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4-chloro-methoxyindole is a naturally occurring compound in Vicia faba which can easily react with nitrite to form a N-nitroso compound. In this in vitro study, the potential genotoxic effects of nitrosated 4-chloro-6-methoxyindole and its structural analogue 4-chloroindole were evaluated for the first time by using both Salmonella and Chinese hamster V79 cells. Additionally, the inhibition of gap junctional intercellular communication in V79 cells by these compounds was determined; this is a validated parameter for tumor-promoting activity. Most assays were also performed with nitrosated indole-3-acetonitrile, a naturally occurring compound in brassicas. Both nitrosated chloroindoles were highly mutagenic to Salmonella typhimurium TA100 without the need of exogenous metabolic activation and were potent inducers of Sister Chromatid Exchanges. Nitrosated indole-3-acetonitrile generated the same effects, although at much higher concentrations. Equivocal results were obtained for the nitrosated chloroindoles in a forward mutation assay using the hypoxanthine guaninephosphoribosyltransferase locus. All nitrosated indole compounds significantly inhibited gap junctional intercellular communication. These results indicate that nitrosated chloroindoles and nitrosated indole-3-acetonitrile should be considered as mutagens and agents with potential tumor-promoting capacity.Abbreviations BrdU 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine - 4Cl 4-chloroindole - 4C6MI 4-chloro-6-methoxy-indole - DMSO dimethyl sulfoxide - EBSS Earle's balanced salt solution - EMS ethyl methanesulfonate - GJIC gap junctional intercellular communication - HBSS Hanks balanced salt solution - HGPRT hypoxanthine guaninephosphoribosyl transferase - I3A indole-3-acetonitrile - MNNG 1-methyl-1-nitroso-3-nitroguanidine - NOC N-nitroso compounds - NQO 4-nitroquinolone-N-oxide - SCE sister chromatid exchange - 6TG 6-thioguanine - TPA 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate  相似文献   
On the basis of electrophysiological screening of lateral and medial styloconic sensilla of caterpillars of Yponomeuta species, several hypotheses concerning behavioural effects of plant constituents can be posed (Van Drongelen, 1979). Feeding experiments have been carried out with intact larvae of Y. cagnagellus (Hb.) and Y. evonymellus (L.). Both species display neural responses to dulcitol, phloridzin and prunasin. Leaf discs of the host plants of these species were modified using these three constituents and effects were studied in choice and non-choice situations. Dulcitol appears to stimulate food intake of both species, whereas phloridzin acts as a deterrent exclusively in a choice situation. Prunasin inhibits feeding of Y. cagnagellus in a choice situation, but Y. evonymellus does not show a reaction to this compound at the concentration applied. Neural mechanisms probably underlying these behaviours are discussed.
Zusammenfassung Aufgrund elektrophysiologischer Versuche mit lateralen und medialen Sensilla styloconica von Yponomeuta-Arten können mehrere Hypothesen über Verhaltenseffekte von Pflanzenbestandteilen aufgestellt werden (Van Drongelen, 1979). Y. cagnagellus und Y. evonymellus zeigen neurale Reaktionen auf Dulcitol, Phlorizin und Prunasin.Es wurden Frassexperimente mit intakten Raupen beider Arten durchgeführt. Blattscheiben der Wirtspflanzen wurden mit den genannten Stoffen modifiziert, und die Effekte wurden in Wahl- und Nichtwahlversuchen studiert. Dulcitol scheint die Futteraufnahme beider Arten anzuregen, während Phlorizin als Abhaltestoff wirkt und zwar nur in einer Wahlsituation. Prunasin verhindert Fressen bei Y. cagnanellus in einer Wahlsituation, während Y. evonymellus auf diesen Stoff in der geprüften Konzentration nicht reagiert. Neurale Mechanismen, welche wahrscheinlich diesem Verhalten zugrunde liegen, werden diskutiert.

Supported by the Foundation for Fundamental Biological Research (BION), subsidized by the Netherlands Organization for the Advancement of Pure Research (ZWO).  相似文献   
Summary Soluble enzymes were immobilized and visualized by polyacrylamide gel slabs, impregnated with the incubation medium including auxiliairy enzymes. The method has several advantages over existing techniques which make use of gel films or a semipermeable membrane. The diffusion of tissue compounds is effectively limited, while auxiliary enzymes may be operative. Moreover the viscosity of the medium is temperature-independent so that the incubation temperature can be varied.To demonstrate the suitability of the method glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, lactate dehydrogenase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, hexokinase, phosphoglucomutase and aldolase were visualized in human or rat skeletal muscle. Cytosolic and mitochondrial glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase were both visualized in the absence of added NAD+ and menadione.For the visualization of ATP producing enzymes, like creatine kinase and pyruvate kinase, the method is not suitable.  相似文献   
To investigate early intermediates of β2‐microglobulin (β2m) amyloidogenesis, we solved the structure of β2m containing the amyloidogenic Pro32Gly mutation by X‐ray crystallography. One nanobody (Nb24) that efficiently blocks fibril elongation was used as a chaperone to co‐crystallize the Pro32Gly β2m monomer under physiological conditions. The complex of P32G β2m with Nb24 reveals a trans peptide bond at position 32 of this amyloidogenic variant, whereas Pro32 adopts the cis conformation in the wild‐type monomer, indicating that the cis to trans isomerization at Pro32 plays a critical role in the early onset of β2m amyloid formation.  相似文献   
Twelve new species of Polycystididae Graff, 1905 are described from the Australian east coast. Nine of them could not be placed in any of the existing genera, and therefore six new genera are erected. Alchoides n. gen. differs from all other polycystidid genera by the presence of a bundle of glands that opens into the distal part of the male atrium (accessory vesicle type V). Two species are included in the genus, A. alchoides n. sp. and A. dittmannae n. sp., which differ from each other in the shape of the stylet. Ametochus gehrkei n. gen n. sp. can be distinguished from other polycystidids by the presence of a prostate vesicle type III associated with a prostate stylet type III, combined with the presence of an accessory stylet type III, while a prostate stylet type II is lacking. Typical for Arrawarria inexpectata n. gen n. sp. is the combined presence of an armed cirrus with a prostate vesicle type II connected to a prostate stylet type II. Two species are assigned to the new genus Duplexostylus n. gen.: D. rowei n. sp. and D. winsori n. sp. These two species have two unique features: a prostate vesicle type IV directly connected to a prostate stylet type III and an asymmetrical septum that surrounds the proximal part of the male atrium. They can be distinguished from each other by differences in the detailed construction of their stylets. Two new species are placed in the new genus Stradorhynchus n. gen.: S. caecus n. sp. and S. terminalis n. sp. They have unpaired gonads and a prostate vesicle type IV connected to a prostate stylet type IV, which combination of characters makes them unique within the Polycystididae. The two species differ from each other in the shape and size of the stylet. Triaustrorhynchus armatus n. gen., n. sp. is the first species of the Polycystididae to have three types of stylet in the male atrium: a prostate stylet type II, a prostate stylet type III and an accessory stylet type III. Three new species could be placed in existing genera: Cincturorhynchus monaculeus n. sp., Paraustrorhynchus caligatus n. sp. and Polycystis australis n. sp. All three differ from their congeners in the form and dimensions of their stylets. All newly described species are discussed, giving their similarities and differences with resembling species. Austrorhynchus hawaiiensis Karling, 1977 is reported for the first time in Australia, and the Australian population is compared with populations from other regions. The presence of Gyratrix hermaphroditus Ehrenberg, 1831, one new species of Paulodora Marcus, 1948 and a new genus of Typhlopolycystidinae Evdonin, 1977 is mentioned.  相似文献   
Using directed evolution, we have selected an adipyl acylase enzyme that can be used for a one-step bioconversion of adipyl-7-aminodesacetoxycephalosporanic acid (adipyl-7-ADCA) to 7-ADCA, an important compound for the synthesis of semisynthetic cephalosporins. The starting point for the directed evolution was the glutaryl acylase from Pseudomonas SY-77. The gene fragment encoding the beta-subunit was divided into five overlapping parts that were mutagenized separately using error-prone PCR. Mutants were selected in a leucine-deficient host using adipyl-leucine as the sole leucine source. In total, 24 out of 41 plate-selected mutants were found to have a significantly improved ratio of adipyl-7-ADCA versus glutaryl-7-ACA hydrolysis. Several mutations around the substrate-binding site were isolated, especially in two hot spot positions: residues Phe-375 and Asn-266. Five mutants were further characterized by determination of their Michaelis-Menten parameters. Strikingly, mutant SY-77(N266H) shows a nearly 10-fold improved catalytic efficiency (k(cat)/K(m)) on adipyl-7-ADCA, resulting from a 50% increase in k(cat) and a 6-fold decrease in K(m), without decreasing the catalytic efficiency on glutaryl-7-ACA. In contrast, the improved adipyl/glutaryl activity ratio of mutant SY-77(F375L) mainly is a consequence of a decreased catalytic efficiency toward glutaryl-7-ACA. These results are discussed in the light of a structural model of SY-77 glutaryl acylase.  相似文献   
Dispersal failure contributes to plant losses in NW Europe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ongoing decline of many plant species in Northwest Europe indicates that traditional conservation measures to improve the habitat quality, although useful, are not enough to halt diversity losses. Using recent databases, we show for the first time that differences between species in adaptations to various dispersal vectors, in combination with changes in the availability of these vectors, contribute significantly to explaining losses in plant diversity in Northwest Europe in the 20th century. Species with water- or fur-assisted dispersal are over-represented among declining species, while others (wind- or bird-assisted dispersal) are under-represented. Our analysis indicates that the 'colonization deficit' due to a degraded dispersal infrastructure is no less important in explaining plant diversity losses than the more commonly accepted effect of eutrophication and associated niche-based processes. Our findings call for measures that aim to restore the dispersal infrastructure across entire regions and that go beyond current conservation practices.  相似文献   
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