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Platyphora leaf beetles form a vast group of tropical species each feeding on a restricted set of host plants and exhibiting bright coloration warning predators against their chemical protection. These beetles offer an exceptional opportunity for understanding the evolution of phytochemical sequestration. Indeed, qualitative studies of defensive secretions indicate that Platyphora species acquire toxicity via sequestration of plant secondary metabolites. All produce pentacyclic triterpene saponins from sequestered plant amyrins, but our analyses also indicate that many Platyphora species produce a dual chemical defence, that is, they are additionally protected by lycopsamine-type pyrolyzidine alkaloids that they also sequester from their host. This paper reports on the evolution of chemical defence and host affiliation in Platyphora leaf beetles as reconstructed on a molecular phylogeny of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences. The analyses indicate that dual sequestration could be the key mechanistic means by which transitions among ecological specializations (i.e. restricted host-plant affiliations) are made possible.  相似文献   
The reproductive flight phenology of a neotropical ant assemblage   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. Alate flights reflect an ant colony's investment in sexual reproduction and dispersal yet little is known about community‐wide patterns of alate phenology. Two Malaise traps (for 2 years) and two light traps (for 1 year) were used to explore the flight phenologies of 22 common neotropical species from Barro Colorado Island, Panama. 2. The traps caught 23 182 individuals and 286 species/morphospecies. The two trap methods shared only 18 species. Samples also differed in sexual composition: light trap samples were 80% female, Malaise trap samples were 2.6% female. 3. Of 22 common species, all but one flew over half the year, with about half flying every month of the year. These data, combined with a literature review, suggest a latitudinal gradient in alate flight season: one north temperate assemblage (42°N) averaged 1.6 lunar months per species. The ever‐warm tropical year provides a larger flight window that allows a diversity of phenologies, from continuous to strongly pulsed. 4. Rainfall was correlated with alate flights in one‐third of the species. Quantile regression suggested that high weekly rainfall was necessary but not sufficient to produce alate flights in about a quarter of the species. 5. By decreasing the number of nests releasing alates on a given day, long flight seasons may lower the probability of finding a mate. At the same time, long flight seasons may increase the opportunity of finding vacant nest sites. High population densities and high incidence of nest disturbance in this community may ameliorate the first cost while enhancing the second benefit.  相似文献   
Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] is a multipurpose grass cultivated in drylands due to its adaptation to drought. However the characteristics of sorghum-associated bacteria are not known in the Brazilian drylands. The aim of this study was to isolate and evaluate the plant growth promotion potential bacteria from field-grown sorghum under two irrigation and manure application levels in a Brazilian semi-arid reagion. Sorghum was irrigated with 3 or 1 mm day?1 and fertilized or not with liquid goat manure. Bacteria were obtained from surface-disinfected roots applying two nitrogen-free semi-solid media. The bacteria were evaluated for the presence of nifH gene, 16S rRNA sequences, calcium-phosphate solubilization, production of auxins and siderophores and for sorghum growth promotion. We obtained 20 out of 24 positive bacteria for nifH. The isolates were classified as in six different genera. All isolates produced auxins “in vitro”, six bacteria produced siderophores and three Enterobacteriaceae solubilized calcium-phosphate. At least ten bacteria resulted in the increased total N content in the sorghum shoots, comparable to fertilization with 50 mg N plant?1 week?1 and to inoculation with Azospirillum brasilense Ab-V5. Enterobacter sp. ESA 57 was the best sorghum plant-growth promoting bacteria isolated in this study.  相似文献   
The “four-eyed” fish Anableps anableps has numerous morphological adaptations that enable above and below-water vision. Here, as the first step in our efforts to identify molecular adaptations for aerial and aquatic vision in this species, we describe the A. anableps visual opsin repertoire. We used PCR, cloning, and sequencing to survey cDNA using unique primers designed to amplify eight sequences from five visual opsin gene subfamilies, SWS1, SWS2, RH1, RH2, and LWS. We also used Southern blotting to count opsin loci in genomic DNA digested with EcoR1 and BamH1. Phylogenetic analyses confirmed the identity of all opsin sequences and allowed us to map gene duplication and divergence events onto a tree of teleost fish. Each of the gene-specific primer sets produced an amplicon from cDNA, indicating that A. anableps possessed and expressed at least eight opsin genes. A second PCR-based survey of genomic and cDNA uncovered two additional LWS genes. Thus, A. anableps has at least ten visual opsins and all but one were expressed in the eyes of the single adult surveyed. Among these ten visual opsins, two have key site haplotypes not found in other fish. Of particular interest is the A. anableps-specific opsin in the LWS subfamily, S180γ, with a SHYAA five key site haplotype. Although A. anableps has a visual opsin gene repertoire similar to that found in other fishes in the suborder Cyprinodontoidei, the LWS opsin subfamily has two loci not found in close relatives, including one with a key site haplotype not found in any other fish species. A. anableps opsin sequence data will be used to design in situ probes allowing us to test the hypothesis that opsin gene expression differs in the distinct ventral and dorsal retinas found in this species.  相似文献   
A variety of topics are reviewed in the area of mathematical and computational modeling in biology, covering the range of scales from populations of organisms to electrons in atoms. The use of maximum entropy as an inference tool in the fields of biology and drug discovery is discussed. Mathematical and computational methods and models in the areas of epidemiology, cell physiology and cancer are surveyed. The technique of molecular dynamics is covered, with special attention to force fields for protein simulations and methods for the calculation of solvation free energies. The utility of quantum mechanical methods in biophysical and biochemical modeling is explored. The field of computational enzymology is examined.  相似文献   
Recent studies of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation in mammals and Drosophila have shown an excess of amino acid variation within species (replacement polymorphism) relative to the number of silent and replacement differences fixed between species. To examine further this pattern of nonneutral mtDNA evolution, we present sequence data for the ND3 and ND5 genes from 59 lines of Drosophila melanogaster and 29 lines of D. simulans. Of interest are the frequency spectra of silent and replacement polymorphisms, and potential variation among genes and taxa in the departures from neutral expectations. The Drosophila ND3 and ND5 data show no significant excess of replacement polymorphism using the McDonald-Kreitman test. These data are in contrast to significant departures from neutrality for the ND3 gene in mammals and other genes in Drosophila mtDNA (cytochrome b and ATPase 6). Pooled across genes, however, both Drosophila and human mtDNA show very significant excesses of amino acid polymorphism. Silent polymorphisms at ND5 show a significantly higher variance in frequency than replacement polymorphisms, and the latter show a significant skew toward low frequencies (Tajima's D = -1.954). These patterns are interpreted in light of the nearly neutral theory where mildly deleterious amino acid haplotypes are observed as ephemeral variants within species but do not contribute to divergence. The patterns of polymorphism and divergence at charge-altering amino acid sites are presented for the Drosophila ND5 gene to examine the evolution of functionally distinct mutations. Excess charge-altering polymorphism is observed at the carboxyl terminal and excess charge-altering divergence is detected at the amino terminal. While the mildly deleterious model fits as a net effect in the evolution of nonrecombining mitochondrial genomes, these data suggest that opposing evolutionary pressures may act on different regions of mitochondrial genes and genomes.   相似文献   
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