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Summary The potent fungal metabolite cytochalasin D (CD) and cationized ferritin (CF) are used in combination to test for negative charge distribution on blebs (knobs). Two established human epithelial cell lines, WISH and HeLa, that display blebs in various phases of the cell cycle or under certain culture conditions (37,46) are investigated. CD alone, applied at a low concentration (1.0 μg/ml) and for a short time period (3 min), causes blebs to appear as the prevalent surface feature. These are filled mainly with free ribosomes. Additionally, feltlike mats, presumed to be disorganized, compacted microfilaments, are formed directly beneath the cell membrane. These are especially evident in the cortical cytoplasm below the blebs or bleb clusters. CF (0.345 mg/ml), applied for a 5-min period after CD administration (1.0 μg/ml) for 3 min, appears along the surface of microvilli, at the base of blebs, and in vesicles beneath the bleb clusters. In some cases, microfilaments (6 nm in diameter) are closely related to the vesicles. CF does not preferentially bind to the apical cell membrane of blebs. Above areas of the subplasmalemmal microfilaments, CF membrane binding is apparent, even under circumstances where the filaments are disorganized by cytochalasin treatment. These results seem to show the following: (a) bleb membranes are different from the remainder of the cell and do exhibit a loss of negative charge and (b) surface charge may be dependent on the presence or structural integrity of membrane-related 6-nm microfilaments. The support of this research by a grant from the Baylor College of Dentistry and The Oklahoma College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery is gratefully acknowledged. The assistance of Dr. J. H. Martin, Department of Pathology, Baylor University Medical Center, is also greatly appreciated.  相似文献   
Summary Human diploid fibroblasts were cultured on microcarriers made from DEAE-dextran, denatured collagen, DEAE-dextran linked to denatured collagen, and glass. Cells grown on these four substrates were examined for the production of proteolytic enzymes and arachidonic acid metabolites. Culture fluids from cells grown on the DEAE-dextran microcarriers contained the highest amounts of proteolytic enzyme activity. Both plasminogen-independent and plasminogen-dependent fibrinolytic activities were present and the plasminogen-dependent activity seemed to result from the presence of both urokinase and tissue plasminogen activator. Culture fluid from the cells grown on the glass microcarriers contained the least amount of protease activity, and nearly all of the plasminogen-activator activity seemed to be of the urokinase type. Protease activity in the culture fluids of cells grown on the other two substrates were intermediate. With regard to arachidonic acid metabolites, cells grown on the DEAE-dextran microcarriers produced the highest amounts of cyclooxygenase products but very low levels of lipoxygenase metabolites. Cells grown on the other three substrates produced comparable amounts of various cyclooxygenase products (lower than that produced by cells on the DEAE-dextrans substrate). Cells grown on the glass microcarriers also produced detectable amounts of two lipoxygenase metabolites—leukotriene B4 and leukotriene C4. Inasmuch as both proteolytic enzymes and arachidonic acid metabolites regulate basic cell properties, the differential amount of these metabolites observed in the culture fluids on the various substrates may contribute to the biological differences that exist on these substrates. This study was supported in part by grants R44 CA 36656 and IK08HL01332-01 from the Public Health Service, U. S. Department of Health and Human Services and by grant BC-512 from the American Cancer Society. JDH is a research fellow of the American Lung Association.  相似文献   
Effects of various treatments on prey capture, prey ingestion and ingestion time of individualArtemia salina nauplii by the sea anemoneAiptasia pallida Verrill were studied in the laboratory. Exposure to crudeArtemia homogenate, 5 × 10–4 M reduced glutathione or 5 × 10–4 M proline significantly decreased the number ofArtemia that were captured and ingested but had no significant effect on the ingestion time of individualArtemia. Multiple captures increased the total ingestion time but decreased ingestion time per prey item. Results suggest that, under these conditions, the prey capture phase of zooplankton feeding was somewhat distinct from the ingestion phase since chemical stimuli that significantly reduced prey capture had no significant effect on ingestion time.  相似文献   
An intercalation model of a complex between DNA and a bleomycin fragment (BLMF), consisting of the bithiazole core and an amide and a protonated amino substituent, is presented. The model, which shows a preference for BLMF with the protonated amine in the minor groove and the acetyl terminal inserted into either the minor and major grooves, respectively, agrees with recently obtained nmr data. The selection of sites I and II, which have the smallest unwinding of the three theoretical intercalation sites, is consistent with the experimental unwinding angle of 12°. The bithiazole moiety stacks between two base pairs of the double helix, while the protonated substituent interacts ionically with the negatively charged regions of the backbone in the minor groove of the DNA. The protonated amine also forms an intramolecular hydrogen bond with the carbonyl oxygen of the amide group on the same substituent. Analysis of drug complexes with different base-pair sequences reveal four energetically defined groups. The relative energy of the dimer duplex complexes of BLMF correlates with bleomycin's observed base-sequence specificity upon cleavage. The most stable intercalation complexes form adjacent to the bases cleaved most readily. This correlation suggests a primary connection between intercalation and cleavage. A model cleavage site based on these preliminary theoretical calculations and the experimental observations is proposed. It consists of an intercalation site in a trimer duplex. Pyrimidine(p)purine sequences are the predominant sites for intercalation, and the base adjacent to the site at the (3′) end is cleaved.  相似文献   
Sedimentation studies of DNA from chromosomes extracted from human mitotic cells showed that highmolecular-weight DNA can be obtained if cell hypotonic treatments and prolonged metaphase blocks are avoided. Two types of large double-stranded DNA were observed. One of these (M r = 2.5×108) appeared as a size class with characteristics reminiscent of the chromosomal DNA subunit hypothesis. However, this DNA is the decay product of larger molecules, whose minimum molecular weight is 6×108.  相似文献   
We developed an aqueous spreading procedure that permits simultaneous analysis of human chromosomes by Q-banding and indirect immunofluorescence. Using this methodology and anticentromere antibodies from an autoimmune patient we compared the active and inactive centromeres of an isodicentric X chromosome. We show that a family of structurally related human centromere proteins (CENP-A, CENP-B, and CENP-C) is detectable only at the active centromere. These antigens therefore may be regarded both as morphological and functional markers for active centromeres.  相似文献   
Arylsulfatase B (arylsulfate sulfohydrolase; EC activities in C57BL/6J, SWR/J, and A/J mouse liver approximate a 5:3:1 ratio. Each enzyme was purified to apparent homogeneity, and the properties of the three purified enzymes were compared. The purified enzyme behaved as a monomer with an apparent molecular weight of 50,000. The purified enzyme catalyzed the hydrolysis of p-nitrocatechol sulfate (pNCS), 4-methylumbelliferyl sulfate (4MUS), and chondroitin-4-sulfate (C4S) heptasaccharide. Purified SWR/J arylsulfatase B possessed a higher relative electrophoretic mobility at pH 4.0 than the A/J and C57BL/6J isozymes, and the SWR/J enzyme was more thermostable than either the C57BL/6J or the A/J enzyme. No differences were observed among the three enzymes with respect to their Michaelis constants for 4MUS and pNCS, isoelectric points, responses to inhibitors, pH optima, or electrophoretic mobilities at pH 8.3. The relative in vivo rates of synthesis of C57BL/6J, A/J, and SWR/J arylsulfatase B were comparable.  相似文献   
Knowledge of the peopling of the New World and of biological and cultural evolution would be enhanced by more US-USSR research exchanges and more joint field expeditions characterized by mutual scientific benefit, specific objectives, and reciprocity, on both sides of the Bering Sea. A brief review of a sample of related events between 1741 and 1981 indicates the continuity of common research problems and productive results that were multiplied by scientific cooperation.  相似文献   
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