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Evolutionary psychologists have suggested that our brain is composed of evolved mechanisms. One extensively studied mechanism is the cheater detection module. This module would make people very good at detecting cheaters in a social exchange. A vast amount of research has illustrated performance facilitation on social contract selection tasks. This facilitation is attributed to the alleged automatic and isolated operation of the module (i.e., independent of general cognitive capacity). This study, using the selection task, tested the critical automaticity assumption in three experiments. Experiments 1 and 2 established that performance on social contract versions did not depend on cognitive capacity or age. Experiment 3 showed that experimentally burdening cognitive resources with a secondary task had no impact on performance on the social contract version. However, in all experiments, performance on a non-social contract version did depend on available cognitive capacity. Overall, findings validate the automatic and effortless nature of social exchange reasoning.  相似文献   


For both patients and the outpatient clinic the frequent follow-up visits after a resection of colorectal cancer (CRC) are time consuming and due to large patient numbers expensive. Therefore it is important to develop an effective non-invasive test for the detection of colorectal liver metastasis (CRLM) which could be used outside the hospital. The urine proteome is known to provide detailed information for monitoring changes in the physiology of humans. Urine collection is non-invasive and urine naturally occurring peptides (NOPs) have the advantage of being easily accessible without labour-intensive sample preparation. These advantages make it potentially useful for a quick and reliable application in clinical settings. In this study, we will focus on the identification and validation of urine NOPs to discriminate patients with CRLM from healthy controls.

Materials and Methods

Urine samples were collected from 24 patients with CRLM and 25 healthy controls. In the first part of the study, samples were measured with a nano liquid chromatography (LC) system (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Germaring, Germany) coupled on-line to a hybrid linear ion trap/Orbitrap mass spectrometer (LTQ-Orbitrap-XL, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Bremen, Germany). A discovery set was used to construct the model and consecutively the validation set, being independent from the discovery set, to check the acquired model. From the peptides which were selected, multiple reaction monitoring (MRM''s) were developed on a UPLC-MS/MS system.


Seven peptides were selected and applied in a discriminant analysis a sensitivity of 84.6% and a specificity of 92.3% were established (Canonical correlation:0.797, Eigenvalue:1.744, F:4.49, p:0.005). The peptides AGPP(-OH)GEAGKP(-OH)GEQGVP(-OH)GDLGA P(-OH)GP and KGNSGEP(-OH)GAPGSKGDTGAKGEP(-OH)GPVG were selected for further quantitative analysis which showed a sensitivity of 88% and a specificity of 88%.


Urine proteomic analysis revealed two very promising peptides, both part from collagen type 1, AGPP(-OH)GEAGKP(-OH)GEQGVP(-OH)GDLGAP(-OH)GP and KGNSGEP(-OH)GAPGSKGDTGAKGEP(-OH)GPVG which could detect CRLM in a non-invasive manner.  相似文献   
The anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 protein is the founding member and namesake of the Bcl-2-protein family. It has recently been demonstrated that Bcl-2, apart from its anti-apoptotic role at mitochondrial membranes, can also directly interact with the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (IP3R), the primary Ca2+-release channel in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Bcl-2 can thereby reduce pro-apoptotic IP3R-mediated Ca2+ release from the ER. Moreover, the Bcl-2 homology domain 4 (Bcl-2-BH4) has been identified as essential and sufficient for this IP3R-mediated anti-apoptotic activity. In the present study, we investigated whether the reported inhibitory effect of a Bcl-2-BH4 peptide on the IP 3R1 was related to the distinctive α-helical conformation of the BH4 domain peptide. We therefore designed a peptide with two glycine “hinges” replacing residues I14 and V15, of the wild-type Bcl-2-BH4 domain (Bcl-2-BH4-IV/GG). By comparing the structural and functional properties of the Bcl-2-BH4-IV/GG peptide with its native counterpart, we found that the variant contained reduced α-helicity, neither bound nor inhibited the IP 3R1 channel, and in turn lost its anti-apoptotic effect. Similar results were obtained with other substitutions in Bcl-2-BH4 that destabilized the α-helix with concomitant loss of IP3R inhibition. These results provide new insights for the further development of Bcl-2-BH4-derived peptides as specific inhibitors of the IP3R with significant pharmacological implications.  相似文献   
Transport models of growth hormones can be used to reproduce the hormone accumulations that occur in plant organs. Mostly, these accumulation patterns are calculated using time step methods, even though only the resulting steady state patterns of the model are of interest. We examine the steady state solutions of the hormone transport model of Smith et al. (Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 103(5):1301–1306, 2006) for a one-dimensional row of plant cells. We search for the steady state solutions as a function of three of the model parameters by using numerical continuation methods and bifurcation analysis. These methods are more adequate for solving steady state problems than time step methods. We discuss a trivial solution where the concentrations of hormones are equal in all cells and examine its stability region. We identify two generic bifurcation scenarios through which the trivial solution loses its stability. The trivial solution becomes either a steady state pattern with regular spaced peaks or a pattern where the concentration is periodic in time.  相似文献   

The genus Gluconobacter comprises some of the most frequently used microorganisms when it comes to biotechnological applications. Not only has it been involved in “historical” production processes, such as vinegar production, but in the last decades many bioconversion routes for special and rare sugars involving Gluconobacter have been developed. Among the most recent are the biotransformations involved in the production of L-ribose and miglitol, both very promising pharmaceutical lead molecules. Most of these processes make use of Gluconobacter's membrane-bound polyol dehydrogenases. However, recently other enzymes have also caught the eye of industrial biotechnology. Among them are dextran dextrinase, capable of transglucosylating substrate molecules, and intracellular NAD-dependent polyol dehydrogenases, of interest for co-enzyme regeneration. As such, Gluconobacter is an important industrial microbial strain, but it also finds use in other fields of biotechnology, such as biosensor-technology. This review aims to give an overview of the myriad of applications for Gluconobacter, with a special focus on some recent developments.  相似文献   
Maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference analyses of nuclear ribosomal DNA (ETS1f) and plastid DNA (rpl32‐trnL, trnH‐psbA) sequence data are presented for ‘C4 Cyperus’ (Cyperaceae). The term ‘C4 Cyperus’ encompasses all species of Cyperus s.l. that use C4 photosynthesis linked with chlorocyperoid vegetative anatomy. Sampling comprises 107 specimens of 104 different taxa, including many of the subdivisions of C4 Cyperus s.s. and all C4 segregate genera (Alinula, Ascolepis, Kyllinga, Lipocarpha, Pycreus, Queenslandiella, Remirea, Sphaerocyperus and Volkiella). According to our results, C4 Cyperus is a well‐supported monophyletic clade nested in C3 Cyperus. Despite the lack of resolution along the backbone of the C4 Cyperus clade and for some internal branches, several well‐supported clades can be distinguished. The first clade in C4 Cyperus is formed by Cyperus cuspidatus and C. waterloti. Other recognizable and well‐supported clades correspond to segregate genera, i.e. Ascolepis, Lipocarpha including Volkiella, and Kyllinga. Species of C4 Cyperus s.s. form a core grade in which the C4 segregate genera are embedded. Pycreus, the largest segregate genus composed of c. 120 species, is not monophyletic as it includes several C4 species of Cyperus s.s. This study establishes a phylogenetic framework for revising the classification and character evolution in Cyperus s.l. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   
Smallpox caused by the poxvirus variola virus is a highly lethal disease that marked human history and was eradicated in 1979 thanks to a worldwide mass vaccination campaign. This virus remains a significant threat for public health due to its potential use as a bioterrorism agent and requires further development of antiviral drugs. The viral genome replication machinery appears to be an ideal target, although very little is known about its structure. Vaccinia virus is the prototypic virus of the Orthopoxvirus genus and shares more than 97% amino acid sequence identity with variola virus. Here we studied four essential viral proteins of the replication machinery: the DNA polymerase E9, the processivity factor A20, the uracil-DNA glycosylase D4, and the helicase-primase D5. We present the recombinant expression and biochemical and biophysical characterizations of these proteins and the complexes they form. We show that the A20D4 polymerase cofactor binds to E9 with high affinity, leading to the formation of the A20D4E9 holoenzyme. Small-angle X-ray scattering yielded envelopes for E9, A20D4, and A20D4E9. They showed the elongated shape of the A20D4 cofactor, leading to a 150-Å separation between the polymerase active site of E9 and the DNA-binding site of D4. Electron microscopy showed a 6-fold rotational symmetry of the helicase-primase D5, as observed for other SF3 helicases. These results favor a rolling-circle mechanism of vaccinia virus genome replication similar to the one suggested for tailed bacteriophages.  相似文献   
This study reports on kinetics of the fluorescence decay in a suspension of the alga Scenedesmus quadricauda after actinic illumination. These are monitored as the variable fluorescence signal in the dark following light pulses of variable intensity and duration. The decay reflects the restoration of chlorophyll fluorescence quenching of the photosystem II (PSII) antennas and shows a polyphasic pattern which suggests the involvement of different processes. The overall quenching curve after a fluorescence-saturating pulse (SP) of 250-ms duration, commonly used in pulse amplitude modulation applications as the tool for estimating the maximal fluorescence (F m), has been termed P–O, in which P and O have the same meaning as used in the OJIP induction curve in the light. Deconvolution of this signal shows at least three distinguishable exponential phases with reciprocal rate constants of the order of 10, 102, and 103 ms. The size of the long (>103 ms) and moderate (~102 ms) lasting components relative to the complete quenching signal after an SP increases with the duration of the actinic pulse concomitantly with an increase in the reciprocal rate constants of the fast (~10 ms) and moderate quenching phases. Fluorescence responses upon single turnover flashes of 30-μs duration (STFs) given at discrete times during the P–O quenching were used as tools for identifying the quencher involved in the P–O quenching phase preceding the STF excitation. Results are difficult to interpret in terms of a single-hit two-state trapping mechanism with distinguishable quenching properties of open and closed reaction centers only. They give support for an earlier hypothesis on a double-hit three-state trapping mechanism in which the so-called semi-closed reaction centers of PSII are considered. In these trapping-competent centers the single reduced acceptor pair [PheQ A]1?, depending on the size of photoelectrochemically induced pH effects on the Q B-binding site, functions as an efficient fluorescence quencher.  相似文献   
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