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Brain serotonin homeostasis is crucially maintained by the serotonin transporter (5-HTT), and its down-regulation has been linked to increased vulnerability for anxiety- and depression-related behavior. Studies in 5-HTT knockout (5-HTT-/-) rodents have associated inherited reduced functional expression of 5-HTT with increased sensitivity to adverse as well as rewarding environmental stimuli, and in particular cocaine hyperresponsivity. 5-HTT down-regulation may affect normal neuronal wiring of implicated corticolimbic cerebral structures. To further our understanding of its contribution to potential alterations in basal functional and structural properties of neural network configurations, we applied resting-state functional MRI (fMRI), pharmacological MRI of cocaine-induced activation, and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) in 5-HTT-/- rats and wild-type controls (5-HTT+/+). We found that baseline functional connectivity values and cocaine-induced neural activity within the corticolimbic network was not significantly altered in 5-HTT-/- versus 5-HTT+/+ rats. Similarly, DTI revealed mostly intact white matter structural integrity, except for a reduced fractional anisotropy in the genu of the corpus callosum of 5-HTT-/- rats. At the macroscopic level, analyses of complex graphs constructed from either functional connectivity values or structural DTI-based tractography results revealed that key properties of brain network organization were essentially similar between 5-HTT+/+ and 5-HTT-/- rats. The individual tests for differences between 5-HTT+/+ and 5-HTT-/- rats were capable of detecting significant effects ranging from 5.8% (fractional anisotropy) to 26.1% (pharmacological MRI) and 29.3% (functional connectivity). Tentatively, lower fractional anisotropy in the genu of the corpus callosum could indicate a reduced capacity for information integration across hemispheres in 5-HTT-/- rats. Overall, the comparison of 5-HTT-/- and wild-type rats suggests mostly limited effects of 5-HTT genotype on MRI-based measures of brain morphology and function.  相似文献   
The genomes of the Betaproteobacteria Alicycliphilus denitrificans strains BC and K601T have been sequenced to get insight into the physiology of the two strains. Strain BC degrades benzene with chlorate as electron acceptor. The cyclohexanol-degrading denitrifying strain K601T is not able to use chlorate as electron acceptor, while strain BC cannot degrade cyclohexanol. The 16S rRNA sequences of strains BC and K601T are identical and the fatty acid methyl ester patterns of the strains are similar. Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) analysis of predicted open reading frames of both strains showed most hits with Acidovorax sp. JS42, a bacterium that degrades nitro-aromatics. The genomes include strain-specific plasmids (pAlide201 in strain K601T and pAlide01 and pAlide02 in strain BC). Key genes of chlorate reduction in strain BC were located on a 120 kb megaplasmid (pAlide01), which was absent in strain K601T. Genes involved in cyclohexanol degradation were only found in strain K601T. Benzene and toluene are degraded via oxygenase-mediated pathways in both strains. Genes involved in the meta-cleavage pathway of catechol are present in the genomes of both strains. Strain BC also contains all genes of the ortho-cleavage pathway. The large number of mono- and dioxygenase genes in the genomes suggests that the two strains have a broader substrate range than known thus far.  相似文献   
Between 2011 and 2012, the carnivore guild in Majete Wildlife Reserve (MWR), Malawi, was restored following the reintroduction of lion (Panthera leo) and leopard (Panthera pardus). The aim of this study was to describe and compare the diet of lion, leopard and resident spotted hyaena (Crocuta crocuta) using scat analysis. Lions and spotted hyaenas displayed the greatest dietary overlap (Oab = 0.88) and selected mainly medium- to large-bodied prey species. Lions had a mean preferred prey weight of 120.33 ± 42.14 kg (SE), with warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) and waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus) making up 60.64% of relative biomass consumed. Spotted hyaenas had a mean preferred prey weight of 102.40 ± 41.69 kg and had a more generalised diet (Ba = 0.46) compared to lions (Ba = 0.36). In contrast, leopards occupied a dietary niche substantially lower than that of lions and spotted hyaenas, selecting relatively smaller prey with a mean preferred prey weight of 27.50 ± 6.74 kg. Our results suggest that coexistence between the resident hyaena and reintroduced lion and leopard in MWR is facilitated by dietary partitioning. We advise long-term monitoring of reintroduced carnivores in small, enclosed reserves to assess their impacts on predator and prey populations.  相似文献   
Temperature can regulate a number of important biological processes and species interactions. For example, environmental temperature can alter insect herbivore consumption, growth and survivorship, suggesting that temperature‐driven impacts on herbivory could influence plant community composition or nutrient cycling. However, few studies to date have examined whether rising temperature influences herbivore preference and performance among multiple plant species, which often dictates their impact at the community level. Here, we assessed the effects of temperature on the performance and preference of the generalist herbivore Popillia japonica among nine plant species. We show that, on average, consumption rates and herbivore performance increased at higher temperatures. However, there was considerable variation among plant species with consumption and performance increasing on some plant species at higher temperatures but decreasing on others. Plant nutritional quality appeared to influence these patterns as beetles increased feeding on high‐nitrogen plants with increasing temperature, suggesting stronger nitrogen limitation. In addition to changes in feeding rates, feeding preferences of P. japonica shifted among temperatures, a pattern that was largely explained by differential deterrence of plant chemical extracts at different temperatures. In fact, temperature‐induced changes in the efficacy of plant chemical extracts led P. japonica to reduce its diet breadth at higher temperatures. Our results indicate that rising temperatures will influence herbivore feeding behavior by altering the importance of plant nutritional and chemical traits, suggesting that climate change will alter the strength and sign of plant–insect interactions.  相似文献   
Olfaction plays an important role in the host-seeking behavior of the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae. After a complete blood meal, female mosquitoes will not engage in host-seeking behavior until oviposition has occurred. We investigated if peripheral olfactory sensitivity changed after a blood meal by recording electroantennograms (EAGs) of female mosquitoes at three time points (2 h, 48 h and 72 h) to 15 volatile kairomones of either human origin or documented to emanate from oviposition sites. The EAG-sensitivity was compared with that of females of similar age post eclosion. As is common practice in electrophysiological studies, the EAG recordings were obtained by repeated stimulation of the same antennal preparations. We introduce mixed linear modeling as an improved statistical analysis for electrophysiological data. Two hours after blood ingestion, olfactory sensitivity as quantified through EAG-recording increased significantly and selectively, i.e. for seven compounds, compared to unfed females of the same age. Such short-term electrophysiological sensitization in the olfactory system as a result of feeding has not been documented before for insects. Sensitization to six compounds persisted until 48 h or 72 h post-blood meal at one or more concentrations. Desensitization was observed at 48 and 72 h pbm in response to two and three kairomones, respectively. For several compounds, sensitization at the EAG-level corresponded with sensitization found previously in single sensillum studies on olfactory neurons in antennal sensilla trichodea of An. gambiae females. These effects are likely to reflect sensitization to oviposition cues, as eggs have matured 48–72 h pbm. Knowledge of changes in olfactory sensitivity to kairomones can be applied to increase trap catches of malaria mosquitoes that have taken a blood meal and need to locate oviposition sites.  相似文献   
To fulfill existing guidelines, applicants that aim to place their genetically modified (GM) insect‐resistant crop plants on the market are required to provide data from field experiments that address the potential impacts of the GM plants on nontarget organisms (NTO's). Such data may be based on varied experimental designs. The recent EFSA guidance document for environmental risk assessment (2010) does not provide clear and structured suggestions that address the statistics of field trials on effects on NTO's. This review examines existing practices in GM plant field testing such as the way of randomization, replication, and pseudoreplication. Emphasis is placed on the importance of design features used for the field trials in which effects on NTO's are assessed. The importance of statistical power and the positive and negative aspects of various statistical models are discussed. Equivalence and difference testing are compared, and the importance of checking the distribution of experimental data is stressed to decide on the selection of the proper statistical model. While for continuous data (e.g., pH and temperature) classical statistical approaches – for example, analysis of variance (ANOVA) – are appropriate, for discontinuous data (counts) only generalized linear models (GLM) are shown to be efficient. There is no golden rule as to which statistical test is the most appropriate for any experimental situation. In particular, in experiments in which block designs are used and covariates play a role GLMs should be used. Generic advice is offered that will help in both the setting up of field testing and the interpretation and data analysis of the data obtained in this testing. The combination of decision trees and a checklist for field trials, which are provided, will help in the interpretation of the statistical analyses of field trials and to assess whether such analyses were correctly applied.  相似文献   
A large number of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 outbreaks in poultry and wild birds have been reported in Europe since 2005. Distinct spatial patterns in poultry and wild birds suggest that different environmental drivers and potentially different spread mechanisms are operating. However, previous studies found no difference between these two outbreak types when only the effect of physical environmental factors was analysed. The influence of physical and anthropogenic environmental variables and interactions between the two has only been investigated for wild bird outbreaks. We therefore tested the effect of these environmental factors on HPAI H5N1 outbreaks in poultry, and the potential spread mechanism, and discussed how these differ from those observed in wild birds. Logistic regression analyses were used to quantify the relationship between HPAI H5N1 outbreaks in poultry and environmental factors. Poultry outbreaks increased with an increasing human population density combined with close proximity to lakes or wetlands, increased temperatures and reduced precipitation during the cold season. A risk map was generated based on the identified key factors. In wild birds, outbreaks were strongly associated with an increased Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and lower elevation, though they were similarly affected by climatic conditions as poultry outbreaks. This is the first study that analyses the differences in environmental drivers and spread mechanisms between poultry and wild bird outbreaks. Outbreaks in poultry mostly occurred in areas where the location of farms or trade areas overlapped with habitats for wild birds, whereas outbreaks in wild birds were mainly found in areas where food and shelters are available. The different environmental drivers suggest that different spread mechanisms might be involved: HPAI H5N1 spread to poultry via both poultry and wild birds, whereas contact with wild birds alone seems to drive the outbreaks in wild birds.  相似文献   


Electroencephalogram (EEG) acquisition is routinely performed to support an epileptic origin of paroxysmal events in patients referred with a possible diagnosis of epilepsy. However, in children with partial epilepsies the interictal EEGs are often normal. We aimed to develop a multivariable diagnostic prediction model based on electroencephalogram functional network characteristics.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Routinely performed interictal EEG recordings at first presentation of 35 children diagnosed with partial epilepsies, and of 35 children in whom the diagnosis epilepsy was excluded (control group), were used to develop the prediction model. Children with partial epilepsy were individually matched on age and gender with children from the control group. Periods of resting-state EEG, free of abnormal slowing or epileptiform activity, were selected to construct functional networks of correlated activity. We calculated multiple network characteristics previously used in functional network epilepsy studies and used these measures to build a robust, decision tree based, prediction model. Based on epileptiform EEG activity only, EEG results supported the diagnosis of with a sensitivity and specificity of 0.77 and 0.91 respectively. In contrast, the prediction model had a sensitivity of 0.96 [95% confidence interval: 0.78–1.00] and specificity of 0.95 [95% confidence interval: 0.76–1.00] in correctly differentiating patients from controls. The overall discriminative power, quantified as the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, was 0.89, defined as an excellent model performance. The need of a multivariable network analysis to improve diagnostic accuracy was emphasized by the lack of discriminatory power using single network characteristics or EEG''s power spectral density.


Diagnostic accuracy in children with partial epilepsy is substantially improved with a model combining functional network characteristics derived from multi-channel electroencephalogram recordings. Early and accurate diagnosis is important to start necessary treatment as soon as possible and inform patients and parents on possible risks and psychosocial aspects in relation to the diagnosis.  相似文献   
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