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Daily transrectal ultrasound scanning and twice-daily blood sampling were used to monitor the temporal relationships between FSH concentrations and follicle development during complete interovulatory intervals for ewes in which the ovulation rate in each of the 2 previous years was high or low (> or = 3 and < or = 2 ovulations, respectively). Follicles that reached > or = 5 mm were used to define a follicular wave and were tracked retrospectively to 3 mm (emergence). The hypothesis that FSH surges (identified with a computer program) and follicular waves (retrospectively determined based on ultrasound scanning) are temporally associated was supported in both groups by the emergence of an anovulatory or ovulatory follicular wave near the peak of an FSH surge. Further support for the hypothesis was a significant increase in FSH concentrations before and a significant decrease after follicular-wave emergence in both groups independent of the identification of FSH surges. Ewes with a history of high ovulation rates had smaller follicles (anovulatory and ovulatory) and more ovulations, but the 2 groups were similar in the number of ovulatory follicular waves and associated FSH surges, number and characteristics of the FSH surges, and mean FSH concentrations per interovulatory interval. Surges of FSH were periodic (every 3 or 4 d) regardless of the ovulation-rate group or follicle response. In ewes with a low ovulation rate, the nonovulatory FSH surges were most frequently associated with emergence of detected anovulatory follicular waves. In ewes with a high ovulation rate, more FSH surges were not associated with a detected follicular wave, as defined, presumably because the largest follicle did not reach 5 mm. The results indicated that the factors resulting in a high ovulation rate were not exerted through circulatory patterns or concentrations of FSH but involved a shorter growth phase and smaller maximal diameter of follicles.  相似文献   
Selection of dominant follicles in cattle is associated with a deviation in growth rate between the dominant and largest subordinate follicle of a wave (diameter deviation). To determine whether acquisition of ovulatory capacity is temporally associated with diameter deviation, cows were challenged with purified LH at known times after a GnRH-induced LH surge (experiment 1) or at known follicular diameters (experiments 2 and 3). A 4-mg dose of LH induced ovulation in all cows when the largest follicle was > or =12 mm (16 of 16), in 17% (1 of 6) when it was 11 mm, and no ovulation when it was < or =10 mm (0 of 19). To determine the effect of LH dose on ovulatory capacity, follicular dynamics were monitored every 12 h, and cows received either 4 or 24 mg of LH when the largest follicle first achieved 10 mm in diameter (experiment 2). The proportion of cows ovulating was greater (P < 0.05) for the 24-mg (9 of 13; 69.2%) compared with the 4-mg (1 of 13; 7.7%) LH dose. To determine the effect of a higher LH dose on follicles near diameter deviation, follicular dynamics were monitored every 8 h, and cows received 40 mg of LH when the largest follicle first achieved 7.0, 8.5, or 10.0 mm (experiment 3). No cows with a follicle of 7 mm (0 of 9) or 8.5 mm (0 of 9) ovulated, compared with 80% (8 of 10) of cows with 10-mm follicles. Thus, follicles acquired ovulatory capacity at about 10 mm, corresponding to about 1 day after the start of follicular deviation, but they required a greater LH dose to induce ovulation compared with larger follicles. We speculate that acquisition of ovulatory capacity may involve an increased expression of LH receptors on granulosa cells of the dominant follicle and that this change may also be important for further growth of the dominant follicle.  相似文献   
Five studies were conducted in yearling heifers which were either puberal or prepuberal utilizing the Syncro-Mate-B (SMB) treatment (G. D. Searle & Co., Chicago, Ill.). In trial 1 the pregnancy rate in Brahman crossbred heifers after 21 days of breeding was 56% and 28% greater (P<.005) in the SMB treated groups than in the nontreated groups. Pregnancy rate in 3 4 Simmental heifers (trial 2) was increased 39% (P<.05) after 21 days of breeding. Hereford and crossbred heifers (trial 3) weighing less than 250 kg failed to respond to SMB treatment whereas heifers weighing greater then 250 kg had increased reproductive performance. Conversely the results obtained in trial 4 using Brahman crossbred heifers was not influenced by weight or SMB treatment. Crossbred Santa Gertrudis heifers (trial 5) weighing greater then 250 kg and treated with SMB had improved reproductive performance compared to the control groups. While in treated heifers weighing less than 250 kg reproductive performance was far from optimum.  相似文献   
Progesterone concentration in jugular blood of bred beef heifers was determined on days 9 and 16 in two trials. Human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) was administered to some of the heifers in each trial in an attempt to improve pregnancy percentage.In Trial 1, 183 heifers were divided into a control group and three groups of animals which were subjected to a 9-day estrous synchronization treatment prior to breeding. The treatment consisted of an ear implant containing 17 α acetoxy-11-beta-methyl 17 nor preg 4-ene 3, 20 dione (norgestomet) left in place for 9 days and an injection of 5 mg estradiol valerate (EV) and 3 mg of norgestomet given at the time of implantation. The heifers in one group received .25 mg estradiol-17β at time of implant removal; heifers in the 2nd group received 1500 IU of HCG in 5% beeswax and 95% sesame oil at breeding time, while heifers in the 3rd group received a placebo injection containing 5% beeswax and 95% sesame oil at breeding time. No differences in serum levels of progesterone were observed (P>0.5) between treatments or between pregnant and non-pregnant heifers on day 9 or 16 (P>.05). Pregnancy percentage in heifers receiving HCG was similar to that noted in the control heifers or the placebo injected heifers while injection of estradiol 17β decreased the proportion of heifers which became pregnant.In trial 2, 58 heifers which had been bred 1 or 2 times without becoming pregnant were divided into a control group and a group in which heifers received 1000 IU of HCG 96 hr. after observed estrus. In heifers receiving HCG, serum levels of progesterone were higher (P<.01), on day 9 and 16 post estrus than in controls but no difference in serum progesterone was noted (P>.05) between pregnant and non-pregnant heifers on day 9 or 16. The proportion pregnant did not differ (P>.05) between heifers receiving HCG and control heifers.  相似文献   
Angus and Hereford yearling heifers (469) were bred to either Hereford or Angus bulls and fed either a high level (13.3 Mcal of ME) or a low level of nutrition (7.3 Mcal of ME) for the last 116 days of pregnancy. The level of calving difficulty did not differ between heifers receiving the high (H) and low (L) level of nutrition the first year (36% and 34%) but was significantly higher (P < .01) in heifers receiving H the second year (33% vs. 16%). Calves born to heifers receiving H weighed at birth 2.7 kg more (P < .01) both years than calves born to heifers receiving L. In the first year of the study the size of the pelvic opening was 10 cm larger 1 week before calving (P < .01) in heifers receiving H than in heifers receiving L. Calf survival was not related to level of nutrition, breed of dam or breed of sire either year of the study.  相似文献   
Intrafollicular changes in the largest follicle (F1) and second-largest (F2) follicle were examined in relation to follicle diameter deviation. Deviation is characterized by continued growth of the largest follicle and the cessation of growth of the smaller follicles. Granulosa cells and follicular fluid were obtained from slaughterhouse ovaries (n = 95 pairs, experiment 1), and follicular fluid was collected in vivo (n = 28 heifers, experiment 2). Several ranges in the diameter of F1 were used to represent the progressive growth of the follicle. The diameter range with the first significant increase in the difference between F1 and F2 was determined for each end point and was used as an indicator of the sequence of events associated with diameter deviation. An increased difference for diameter and for estradiol concentration occurred (P: < 0.05) simultaneously at the 8.5- to 8.9-mm range in both experiments. In experiment 1, the increased difference between F1 and F2 in LH receptor (LHr) mRNA expression occurred (P: < 0.05) at the 8.0- and 8.4-mm range. In F2 of experiment 2, there was a progressive decrease (P: < 0.05) in free insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1 and a progressive increase (P: < 0.05) in IGF binding protein (BP)-2 across the follicle-diameter ranges (7.5-11.2 mm). No differences were detected between F1 and F2 for 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase mRNA expression in experiment 1 and testosterone, total inhibin, and dimeric inhibin-A concentrations in experiment 2. The results indicated that the acquisition of granulosa cell LHrs by F1, as indicated by increased LHr mRNA expression, occurred one diameter range before an increased difference between F1 and F2 for diameter or estradiol concentrations. On a temporal basis, it is concluded that LHr acquisition plays a role in the establishment of diameter deviation. In addition, the reduced growth of F2 may have involved the reduced bioavailability of IGF-1 in association with elevated IGFBPs.  相似文献   
The activity and steroidogenic action of protein kinase C were evaluated in small and large steroidogenic ovine luteal cells. Protein kinase C activity (per mg protein) was threefold greater in large than in small luteal cells, whereas protein kinase A activity was similar in the two cell types. Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) activated protein kinase C in luteal cells as demonstrated by membrane association of 91% of available protein kinase C within 15 min of PMA treatment. Longer treatments with PMA produced cells with low protein kinase C activity (protein kinase C-deficient cells) but did not affect cellular viability or protein kinase A activity. Activation of protein kinase C caused an acute, dose-dependent inhibition of progesterone production in unstimulated large and luteinizing hormone (LH)-stimulated small luteal cells. This inhibition by PMA appeared to be specific for protein kinase C since it was greatly attenuated in protein kinase C-deficient cells and since an inactive phorbol ester, 4 alpha-phorbol, had no effect on luteal progesterone production. The inhibitory locus of protein kinase C action in small luteal cells appeared to be distal to the adenylate cyclase enzyme because progesterone production was inhibited similarly in cells stimulated with LH, forskolin, or dibutyryl cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate. Cholesterol side-chain cleavage activity, as measured by metabolism of 25-hydroxycholesterol, was inhibited by PMA in large, but not in small, luteal cells. These data indicate that activation of protein kinase C specifically inhibits progesterone production in both large and small ovine luteal cells, although the intracellular mechanisms invoked appear to differ in the two cell types.  相似文献   
The objectives were to evaluate changes in endometrial thickness (ET) near the time of a synchronized ovulation and to assess the relationship of ET and fertility in lactating Holstein cows, with or without estrogen supplementation near timed ovulation. In Experiment 1, eight cows were examined with transrectal ultrasonography, once daily for 5 d, starting concurrent with PGF (PGF) treatment during an Ovsynch protocol (GnRH - 7d - PGF - 72h - GnRH). The ET increased rapidly after PGF (from ∼7 to ∼9.5 mm), remained > 9 mm for the next 2 d, then decreased to ∼8 and 7.4 mm, 1 and 2 d, respectively, after the second GnRH. In Experiment 2,642 cows (total of 758 breedings) were subjected to an Ovsynch protocol (GnRH - 7d - PGF - 56h - GnRH - 16h - timed AI); cows received either no further treatment (Ovsynch) or 1 mg of estradiol-17β im 8 h before the second GnRH (Ovsynch + E2). For both uterine horns, ET was measured (∼2 cm from the internal uterine body bifurcation) before E2 treatment (48 h after PGF). In cows with ET ≤ 8 mm vs > 8 mm, rates of ovulation were 86.0% (n = 136) vs 98.1% (n = 472; P < 0.01), respectively, and percentage pregnant per AI (P/AI) were 26.7% (n = 146) vs 42.7% (n = 524; P < 0.01). Treatment with E2 increased P/AI in cows with lower ET (Ovsynch + E2 = 37.0% vs Ovsynch = 23.3%; P = 0.07), but did not significantly improve P/AI in cows with ET > 8 mm (Ovsynch + E2 = 43.4% vs Ovsynch = 42.1%). In conclusion, a single ultrasonographic evaluation of ET in Holstein cows 48 h after PGF treatment in an Ovsynch program was a good predictor of ovulation failure and pregnancy success. Perhaps poor fertility in cows with reduced ET was low peripheral E2 concentrations near AI, poor P4 priming, or luteolysis failure during timed AI procedures.  相似文献   
Timed-AI after synchronization of ovulation has become one of the most used reproductive technologies developed during the past 40 years. Various adaptations of this technology are now extensively used worldwide, in the beef and dairy cattle industry. Our well-cited report, published in Theriogenology in 1995, presented a method termed Ovsynch, that used GnRH and PGF to perform synchronization of ovulation and timed AI in lactating dairy cows. This report introduced Ovsynch, more as a concept of induced ovulation, and demonstrated the ovarian dynamics during the protocol. Validation and improvements on this method were subsequently performed in numerous university studies and on commercial dairies, worldwide. This review will provide a brief historical background, some personal recollections, and certain modifications that have been made in synchronization of ovulation protocols. Each section emphasizes the physiology that underlies the most widely-used synchronization of ovulation protocols and key modifications and some practical application of these protocols on commercial operations. Finally, the effect of timed AI in the US dairy industry and in the Brazilian beef cattle industry are compared. Although numerous studies have been done using these protocols, there is still substantial need for research to improve the synchronization, efficacy, simplicity, and practical application of these protocols.  相似文献   
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