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We report advances in the calculation of protein structures from chemical shift nuclear magnetic resonance data alone. Our previously developed method, CS-Rosetta, assembles structures from a library of short protein fragments picked from a large library of protein structures using chemical shifts and sequence information. Here we demonstrate that combination of a new and improved fragment picker and the iterative sampling algorithm RASREC yield significant improvements in convergence and accuracy. Moreover, we introduce improved criteria for assessing the accuracy of the models produced by the method. The method was tested on 39 proteins in the 50–100 residue size range and yields reliable structures in 70 % of the cases. All structures that passed the reliability filter were accurate (<2 Å RMSD from the reference).  相似文献   
Elongator protein 3 (ELP3) acetylates histones in the nucleus but also plays a role in the cytoplasm. Here, we report that in Drosophila neurons, ELP3 is necessary and sufficient to acetylate the ELKS family member Bruchpilot, an integral component of the presynaptic density where neurotransmitters are released. We find that in elp3 mutants, presynaptic densities assemble normally, but they show morphological defects such that their cytoplasmic extensions cover a larger area, resulting in increased vesicle tethering as well as a more proficient neurotransmitter release. We propose a model where ELP3-dependent acetylation of Bruchpilot at synapses regulates the structure of individual presynaptic densities and neurotransmitter release efficiency.  相似文献   
A series of ethacrynic acid analogues, lacking the α,β-unsaturated carbonyl unit, was synthesized and subsequently evaluated for their ability to inhibit the migration of human breast cancer cells, Hs578Ts(i)8 as well as of human prostate cancer cells, C4-2B. These cell lines provide a good model system to study migration and invasion, since they represent metastatic cancer. Our studies show that ethacrynic acid analogues with methyl substituents at the aromatic ring demonstrate no inhibitory effect on the migration of both cancer cell lines, whereas a precursor in the synthesis of these ethacrynic acid analogues (II-1, a para-acylated m-cresol) is an excellent inhibitor of the migration of both cancer cell lines.  相似文献   
Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) is the only vaccine available against tuberculosis, and the strains used worldwide represent a family of daughter strains with distinct genotypic characteristics. Here we report the complete genome sequence of M. bovis BCG Moreau, the strain in continuous use in Brazil for vaccine production since the 1920s.  相似文献   
Humans lacking sclerostin display progressive bone overgrowth due to increased bone formation. Although it is well established that sclerostin is an osteocyte-secreted bone formation inhibitor, the underlying molecular mechanisms are not fully elucidated. We identified in tandem affinity purification proteomics screens LRP4 (low density lipoprotein-related protein 4) as a sclerostin interaction partner. Biochemical assays with recombinant proteins confirmed that sclerostin LRP4 interaction is direct. Interestingly, in vitro overexpression and RNAi-mediated knockdown experiments revealed that LRP4 specifically facilitates the previously described inhibitory action of sclerostin on Wnt1/β-catenin signaling. We found the extracellular β-propeller structured domain of LRP4 to be required for this sclerostin facilitator activity. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated that LRP4 protein is present in human and rodent osteoblasts and osteocytes, both presumed target cells of sclerostin action. Silencing of LRP4 by lentivirus-mediated shRNA delivery blocked sclerostin inhibitory action on in vitro bone mineralization. Notably, we identified two mutations in LRP4 (R1170W and W1186S) in patients suffering from bone overgrowth. We found that these mutations impair LRP4 interaction with sclerostin and its concomitant sclerostin facilitator effect. Together these data indicate that the interaction of sclerostin with LRP4 is required to mediate the inhibitory function of sclerostin on bone formation, thus identifying a novel role for LRP4 in bone.  相似文献   
Early downstream responses of T lymphocytes following T cell antigen receptor (TCR) activation are mediated by protein complexes that assemble in domains of the plasma membrane. Using stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture and mass spectrometry, we quantitatively related the proteome of αCD3 immunoisolated native TCR signaling plasma membrane domains to that of control plasma membrane fragments not engaged in TCR signaling. Proteins were sorted according to their relative enrichment in isolated TCR signaling plasma membrane domains, identifying a complex protein network that is anchored in the vicinity of activated TCR. These networks harbor widespread mediators of plasma membrane-proximal T cell activities, including propagation, balancing, and attenuation of TCR signaling, immune synapse formation, as well as cytoskeletal arrangements relative to TCR activation clusters. These results highlight the unique potential of systematic characterizations of plasma membrane-proximal T cell activation proteome in the context of its native lipid bilayer platform.  相似文献   
Chemokines (chemotactic cytokines) can have direct antimicrobial activity, which is apparently related to the presence of a distinct positively charged patch on the surface. However, chemokines can retain antimicrobial activity upon linearization despite the loss of their positive patch, thus questioning the importance of this patch for activity. Thrombocidin-1 (TC-1) is a microbicidal protein isolated from human blood platelets. TC-1 only differs from the chemokine NAP-2/CXCL7 by a two-amino acid C-terminal deletion, but this truncation is crucial for antimicrobial activity. We assessed the structure-activity relationship for antimicrobial activity of TC-1. Reduction of the charge of the TC-1-positive patch by replacing lysine 17 with alanine reduced the activity against bacteria and almost abolished activity against the yeast Candida albicans. Conversely, augmentation of the positive patch by increasing charge density or size resulted in a 2-3-fold increased activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Bacillus subtilis but did not substantially affect activity against C. albicans. Reduction of TC-1 resulted in loss of the folded conformation, but this disruption of the positive patch did not affect antimicrobial activity. Using overlapping 15-mer synthetic peptides, we demonstrate peptides corresponding to the N-terminal part of TC-1 to have similar antimicrobial activity as intact TC-1. Although we demonstrate that the positive patch is essential for activity of folded TC-1, unfolded TC-1 retained antimicrobial activity despite the absence of a positive patch. This activity is probably exerted by a linear peptide stretch in the N-terminal part of the molecule. We conclude that intact TC-1 and unfolded TC-1 exert antimicrobial activity via distinct structural elements.  相似文献   
EpsE is an ATPase that powers transport of cholera toxin and hydrolytic enzymes through the Type II secretion (T2S) apparatus in the gram-negative bacterium, Vibrio cholerae. On the basis of structures of homologous Type II/IV secretion ATPases and our biochemical data, we believe that EpsE is active as an oligomer, likely a hexamer, and the binding, hydrolysis, and release of nucleotide cause EpsE to undergo dynamic structural changes, thus converting chemical energy to mechanical work, ultimately resulting in extracellular secretion. The conformational changes that occur as a consequence of nucleotide binding would realign conserved arginines (Arg(210), Arg(225), Arg(320), Arg(324), Arg(336), and Arg(369)) from adjoining domains and subunits to complete the active site around the bound nucleotide. Our data suggest that these arginines are essential for ATP hydrolysis, although their roles in shaping the active site of EpsE are varied. Specifically, we have shown that replacements of these arginine residues abrogate the T2S process due to a reduction of ATPase activity yet do not have any measurable effect on nucleotide binding or oligomerization of EpsE. We have further demonstrated that point mutations in the EpsE intersubunit interface also reduce ATPase activity without disrupting oligomerization, strengthening the idea that residues from multiple subunits must precisely interact in order for EpsE to be sufficiently active to support T2S. Our findings suggest that the action of EpsE is similar to that of other Type II/IV secretion ATPase family members, and thus these results may be widely applicable to the family as a whole.  相似文献   
Ab-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) is recognized as a prominent cytotoxic mechanism for therapeutic mAbs in vitro. However, the contribution of ADCC to in vivo efficacy, particularly for treatment of solid tumors, is still poorly understood. For zalutumumab, a therapeutic epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)-specific mAb currently in clinical development, previous studies have indicated signaling inhibition and ADCC induction as important therapeutic mechanisms of action. To investigate the in vivo role of ADCC, a panel of EGFR-specific mAbs lacking specific functionalities was generated. By comparing zalutumumab with mAb 018, an EGFR-specific mAb that induced ADCC with similar potency, but did not inhibit signaling, we observed that ADCC alone was insufficient for efficacy against established A431 xenografts. Interestingly, however, both zalutumumab and mAb 018 prevented tumor formation upon early treatment in this model. Zalutumumab and mAb 018 also completely prevented outgrowth of lung metastases, in A431 and MDA-MB-231-luc-D3H2LN experimental metastasis models, already when given at nonsaturating doses. Finally, tumor growth of mutant KRAS-expressing A431 tumor cells, which were resistant to EGFR signaling inhibition, was completely prevented by early treatment with zalutumumab and mAb 018, whereas ADCC-crippled N297Q-mutated variants of both mAbs did not show any inhibitory effects. In conclusion, ADCC induction by EGFR-specific mAbs represents an important mechanism of action in preventing tumor outgrowth or metastasis in vivo, even of cancers insensitive to EGFR signaling inhibition.  相似文献   
Leaves deep in canopies can suddenly be exposed to increased irradiances following e.g. gap formation in forests or pruning in crops. Studies on the acclimation of photosynthesis to increased irradiance have mainly focused on the changes in photosynthetic capacity (Amax), although actual irradiance often remains below saturating level. We investigated the effect of changes in irradiance on the photosynthesis irradiance response and on nitrogen allocation in fully grown leaves of Cucumis sativus. Leaves that fully developed under low (50 µmol m?2 s?1) or moderate (200 µmol m?2 s?1) irradiance were subsequently exposed to, respectively, moderate (LM‐leaves) or low (ML‐leaves) irradiance or kept at constant irradiance level (LL‐ and MM‐leaves). Acclimation of photosynthesis occurred within 7 days with final Amax highest in MM‐leaves, lowest in LL‐leaves and intermediate in ML‐ and LM‐leaves, whereas full acclimation of thylakoid processes underlying photosystem II (PSII) efficiency and non‐photochemical quenching occurred in ML‐ and LM‐leaves. Dark respiration correlated with irradiance level, but not with Amax. Light‐limited quantum efficiency was similar in all leaves. The increase in photosynthesis at moderate irradiance in LM‐leaves was primarily driven by nitrogen import, and nitrogen remained allocated in a similar ratio to Rubisco and bioenergetics, while allocation to light harvesting relatively decreased. A contrary response of nitrogen was associated with the decrease in photosynthesis in ML‐leaves. Net assimilation of LM‐leaves under moderate irradiance remained lower than in MM‐leaves, revealing the importance of photosynthetic acclimation during the leaf developmental phase for crop productivity in scenarios with realistic, moderate fluctuations in irradiance that leaves can be exposed to.  相似文献   
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