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In a previous paper, we have reported on a new, troglobiticspecies of Georissa and its possible parapatric origin fromGeorissa saulae Benthem-Jutting, 1966, which occurs outsidethe cave system of Batu Sanaron, a limestone outcrop in Sabah,Malaysian Borneo. These analyses were based on genetic and morphometricdata. Here, we formally describe the new species adding anatomicaldata derived from dissections and histological serial sectionsas well as fine structural data of shell, operculum and radula,and compare it with its stem species. The two species differin shell and radular morphology as well as genital characters.Since we found anatomical differences between very closely relatedspecies, we assume that dissections would be of general usefor the taxonomy of Georissa and the remaining nominal genus-grouptaxa of the poorly known Hydrocenidae.  相似文献   
The intraspecific genetic differentiation depends to a large part on historical factors. The mode of dispersal is an important determinant of the genetic diversity especially of newly founded populations. Fast long-distance colonization of formerly unsuitable habitats results in reduced genetic diversity and lineages originating from different glacial refugia form well-defined hybrid zones, where they meet. Slow dispersers, on the other hand, preserve their refugial genetic diversity. Paleontological findings and a previous analysis of mtDNA suggest that the land snail Arianta arbustorum, which today is widely spread across Europe, has survived the Pleistocene glaciations within the boundaries of permafrost. In the present paper, we asked, whether the differentiation of nuclear markers, i.e. allozymes, supports these results. We investigated the allozymic differentiation at 15 polymorphic loci in 14 Alpine and one English populations of the land snail A. arbustorum. Various tests of genetic population differentiation yielded ambiguous results. Allele frequencies differed significantly across populations and all but five pairwise FST values were significant. Genetic distances between populations were comparatively high. On the other hand, an exact test of population differentiation found no differences and the assignment of individuals to their populations of origin was poor. This indicates that allozymic differentiation is constrained. Whether these constraints are of natural or methodological nature remains open. Matrices of genetic and geographical distances were correlated only after removal of the English population from the analysis. Similarly, with one exception FST values increased as the number of regions included in the calculations increased. Thus, on a regional scale, we largely observed a pattern of isolation by distance, which does no longer hold on a larger scale. This is well in accordance with the previous findings based on mtDNA. Mitochondrial lineages were widely distributed across Europe and overlapped extensively. Considering the low potential for dispersal of a land snail, the patchy distribution of lineages, and the high genetic diversity also found in the present study suggests that A. arbustorum has survived the Pleistocene within the boundaries of permafrost.  相似文献   
A variety of adjuvants fostering humoral immunity are known as of today. However, there is a lack of adjuvants or adjuvant strategies, which directly target T cellular effector functions and memory. We here determined whether systemically toxic cytokines such as IL-2 can be restricted to the site of antigen presentation and used as ‘natural adjuvants’. Therefore, we devised antigen-presenting virus-like nanoparticles (VNP) co-expressing IL-2 attached to different membrane-anchors and assessed their potency to modulate CD8+ T cell responses in vitro and in vivo. Efficient targeting of IL-2 to lipid rafts and ultimately VNP was achieved by fusing IL-2 at its C-terminus to a minimal glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchor acceptor sequence. To identify optimal membrane-anchor dimensions we inserted one (1Ig), two (2Ig) or four (4Ig) immunoglobulin(Ig)-like domains of CD16b between IL-2 and the minimal GPI-anchor acceptor sequence of CD16b (GPI). We found that the 2IgGPI version was superior to all other evaluated IL-2 variants (IL-2v) in terms of its i) degree of targeting to lipid rafts and to the VNP surface, ii) biological activity, iii) co-stimulation of cognate T cells in the absence of bystander activation and iv) potency to induce differentiation and acquisition of CD8+ T cell effector functions in vitro and in vivo. In contrast, the GPI version rather favored memory precursor cell formation. These results exemplify novel beneficial features of membrane-bound IL-2, which in addition to its mere T cell stimulatory capacity include the induction of differential effector and memory functions in CD8+ T lymphocytes.  相似文献   
Pluripotent cells of the blastocyst inner cell mass (ICM) and their in vitro derivatives, embryonic stem (ES) cells, contain genomes in an epigenetic state that are poised for subsequent differentiation. Their chromatin is hyperdynamic in nature and relatively uncondensed. In addition, a large number of genes are expressed at low levels in both ICM and ES cells. Also, the chromatin of naturally pluripotent cells contains specialized histone modification patterns such as bivalent domains, which mark genes destined for later developmentally-regulated expression states. Female pluripotent cells contain X chromosomes that have yet to undergo the process of X chromosome inactivation. Collectively, these features of very early embyronic chromatin are required for the successful specification and production of differentiated cell lineages. Artificial reprogramming methods such as somatic nuclear transfer (SCNT), ES cell fusion-mediated reprogramming (FMR), and induced pluripotency (iPS) yield pluripotent cells that recapitulate many features of naturally pluripotent cells, including many of their epigenetic features. However, the route to pluripotent epigenomic states in artificial pluripotent cells differs drastically from that of their natural counterparts. Here, we compare and contrast the differing routes to pluripotency under natural and artificial conditions. In addition, we discuss the intrinsically metastable nature of the pluripotent epigenome and consider epigenetic aspects of reprogramming that may lead to incomplete or inaccurate reprogrammed states. Artificial methods of reprogramming hold immense promise for the development of autologous cell graft sources and for the development of cell culture models for human genetic disorders. However, the utility of artificially reprogrammed cells is highly dependent on the fidelity of the reprogramming process and it is therefore critically important to assess the epigenetic similarities between embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells.  相似文献   
Crystal structures of polypeptide deformylase (PDF) of Escherichia coli with nickel(II) replacing the native iron(II) have been solved with chloride and formate as metal ligands. The chloro complex is a model for the correct protonation state of the hydrolytic hydroxo ligand and the protonated status of the Glu133 side chain as part of the hydrolytic mechanism. The ambiguity that recently some PDFs have been identified with Zn2+ ion as the active-site centre whereas others are only active with Fe2+ (or Co2+, Ni2+) is discussed with respect to Lewis acid criteria of the metal ion and substrate activation by the CD loop.  相似文献   
Bioassays of different complexity were compared with respect to their capability to predict the environmental impact of the herbicide atrazine in aquatic systems. Acute toxicity tests with Daphnia did not yield meaningful results. Sublethal tests with Daphnia (feeding inhibition, reduction of growth and reproduction) were more sensitive, but effective concentrations of atrazine were still rather high (2 mg/L). A relatively complicated artificial food chain system that incorporated direct and indirect effects on Daphnia yielded significant reduction of daphnid population growth at 0.1 mg/L. Enclosure experiments with natural communities were by far the most sensitive tools. Community responses could be measured at concentrations as low as 1 µg/L and 0.1 µg atrazine/L. At the lowest concentration, however, communities recovered after three weeks. We conclude that in complex systems indirect effects can be more important than direct effects, so that, contrary to the conditions in simple tests, non-target organisms may be the better indicators of herbicide stress to natural communities.  相似文献   
Non‐native invasive species are threatening ecosystems and biodiversity worldwide. High genetic variation is thought to be a critical factor for invasion success. Accordingly, the global invasion of a few clonal lineages of the gastropod Potamopyrgus antipodarum is thus both puzzling and has the potential to help illuminate why some invasions succeed while others fail. Here, we used SNP markers and a geographically broad sampling scheme (N = 1617) including native New Zealand populations and invasive North American and European populations to provide the first widescale population genetic assessment of the relationships between and among native and invasive P. antipodarum. We used a combination of traditional and Bayesian molecular analyses to demonstrate that New Zealand populations harbour very high diversity relative to the invasive populations and are the source of the two main European genetic lineages. One of these two European lineages was in turn the source of at least one of the two main North American genetic clusters of invasive P. antipodarum, located in Lake Ontario. The other widespread North American group had a more complex origin that included the other European lineage and two New Zealand clusters. Altogether, our analyses suggest that just a small handful of clonal lineages of P. antipodarum were responsible for invasion across continents. Our findings provide critical information for prevention of additional invasions and control of existing invasive populations and are of broader relevance towards understanding the establishment and evolution of asexual populations and the forces driving biological invasion.  相似文献   
The formation of suberized and lignified barriers in the exodermis is suggested to be part of a suite of adaptations to flooded or waterlogged conditions, adjusting transport of solutes and gases in and out of roots. In this study, the composition of apoplasmic barriers in hypodermal cell walls and oxygen profiles in roots and the surrounding medium of four Amazon tree species that are subjected to long-term flooding at their habitat was analyzed. In hypodermal cell walls of the deciduous tree Crateva benthami, suberization is very weak and dominated by monoacids, 2-hydroxy acids, and omega-hydroxycarboxylic acids. This species does not show any morphological adaptations to flooding and overcomes the aquatic period in a dormant state. Hypodermal cells of Tabernaemontana juruana, a tree which is able to maintain its leaf system during the aquatic phase, are characterized by extensively suberized walls, incrusted mainly by the unsaturated C(18) omega-hydroxycarboxylic acid and the alpha,omega-dicarboxylic acid analogon, known as typical suberin markers. Two other evergreen species, Laetia corymbulosa and Salix martiana, contained 3- to 4-fold less aliphatic suberin in the exodermis, but more than 85% of the aromatic moiety of suberin are composed of para-hydroxybenzoic acid, suggesting a function of suberin in pathogen defense. No major differences in the lignin content among the species were observed. Determination of oxygen distribution in the roots and rhizosphere of the four species revealed that radial loss of oxygen can be effectively restricted by the formation of suberized barriers but not by lignification of exodermal cell walls.  相似文献   
Until recently it was only practical to use immobilized systems containing single enzymes or whole cells. More complex systems providing cofactor regeneration outside living cells have now been developed; coimmobilization of enzymes, cells and organelles from different organisms promises to improve further the industrial feasibility of immobilized biocatalysts.  相似文献   
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