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Rates of structural chromosome abnormalities were analyzed in 24,951 fetuses studied prenatally in which there were no grounds to suspect an inherited abnormality. In about one in 200 prenatal cytogenetic diagnoses, an unexpected structural abnormality was found. The observed rate was 5.3 per 1,000, of which 1.7 per 1,000 were unbalanced and 3.6 per 1,000 balanced. The rate of inherited abnormalities was 3.1-3.7 per 1,000 (0.4-0.9 per 1,000 for unbalanced abnormalities and 2.6-2.8 per 1,000 for balanced abnormalities). The rate of mutants in this series was, by contrast, 1.6-2.2 per 1,000 (0.8-1.2 per 1,000 for unbalanced abnormalities and 0.8-1.0 per 1,000 for balanced abnormalities). The rate of balanced Robertsonian translocation carriers was 0.6 per 1,000 (about 0.25 per 1,000 for mutants and 0.35 per 1,000 for inherited abnormalities), and for other balanced abnormalities, 3.0 per 1,000 (about 0.6 per 1,000 for mutants and 2.4 per 1,000 for inherited abnormalities). The rates of unbalanced Robertsonian translocations was about 0.1 per 1,000, almost all of which were mutants. For supernumerary rearrangements, the rate was 0.9 per 1,000 (about 0.4 per 1,000 inherited and 0.5 per 1,000 mutant). The rates of all unbalanced (nonmosaic) inherited abnormalities (4.0-5.2 per 10,000) were intermediate between higher rates estimated in all conceptuses (9.1-15.8 per 10,000) and rates observed in newborns (1.5-2.5 per 10,000). This trend is probably attributable to fetal mortality associated with unbalanced rearrangements. The rates of balanced (nonmosaic) inherited abnormalities (26.0-28.0 per 10,000), however, were considerably higher than the rates in all conceptuses (13-16.7 per 10,000) or in all live births (12.2-16.0 per 10,000). The major difference was in the rate of inversions. The use of "banding" methods in the studies of amniocentesis but not in most of the live births or abortus studies probably contributes to at least some of these differences. One trend in parental age among the inherited abnormalities was noteworthy. Paternal age was elevated for inherited balanced reciprocal structural abnormalities of paternal origin but not of maternal origin. With regard to sex ratio, there was a greater proportion of females than males among the unbalanced rearrangements both inherited and mutant. There was no obvious sex difference among the balanced rearrangements.  相似文献   
Using mixed-species cultures, we have undertaken a study of interactions between two common spore-forming soil bacteria, Bacillus subtilis and Streptomyces coelicolor. Our experiments demonstrate that the development of aerial hyphae and spores by S. coelicolor is inhibited by surfactin, a lipopeptide surfactant produced by B. subtilis. Current models of aerial development by sporulating bacteria and fungi postulate a role for surfactants in reducing surface tension at air-liquid interfaces, thereby removing the major barrier to aerial growth. S. coelicolor produces SapB, an amphipathic peptide that is surface active and required for aerial growth on certain media. Loss of aerial hyphae in developmental mutants can be rescued by addition of purified SapB. While a surfactant from a fungus can substitute for SapB in a mutant that lacks aerial hyphae, not all surfactants have this effect. We show that surfactin is required for formation of aerial structures on the surface of B. subtilis colonies. However, in contrast to this positive role, our experiments reveal that surfactin acts antagonistically by arresting S. coelicolor aerial development and causing altered expression of developmental genes. Our observations support the idea that surfactants function specifically for a given organism regardless of their shared ability to reduce surface tension. Production of surfactants with antagonistic activity could provide a powerful competitive advantage during surface colonization and in competition for resources.  相似文献   
It is not understood how immune inflammation influences the pathogenesis of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). One area of strong controversy is the role of interferon (IFN) responses in the natural history of SARS. The fact that the majority of SARS patients recover after relatively moderate illness suggests that the prevailing notion of deficient type I IFN-mediated immunity, with hypercytokinemia driving a poor clinical course, is oversimplified. We used proteomic and genomic technology to systematically analyze host innate and adaptive immune responses of 40 clinically well-described patients with SARS during discrete phases of illness from the onset of symptoms to discharge or a fatal outcome. A novel signature of high IFN-alpha, IFN-gamma, and IFN-stimulated chemokine levels, plus robust antiviral IFN-stimulated gene (ISG) expression, accompanied early SARS sequelae. As acute illness progressed, SARS patients entered a crisis phase linked to oxygen saturation profiles. The majority of SARS patients resolved IFN responses at crisis and expressed adaptive immune genes. In contrast, patients with poor outcomes showed deviated ISG and immunoglobulin gene expression levels, persistent chemokine levels, and deficient anti-SARS spike antibody production. We contend that unregulated IFN responses during acute-phase SARS may culminate in a malfunction of the switch from innate immunity to adaptive immunity. The potential for the use of the gene signatures we describe in this study to better assess the immunopathology and clinical management of severe viral infections, such as SARS and avian influenza (H5N1), is therefore worth careful examination.  相似文献   
The developmentally complex soil microbe Streptomyces tendae secretes a hydrophobic peptide that restored to developmental mutants of S. coelicolor the ability to raise aerial hyphae. The S. tendae peptide, SapT, has a lantibiotic structure and molecular modelling predicts that it is amphiphilic, making it structurally and functionally similar to the SapB peptide produced by S. coelicolor. However, SapT, which bears three beta-methyl lanthionine bridges and one lanthionine bridge and demonstrated limited antibiotic activity, is distinct from SapB. The amphiphilic nature of both SapT and SapB is required for their ability to serve as biosurfactants facilitating the emergence of newly formed aerial hyphae. Remarkably, SapB and SapT, and the fungal hydrophobin SC3 were shown to restore to a SapB-deficient S. coelicolor mutant the capacity to undergo complete morphogenesis, such that the extracellular addition of protein resulted in sporulation. This suggests that the initiation of aerial growth may also indirectly trigger the signal transduction events needed for differentiation. These data imply that the production of morphogenetic peptides may be common among the streptomycetes, but that while their ability to function as biosurfactants is conserved, their specific lantibiotic structure is not. Finally, the identification of a second lanthionine-containing morphogenetic peptide suggests that lantibiotic structure and function may be more diverse than previously thought.  相似文献   
High concentrations of 35Cl and the radioisotope 36Cl (produced naturally by cosmic radiation and anthropogenically by U fission and the use of neutron sources) can be problematic in soil, but are potentially amenable to phytoremediation if appropriate plants can be found. Here, results are reported that might aid the selection of plants with unusually high or low uptake of 36Cl A residual maximum likelihood analysis was used to estimate, from 13 experiments, relative 36Cl uptake by 106 species across the angiosperm phylogeny. Nested analysis of variance, coded using a recent angiosperm phylogeny, showed that there were significant inter-species differences in 36Cl uptake and that species behavior was not independent; but linked through theirphylogeny. Eudicots had significantly higher 36Cl uptake than Monocots and related clades and, in particular the Orders Caryophyllales, Apiales, and Cucurbitales had high uptake while the Poales, Lillales, Brassicales, and Fabales had low uptake. Overall, 35% of the inter-taxa variation in 36Cl was attributed to the taxonomic ranks of Order and above, a significant phylogenetic effect compared with other elements for which similar analyses have been published. The implications of these findings for selecting plants for phytoremediation of soil contaminated with 35/36Cl are discussed.  相似文献   
We report the first endothelial lineage-specific transgenic mouse allowing live imaging at subcellular resolution. We generated an H2B-EYFP fusion protein which can be used for fluorescent labeling of nucleosomes and used it to specifically label endothelial cells in mice and in differentiating embryonic stem (ES) cells. A fusion cDNA encoding a human histone H2B tagged at its C-terminus with enhanced yellow fluorescent protein (EYFP) was expressed under the control of an Flk1 promoter and intronic enhancer. The Flk1::H2B-EYFP transgenic mice are viable and high levels of chromatin-localized reporter expression are maintained in endothelial cells of developing embryos and in adult animals upon breeding. The onset of fluorescence in differentiating ES cells and in embryos corresponds with the beginning of endothelial cell specification. These transgenic lines permit real-time imaging in normal and pathological vasculogenesis and angiogenesis to track individual cells and mitotic events at a level of detail that is unprecedented in the mouse.  相似文献   
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