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Serum troponin assays, widely used to detect acute cardiac ischemia, might be useful biomarkers to detect chronic cardiovascular disease (CVD). Cardiac-specific troponin-I (cTnI) and troponin-T (cTnT) generally detect myocardial necrosis equally well. In dialysis patients however, serum cTnT levels are often elevated, unlike cTnI levels. The present study aims to elucidate the associations of cTnI and cTnT with CVD in clinically stable dialysis patients.


Troponin levels were measured using 5th generation hs-cTnT assays (Roche) and STAT hs-cTnI assays (Abbott) in a cohort of dialysis patients. Serum troponin levels were divided into tertiles with the lowest tertile as a reference value. Serum troponins were associated with indicators of CVD such as left ventricular mass index (LVMI), left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) and the presence of coronary artery disease (CAD). Associations were explored using regression analysis.


We included 154 consecutive patients, 68±7 years old, 77% male, 70% hemodialysis. Median serum cTnT was 51ng/L (exceeding the 99th percentile of the healthy population in 98%) and median serum cTnI was 13ng/L (elevated in 20%). A high cTnI (T3) was significantly associated with a higher LVMI (Beta 31.60; p=0.001) and LVEF (Beta -4.78; p=0.005) after adjusting for confounders whereas a high serum cTnT was not. CAD was significantly associated with a high cTnT (OR 4.70 p=0.02) but not with a high cTnI. Unlike cTnI, cTnT was associated with residual renal function (Beta:-0.09; p=0.006).


In the present cohort, serum cTnI levels showed a stronger association with LVMI and LVEF than cTnT. However, cTnT was significantly associated with CAD and residual renal function, unlike cTnI. Therefore, cTnI seems to be superior to cTnT as a marker of left ventricular dysfunction in asymptomatic dialysis patients, while cTnT might be better suited to detect CAD in these patients.  相似文献   
Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is an autosomal dominant genetic disorder characterized by the presence of brittle bones and decreased bone mass (osteopenia), as a result of mutations in the genes that encode the chains of type I collagen, the major protein of bone. The clinical features of the disease range from death in the perinatal period to normal life span with minimal increase in fractures. The present report describes two polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based assays allowing preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) on the one hand for OI type I, the mildest form, and on the other hand for OI type IV, which is intermediate in severity between OI type I and OI type III. In the couple referred for PGD for OI type I, the female partner carried a 1-bp deletion in exon 43 of the COL1A1 gene, resulting in a premature stop codon in exon 46. The synthesis of too little type I procollagen results from such a non-functional or COL1A1 null allele. In the other couple, referred for PGD for OI type IV, the male partner carried a G to A substitution in exon 19 of the COL1A2 gene, which results in an abnormal gene product due to an alphaGly247 (GGT) to Ser (AGT) substitution (G247S). Both mutations result in the loss of a specific restriction enzyme recognition site and can therefore be detected by PCR amplification followed by restriction fragment analysis. PCR amplification of genomic DNA of the parents-to-be with one of the two primers fluorescently labelled, followed by automated laser fluorescence (ALF) gel electrophoresis of the amplified and restricted fragments, allowed a distinction between the healthy and affected genotypes. PCR on single Epstein-Barr-virus (EBV)-transformed lymphoblasts resulted in acceptable amplification efficiencies (87% and 85% for OI type I and OI type IV respectively) and the allele drop-out (ADO) rate was assessed at 11.5% and 11.1% for OI type I and OI type IV respectively. With research blastomeres, 100% amplification rates were obtained and no contamination was observed in the blank controls, which validated the tests for clinical application. Embryos obtained after intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) were evaluated for the presence of the normal genotype of the non-affected parent. For OI type I, two frozen-thawed ICSI-PGD cycles and two fresh ICSI-PGD cycles were carried out for the same couple. The transfer of two unaffected embryos in the last cycle resulted in a twin pregnancy. A twin pregnancy was also achieved in one clinical ICSI-PGD cycle for OI type IV.  相似文献   
Identifying the sulfenylation state of stressed cells is emerging as a strategic approach for the detection of key reactive oxygen species signaling proteins. Here, we optimized an in vivo trapping method for cysteine sulfenic acids in hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) stressed plant cells using a dimedone based DYn-2 probe. We demonstrated that DYn-2 specifically detects sulfenylation events in an H2O2 dose- and time-dependent way. With mass spectrometry, we identified 226 sulfenylated proteins after H2O2 treatment of Arabidopsis cells, residing in the cytoplasm (123); plastid (68); mitochondria (14); nucleus (10); endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi and plasma membrane (7) and peroxisomes (4). Of these, 123 sulfenylated proteins have never been reported before to undergo cysteine oxidative post-translational modifications in plants. All in all, with this DYn-2 approach, we have identified new sulfenylated proteins, and gave a first glance on the locations of the sulfenomes of Arabidopsis thaliana.Among the different amino acids, the sulfur containing amino acids like cysteine are particularly susceptible to oxidation by reactive oxygen species (ROS)1 (1, 2). Recent studies suggest that the sulfenome, the initial oxidation products of cysteine residues, functions as an intermediate state of redox signaling (3 5). Thus, identifying the sulfenome under oxidative stress is a way to detect potential redox sensors (6, 7).This central role of the sulfenome in redox signaling provoked chemical biologists to develop strategies for sensitive detection and identification of sulfenylated proteins. The in situ trapping of the sulfenome is challenging because of two major factors: (1) the highly reactive, transient nature of sulfenic acids, which might be over-oxidized in excess of ROS, unless immediately protected by disulfide formation (7); (2) the intracellular compartmentalization of the redox state that might be disrupted during extraction procedures, resulting in artificial non-native protein oxidations (8, 9). Having a sulfur oxidation state of zero, sulfenic acids can react as both electrophile and nucleophile, however, direct detection methods are based on the electrophilic character of sulfenic acid (10). In 1974, Allison and coworkers reported a condensation reaction between the electrophilic sulfenic acid and the nucleophile dimedone (5,5-dimethyl-1,3-cyclohexanedione), producing a corresponding thioether derivative (11). This chemistry is highly selective and, since then, has been exploited to detect dimedone modified sulfenic acids using mass spectrometry (12). However, dimedone has limited applications for cellular sulfenome identification because of the lack of a functional group to enrich the dimedone tagged sulfenic acids. Later, dimedone-biotin/fluorophores conjugates have been developed, which allowed sensitive detection and enrichment of sulfenic acid modified proteins (13 15). This approach, however, was not always compatible with in vivo cellular sulfenome analysis, because the biotin/fluorophores-conjugated dimedone is membrane impermeable (9) and endogenous biotinylated proteins might appear as false positives.More recently, the Carroll lab has developed DYn-2, a sulfenic acid specific chemical probe. This chemical probe consists of two functional units: a dimedone scaffold for sulfenic acid recognition and an alkyne chemical handle for enrichment of labeled proteins (9). Once the sulfenic acids are tagged with the DYn-2 probe, they can be biotinylated through click chemistry (16). The click reaction used here is a copper (I)-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition reaction (17), also known as azide-alkyne Huisgen cycloaddition (16). With this chemistry, a complex is formed between the alkyne functionalized DYn-2 and the azide functionalized biotin. This biotin functional group facilitates downstream detection, enrichment, and mass spectrometry based identification (Fig. 1). In an evaluation experiment, DYn-2 was found to efficiently detect H2O2-dependent sulfenic acid modifications in recombinant glutathione peroxidase 3 (Gpx3) of budding yeast (18). Moreover, it was reported that DYn-2 is membrane permeable, non-toxic, and a non-influencer of the intracellular redox balance (17, 18). Therefore, DYn-2 has been suggested as a global sulfenome reader in living cells (17, 18), and has been applied to investigate epidermal growth factor (EGF) mediated protein sulfenylation in a human epidermoid carcinoma A431 cell line and to identify intracellular protein targets of H2O2 during cell signaling (17).Open in a separate windowFig. 1.Schematic views of the molecular mechanism of the DYn-2 probe and the strategy to identify DYn-2 trapped sulfenylated proteins. A, DYn-2 specifically detects sulfenic acid modifications, but no other thiol modifications. B, Biotinylation of the DYn-2 tagged proteins by click reaction. C, Once DYn-2 tagged proteins are biotinylated, a streptavidin-HRP (Strep-HRP) blot visualizes sulfenylation, or alternatively, after enrichment on avidin beads, proteins are identified by mass spectrometry analysis.Here, we selected the DYn-2 probe to identify the sulfenome in plant cells under oxidative stress. Through a combination of biochemical, immunoblot and mass spectrometry techniques, and TAIR10 database and SUBA3-software predictions, we can claim that DYn-2 is able to detect sulfenic acids on proteins located in different subcellular compartments of plant cells. We identified 226 sulfenylated proteins in response to an H2O2 treatment of Arabidopsis cell suspensions, of which 123 proteins are new candidates for cysteine oxidative post-translational modification (PTM) events.  相似文献   


Wood specific gravity is a key element in tropical forest ecology. It integrates many aspects of tree mechanical properties and functioning and is an important predictor of tree biomass. Wood specific gravity varies widely among and within species and also within individual trees. Notably, contrasted patterns of radial variation of wood specific gravity have been demonstrated and related to regeneration guilds (light demanding vs. shade-bearing). However, although being repeatedly invoked as a potential source of error when estimating the biomass of trees, both intraspecific and radial variations remain little studied. In this study we characterized detailed pith-to-bark wood specific gravity profiles among contrasted species prominently contributing to the biomass of the forest, i.e., the dominant species, and we quantified the consequences of such variations on the biomass.


Radial profiles of wood density at 8% moisture content were compiled for 14 dominant species in the Democratic Republic of Congo, adapting a unique 3D X-ray scanning technique at very high spatial resolution on core samples. Mean wood density estimates were validated by water displacement measurements. Wood density profiles were converted to wood specific gravity and linear mixed models were used to decompose the radial variance. Potential errors in biomass estimation were assessed by comparing the biomass estimated from the wood specific gravity measured from pith-to-bark profiles, from global repositories, and from partial information (outer wood or inner wood).


Wood specific gravity profiles from pith-to-bark presented positive, neutral and negative trends. Positive trends mainly characterized light-demanding species, increasing up to 1.8 g.cm-3 per meter for Piptadeniastrum africanum, and negative trends characterized shade-bearing species, decreasing up to 1 g.cm-3 per meter for Strombosia pustulata. The linear mixed model showed the greater part of wood specific gravity variance was explained by species only (45%) followed by a redundant part between species and regeneration guilds (36%). Despite substantial variation in wood specific gravity profiles among species and regeneration guilds, we found that values from the outer wood were strongly correlated to values from the whole profile, without any significant bias. In addition, we found that wood specific gravity from the DRYAD global repository may strongly differ depending on the species (up to 40% for Dialium pachyphyllum).

Main Conclusion

Therefore, when estimating forest biomass in specific sites, we recommend the systematic collection of outer wood samples on dominant species. This should prevent the main errors in biomass estimations resulting from wood specific gravity and allow for the collection of new information to explore the intraspecific variation of mechanical properties of trees.  相似文献   
Identical time-resolved fluorescence measurements with ~ 3.5-ps resolution were performed for three types of PSI preparations from the green alga, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii: isolated PSI cores, isolated PSI–LHCI complexes and PSI–LHCI complexes in whole living cells. Fluorescence decay in these types of PSI preparations has been previously investigated but never under the same experimental conditions. As a result we present consistent picture of excitation dynamics in algal PSI. Temporal evolution of fluorescence spectra can be generally described by three decay components with similar lifetimes in all samples (6–8 ps, 25–30 ps, 166–314 ps). In the PSI cores, the fluorescence decay is dominated by the two fastest components (~ 90%), which can be assigned to excitation energy trapping in the reaction center by reversible primary charge separation. Excitation dynamics in the PSI–LHCI preparations is more complex because of the energy transfer between the LHCI antenna system and the core. The average trapping time of excitations created in the well coupled LHCI antenna system is about 12–15 ps longer than excitations formed in the PSI core antenna. Excitation dynamics in PSI–LHCI complexes in whole living cells is very similar to that observed in isolated complexes. Our data support the view that chlorophylls responsible for the long-wavelength emission are located mostly in LHCI. We also compared in detail our results with the literature data obtained for plant PSI.  相似文献   
Small-molecule diselenides show considerable potential as catalysts of oxidative protein folding. To explore their scope, diselenide-containing redox buffers were used to promote the folding of proteins that varied in properties such as size, overall tertiary structure, number of disulfide bonds, pI value, and difficulty of in vitro folding. Diselenides are able to catalyze the oxidative folding of all proteins tested, providing significant increases in both rate and yield relative to analogous disulfides. Compared to the disulfide-linked dimer of glutathione (the most commonly used oxidant for in vitro protein folding), selenoglutathione provided markedly improved efficiencies in the folding of biotechnologically important proteins such as hirudin, lysozyme, human epidermal growth factor and interferon α-2a. Selenoglutathione also enhances the renaturation of more challenging targets such as bovine serum albumin, whose native state contains 17 disulfide bonds, and the Fab fragment of an antibody. In the latter case, micromolar amounts of selenoglutathione are able to match the modest yield provided by a previously optimized redox buffer, which contains millimolar levels of glutathione. Taken together, the folding reactions of these diverse proteins exemplify the advantages and limitations of diselenide catalysts.  相似文献   
Bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) is increasingly being used to monitor protein-protein interactions and cellular events in cells. However, the ability to monitor multiple events simultaneously is limited by the spectral properties of the existing BRET partners. Taking advantage of newly developed Renilla luciferases and blue-shifted fluorescent proteins (FPs), we explored the possibility of creating novel BRET configurations using a single luciferase substrate and distinct FPs. Three new (to our knowledge) BRET assays leading to distinct color bioluminescence emission were generated and validated. The spectral properties of two of the FPs used (enhanced blue (EB) FP2 and mAmetrine) and the selection of appropriate detection filters permitted the concomitant detection of two independent BRET signals, without cross-interference, in the same cells after addition of a unique substrate for Renilla luciferase-II, coelentrazine-400a. Using individual BRET-based biosensors to monitor the interaction between G-protein-coupled receptors and G-protein subunits or activation of different G-proteins along with the production of a second messenger, we established the proof of principle that two new BRET configurations can be multiplexed to simultaneously monitor two dependent or independent cellular events. The development of this new multiplexed BRET configuration opens the way for concomitant monitoring of various independent biological processes in living cells.  相似文献   
Copy number variants (CNVs) have recently been recognized as a common form of genomic variation in humans. Hundreds of CNVs can be detected in any individual genome using genomic microarrays or whole genome sequencing technology, but their phenotypic consequences are still poorly understood. Rare CNVs have been reported as a frequent cause of neurological disorders such as mental retardation (MR), schizophrenia and autism, prompting widespread implementation of CNV screening in diagnostics. In previous studies we have shown that, in contrast to benign CNVs, MR-associated CNVs are significantly enriched in genes whose mouse orthologues, when disrupted, result in a nervous system phenotype. In this study we developed and validated a novel computational method for differentiating between benign and MR-associated CNVs using structural and functional genomic features to annotate each CNV. In total 13 genomic features were included in the final version of a Naïve Bayesian Tree classifier, with LINE density and mouse knock-out phenotypes contributing most to the classifier''s accuracy. After demonstrating that our method (called GECCO) perfectly classifies CNVs causing known MR-associated syndromes, we show that it achieves high accuracy (94%) and negative predictive value (99%) on a blinded test set of more than 1,200 CNVs from a large cohort of individuals with MR. These results indicate that this classification method will be of value for objectively prioritizing CNVs in clinical research and diagnostics.  相似文献   
C-reactive protein (CRP) has been suggested to exert direct adverse effects on the vasculature in experimental setups, including endothelial dysfunction and proinflammatory changes. Here, we assessed the consequences of 1.25 mg/kg highly purified recombinant human CRP, administered as an intravenous bolus, in six patients with familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) and six normocholesterolemic subjects. Endothelium-dependent and -independent vasoreactivity to serotonin and nitroprusside, respectively, were assessed using venous occlusion plethysmography before and after CRP infusion. For biochemical analyses, blood was drawn at different time points. At baseline, FH patients showed blunted endothelium-dependent vasodilation (maximum, 89.2 +/- 30.0% vs. 117.7 +/- 13.1% in normolipidemic subjects; P = 0.037). Procoagulant activity was also higher in FH patients, illustrated by increased prothrombin fragment 1+2 (F(1+2)) levels (P = 0.030) and plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 (PAI-1) activity (P = 0.016). Upon CRP challenge, endothelium-dependent vasodilator capacity further deteriorated in FH patients (P = 0.029), whereas no change in vascular reactivity was observed in normolipidemic subjects. Additionally, coagulation activation was augmented in FH patients compared with normolipidemic subjects (P = 0.009 for F(1+2) levels; P = 0.018 and P = 0.003 for PAI-1 antigen and activity, respectively). No difference in inflammatory responses was observed between groups. In hypercholesterolemic patients, CRP aggravates endothelial dysfunction and also evokes augmented procoagulant responses. These findings suggest that particularly in hypercholesterolemia, CRP-lowering strategies should be considered in addition to LDL reduction.  相似文献   
Oligodendrocytes are glial cells responsible for the synthesis and maintenance of myelin in the central nervous system (CNS). Oligodendrocytes are vulnerable to damage occurring in a variety of neurological diseases. Understanding oligodendrocyte biology is crucial for the dissemination of de- and remyelination mechanisms. The goal of the present study is the construction of a protein database of mature rat oligodendrocytes. Post-mitotic oligodendrocytes were isolated from mature Wistar rats and subjected to immunocytochemistry. Proteins were extracted and analyzed by means of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and two-dimensional liquid chromatography, both coupled to mass spectrometry. The combination of the gel-based and gel-free approach resulted in confident identification of a total of 200 proteins. A minority of proteins were identified in both proteomic strategies. The identified proteins represent a variety of functional groups, including novel oligodendrocyte proteins. The results of this study emphasize the power of the applied proteomic strategy to study known or to reveal new proteins and to investigate their regulation in oligodendrocytes in different disease models.  相似文献   
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