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The immune response to Babesia bovis infection or vaccination was evaluated by measuring antibody and interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) production to protective recombinant and crude native B. bovis antigens. Cells from vaccinated or infected cattle failed to produce detectable IFN-gamma when stimulated with B. bovis antigens in vitro. In contrast, antibody was induced by protective recombinant B. bovis antigens. These findings are consistent with the argument that immunity to B. bovis infection is correlated most strongly with humoral rather than cell-mediated immune responses.  相似文献   
Previous evidence has shown a deficiency in microfilament stress fiber formation upon short-term cycloheximide treatment of cultured human dermal fibroblasts while cytoplasmic spreading appeared completely normal and other cytoskeletal networks organized normally. This deficiency applied to collagen substrata (not fibronectin substrata) and was specific for in vitro-aged normal fibroblasts and for fibroblasts from three different Down's syndrome patients at any passage level. To identify the mechanism(s) for matrix receptor deficiency in aging cells, cells were evaluated for amounts and distributions of several integrin subunits using specific monoclonal antibodies and two complementary experimental approaches. Flow cytometric analyses have shown that all these cells at all passage levels have large amounts of alpha 3 and beta 1 integrin subunits and smaller amounts of the alpha 5 subunit, directed to fibronectin, which are minimally affected in their cell surface availability by cycloheximide treatment. In contrast, cycloheximide treatment leads to the loss from surface availability of most of the alpha 2 subunit, directed to collagen, in late-passage papillary and reticular normal fibroblasts and in all three Down's patient cells at all passages. Prior growth of cells in ascorbate-supplemented medium, which overcomes the deficiency in stress fiber formation, conserves the large amounts of cell surface-available alpha 2 subunit detectable by flow cytometry. When amounts of integrin subunits were evaluated by immunoprecipitation of [35S]methionine-radiolabeled cells, there was no diminution of the alpha 2 subunit or any other subunit for any cells upon cycloheximide treatment; however, there was much less alpha 2 subunit complexed with beta 1 in aging normal and Down's cells. Therefore, cycloheximide treatment does not lead to loss in the amounts of the alpha 2 subunit but rather to its masking at the cell surface and inability to transmit signals across the plasma membrane to effect stress fiber formation. This aging-related deficiency in integrin-mediated signaling can now be studied mechanistically with a variety of approaches to determine the nature of cell-surface molecules interacting with integrins (cis- and/or trans-acting molecules) that discriminate functional from nonfunctional receptors.  相似文献   
The crystal structure of wheat germ agglutinin isolectin 1 (WGA1) complexed with a tryptic sialoglycopeptide fragment (T-5) from its erythrocyte receptor glycophorin A, which contains the O-linked tetrasaccharide NeuNAc-alpha 2,3-Gal-beta 1,3-(alpha 2,6-NeuNAc) Gal-NAc-alpha 1-O-Thr, has been determined by molecular replacement techniques and refined at 2.0-A resolution (R = 18.1%). The structure reveals that association between WGA1 dimers, composed of two identical four-domain (A-D) monomers, and T-5 is asymmetric and involves sialic acid binding at three nonequivalent aromatic residue-rich sites. Two independent binding modes are observed. In the dominant ("major") binding mode, the two highest affinity sites are utilized to cross-link neighboring crystallographically related WGA1 dimers. The branched tetrasaccharide has an extended rigid conformation, and its terminal alpha 2,6-NeuNAc and alpha 2,3-NeuNAc residues occupy specificity sites in domains B1 (monomer 1) and C2 (monomer 2) on opposing dimers, respectively. This asymmetric selection of binding sites leads to infinite open-ended arrays of interlinked lectin molecules. In the subsidiary "minor" binding mode, only the terminal alpha 2,6-NeuNAc, anchored to the aromatic residue-rich binding site in domain A2, is clearly visible. The remaining portion of T-5 is disordered. This structure presents the first evidence for NeuNAc binding in the aromatic residue-rich sites of domains A and C and suggests a preference of WGA for alpha 2,6-linked NeuNAc. Moreover, the unusual asymmetric WGA1-tetrasaccharide association, involving domain binding sites that differ in their binding affinities for NeuNAc, offers explanations for the widely observed cooperative cell binding behavior of WGA.  相似文献   
Binding specificity of the major surfactant protein SP-A from human and dog lung has been investigated. Radiobinding experiments have shown that both proteins bind in a Ca(2+)-dependent manner to galactose, mannose, fucose, and glucose linked to bovine serum albumin. These results are in accord with a previous study in which monosaccharides were linked to agarose (Haagsman, H. P., Hawgood, S., Sargeant, T., Buckley, D., White, R. T., Drickamer, K., and Benson, B. J. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 13877-13880). Chromatogram overlays in conjunction with in situ liquid secondary ion mass spectrometry (TLC-LSIMS) of several purified glycosphingolipids and neoglycolipids as well as binding assays with glycolipids immobilized on plastic wells, demonstrate recognition of galactose (human and dog SP-A), glucose, and lactose (human SP-A) in association with specific lipids. In addition, the occurrence of several neutral and acidic glycosphingolipids in human and rat extracellular surfactants and rat alveolar type II cells is described. Selected components among the neutral glycolipids are bound by radiolabeled human SP-A; these are identified by TLC-LSIMS as predominantly ceramide mono- and disaccharides (human surfactant) and ceramide tri- and tetrasaccharides (rat surfactant and type II cells). A recombinant carbohydrate recognition domain (CRD) of human SP-A inhibits the binding of human SP-A to galactosyl ceramide and to galactose- and mannose-bovine serum albumin, indicating that the CRD is directly involved in the binding of SP-A to these ligands. These results provide evidence for a novel type of binding specificity for proteins that have Ca(2+)-dependent CRDs and raise the possibility that glycosphingolipids are endogenous ligands for SP-A.  相似文献   
Ice formation in the freeze-tolerant wood frog (Rana sylvatica) induces the production and distribution of the cryoprotectant, glucose. Concomitantly, organs undergo a beneficial dehydration which likely inhibits mechanical injury during freezing. Together, these physiological responses promote freezing survival when frogs are frozen under slow cooling regimes. Rapid cooling, however, is lethal. We tested the hypothesis that the injurious effects of rapid cooling stem from an inadequate distribution of glucose to tissues and an insufficient removal of water from tissues during freezing. Accordingly, we compared glucose and water contents of five organs (liver, heart, skeletal muscle, eye, brain) from wood frogs cooled slowly or rapidly during freezing to -2.5 degrees C. Glucose concentrations in organs from slowly cooled frogs were significantly elevated over unfrozen controls, but no significant increases occurred in rapidly cooled frogs. Organs from slowly cooled frogs contained significantly less water than did those from controls, whereas water contents from rapidly cooled frogs generally were unchanged. Rapid cooling therefore inhibited the production and distribution of cryoprotectant and organ dehydration during freezing. This inhibition may result from an accelerated, premature failure of the cardiovascular system.  相似文献   
In vivo microdialysis of cyclic AMP from prefrontal cortex complemented by ex vivo measures was used to investigate the possibility that lithium produces functional changes in G proteins that could account for its effects on adenylate cyclase activity. Four weeks of lithium administration (serum lithium concentration of 0.85 +/- 0.05 mM; n = 11) significantly increased the basal cyclic AMP content in dialysate from prefrontal cortex of anesthetized rats. Forskolin infused through the probe increased dialysate cyclic AMP, but the magnitude of this increase was unaffected by chronic lithium administration. Inactivation of the inhibitory guanine nucleotide binding protein Gi with pertussis toxin increased dialysate cyclic AMP in control rats, as did stimulation with cholera toxin (which activates the stimulatory guanine nucleotide binding protein Gs). The effect of pertussis toxin was abolished following chronic lithium, whereas the increase in cyclic AMP after cholera toxin was enhanced. In vitro pertussis toxin-catalyzed ADP ribosylation of alpha i (and alpha o) was increased by 20% in prefrontal cortex from lithium-treated rats, but the alpha i and alpha s contents (as determined by immunoblot) as well as the cholera toxin-catalyzed ADP ribosylation of alpha s were unchanged. Taken together, these results suggest that chronic lithium administration may interfere with the dissociation of Gi into its active components and thereby remove a tonic inhibitory influence on adenylate cyclase, with resultant enhanced basal and cholera toxin-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity.  相似文献   
Bacillus brevis 47 was cultivated in 2 liter fermentors in semidefined media containing polypeptone with or without glucose or fructose. Neither sugar was essential for growth or extracellular (S-layer) protein production, and 2.5 to 3.0 g/L protein was accumulated in the medium. When present, glucose was used very slowly, however, fructose was used much more quickly. Dramatic changes in metabolic indicators (dissolved oxygen and pH) were seen when fructose became depleted, and protease was produced, decreasing the amount of protein ultimatelv accumulated in the medium. Using the change in dissolved oxygen as a marker for the time of addition, polypeptone, fructose, or both were used to stimulate protein production. With the addition of polypeptone, on stimulation was achieved, but protease production was suppressed. Addition of fructose did result in a small stimulation of protein production (to 5 g/L) if added once. Further additions resulted in more growth, but no increase in protein production. Various combinations of polypeptone and fructose were also used, with the most effective combination (fructose added early, fructose and polypeptone added later) resulting in an accumulation of 15 g/L protein in the medium. This is comparable to that seen when B. brevis 47 is grown in a complex glucose medium and stimulated with polypeptone addition at 21 hours. These results are discussed with respect to the structure and function of S-layer proteins, as well as the use of this organism for the production of heterologous proteins.  相似文献   
Within the great expanse of the Brazilian Amazon Basin,Sphagnum has been greatly overlooked, in part because of its scarcity and in part because of the paucity of trained bryological collectors in the area. During a Projeto Flora Amazônica expedition in 1979, seven specimens ofSphagnum were collected, representing six species, five of which are newly described:S. amazonicum, S. dimorphophyllum, andS. subsecundoides in sectionSphagnum;S. curicuriariense andS. ripense in sect.Subsecunda. Also discussed areS. negrense Mitt. andS. sanguinale Warnst.  相似文献   
A histological and gravimetric analysis of oocyte development in Encrasicholina heteroloba (Ruppell, 1858) indicated that this species spawns serially and has a group-synchronous mode of ovarian development. A six stage maturity scale, based on both external morphology and oocyte composition, was proposed to classify ovarian development in E. heteroloba . The incidence of females with hydrated oocytes and post-ovulatory follicles in samples from two regions; the south Java Sea and Roviana lagoon, in the Solomon Islands were used to estimate spawning frequency. Estimates of mean inter-spawning intervals ranged from around 2 days in fish from Roviana lagoon to up to 16.7 days in fish from the south Java Sea. Batch fecundity was determined from the number of oocytes in the largest oocyte size class in ripe stage ovaries. Batch fecundity was related to size and was significantly greater for a given size in the Roviana lagoon population ( F = 0.081 × L 4.89, Roviana population; F = 1.682 × L 2.83, Jepara population).  相似文献   
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