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J. G. Pausas  M. Verdú 《Oikos》2005,109(1):196-202
The two main fire response traits found in the Mediterranean basin are the resprouting capacity (R) and the propagule-persistence capacity (P). Previous studies suggested that these two traits might be correlated. In this paper we first test whether R and P have evolved independently. Then, we ask if the correlation occurs because (a) one trait is not the target of selection but it is genetically linked to the other trait which is the one under selection pressure (indirect selection), or (b) because different evolutionary responses to the same selective pressure are acting in parallel on populations at different genetic starting points (parallel selection). Finally, we test to what extent resprouting is associated with some vegetative and reproductive traits.
To answer these questions we used a traits database for the eastern Iberian Peninsula and we assembled the phylogenetic tree on the basis of published information. The results indicate that the two traits are negatively associated and support the parallel selection scenario in which changes in R precedes changes in P. The phylogenetic–informed associations of resprouting with other traits (plant height, age at maturity) support the existence of allocation tradeoffs.
The results are consistent with the biogeographical history of the Mediterranean basin flora where most of lineages already resprouted to persist after a disturbance during the Tertiary, thus making it improbable that an additional costly persistence strategy would evolve under the Quaternary climatic conditions.  相似文献   
Efficacy of a nature-like bypass channel in a Portuguese lowland river   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Throughout Europe in the last decade there has been a steady shift away from more technical fish pass designs to more nature‐like passes, such as nature‐like bypass channels. Upstream fish passage in a nature‐like bypass channel was investigated in a lowland river, the Lima River, for 117 days from March 2000 to May 2002. Fish passage was recorded using an automatic video recording system. Electrofishing samples within the bypass and below the weir were compared with species abundance found on the tape recordings. More than 7500 individuals of eight species passed through the bypass channel. Species composition was dominated by striped mullet (65.3%) and potamodromous species (34.3%), which used the bypass mainly at night. Of the environmental variables considered, bypass discharge explained most of the variation in the number of cyprinids, whereas water temperature was more important for diadromous species. Comparing species composition below the weir using passage recordings provided a useful tool to assess species efficacy of the bypass, although biological requirements should also be taken into account. This study proved the efficacy of the bypass for passage of almost all occurring species and life stages and also for providing suitable habitat for fish fauna, highlighting the use of these facilities for river restoration schemes.  相似文献   
Experiments on the transfection of cultured SKOV3 tumor cells of human ovarian adenocarcinoma and HeLa cells of human cervical carcinoma with gene Bax have demonstrated that SKOV3 cells are highly sensitive to the protein product of this gene, whereas the sensitivity of HeLa cells is substantially lower. HeLa cells obtained as a result of Bax transfection and subsequent selection are characterized by an extremely high Bax protein content and a hypersensitivity to doxorubicin. All Bax-transfected SKOV3 cells with an increased Bax content have died. In the SKOV3 cell line, a Bax exon 3 mutation has been found that corresponds to genotype G7/G9, whereas the native type of the Bax gene corresponds to genotype G8/G8. The results suggest that the G7/G9 mutation in Bax exon 3 deprives the Bax protein of proapoptotic activity.Translated from Molekulyarnaya Biologiya, Vol. 39, No. 1, 2005, pp. 40–47.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Rodina, Sladkova, Obuchova, Vezirkhanova, Moskaleva, Prusakova, Beletskii, Belushkina, Strelnikov, Ivanov, S. Severin, E. Severin.  相似文献   
We combined Eddy‐covariance measurements with a linear perturbation analysis to isolate the relative contribution of physical and biological drivers on evapotranspiration (ET) in three ecosystems representing two end‐members and an intermediate stage of a successional gradient in the southeastern US (SE). The study ecosystems, an abandoned agricultural field [old field (OF)], an early successional planted pine forest (PP), and a late‐successional hardwood forest (HW), exhibited differential sensitivity to the wide range of climatic and hydrologic conditions encountered over the 4‐year measurement period, which included mild and severe droughts and an ice storm. ET and modeled transpiration differed by as much as 190 and 270 mm yr?1, respectively, between years for a given ecosystem. Soil water supply, rather than atmospheric demand, was the principal external driver of interannual ET differences. ET at OF was sensitive to climatic variability, and results showed that decreased leaf area index (L) under mild and severe drought conditions reduced growing season (GS) ET (ETGS) by ca. 80 mm compared with a year with normal precipitation. Under wet conditions, higher intrinsic stomatal conductance (gs) increased ETGS by 50 mm. ET at PP was generally larger than the other ecosystems and was highly sensitive to climate; a 50 mm decrease in ETGS due to the loss of L from an ice storm equaled the increase in ET from high precipitation during a wet year. In contrast, ET at HW was relatively insensitive to climatic variability. Results suggest that recent management trends toward increasing the land‐cover area of PP‐type ecosystems in the SE may increase the sensitivity of ET to climatic variability.  相似文献   
The [{ReCl4(PPh3)}(μ-O){Re(O)(3,5-Me2pzH)4}] complex has been isolated as a product of the degradation of [ReCl3(3,5-Me2pzH)2(PPh3)] during slow crystallization from chloroform in air. Its crystal and molecular structure has been determined as well as spectroscopic investigations and density functional theory (DFT) calculations have been carried out. The UV-Vis spectrum of the dirhenium complex has been discussed on the basis of the spin-allowed electronic transitions calculated for [{ReCl4(PPh3)}(μ-O){Re(O)(3,5-Me2pzH)4}] with the time-dependent DFT (TDDFT) method.  相似文献   
The development of plants depends on the photoperiod length, light intensity, temperature, and length of light day integral. The reaction of a plant to the day length or daily light integral can depend on both the range of studied light intensities and photoperiod. Based on the data concerning the effects of light and thermal integrals on the developmental rate of plants of different photoperiodic groups, a photothermal model of plant development was proposed. The model was used to calculate the lengths of optimal photoperiods and ranges of daily temperature gradients ensuring the highest developmental rate of some plants, such as soybean, wheat, cucumber, and barley.  相似文献   
M. W. Fraser 《Ostrich》2013,84(4):172-182
FRASER, M. W. 1989. Short-term responses of birds to fire in old Mountain Fynbos. Ostrich: 60:172-182.

Observations of birds were made from six weeks before until one year after a fire in 28-year-old Mountain Fynbos vegetation near Stellenbosch, Cape Province, South Africa. No fire attendance by birds was observed, in contrast to observations made at fires in other southern African vegetation types. Bird species composition in the study site as a whole was virtually unchanged after the fire. With the exception of the density of nectarivorous birds (which decreased), variation in the bird densities of study plots in six vegetation structural formations was considered to be as much seasonal as fire-related.  相似文献   
Staphylococcal nuclease (here termed as Nuc1) is considered an important virulence factor and a unique marker widely used in the detection of Staphylococcus aureus. A second functional thermostable nuclease (here termed as Nuc2) in S. aureus was characterized after recombinant expression in Escherichia coli. Sequence alignment and phylogenetic analysis revealed that Nuc2 was a more conserved protein in the staphylococci group compared with Nuc1. Recombinant Nuc2 showed nuclease activity in the zymogram test and was able to degrade various types of nucleic acids. The optimal reaction temperature and pH for Nuc2 were 50 °C and pH 10, respectively. The enzymatic activity of Nuc2 was stimulated in the presence of Ca2+ (0.05 mM), Mg2+ (0.5 mM), dithiothreitol, β-mecaptoethanol, TritonX-100, Tween-20, and urea; however, activity decreased sharply when exposed to heavy metals such as Zn2+ and Mn2+, and in the presence of EDTA or SDS. Nuc2 showed weaker activity, lower thermostability and different sensitivity to these chemical agents compared with Nuc1, which was consistent with differences in the sequence pattern and structure predicted. Furthermore, a nuc1 and nuc2 double deletion mutant of S. aureus and respective complementation experiments suggest a major role for nuc1 in terms of thermonuclease activity in S. aureus.  相似文献   
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