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Lecithin bilayers. Density measurement and molecular interactions.   总被引:20,自引:15,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Density measurement are reported for bilayer dispersions of a series of saturated lecithins. For chain lengths with, respectively, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18 carbons per chain, the values for the volume changes at the main transition are 0.027, 0.031, 0.037, 0.040 and 0.045 ml/g. The main transition temperature extrapolates with increasing chain length to the melting temperature of polyethylene. Volume changes at the lower transition are an order of magnitude smaller than the main transition. Single phase thermal expansion coefficients are also reported. The combination of X-ray data and density data indicated that the volume changes are predominantly due to the hydrocarbon chains, thus enabling the volume vCH2 of the methylene groups to be computed as a function of temperature. From this and knowledge of intermolecular interactions in hydrocarbon chains, the change in the interchain van der Waals energy, delta UvdW, at the main transition is computed for the lecithins and also for the alkanes and polyethylene at the melting transition. Using the experimental enthalpies of transition and delta UvdW, the energy equation is consistently balanced for all three systems. This yields estimates of the change in the number of gauche rotamers in the lecithins at the main transition. The consistency of these calculations supports the conclusion that the most important molecular energies for the main transition in lecithin bilayers are the hydrocarbon chain interactions and the rotational isomeric energies, and the conclusion that the main phase transition is analogous to the melting transition in the alkanes from the hexagonal phase to the liquid phase, but with some modifications.  相似文献   
The optical birefringence induced in DNA solutions by both oscillating hydrodynamic fields (flow birefringence) and oscillating electric fields (Kerr effect) is measured over a wide frequency range. The observed frequency response of the birefrigence is compared with theories for rigid ellipsoidal particles and for Gaussian chains. DNA at 6 × 105 molecular weight is found to exhibit rigid particle hydrodynamic behavior, while DNA at 5 × 106 molecular weight behaves like a flexible chain. Characterization of the hydrodynamic relaxation spectra for the DNA's by oscillatory flow birefringence allows precise comparison between theory and the experimental Kerr effect response. The dielectric model for DNA contains both permanent and dispersionless induced dipole moments. The dielectric behavior of DNA has the character of a permanent dipole but with anomalous low-frequency dispersion in the Kerr effect. The existing theories do not adequately describe this dispersion. A fluctuation dipole mechanism with relaxation times comparable to those associated with the hydrodynamic motion could possibly demonstrate the observed polar behavior.  相似文献   
A device is described for the automated determination of the water adsorption isotherms of biological materials. The vapor pressure and weight of the adsorbate are measured directly with appropriate transducers, and equilibrium is defined on the basis of constant pressure. The accuracy of the device, determined on two samples with well-known water binding properties, is +/- 5%. Automation is achieved by electronic control.  相似文献   
The properties of electron transport systems present in soluble and particulate fractions of spores of Bacillus megaterium KM?HAVE BEEN COMPARED WIth those of similar fractions prepared from exponential-phase vegetative cells of this organism. The timing and localization of modifications of the electron transport system occurring during sporulation have been investigated by using a system for separating forespores from mother cells at all stages during development [8]. Spore membranes contained cytochromes a + a3, and o at lower concentrations than in vegetative membranes, and in addition cytochrome c, which was not found in exponential-phase vegetative membranes. An NADH oxidase activity of similar specific activity was found in both spore and vegetative membranes but DL-glycerol 3-phosphate and L-malate oxidase activities were found only in vegetative membranes. A soluble NADH oxidase of low specific activity was found in spores and vegetative cells which probably involves a flavoprotein reaction with oxygen because the activity was stimulated by FAD or FMN and difference spectra of concentrated soluble fractions showed spectra typical of a flavoprotein. Particulate NADH oxidase was sensitive to all classical inhibitors of electron transport tested whereas soluble NADH oxidase was insensitive to many of these inhibitors. Cytochrome c was formed between stage I and II of sporulation and this coincided with a five-fold increase in NADH-cytochrome c reductase activity. Forespore membranes had lower contents of cytochromes than sporangial cell membranes but similar levels of NADH and L-malate oxidases; DL-glycerol 3-phosphate oxidase activity could not be detected in either membranes by stage III of sporulation. This characterization of spore electron transport systems provides a basis for suggestions concerning initial metabolic events during spore germination and the effect of a number of germination inhibitors.  相似文献   
Biochemical characterization of hemagglutinin and sialidase activities from Clostridium perfringens strain CN3870 revealed that this strain produced three sialidase enzymes that were separable to gel filtration, ion exchange chromatography, and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The molecular weights of sialidase I, II, and III activities were 310,000 +/- 10,000, 105,000 +/- 4,000 and 64,000 +/- 2,000, respectively, the first figure being an approximate value only.  相似文献   
1. A series of defined peptides which span the complete sequence were produced from troponin I isolated from white skeletal muscle of the rabbit. 2. Two peptides, CF1 (residues 64-133) and CN4 (residues 96-117) inhibited the Mg2+-stimulated adenosine triphosphatase of desensitized actomyosin. This inhibition was potentiated by tropomyosin and the Mg2+-stimulated adenosine triphosphatase of desensitized actomyosin. This inhibition, unlike that of troponin I and peptides derived from it, was not potentiated by tropomyosin. 4. The most active inhibitor, peptide CN4, was 45-75% as effective as troponin I when compared on a molar basis. The inhibitory peptide, CN4, and also whole troponin I were shown by affinity chromatography to interact specifically with actin. 5. A strong interaction with troponin C was demonstrated with peptide CF2 (residues 1-47), from the N-terminal region of troponin I. Somewhat weaker interactions were shown with peptides CN5 (residues 1-21) and with the inhibitory peptide CN4. 6. The significance of these interactions for the mechanisms of action of troponin I is discussed.  相似文献   
Methane oxidation by washed cell suspensions of Methylosinus trichosporium OB3B was selectively inhibited by 25 compounds, including metal binding components such as carbon monoxide (85% O2: 15% CO), KCN (10-6 M), αα′-dipyridyl (10-4 M), 8-quinolinol (10-4 M), thiosemicarbazide (10-5 M), thiourea (10-5 M), hydroxylamine (10-4 M), histidine (10-2 M), British Anti-Lewisite (5x10-3 M), and miscellaneous known inhibitors of other oxygenases. A role for copper in the methane oxygenase system was suggested by the pattern of inhibition and relief of inhibition by added metal ions.  相似文献   
Eight pesticides; methyl parathion, malathion (organo-phosphates), toxaphene (chlorinated hydrocarbon), carbaryl (carbamate), pyrethrin (plant derivative),Bacillus thuringiensis, nuclear polyhedrosis virus (Heliothis) (microbial insecticides), and 2,4-DB (postemergence herbicide) were evaluated at the minimum recommended field dose and reduced dosages for contact toxicity toBrachymeria intermedia (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae), Campoletis sonorensis (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), Chelonus blackburni (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), Meteorus leviventris (Braconidae), Voria ruralis (Diptera: tachninidae), Chrysopa carnea (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae), andHippodamia convergens (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). At minimum field dosages, percent mortality of parasitoids and predators was>27%, for the chemical insecticides. Mortality from pyrethrin was <31%, in all cases and 0% for 5 of the 8 species tested. Mortality of parasitoids and predators exposed toB. thuringiens is and NPV was<4% while mortality from 2,4-DB was<7%. The toxicity of chemical insecticides to parasitoids and predators at reduced dosages in increasing order of toxicity was malathion > carbaryl > toxaphene > methyl parathion.  相似文献   
A study of the stable isotope composition (δ18O, δ13C) of biogenic (ostracod, mollusc) and authigenic carbonates in the Ballagan Formation, Lower Carboniferous of Scotland, coupled with evidence from sedimentology and associated fossil fauna and flora, supports the argument that this formation was deposited in a coastal flood plain setting, in brackish (0.5 < 30‰ NaCl) and hypersaline (> 40‰ NaCl) waters, but in the absence of persistent normal marine conditions. The oxygen isotope data from the Ballagan Formation divide into three clusters: a diagenetic field defined by low δ18O (< − 11‰ VPDB); an intermediary field (δ18O − 11‰ to − 9‰) composed of a mixture of known primary and secondary (diagenetic) carbonates; and samples within the range of − 9‰ to − 4‰ which, as far as we can ascertain, are largely unaltered. No samples give typical Early Carboniferous δ18O marine values. Average marine carbonates from Europe have δ18O between − 4‰ to − 3‰. The Ballagan Formation carbonates were probably deposited in evaporated freshwater and/or brackish water. This conclusion is supported by the presence of evaporites (gypsum, anhydrite, halite pseudomorphs) and common desiccation-cracked mudstone surfaces throughout the Ballagan Formation, suggesting conditions of fluctuating salinity in ephemeral bodies of water. The stable isotope data support the notion that the ostracod assemblages of the Ballagan Formation were colonising brackish water and hypersaline ecologies on a coastal flood plain during the Early Carboniferous, a stage of development that may have encouraged their colonisation of fully non-marine (limnetic) environments during the later Carboniferous. The ostracods include cytherellacean and kloedenellacean species known from marginal marine sites elsewhere, but probably tolerant of brackish water, podocopid species such as ‘Bythocyprisaequalis that may have been adapted for brackish water settings on coastal flood plains (ephemeral lakes and lagoons), and paraparchitacean-dominated assemblages that may signal harsh (hypersaline or desiccating) environments.  相似文献   
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