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The nucleocapsid (hepatitis B core Ag (HBcAg] of the hepatitis B virus is a particulate Ag composed of a single polypeptide (p21). Although a non-particulate form of HBcAg designated hepatitis B e Ag (HBeAg) shares significant amino acid identity, the immune responses to these Ag appear to be regulated independently. This report describes the use of recombinant HBcAg and HBeAg to examine and compare murine T cell and B cell recognition of these related Ag. The HBcAg preparation was stable at pH 7.2 and 9.6 and expressed HBc antigenicity. However, the antigenicity of the HBeAg preparation was pH dependent. At pH 9.6 the HBeAg preparation was non-particulate and expressed HBe antigenicity exclusively; however, at pH 7.2 it was particulate and expressed both HBc and HBe antigenicities. Although this "hybrid" particle most likely does not exist naturally, it is a unique research reagent to investigate the interrelationship between HBcAg and HBeAg. HBcAg was significantly more immunogenic in terms of in vivo antibody production as compared to either the non-particulate or particulate forms of HBeAg. Nevertheless, in most murine strains HBcAg and HBeAg were equivalently immunogenic and crossreactive at the level of T cell activation. The disparity between anti-HBc and anti-HBe antibody production is best explained by the observation that HBcAg can function as a T cell-independent Ag whereas HBeAg is T cell dependent even when present within the same particulate structure as HBcAg. Furthermore, HBcAg was shown to function efficiently as an immunologic carrier moiety for the DNP hapten in athymic as well as euthymic mice in contrast to conventional carrier proteins. These results have implications relevant to the human immune responses to HBcAg and HBeAg during infection, and to vaccine development.  相似文献   
Spontaneous revertants of the cdc30 mutation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae simultaneously regained the ability to grow and divide at 36.5 degrees C on glucose-containing media along with a more thermostable phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI). An independently isolated allele of cdc30 gave a similar phenotype to that previously described including temperature-sensitivity of PGI. Isoelectric focussing allowed the separation of two isoenzymes of PGI. These results all support the idea that two genes--PGI1 and CDC30--are responsible for PGI activity in yeast. Diploid strains homozygous for the cdc30 mutation sporulated poorly in potassium acetate irrespective of whether the cells had previously been cultured at a temperature that was permissive or restrictive for cell cycle progression. This was not surprising because a strain defective in PGI would not be expected to be able to complete the gluconeogenic events of sporulation.  相似文献   
In the African cichlid fish, Haplochromis burtoni, males are either territorial or nonterritorial. Territorial males suppress reproductive function in the nonterritorial males, and have larger gonads and larger gonadotropin-releasing hormone- (GnRH) containing neurons in the preoptic area (POA). We describe an experiment designed to establish the causal relationship between large GnRH neurons and large testes in these males by determining the feedback effects of gonadal sex steroids on the GnRH neurons. Territorial males were either castrated or sham-operated, 4 weeks after which they were sacrificed. Circulating steroid levels were measured, and the GnRH-containing neurons were visualized by staining sagittal sections of the brains with an antibody to salmon GnRH. The soma areas of antibody-stained neurons were measured with a computer-aided imaging system. Completely castrated males had markedly reduced levels of circulating sex steroids [11-ketotestosterone (11 KT) and testosterone (T)], as well as 17β-estradiol (E2). POA GnRH neurons in castrates showed a significant increase in mean soma size relative to the intact territorial males. Hence, in mature animals, gonadal steroids act as a brake on the growth of GnRH-containing neurons, and gonadal products are not responsible for the large GnRH neurons characteristic of territorial males. © 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Ophiostoma quercus (Ascomycota, Ophiostomatales) is a globally widespread, insect-vectored fungus that colonizes a wide diversity of hardwood and conifer hosts. Although the fungus is considered to be non-pathogenic, it is closely related to the fungi that cause Dutch elm disease. We examined the global diversity of O. quercus based on a ribosomal RNA marker and three unlinked gene regions. The fungus exhibited substantial morphological diversity. In addition, O. quercus had high genetic diversity in every continent from which it was collected, although the fungus was most diverse in Eurasia. There was no evidence of geographical clustering of haplotypes based on phylogenetic and network analyses. In addition, the phylogenetic trees generated based on the different markers were non-congruent. These results suggest that O. quercus has been repeatedly moved around the globe, because of trade in wood products, and that the fungal species most likely outcrosses regularly. The high genetic diversity of the fungus, as well as its ability to utilize a wide variety of arthropod vectors and colonize a tremendous diversity of tree host species makes O. quercus truly unique among ophiostomatoid fungi.  相似文献   
Polyketides are secondary metabolites with diverse biological activities. Polyketide synthases (PKS) are often encoded from genes clustered in the same genomic region. Functional analyses and genomic studies show that most fungi are capable of producing a repertoire of polyketides. We considered the potential of Ceratocystidaceae for producing polyketides using a comparative genomics approach. Our aims were to identify the putative polyketide biosynthesis gene clusters, to characterize them and predict the types of polyketide compounds they might produce. We used sequences from nineteen species in the genera, Ceratocystis, Endoconidiophora, Davidsoniella, Huntiella, Thielaviopsis and Bretziella, to identify and characterize PKS gene clusters, by employing a range of bioinformatics and phylogenetic tools. We showed that the genomes contained putative clusters containing a non-reducing type I PKS and a type III PKS. Phylogenetic analyses suggested that these genes were already present in the ancestor of the Ceratocystidaceae. By contrast, the various reducing type I PKS-containing clusters identified in these genomes appeared to have distinct evolutionary origins. Although one of the identified clusters potentially allows for the production of melanin, their functional characterization will undoubtedly reveal many novel and important compounds implicated in the biology of the Ceratocystidaceae.  相似文献   
Eucalyptus spp. are being propagated extensively as exotics in plantations in South Africa, and many other parts of the world. In South Africa, a number of diseases result in serious losses to this resource. This paper describes a new and very damaging stem canker disease, which has recently appeared on plantation-grown eucalyptus in South Africa. The disease, first noted in an isolated location in Zululand is now common in other parts of the country, and is typified by discrete necrotic lesions on stems. These lesions coalesce to form large, gum-impregnated cankers and malformed stems. The causal agent of the disease, as inferred from pathogenicity tests, is a new species of Coniothyrium described here as C. zuluense. This fungus is a serious impediment to eucalypt propagation in South Africa, and is most likely a threat to similar forest industries elsewhere in the world.  相似文献   
The three-dimensional solution structure of the HIV-1 protease homodimer, MW 22.2 kDa, complexed to a potent, cyclic urea-based inhibitor, DMP323, is reported. This is the first solution structure of an HIV protease/inhibitor complex that has been elucidated. Multidimensional heteronuclear NMR spectra were used to assemble more than 4,200 distance and angle constraints. Using the constraints, together with a hybrid distance geometry/simulated annealing protocol, an ensemble of 28 NMR structures was calculated having no distance or angle violations greater than 0.3 A or 5 degrees, respectively. Neglecting residues in disordered loops, the RMS deviation (RMSD) for backbone atoms in the family of structures was 0.60 A relative to the average structure. The individual NMR structures had excellent covalent geometry and stereochemistry, as did the restrained minimized average structure. The latter structure is similar to the 1.8-A X-ray structure of the protease/DMP323 complex (Chang CH et al., 1995, Protein Science, submitted); the pairwise backbone RMSD calculated for the two structures is 1.22 A. As expected, the mismatch between the structures is greatest in the loops that are disordered and/or flexible. The flexibility of residues 37-42 and 50-51 may be important in facilitating substrate binding and product release, because these residues make up the respective hinges and tips of the protease flaps. Flexibility of residues 4-8 may play a role in protease regulation by facilitating autolysis.  相似文献   
Peptides fused to the coat proteins of filamentous phages have found widespread applications in antigen display, the construction of antibody libraries, and biopanning. However, such systems are limited in terms of the size and number of the peptides that may be incorporated without compromising the fusion proteins' capacity to self-assemble. We describe here a system in which the molecules to be displayed are bound to pre-assembled polymers. The polymers are T4 capsids and polyheads (tubular capsid variants) and the display molecules are derivatives of the dispensable capsid protein SOC. In one implementation, SOC and its fusion derivatives are expressed at high levels in Escherichia coli, purified in high yield, and then bound in vitro to separately isolated polyheads. In the other, a positive selection vector forces integration of the modified soc gene into a soc-deleted T4 genome, leading to in vivo binding of the display protein to progeny virions. The system is demonstrated as applied to C-terminal fusions to SOC of (1) a tetrapeptide; (2) the 43-residue V3 loop domain of gp120, the human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) envelope glycoprotein; and (3) poliovirus VP1 capsid protein (312 residues). SOC-V3 displaying phage were highly antigenic in mice and produced antibodies reactive with native gp120. That the fusion protein binds correctly to the surface lattice was attested in averaged electron micrographs of polyheads. The SOC display system is capable of presenting up to approximately 10(3) copies per capsid and > 10(4) copies per polyhead of V3-sized domains. Phage displaying SOC-VP1 were isolated from a 1:10(6) mixture by two cycles of a simple biopanning procedure, indicating that proteins of at least 35 kDa may be accommodated.  相似文献   
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