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The bone marrow is a complex microenvironment made up of multiple cell types which appears to play an important role in the maintenance of hematopoietic stem cell self-renewal and proliferation. We used murine long-term marrow cultures and a defective recombinant retrovirus vector containing the simian virus 40 large T antigen to immortalize marrow stromal cells which can support hematopoiesis in vitro for up to 5 weeks. Such cloned cell lines differentially supported stem cells which, when transplanted, allowed survival of lethally irradiated mice, formed hematopoietic spleen colonies in vivo, and stimulated lymphocyte proliferation in vitro. Molecular and functional analyses of these cell lines did not demonstrate the production of any growth factors known to support the proliferation of primitive hematopoietic stem cells. All cell lines examined produced macrophage colony-stimulating factor. The use of immortalizing retrovirus vectors may allow determination of unique cellular proteins important in hematopoietic stem cell proliferation by the systematic comparison of stromal cells derived from a variety of murine tissues.  相似文献   
Chromosomes of the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum were fractionated on three pulse field gel electrophoresis systems (pulse field, orthogonal field and C.H.E.F. (Contour-clamped Homogeneous Electric Fields] into a series of 13 bands ranging from 0.1 Mb to over 2 Mb in size. Since this organism has only seven chromosomes (estimated to be 1-10 Mb), and -90 copies of an 88-kilobase linear ribosomal DNA molecule (14% of genome), it was apparent that not all of these bands were whole chromosomes. However these bands were reproducibly obtained with the cell preparation used. They fell into three categories: i) four large poorly resolved DNA molecules (-2 Mb in size) which represent very large fragments or intact chromosomes, ii) eight faint bands ranging from 0.1 Mb to 2 Mb, iii) a prominent band in the apparent size range of about 0.15 Mb. Cloned Fragment V of an EcoR1 digest of the ribosomal DNA, hybridized to the 0.15 Mb band indicating it contained the linear ribosomal DNA. This chromosomal banding pattern was used to examine the stability and location of vector DNA in 16 transformed strains of D. discoideum. Each transformed strain was initially selected on the basis of G418 resistance with an integrating vector containing pBR322 sequences. Eleven transformants still carried pBR322 sequences after more than 60 generations of growth without selection on G418. All four strains transformed with constructs containing regions of the D. discoideum plasmid Ddp1 had lost their pBR322 insert, indicating that integration of Dictyostelium plasmid DNA into chromosomes leads to instability. Orthogonal field electrophoresis of the eleven strains still carrying pBR322 sequences revealed at least seven different integrating sites for the transforming DNA. We conclude that these vectors have many possible sites of integration in the D. discoideum genome.  相似文献   
In an attempt to identify invertebrate homologs of Thy-1 antigen, the optic and central nervous tissue of squid was solubilized in deoxycholate and fractionated by lentil lectin affinity chromatography and gel filtration to yield small abundant glycoproteins. Material with biochemical similarities to Thy-1 was found and shown to consist of two glycoproteins that were ultimately purified using monoclonal antibody affinity columns. Both glycoproteins were sequenced to yield sequences of 84 residues for Sgp-1 and 92 residues for Sgp-2. The sequences were analyzed for similarities to Thy-1 and other Ig-related sequences, and Sgp-1 showed some similarities that were > 3 standard deviation units away from mean random scores when tested with the ALIGN program. However, the sequence patterns were not typical of Ig-related domains and the relationship of Sgp-1 to the Ig superfamily remains problematical. Sgp-2 showed no relationship to the Ig superfamily, but similarities to Ly-6 antigen sequences were noted that are in accord with an evolutionary relationship. The similarities included ten Cys residues in each sequence of which eight were matched in the best alignment given by the ALIGN program. Chemical evidence was obtained for glycophospholipid tails at the COOH-termini of Sgp-1 and Sgp-2 as is the case for Thy-1 and Ly-6 antigens.Abbreviations used in this paper GPL glycophospholipid - mAb monoclonal antibody - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   
Free chlorine and a combined organic N-chloramine (3-chloro-4,4-dimethyl-2-oxazolidinone, compound 1) were compared for efficacy as disinfectants against an admixture of cysts of Giardia lamblia and Giardia canis in water solution under a variety of test conditions; variables were pH, temperature, and water quality. In general, compound 1 was found to reduce the giardial excystation in the solutions at lower concentration or shorter contact time at a given total chlorine concentration than did free chlorine.  相似文献   
The cysteine proteinase 1 (CP1) and cysteine proteinase 2 (CP2) genes of Dictyostelium discoideum encode coordinately expressed mRNA sequences that are inducible by extracellular cAMP. Both genes form part of divergently transcribed gene pairs. The gene proximal to CP1 is coordinately regulated and encodes a protein containing several potential zinc binding domains of the kind found in DNA binding proteins. The gene proximal to CP2 is a constitutively transcribed gene of unknown function. There are multiple, short, G-rich sequence elements between both gene pairs, and deletion of the pair of elements 200 nucleotides upstream from the CP2 gene abolishes cAMP-inducibility. A synthetic oligonucleotide, containing two copies of the G-rich element from the CP1 gene, will reconstitute cAMP-inducibility in the deletion mutant of the CP2 gene. This shows that the elements in the two genes are functionally homologous. Efficient induction requires at least two copies of the CP1 element, but their relative orientation is unimportant. Two copies in an inverted orientation are, however, inactive when moved upstream of their normal position and are incapable of conferring cAMP-inducibility on a heterologous gene. These observations suggest that these sequences are either essential promoter elements, not themselves interacting with the inducer, or that their interaction with a separate class of control sequences is necessary for inducible expression.  相似文献   
The effects of natural, overwintering conditions on photosystem I and photosystem II activity were examined in isolated thylakoids of periwinkle (Vinca minor L.), an endemic, cold-tolerant, herbaceous evergreen. DCMU-Insensitive photosystem I activity (ascorbate/dichlorophenolindophenol → methylviologen) exhibited a twofold increase in light-saturated rates upon exposure to low temperature and freezing stress with no effect on the apparent quantum yield of this reaction. DCMU-Sensitive photosystem II activity (H2O → dichlorlophenolindophenol) exhibited only minor fluctuations in light-saturated rates but a 50% decrease in the apparent quantum yield of this reaction upon exposure to overwintering conditions. This was correlated with a decrease in the 77°K fluorescence emission at 694 nanometers. These functional changes occurred with no detectable changes in the relative chlorophyll contents of the chlorophyll-protein complexes or the chlorophyll-thylakoid protein. The chlorophyll a/b varied less than 10% during any single growth year. Analyses of total leaf extracts indicated that all lipid classes exhibited increased levels of linoleic and linolenic acid. Neither the trans3-hexadecenoic acid level nor the ratio of oligomeric:monomeric light harvesting of photosystem II was affected by exposure to winter stress. The content of the major chloroplast lipids monogalactosyldiacylglycerol, digalactosyldiacylglycerol, phosphatidyl-diacyl-glycerol, and sulfoquinovosyldiacylglycerol exhibited minor fluctuations, whereas phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine content doubled on a mole percent or chlorophyll basis. We conclude that the previously reported increase in photosystem I activity during controlled, low temperature growth is observed during exposure to natural overwintering conditions. This appears to occur with minimal changes in the structure and composition of the photosynthetic apparatus of periwinkle.  相似文献   
The platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) receptor is usually anchored to the plasma membrane through a membrane-spanning hydrophobic amino acid sequence that splits the molecule into two approximately equal pieces, an amino-terminal external domain that contains the binding site for PDGF and a carboxyl-terminal cytoplasmic domain that includes the tyrosine kinase coding sequences. Here we report the expression of a truncated PDGF receptor that consists of the extracellular domain without the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains. Unexpectedly, this form of the receptor that lacks a hydrophobic membrane-anchoring sequence was bound to the membrane and was not secreted into the culture media. Conventional methods to dissociate noncovalent protein-protein interactions failed to release the protein from the membrane. When the transmembrane and cytoplasmic sequences were artificially deleted from the PDGF receptor, the truncated extracellular domain was anchored to the membrane through phospholipids and could be released by phospholipase C treatment. This truncated form of the receptor bound PDGF with an affinity 5-20-fold lower than the full-length receptor.  相似文献   
Immunologic cross-reactivity between enteric bacteria and the HLA-B27 protein may play a role in the etiology of Reiter's syndrome and reactive arthritis. The reactivity of two anti-B27 mAb (B27M1 and B27M2) with envelope proteins of Shigella flexneri isolated from Reiter's syndrome patients was studied by Western blot analysis. Proteins with an apparent Mr of approximately 36 and 23 kDa reacted with both mAb in ascites. mAb against related HLA class I Ag B7 and B40 did not react with the 23 kDa protein. Relatively high concentrations of antibody were required for reactivity, suggesting a low affinity interaction. Additional evidence for cross-reactive epitopes was obtained by ELISA against whole envelope and by using unsolubilized envelope to inhibit binding of M1 and M2 to B27-positive cell lines, as measured by quantitative flow microfluorimetry. The presence of cross-reactive proteins was not related to the presence of the intact virulence-associated plasmid or the invasive phenotype. Two Shigella sonnei isolates not implicated as causative agents of Reiter's syndrome or reactive arthritis showed a similar pattern of cross-reactivity. These results indicate that cross-reactive epitopes may be present on "arthritogenic" bacteria, but their presence is not a unique feature of such strains and is not the sole factor in induction of arthritis in B27-positive individuals.  相似文献   
The colony-forming efficiency (CFE) of primary human tumor cells cultured in the adhesive-tumor-cell culture system (ATCCS) using Ham's F12 (F12) or Eagle's minimum essential medium, alpha modification (alphaMEM) and culture medium supplemented with either swine, equine or bovine sera were compared. AlphaMEM supplemented with equine serum provided the highest CFE of the combinations. The CFE increase due to the change from F12 to alphaMEM was approximately 5-fold, and the increase due to the change in serum from swine to equine was approximately 2-fold. Cytokeratin staining showed that this increase was not due to fibroblast growth. The high-average CFE with alphaMEM, approximately 3%, means that an inoculum of only 2 X 10(3) cells is needed to achieve formation of approximately 65 colonies in control cultures, thereby increasing the performance of this system when used in a chemosensitivity assay.  相似文献   
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