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In chloralose-anaesthetized dogs, plasma vasopressin concentration was measured by radioimmunoassay during step changes in blood volume of 4 mL/kg over a range of blood volume from +20 to -12 mL/kg. Blood volume was both increased and decreased over this range. There was a logarithmic relationship between blood volume and plasma vasopressin concentration over the range of blood volume examined. There was also a logarithmic relationship between blood volume and mean left atrial pressure. Linear regression between the natural logarithm of plasma vasopressin concentration and mean arterial pressure, heart rate, and mean left atrial pressure gave the highest correlation coefficient (r = 0.94) between vasopressin and mean arterial pressure. The results support the hypothesis that there are sensitive mechanisms controlling the release of vasopressin in response to changes in blood volume. Observations were also made of changes in atrial pressure and activity of left atrial receptors during changes in blood volume over the same range. The results suggest that changes in atrial receptor activity are unlikely to be the major cause of the large increases in plasma vasopressin concentration associated with hypovolemia.  相似文献   
We attempted to replace the myo-inositol in cellular inositol phosphatides with 5-deoxy-myo-inositol to evaluate the role of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate as a second messenger. This analog, lacking a 5-hydroxyl, might be incorporated into 5-deoxyphosphatidylinositol and converted to the corresponding phosphatidylcyclitol 4-phosphate but could not be converted to phosphatidylinositol 4,5-diphosphate, the precursor of the second messenger molecule inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate. We synthesized 5-deoxy-myo-inositol and found that this analog does not replace myo-inositol as an essential growth factor for essential fatty acid deficient HSDM1C1 mouse fibrosarcoma cells. Furthermore, [5-3H]-5-deoxy-myo-inositol was neither incorporated into the phospholipids nor accumulated in the cytoplasm of these cells. It appears that this cell line has a specific myo-inositol uptake system that excludes a potentially harmful analog of inositol.  相似文献   
Two conformational states of the coat protein of the filamentous bacteriophage M13 have been detected in detergent solution by using magnetic resonance techniques. When 3-fluorotyrosine is incorporated in place of the two tyrosine residues in the protein, four 19F nuclear magnetic resonance signals are observed, two for each conformer of the protein. The equilibrium between the two forms can be modulated by pH, temperature, and detergent structure. The rate of interconversion of the isomers is rapid on the minutes time scale but is slow relative to the T1 relaxation time of the fluorine resonances of approximately 50 ms. The conformational change between the conformers results in the perturbation of a basic residue in the protein such that this group has a pKa of approximately 9.5 in one state which shifts to 10.5 or more in the other conformational state. The temperature dependence of the equilibrium suggests an enthalpy difference of about 10 kcal/mol which is offset by entropy to give nearly zero free energy difference between the states at pH 8.3 in deoxycholate solution at room temperature. This suggests a substantial reorganization of the noncovalent interactions defining the two conformational states. The conformational equilibrium is strongly dependent on detergent structure and the presence of phospholipid in the detergent micelle. The results are not consistent with a strong, specific lipid binding to the protein but appear to be consistent with a more general effect of the overall micelle structure on the conformational state of the protein.  相似文献   
Previous work suggested that gonadal steroids influence immunity through the thymus, but the mechanisms were unclear. To investigate the effects of these hormones on immune responses to T1 and TD antigens in autoimmune mice, we studied hybrid NZB/W mice and the nonautoimmune DBA/2 strain. Mice castrated at 14 days of age were implanted with Silastic capsules releasing, in adults, physiologic levels of E2 in males or Te in females. Sham-operated controls received empty capsules. Splenic PFC were quantified 4 to 5 days after challenge with the TI2 antigen TNP-Ficoll, the TI1 antigen TNP-LPS, or the TD antigen SRBC. Young castrated NZB/W males implanted with E2 had striking enhancement of IgM responses to TNP-Ficoll when compared to castrated Te-treated females and comparable sham-operated controls of both sexes. E2 also stimulated responses to TNP-LPS. In response to challenge with SRBC, young E2-treated NZB/W males had a consistent trend to increased IgM PFC, and the stimulatory effect of E2 on IgG plaques was variable. Physiologic doses of Te had no consistent effect on responses in young mice. In old female NZB/W mice, Te caused PFC response after immunization with TNP-Ficoll to resemble age-matched NZB/W males. As sham-operated NZB/W females grew older, PFC responses to SRBC fell. This age-related phenomenon was delayed, however, in female castrates implanted with Te. In contrast, Te clearly suppressed responses to TNP-LPS. Implantation of E2 did not alter responses to TNP-Ficoll, TNP-LPS, or SRBC in nonautoimmune DBA/2 males. This finding suggested that exogenous E2 given in physiologic doses did not influence immunologic responsiveness in a normal strain to the degree seen in hormone-sensitive NZB/W mice. It was concluded that E2 enhanced responses to a variety of exogenous antigens in autoimmune NZB/W mice. The most consistent E2-induced increase in PFC response was observed with TI antigens, suggesting that E2 exerted its effects on B cells or Ts.  相似文献   
Summary The lactose carrier was extracted from membranes ofEscherichia coli and transport activity reconstituted in proteoliposomes containing different phospholipids. Two different assays f for carrier activity were utilized: counterflow and membrane potential-driven uptake. Proteoliposomes composed ofE. coli lipid or of 50% phosphatidylethanolamine–50% phosphatidylcholine showed very high transport activity with both assays. On the other hand, proteoliposomes containing asolectin, phosphatilcholine or 25% cholesterol/75% phosphatidylcholine showed good counterflow activity but poor membrane potentialdriven uptake. The discrepancy between the two types of transport activity in the latter group of three lipids is not due to leakiness to protons, size of proteoliposomes, or carrier protein content per proteoliposome. Apparently one function of the carrier molecule shows a broad tolerance for various phospholipids, while a second facet of the membrane protein activity requires very restricted lipid enviroment.  相似文献   
Release of AMP and adenosine from rat heart mitochondria was studied. The rate of appearance of extramitochondrial adenosine was independent of the extramitochondrial phosphate concentration between 5 and 20 mM. In the absence of exogenous, respiratory substrates or in the presence of glutamate/malate plus rotenone, the rate of appearance of adenosine was relatively low when phosphate was not added. The appearance of extramitochondrial AMP + adenosine was found to be directly proportional to the extra-mitochondrial phosphate concentration. Zn2+ (10 mM) decreased the rate of adenosine appearance by 90% and increased the rate of AMP appearance 6-fold. The mitochondrial preparations dephosphorylated exogenous AMP; this activity was inhibited by 10 mM Zn2+. We conclude that the adenosine appearing in the extramitochondrial space was not due to a direct release from the matrix, but instead was due to adenine nucleotide release with subsequent conversion to adenosine in the extramitochondrial space.  相似文献   
Bowman-Birk soybean trypsin inhibitor (BBSTI) but not Kunitz soybean trypsin inhibitor (KSTI) was found in samples of undifferentiated and partially differentiated Amsoy 71 tissue culture callus. This suggests the differential metabolism of these two classes of proteinase inhibitors, whether the difference be in synthesis, in rates of degradation, or both. The differential metabolism of the proteinase inhibitors is also seen in the plant. Both BBSTI and KSTI were found in the hypocotyl, root, and epicotyl of the Amsoy 71 soybean seedling in addition to their expected presence in the cotyledons. Whereas the ratio of KSTI to BBSTI in the cotyledon was higher, the ratio of BBSTI to KSTI was higher in the extracotyledonary tissues of the seedling. The levels of both classes of proteinase inhibitors declined during seedling growth, except in the epicotyl and the proximal root. In both of these tissues, an increase in BBSTI, but not in KSTI content, expressed as milligrams inhibitor per plant part, occurred.  相似文献   
Summary Information is limited on soil contamination of leaves from field-grown row crops, especially with respect to aluminum (Al) analyses. The objective of this study was to determine the influence of washing leaf samples with either deionized water or detergent solution on elemental analyses for several agronomic crop plants. The crop plants sampled were corn (Zea mays L.), soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.), grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench), and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). The crops were grown on a range of soil types, soil pH values, and tillage practices. Samples of upper leaves and lower leaves were collected separately. The samples were either not washed, washed with deionized water, or washed with detergent solution. After drying, grinding, and digesting, the samples were analyzed for Al, nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), and copper (Cu). For all crop plants and conditions studied, there was no effect on measured N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Zn, or Cu concentrations, but measured Al and Fe concentrations were influenced by washing. In general, washing had a greater effect on Al analyses than on Fe analyses. Soybean samples were most affected by washing, while wheat samples seemed to be least affected. The results reflected greater contamination of lower leaves than upper leaves. Decontamination procedures appear necessary prior to Al and Fe analyses of field-grown crop plants.  相似文献   
Soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) germplasm, isogenic except for loci controlling male sterility (ms1) and nodulation (rj1), was used to investigate the effects of reproductive tissue development and source of nitrogen nutrition on accumulation, transport, and partitioning of nitrogen in a greenhouse experiment. Nodulated plants were supplied nitrogen-free nutrient solution, and nonnodulated plants were supplied nutrient solution containing 20 millimolar KNO3. Plants were sampled from flowering until maturity (77 to 147 days after transplanting).

Accumulation rates of nitrogen in whole plants during reproductive growth were not significantly different among the four plant types. Nitrogen accumulation in the sterile, nonnodulated plants, however, ceased 2 weeks earlier than in fertile, nonnodulated or fertile and sterile, nodulated plants. This early cessation in nitrogen accumulation resulted in sterile, nonnodulated plants accumulating significantly less whole plant nitrogen by 133 days after transplanting (DAT) than fertile, nonnodulated plants. Thus, changing the site of nitrogen assimilation from nodules (N2-fixing plants) to roots and leaves (NO3-fed plants) resulted in similar whole-plant nitrogen accumulation rates in fertile and sterile plants, despite the absence of seed in the latter.

Leaflet and stem plus petiole tissues of both types of sterile plants had significantly higher nitrogen concentrations after 119 DAT than both types of fertile plants. Significantly higher concentrations and exudation rates of nonureide, reduced-nitrogen in xylem sap of sterile than of fertile plants after 105 DAT were observed. These latter results indicated possible cycling of nonureide, reduced-nitrogen from the downward phloem translocation stream to the upward xylem translocation stream in roots of sterile plants. Collectively, these results suggest a lack of sinks for nitrogen utilization in the shoots of sterile plants. Hence, comparison of nitrogen accumulation rates for sterile and fertile plants does not provide a definitive test of the hypothesis that reproductive tissue development limits photosynthate availability for support of N2 fixation and nitrate assimilation in determinate soybeans.

Nitrogen assimilation during reproductive growth met a larger proportion of the reproductive-tissue nitrogen requirement of nitrate-dependent plants (73%) than of N2-fixing plants (63%). Hence, vegetative-tissue nitrogen mobilization to reproductive tissue was a more prominent process in N2-fixing than in nitrate-dependent plants. N2-fixing plants partitioned nitrogen to reproductive tissue more efficiently than nitrate-dependent plants as the reproductive tissues of the former and latter contained 65 and 55%, respectively, of the whole-plant nitrogen at the time that nitrogen accumulation in reproductive parts had ceased (133 DAT).

Summary Using a monoclonal antibody (LK2H10) directed against human chromogranin, we have been able to localize this soluble glycoprotein to the matrix of secretory granules from a wide variety of endocrine cells. In the gut, enterochromaffin, enteroglucagon, glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide, gastrin, and neurotensin-containing cells exhibit chromogranin immunoreactivity. In our system, chromogranin-immunoreactive material was restricted to the halo of human pancreatic glucagon-containing secretory granules within A-cells. Chromogranin immunoreactivity was also localized to secretory granules in phaeochromocytomas, gastrinomas, medullary carcinomas of the thyroid and a carotid body tumour (chemodectoma). Chromogranin is proposed as a potential marker for the ultrastructural recognition of endocrine cell secretory granules.  相似文献   
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