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To determine the fluorescence properties of cyanobacterial Photosystem I (PS I) in relatively intact systems, fluorescence emission from 20 to 295 K and polarization at 77 K have been measured from phycobilisomes-less thylakoids of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 and a mutant strain lacking Photosystem II (PS II). At 295 K, the fluorescence maxima are 686 nm in the wild type from PS I and PS II and at 688 nm from PS I in the mutant. This emission is characteristic of bulk antenna chlorophylls (Chls). The 690-nm fluorescence component of PS I is temperature independent. For wild-type and mutant, 725-nm fluorescence increases by a factor of at least 40 from 295 to 20 K. We model this temperature dependence assuming a small number of Chls within PS I, emitting at 725 nm, with an energy level below that of the reaction center, P700. Their excitation transfer rate to P700 decreases with decreasing temperature increasing the yield of 725-nm fluorescence.Fluorescence excitation spectra of polarized emission from low-energy Chls were measured at 77 and 295 K on the mutant lacking PS II. At excitation wavelengths longer than 715 nm, 760-nm emission is highly polarized indicating either direct excitation of the emitting Chls with no participation in excitation transfer or total alignment of the chromophores. Fluorescence at 760 nm is unpolarized for excitation wavelengths shorter than 690 nm, inferring excitation transfer between Chls before 760-nm fluorescence occurs.Our measurements illustrate that: 1) a single group of low-energy Chls (F725) of the core-like PS I complex in cyanobacteria shows a strongly temperature-dependent fluorescence and, when directly excited, nearly complete fluorescence polarization, 2) these properties are not the result of detergent-induced artifacts as we are examining intact PS I within the thylakoid membrane of S. 6803, and 3) the activation energy for excitation transfer from F725 Chls to P700 is less than that of F735 Chls in green plants; F725 Chls may act as a sink to locate excitations near P700 in PS I.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - BChl bacteriochlorophyll - PS Photosystem - S. 6803 Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 - PGP potassium glycerol phosphate  相似文献   
The uptake and metabolism of tritiated indolebutyric acid (IBA)and indoleacetic acid (IAA) were related to root regenerationon stem bases of apple (Malus cv "Jork") shootlets culturedin vitro. The major part of the auxins taken up from the mediumwas located in the bottom 1 mm of the stem basis, the locationwhere the roots emerge. In this part of the shoot about 4% ofthe accumulated IBA-3H remained in the free acid. Analysis onnormal phase TLC followed by reversed phase HPLC revealed thatabout 1% of the IBA-metabolites co-chromatographed with standardIAA. Incubation of shoots on medium with IAA led also to anIAAint content of about 1% of the amount absorbed. IAA was notconverted into IBA. A medium concentration of 3.2 µM IAAor IBA induced maximum root formation of 9 and 13 roots pershoot, respectively. The IAAint content in the stem base was0.5 µmol per kg FW after 5 days regardless of the auxinsource. Incubation on medium with IBA led to an IBAint concentrationof 3.4 µmol per kg FW. IBA may exert its action partlyvia conversion into IAA. However, the fact that IBA inducedmore roots than IAA suggests that IBA itself is also active,or modulates the activity of IAA. The partition of absorbed auxin over active free auxin acidand individual conjugates was not directly related to root formation.At inductive and non-inductive auxin concentrations no shiftin the ratio of free auxin acids to total absorbed auxin wasobserved during root formation. (Received March 4, 1992; Accepted May 25, 1992)  相似文献   
A moderately thermophilic anaerobic bacterium (strain Su883), which decarboxylated succinate to propionate, was isolated from granular methanogenic sludge. The bacterium appeared to ferment a number of amino acids including glutamate, histidine, arginine, ornithine, citrulline, and threonine to propionate, acetate and hydrogen. Propionate was formed via the oxidative decarboxylation of -ketoglutarate to succinyl-CoA. In addition, the strain degraded glucose, fructose, glycerol, pyruvate, serine, alanine, citrate and malate to acetate, carbon dioxide and hydrogen, and branched-chain amino acids to branched-chain fatty acids. With all single substrates solely hydrogen was formed as reduced fermentation product. Mixed cultures of strain Su883 and Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum H showed a more rapid conversion of substrates and with some substrates a shift from acetate to propionate formation.Strain Su883 is a motile, gram-negative, non-sporeforming, slightly curved rod with a DNA base ratio of 56.5 mol% guanine-plus-cytosine. Selenomonas acidaminovorans Su883 is proposed as type strain for the new species within the genus Selenomonas.  相似文献   
Chlorophyll fluorescence and photoacoustic transients from dark adapted spinach leaves were measured and analyzed using the saturating pulse technique. Except for the first 30 s of photosynthetic induction, a good correlation was found between photoacoustically detected oxygen evolution at 35 Hz modulation frequency and electron flow calculated from the fluorescence quenching coefficients qP and qN. The induction kinetics of the photothermal signal, i.e., the photoacoustic signal at 370 Hz, reveal a fast (t r <10 ms) and a slow (t r 1 s) rise component. The fast component is suggested to be composed of the minimal thermal losses in photosynthesis and thermal losses from non-photosynthetic processes. The slow phase is attributed to variable thermal losses in photosynthesis. The variable thermal losses were normalized by measuring the minimal photothermal signal (H0) in the dark-adapted state and the maximal photothermal signal (Hm) during a saturating light pulse. The kinetics of the normalized photochemical loss (H-H0)/(Hm-H0) obtained from high-frequency PA measurements were found to correlate with the kinetics of oxygen evolution measured at low frequency.Abbreviations Fm maximum fluorescence - F0 initial fluorescence - Fv variable fluorescence - H photothermal signal - I in-phase - LED light emitting diode - PA photoacoustic - PL photochemical loss - Q quadrature - qN non-photochemical quenching - qP photochemical quenching - VCLS voltage controlled light source  相似文献   
In order to improve the production of the cytotoxic lignan podophyllotoxin, seven precursors from the phenylpropanoid-routing and one related compound were fed to cell suspension cultures derived from the rhizomes of Podophyllum hexandrum Royle. These cell cultures were able to convert only coniferin into podophyllotoxin, maximally a 12.8 fold increase in content was found. Permeabilization using isopropanol, in combination with coniferin as a substrate, did not result in an extra increase in podophyllotoxin accumulation. Concentrations of isopropanol exceeding 0.5% (v/v) were found to be rather toxic for suspension growth cells of P. hexandrum. When coniferin was fed in presence of such isopropanol concentrations, -glucosidase activity was still present, resulting in the formation of the aglucon coniferyl alcohol. In addition, podophyllotoxin was released into the medium under these permeabilization conditions. Entrapment of P. hexandrum cells in calcium-alginate as such or in combination with the feeding of biosynthetic precursors, did not improve the podophyllotoxin production. Cell-free medium from suspension cultures at later growth stages incubated with coniferin, resulted in the synthesis of the lignan pinoresinol.  相似文献   
Summary The classical syntaxonomical treatment of the European Spartina communities as published in the series Prodrome of the the European plant communities, is compared with the results of a numerical treatment, based on largely the same set of relevés. 576 relevés, selected from the total salt marsh data set were subjected to agglomerative clustering with relocation with the similarity ratio as similarity measure. The resulting numerical system was compared with the syntaxonomical hierarchy. The correlation between both systems is close. The numerical units are slightly more heterogeneous because no purification occurred, which implies relevés to be left out of consideration. One new syntaxon, Spartinetum townsendii asteretosum tripolii, could be suggested from the results of the numerical treatment. Perspectives for the development of a numerical syntaxonomy are stressed.Communication number 40.  相似文献   
The effect of dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD) on the kinetics of the flashinduced P515 response and on the activity of the ATPase was investigated in isolated spinach chloroplasts. It was found that after the addition of 5×10–8 mol DCCD the rate of ATP hydrolysis induced by a period of 60 sec illumination was decreased to less than 5% of its original value. At this concentration, hardly any effect, if at all, could be detected on the kinetics of the flash-induced P515 response, neither in dark-adapted nor in light-activated chloroplasts. It was concluded that the presence of concentrations of DCCD, sufficiently high to affect the ATPase activity, does not affect the kinetics of the flash-induced P515 response. Since DCCD decreases the H+ permeability of the membrane-bound ATPase, it was concluded that this permeability coefficient for protons is not an important factor in the regulation of the flash-induced membrane potential and, therefore, does not affect the kinetics of the flash-induced P515 response.  相似文献   
The subcellular localization of dihydroxyacetone synthase (DHAS) in the methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha was studied by various biochemical and immunocytochemical methods. After cell fractionation involving differential and sucrose gradient centrifugation of protoplast homogenates prepared from methanol-grown cells, DHAS cosedimented with the peroxisomal enzymes alcohol oxidase and catalase. Electron microscopy of this fraction showed that it contained mainly intact peroxisomes, whereas SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed two major protein bands (75 and 78 kDa) which were identified as alcohol oxidase and DHAS, respectively. The localization of DHAS in peroxisomes was further established by immunocytochemistry. After immuno-gold staining carried out on ultrathin sections of methanol-grown H. polymorpha using DHAS-specific antibodies, labelling was confined to the peroxisomal matrix.Abbreviations MES 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid - DTT dithiothreitol - SDS sodium dodecyl sulphate - TPP thiamin pyrophosphate - DHAS dihydroxyacetone synthase - GSH reduced glutathione  相似文献   
Summary Previous data on tentative identification of the carrier state for homocystinuria due to cystathionine synthase deficiency using methionine loading or measurement of cystathionine synthase activity in tissue extracts are conflicting. We studied the results of standardized oral methionine loading in 20 obligate heterozygotes and compared them with those of determination of cystathionine synthase activity in cultured fibroblasts. Special attention was devoted to our recently reported observation on the small but striking differences in methionine metabolism between healthy pre- and postmenopausal women and men. Fasting and after load peak levels of methionine in serum did not discriminate the carriers from the control subjects. The mean fasting level of total homocysteine was only significantly higher in the group of premenopausal heterozygotes than in the corresponding control group. Nevertheless, the individual values overlapped with the normal range in 4 of 12 premenopausal heterozygotes. After loading peak levels of total homocysteine in 18 out of the 20 obligate heterozygotes exceeded the upper limit of the ranges in the three control groups. Thus, this parameter discriminated 90% of the obligate carriers. Measurement of cystathionine synthase activity in cultured fibroblasts from a skin biopsy identified the obligate heterozygotes to a similar degree (85%). No significant correlation between the measurements of cystathionine synthase activity and the after load peak levels of total homocysteine in the individual heterozygotes was established. Combination of both methionine loading and determination of cystathionine synthase activity in cultured fibroblasts identified all of these carriers.  相似文献   
Conformational energies have been calculated for the title compounds which are basic fragments of physiologically active polyunsaturated fatty acids. For 1-butene extremely good accordance has been obtained with experimental data. In cis-2-pentene a strong influence of the cis methyl group on the potential energies for internal rotation has been found. For 1,4-pentadiene no great influence has been found from a possible coupling of the two rotors on the relative stabilities of the two stable conformations. Reasonable agreement has been observed with similar calculations published recently.  相似文献   
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