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The introduction of the new immigration rules will considerably reduce the number of overseas doctors available for junior hospital appointments over the next five years. To offset this sponsorship schemes should be offered by universities and colleges comprising training courses, entry to examinations, and hospital appointments, and training programmes should be adapted to make objectives attainable in the four years available to overseas doctors. Employment of overseas doctors can ease the transition within the staffing structure to fewer juniors and more consultants, but planning is urgently required, and in particular the service and manpower needs of the National Health Service must be considered.  相似文献   
The kinetics of expression of radiation-induced micronuclei (MN) in synchronized Chinese hamster cells (CHO) was examined. the purpose of the study was to determine if the cell cycle distribution of a population significantly influences the levels of radiation induced MN, thereby obscuring the exact quantification of the radiation effect. Cells were synchronized by centrifugal elutriation, irradiated, and then different phases of the cell cycle were examined for: cell cycle progression, division probability, and temporal expression of MN. the results demonstrate that the time interval for maximal MN expression is long enough that the position of cells in the cell cycle and radiation induced division delays do not prevent the majority of cells from completing their first post-irradiation mitosis, therefore, expressing MN. By following the progression of synchronized cell populations by flow cytometry and also examining the time of division of individual cells for 24 hr after irradiation, we observed that the maximum number of cells from all phases of the cell cycle are in their first post-irradiation interphase at that time, thus explaining the MN results.  相似文献   
Lipopolysaccharides (LPSs) isolated from phase I and phase II Coxiella burnetii (LPS I and LPS II, respectively) were analyzed for chemical compositions, molecular heterogeneity by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and immunological properties. The yields of crude phenol-water extracts from phase I cells were roughly three to six times higher than those from phase II cells. Purification of LPSs by ultracentrifugation gave similar yields for both LPS I and LPS II. Purified LPS I and LPS II contained roughly 0.8 and 0.6% protein, respectively. The fatty acid constituents of the LPSs were different in composition and content, with branched-chain fatty acids representing about 15% of the total. beta-Hydroxymyristic acid was not detected in either LPS I or LPS II. A thiobarbituric acid-periodate-positive compound was evident in the LPSs; however, this component was not identified as 3-deoxy-D-mannooctulosonic acid by gas and paper chromatographies. LPS II contained D-mannose, D-glucose, D-glyceromannoheptose, glucosamine, ethanolamine, 3-deoxy-D-mannooctulosonic acid-like material, phosphate, and fatty acids. LPS I contained the unique disaccharide galactosaminuronyl glucosamine and nine unidentified components in addition to the components of LPS II. The hydrophobic, putative lipid A fraction of LPS I and LPS II contained the above constituents, but the hydrophilic fraction was devoid of ethanolamine. The LPS I disaccharide galactosaminuronyl glucosamine was found in both fractions of the acetic acid hydrolysates. Analysis of LPSs by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis followed by silver staining indicated that LPS II was composed of only one band, whereas LPS I consisted of six or more bands with irregular spacing. Ouchterlony immunodiffusion tests demonstrated that LPS I reacted with phase I but not with phase II whole-cell hyperimmune antibody, and LPS II reacted neither with phase I nor phase II hyperimmune antibody. From these results, it was concluded that the chemical structures of LPSs from C. burnetii were different from those of the LPSs of gram-negative bacteria; however, the LPS structural variation in C. burnetii may be similar to the smooth-to-rough mutational variation of saccharide chain length in gram-negative bacteria.  相似文献   
The single-stranded DNA-binding proteins from bacteriophage T4, F plasmid, Escherichia coli, and calf thymus can all be covalently cross-linked in vitro to thymine oligonucleotides by irradiating the respective protein-oligonucleotide complexes with ultraviolet light. More extensive studies on the E. coli single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB) indicate that this reaction is dependent upon both the length of the oligonucleotide and the dose of ultraviolet irradiation. Using anion-exchange and reverse-phase ion-pairing high-performance liquid chromatography we have isolated a specific cross-linked tryptic peptide comprising residues 57-62 of the SSB protein with the sequence valine-valine-leucine-phenylalanine-glycine-lysine. Solid-phase sequence analysis of the covalent [32P] p(dT)8-peptide complex indicates that phenylalanine 60 is the site of cross-linking. This amino acid is located within the general region of SSB (residues 1-115) that has previously been shown to contain the DNA-binding site (Williams, K. R., Spicer, E. K., LoPresti, M. B., Guggenheimer, R. A., and Chase, J. W. (1983) J. Biol. Chem. 258, 3346-3355). The high-performance liquid chromatography purification procedure we have devised to isolate cross-linked peptide-oligonucleotide complexes should be of general applicability and should facilitate future structure/function studies on other nucleic acid-binding proteins.  相似文献   
A gram-positive, rod-shaped anaerobe (isolate F-14) was isolated from soil. This organism was identified by cellular morphology as well as by fermentative and biochemical data as Clostridium limosum. Isolate F-14 formed ursocholic acid (UC) and 7-ketodeoxycholic acid (7-KDC) from cholic acid (CA), and ursodeoxycholic acid (UDC) and 7-ketolithocholic acid (7-KLC) from chenodeoxycholic acid (CDC) in whole cell cultures, but did not transform deoxycholic acid (DC). No hydrolysis or transformation occurred when either taurine- or glycine-conjugated bile acids were incubated with F-14. The type stain of Clostridium limosum (American Type Culture Collection 25620) did not transform bile acids. The structures of ursocholic, ursodeoxycholic, 7-ketodeoxycholic, and 7-ketolithocholic acids were verified by mass spectroscopy and by thin-layer chromatography using Komarowsky's spray reagent. The organism transformed cholic and chenodeoxycholic acids at concentrations of 20 mM and 1 mM, respectively; higher concentrations of bile acids inhibited growth. Optimal yields of ursocholic and ursodeoxycholic acids were obtained at 9-24 hr of incubation and depended upon the substrate used. Increasing yields of 7-ketodeoxycholic and 7-ketolithocholic acids, and decreasing yields of ursocholic and ursodeoxycholic acids were observed with longer periods of incubation. Culture pH changed with time and was characterized by a small initial drop (0.2-0.4 pH units) and a subsequent increase to a pH (8.1-8.2) that was above the starting pH (7.4).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Cytochrome P-450-dependent prostaglandin omega-hydroxylation is induced over 100-fold during late gestation in rabbit pulmonary microsomes (Powell, W.S. (1978) J. Biol. Chem. 253, 6711-6716). Purification of cytochromes P-450 from lung microsomes of pregnant rabbits yielded three fractions. Two of these fractions correspond to rabbit lung P-450I (LM2) and P-450II (LM5), which together constitute 70-97% of total cytochrome P-450 in lung microsomes from nonpregnant rabbits. The third form, which we designate rabbit cytochrome P-450PG-omega, regioselectively hydroxylates prostaglandins at the omega-position in reconstituted systems with a turnover of 1-5 min-1. Titration with purified pig liver cytochrome b5, demonstrated a 4-fold maximum stimulation at a cytochrome b5 to a P-450 molar ratio of 1-2. Rabbit lung P-450PG-omega formed a typical type I binding spectrum upon the addition of prostaglandin E1 with a calculated K8 of 1 microM, which agreed reasonably well with the kinetically calculated Km of 3 microM. Cytochrome P-450PG-omega was isolated as a low-spin isozyme with a lambda max (450 nm) in the CO-difference spectrum distinguishable from P-450I (451 nm) and P-450II (449 nm). Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide slab gel electrophoresis demonstrated that although purified P-450PG-omega had a relatively low specific content (12.1 nmol mg-1), it appeared homogeneous with a calculated minimum Mr of 56,000, intermediate between rabbit LM4 and LM6. When lung microsomes from pregnant and nonpregnant rabbit were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, a protein band, with a Mr identical to P-450PG-omega, was observed in the pregnant rabbit, whereas this band appeared to be very faint or absent in microsomes from the nonpregnant rabbit. Purification of cytochromes P-450 from nonpregnant rabbit lung yielded only P-450I and P-450II. P-450PG-omega appears to be a novel rabbit P-450, possessing high activity towards omega-hydroxylation of prostaglandins, and is greatly induced during pregnancy in rabbit lung.  相似文献   
DARPP-32 (dopamine- and cyclic AMP-regulated phosphoprotein, Mr = 32,000) is a major endogenous cytosolic substrate for dopamine- and cyclic AMP-stimulated protein phosphorylation in neurons of the basal ganglia of mammalian brain. It shares many properties with phosphatase inhibitor 1, a substrate for cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase, and with G-substrate, a substrate for cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase. We have, therefore, undertaken an analysis of the amino acid sequence around the site at which purified DARPP-32 is phosphorylated by the catalytic subunit of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase. The results indicate that DARPP-32 is phosphorylated at a single threonine residue contained in the sequence Arg-Arg-Arg-Pro-Thr(P)-Pro-Ala-Met-Leu-Phe-Arg. This sequence was obtained by automated solid phase sequencing of two overlapping tryptic phosphopeptides and one overlapping chymotryptic phosphopeptide which were purified by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. A 9-amino acid sequence containing the phosphorylatable threonine residue in DARPP-32 shares 8 identical residues with a sequence containing the phosphorylatable threonine residue in phosphatase inhibitor 1, and shares 5 identical residues with the two identical sequences surrounding the 2 phosphorylatable threonine residues in G-substrate. These observations support the view that DARPP-32, inhibitor 1, and G-substrate are members of a family of regulatory proteins which are involved in the control of protein phosphatase activity by both cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP, but which differ in their cellular and tissue distributions.  相似文献   
A primary rat MLR was initiated, and on each of 8 consecutive days during the evolving culture, an aliquot of cells was separated into its constitutive helper/inducer (W3/25+) and suppressor/cytotoxic (OX8+) T cell subsets by a monoclonal antibody, Degalan-bead immunoadsorbent column technique. This allowed a detailed kinetic analysis of T cell proliferation, the generation of effector cells, and the production of IL 2 by each subset relative to net whole culture supernatant IL 2 activity. The primary MLR demonstrates an early period of helper/inducer cell proliferation, IL 2 production and accumulation, followed by a period of suppressor/cytotoxic cell (OX8+) proliferation and IL 2 consumption during which there are distinct waves of allospecific suppressor, followed by cytotoxic activity. If fresh T cells of the helper/inducer or suppressor/cytotoxic phenotype were preseparated and then cultured alone with irradiated allogeneic stimulator cells, proliferation was noted in both subsets despite no demonstrable IL 2 activity in cultures of the suppressor/cytotoxic cells. Finally, a suppressed primary MLR exhibited proliferative inhibition of both T cell subsets.  相似文献   
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