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Ferritin H gene polymorphism in idiopathic hemochromatosis   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Summary We have analysed karyotypes and DNA from three patients with aniridia (congenital absence of irises) and Wilms' tumour. All three had constitutional deletions from the short arm of chromosome 11. The minimum region of overlap of the deletion involves a small region of band 11p13 presumed to contain the genetic loci responsible for both phenotypic abnormalities. Using cells from these patients, somatic cell hybrids with transformed mouse cells have been prepared. Individual subclones retaining either the deletion-11 chromosome or the normal chromosome 11, in addition to a variety of other human chromosomes, have been identified. The relative position of these breakpoints have been determined and the panel of hybrids has been used to map randomly-isolated 11p13 DNA sequences. The characterisation of these deletions has provided a useful panel of hybrids for random mapping strategies designed to identify the Wilms' and aniridia genes.  相似文献   
Summary A biotinylated probe (L23-21) specific for the 1q12 band of human karyotype was used to detect the 1q segment in interphase nuclei of breast and colon carcinomas. This probe was selected because trisomy or polysomy 1q is the most frequent chromosomal change observed in solid tumors. This method enables cancerous cells, including near-diploid ones carrying an unbalanced rearrangement of 1q, to be easily identified.  相似文献   
Summary Bouts of induced wheel-running, 3 h long, accelerate the rate of re-entrainment of hamsters' activity rhythms to light-dark (LD) cycles that have been phase-advanced by 8 h (Mrosovsky and Salmon 1987). The bouts of running are given early in the first night of the new LD cycle, and by the second night the phase advance in activity onset already averages 7 h. Such large shifts contrast with the mean phase advance of <1 h at the peak of the phase response curve when hamsters in constant darkness (DD) experience 2-h pulses of induced activity (Reebs and Mrosovsky 1989). The present paper investigates pulse duration and light as possible causes for the discrepancy in shift amplitude between these two studies. In a first experiment, pulses of induced wheel-running 1 h, 3 h, or 5 h long were given at circadian times (CT) 6 and 22-2 to hamsters free-running in DD. Pulses given at CT 6 caused phase-advances of up to 2.8 h, whereas pulses at CT 22-2 resulted in delays of up to 1.0 h. Shifts after 3-h and 5-h pulses did not differ, but were larger than after 1-h pulses, and larger than after the 2-h pulses given in DD by Reebs and Mrosovsky (1989). Thus 3 h appears to be the minimum pulse duration necessary to obtain maximum phase-shifting effects. In a second experiment, the re-entrainment design of Mrosovsky and Salmon (1987) was repeated with the light portion of the shifted LD cycle eliminated. Hamsters exercised for 3 h phase-advanced 2.9 h on average (excluding 2 animals who ran poorly). When the same hamsters were exposed 7 days later to a 14-h light pulse starting 5 h after their activity onset, they advanced by an average of 3.3 h. Adding the average values for activity-induced shifts and light-induced shifts gives a total of about 6 h. Possible synergism between the effects of induced activity and those of light may account for the remaining small difference between this total and the 7-h advances previously reported.Abbreviations CT circadian time - DD constant darkness - LD light-dark - PRC phase response curve - free-running period of rhythm  相似文献   
The photosynthesis-deficient ZC mutant ofEuglena gracilis Klebs (strain Z) was cultured at 16°C on an aerated, magnetically stirred, mineral medium containing 0.1% ethanol (pH 7.0). Cell division could be entrained by a 12: 12 light: dark cycle (LD: 12, 12) or even by a one-pulse skeleton photoperiod (LD: 1,23) The rhythm free-ran in DD for at least 8 days with a circadian period (=25.5 h) in populations that had been previously entrained by LD. The freerunning rhythm could be phase-shifted by a single 1-h light pulse (3000 lx). The strong (Type 0) phase-response curve derived from the resetting effects of such signals given at different circadian times was similar to that for the photosynthetic wild-type strain. These results demonstrate that the presence of a functional chloroplast compartment is not necessary for the circadian clock to function inEuglena and suggest that phase resetting of the circadian clock by light occurs via a similar pathway in both photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic cell types.  相似文献   
At temperatures lower than 37°C, the ethanol inhibition constant (Ki) for growth or fermentation inrho + cells of theSaccharomyces cerevisiae strain S288C was always higher (1.1M) than inrho mutants (0.7M). At 37°C these differences disappeared, and both strains were equally inhibited by ethanol (Ki=0.7m). Mitochondrial activity can be inhibited by high ethanol concentration and temperature. In fact, the stronger inhibition by ethanol of therho + strain at 37°C was due to the fact that, under these conditions, this strain loses the advantage conferred by mitochondrial activity since the induction ofrho cells in the population is very high. This does not result in an increase in the frequency ofrho mutants because of the poor viability of these mutants in conditions of high temperature and ethanol. In consequence, S288C strain becomes as strongly inhibited by ethanol as therho mutant strains. Differences in viability were not related to the fatty acids and ergosterol composition of the strain. In the presence of ethanol, bothrho + andrho strains modified their lipids in the same way, but these changes did not improve their ethanol tolerance. They were not due to differences in adaptation to ethanol either, since after successive transfers in ethanol, growth () and fermentation () rates in therho mutants were increasingly inhibited with time, whereas in the S288C strain inhibition of and by ethanol remained unaltered. Rather,rho mutants are less viable thanrho + cells because of the inability of the former to respire. At 37°C the Ki increased to 0.9M ethanol either when mitochondrial from highly ethanol-tolerant wine yeasts were transferred torho mutants of the strain S288C or when the mitochondria of strain S288C were preadapted by growing the strain in glycerol instead of glucose before it was cultivated in ethanol.  相似文献   
Transcription of human ribosomal DNA may terminate at multiple sites   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Internal desynchronization of circadian rhythms and tolerance of shift work   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fifteen male subjects including 12 shift workers (oil refinery operators) volunteered to document circadian rhythms in sleep-wake, grip strength of both hands, peak expiratory flow, heart rate, self-rated drowsiness, fatigue and attention. Each of these variables was measured 4 to 6 times/day for 2 to 3 weeks. In addition, both axillary temperature (with a shielded probe) and wrist activity were almost continuously recorded at 15 min intervals during the same time span. Individual time series were analyzed according to several statistical methods (power spectrum, cosinor, chi 2, etc.), in order to estimate the prominent circadian period tau and to evaluate both individual and subgroup differences with regard to tolerance of shift work, age, duration of shift work. The present study confirms for continuously recorded temperature and wrist activity, grip strength of both hands, heart rate and peak expiratory flow that intolerance of shift work is frequently associated with an internal desynchronization. However, this conclusion cannot be extended to circadian rhythms in self-rated drowsiness, fatigue and attention. The internal desynchronization among several circadian rhythms supports the hypothesis that these latter are driven by several oscillators, with presumable differences between right and left hemispheres as suggested by unequal values of tau in rhythms of both hand grip strength. Since an internal desynchronization can be observed in tolerant shift workers having no complaint, it is likely that symptoms of intolerance are related to the subject's sensitivity to internal desynchronization rather than to the desynchronization itself.  相似文献   
Comparability of two tests of olfactory functioning   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
In the first of two comparisons, 50 patients who came to theConnecticut Chemosensory Clinical Research Center (CCCRC) withvarious chemosensory complaints were evaluated by a dual threshold/odoridentification test administered in the CCCRC and by the self-administeredUniversity of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test (UPSIT).Agreement between tests proved high, with a correlation coefficientof 0.92. The UPSIT correlated better with the odor identificationcomponent than with the threshold component of the CCCRC test.This disparity stemmed largely from limitations in the reliabilityof the threshold component. An increase in the stringency ofthe criterion for determination of threshold increased the reliabilityof this component and, in a second comparison with a total of58 patients and controls, the correlation between the UPSITand CCCRC test increased. With the more stringent criterion,the correlation equalled 0.96. 2Present address: International Flavors and Fragrances, Researchand Development, Union Beach, NJ 07735, USA  相似文献   
The greening of the upper part of the outerAllium cepa L. bulb scales, in particular along the vascular regions, is limited to the hypodermal cells in which typical leucoplasts are transformed to normal and functional chloroplasts. This process is light dependent and cannot afterwards be reversed or modified by darkness. The changes in fine structure are described and briefly discussed.Dedicated to Prof. DrLothar Geitler on the occasion of his 90th birthday and 55 years after the publication of his Grundriß der Cytologie.  相似文献   
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