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A retrospective study of 20 patients who underwent vena caval fenestration showed that in 50% of the patients the procedure was done for prophylaxis and in 50% it was done for therapeutic reasons. After this procedure five patients had persistent leg swelling, two had deep venous thrombosis, two had pulmonary emboli and one died of a respiratory arrest. We recommend limiting the use of vena caval fenestration to those patients who have verified pulmonary embolism while adequately anticoagulated or patients who have pulmonary embolism and a major contraindication to anticoagulation.  相似文献   
Several dominantly inherited, late onset, neurodegenerative diseases are due to expansion of CAG repeats, leading to expansion of glutamine repeats in the affected proteins. These proteins are of very different sizes and, with one exception, show no sequence homology to known proteins or to each other; their functions are unknown. In some, the glutamine repeat starts near the N-terminus, in another near the middle and in another near the C-terminus, but regardless of these differences, no disease has been observed in individuals with fewer than 37 repeats, and absence of disease has never been found in those with more than 41 repeats. Protein constructs with more than 41 repeats are toxic to E. coli and to CHO cells in culture, and they elicit ataxia in transgenic mice. These observations argue in favour of a distinct change of structure associated with elongation beyond 37–41 glutamine repeats. The review describes experiments designed to find out what these structures might be and how they could influence the properties of the proteins of which they form part. Poly- -glutamines form pleated sheets of β-strands held together by hydrogen bonds between their amides. Incorporation of glutamine repeats into a small protein of known structure made it associate irreversibly into oligomers. That association took place during the folding of the protein molecules and led to their becoming firmly interlocked by either strand- or domain-swapping. Thermodynamic considerations suggest that elongation of glutamine repeats beyond a certain length may lead to a phase change from random coils to hydrogen-bonded hairpins. Possible mechanisms of expansion of CAG repeats are discussed in the light of looped DNA model structures.  相似文献   
Arylamine N-acetyltansferase (NAT) from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TBNAT) is a potential drug target for anti-tubercular therapy. Recombinant TBNAT is much less soluble and is produced in lower yields than the closely related NAT from Mycobacterium marinum (MMNAT). In order to explore MMNAT as a model for TBNAT in drug discovery, we compare the two mycobacterial NAT enzymes. Two site-directed mutants of MMNAT have been prepared and characterised: MMNAT71, Tyr → Phe and MMNAT209, Met → Thr, in which residues within 6 Å of the active-site cysteine have been replaced with the corresponding residue from TBNAT. Two chimeric proteins have also been produced in which the third domain of MMNAT has been replaced by the third domain of TBNAT and vice versa. The activity profile of the chimeric proteins suggests a role for the third domain in the evolutionary divergence of NAT between these closely related mycobacterial species.  相似文献   
Mismatch repair (MMR) proteins participate in cytotoxicity induced by certain DNA damage-inducing agents, including cisplatin (cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II), CDDP), a cancer chemotherapeutic drug utilized clinically to treat a variety of malignancies. MMR proteins have been demonstrated to bind to CDDP-DNA adducts and initiate MMR protein-dependent cell death in cells treated with CDDP; however, the molecular events underlying this death remain unclear. As MMR proteins have been suggested to be important in clinical responses to CDDP, a clear understanding of MMR protein-dependent, CDDP-induced cell death is critical. In this report, we demonstrate MMR protein-dependent relocalization of cytochrome c to the cytoplasm and cleavage of caspase-9, caspase-3, and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase upon treatment of cells with CDDP. Chemical inhibition of caspases specifically attenuates CDDP/MMR protein-dependent cytotoxicity, suggesting that a caspase-dependent signaling mechanism is required for the execution of this cell death. p53 protein levels were up-regulated independently of MMR protein status, suggesting that p53 is not a mediator of MMR-dependent, CDDP-induced death. This work is the first indication of a required signaling mechanism in CDDP-induced, MMR protein-dependent cytotoxicity, which can be uncoupled from other CDDP response pathways, and defines a critical contribution of MMR proteins to the control of cell death.The MMR2 system of proteins plays roles in diverse cellular processes, perhaps most notably in preserving genomic integrity by recognizing and facilitating the repair of post-DNA replication base pairing errors. Recognition of these errors and recruitment of repair machinery is performed by the MutSα complex (consisting of the MMR proteins MSH2 and MSH6) or MutSβ complex (consisting of MSH2 and MSH3). Defects in MMR proteins render cells hypermutable and promote microsatellite instability, a hallmark of MMR defects. MMR protein defects are found in a wide variety of sporadic cancers, as well as in hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (1).In addition to their role in DNA repair, MMR proteins also play a role in cytotoxicity induced by specific types of DNA-damaging chemotherapeutic drugs, such as CDDP, which is utilized clinically to treat a number of different cancer types. MutSα recognizes multiple types of DNA damage, including 1,2-intrastrand CDDP adducts and O6-methylguanine lesions (2). Treatment of cells with compounds that induce these types of lesions, including CDDP and methylating agents such as N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG), results in MMR protein-dependent cell cycle arrest and cell death (37). This suggests that MMR proteins, in addition to their role in DNA repair, are also capable of initiating cell death in response to certain types of DNA damage.Cells treated with DNA-damaging agents frequently activate an apoptotic cell death pathway mediated by the mitochondria. This intrinsic death signaling pathway predominantly involves the coordinated activity of two groups of proteins: pro-death members of the Bcl-2 family that control the integrity of mitochondrial membranes, and members of the caspase family of cysteinyl proteases that proteolytically cleave intracellular substrates, giving rise to apoptotic morphology and destruction of the cell (8, 9). Pro-death Bcl-2 family members, such as Bax and Bak, target the outer mitochondrial membrane and cause the cytosolic release of pro-death factors residing within the mitochondria of unstressed cells (8). Predominant among these factors is cytochrome c, whose cytoplasmic localization results in the formation of a caspase-activating platform known as the apoptosome (10). This complex includes the adaptor protein Apaf-1, and when formed the apoptosome promotes the cleavage and activation of caspase-9 (11, 12). Once activated, this apical caspase proceeds to cleave and activate caspase-3, the predominant effector protease of apoptosis.A significant amount of evidence has been gathered illustrating MMR protein-dependent pro-death signaling in response to methylating agents (1316, 3). In contrast, the MMR protein-dependent cytotoxic response to CDDP is largely unknown, with only the p53-related transactivator protein p73 and the c-Abl kinase clearly implicated as potential mediators of CDDP/MMR protein-dependent cell death in human cells (17, 18). Interestingly, ATM, Chk1, Chk2, and p53, which are activated in an MMR protein-dependent manner after treatment of cells with MNNG (3, 13), are not involved in the MMR-dependent response to CDDP (7, 17). In addition, the magnitude of MMR protein-dependent cell death induced by methylating agents and CDDP differs (4). These findings suggest that unique signaling pathways may be engaged by MMR proteins depending upon the type of recognized lesion. As such, there is a requirement for further study of the molecular events underlying MMR protein-dependent cell death and cell cycle arrest for each type of recognized DNA lesion. This is particularly relevant in the case of CDDP, as evidence from a limited number of retrospective clinical studies suggests that MMR proteins play an important role in patient response to CDDP. Several studies examining immunohistochemical staining against MSH2 or MLH1 have demonstrated that levels of these proteins are reduced in ovarian and esophageal tumor samples following CDDP-based chemotherapy (19, 20). Low levels of MMR protein post-chemotherapy seem to be predictive of lower overall survival in a certain subset of tumors (esophageal cancer), but not others (ovarian and non-small cell lung cancer) (1921). Two recent studies examining MMR protein levels and microsatellite instability in germ cell tumors from patients receiving platinum-based chemotherapy have suggested a prognostic value for pre-chemotherapy MMR protein status in these tumors (22, 23). This potential clinical relevance underscores the need for a greater understanding of MMR protein-dependent mechanisms of CDDP-induced cell death.In this study, we report that CDDP induces an MMR protein-dependent decrease in cell viability and MMR protein-dependent signaling in the form of cytochrome c release to the cytoplasm and cleavage of caspase-9, caspase-3, and PARP. Chemical inhibition of caspases specifically attenuates CDDP/MMR protein-dependent loss of cell viability, indicating a requirement for caspase activation in this process and uncoupling MMR protein-dependent cytotoxic signaling from other CDDP response pathways. Additionally, the CDDP-induced, MMR protein-dependent cytotoxic response is independent of p53 signaling. Our results demonstrate for the first time an MMR protein-dependent pro-death signaling pathway in cells treated with CDDP.  相似文献   
Systems Biology is the science that aims to understand how biological function absent from macromolecules in isolation, arises when they are components of their system. Dedicated to the memory of Reinhart Heinrich, this paper discusses the origin and evolution of the new part of systems biology that relates to metabolic and signal-transduction pathways and extends mathematical biology so as to address postgenomic experimental reality. Various approaches to modeling the dynamics generated by metabolic and signal-transduction pathways are compared. The silicon cell approach aims to describe the intracellular network of interest precisely, by numerically integrating the precise rate equations that characterize the ways macromolecules’ interact with each other. The non-equilibrium thermodynamic or ‘lin–log’ approach approximates the enzyme rate equations in terms of linear functions of the logarithms of the concentrations. Biochemical Systems Analysis approximates in terms of power laws. Importantly all these approaches link system behavior to molecular interaction properties. The latter two do this less precisely but enable analytical solutions. By limiting the questions asked, to optimal flux patterns, or to control of fluxes and concentrations around the (patho)physiological state, Flux Balance Analysis and Metabolic/Hierarchical Control Analysis again enable analytical solutions. Both the silicon cell approach and Metabolic/Hierarchical Control Analysis are able to highlight where and how system function derives from molecular interactions. The latter approach has also discovered a set of fundamental principles underlying the control of biological systems. The new law that relates concentration control to control by time is illustrated for an important signal transduction pathway, i.e. nuclear hormone receptor signaling such as relevant to bone formation. It is envisaged that there is much more Mathematical Biology to be discovered in the area between molecules and Life.  相似文献   
Echolocating bats are auditory specialists, with exquisite hearing that spans several octaves. In the ultrasonic range, bat audiograms typically show highest sensitivity in the spectral region of their species-specific echolocation calls. Well-developed hearing in the audible range has been commonly attributed to a need to detect sounds produced by prey. However, bat pups often emit isolation calls with low-frequency components that facilitate mother-young reunions. In this study, we examine whether low-frequency hearing in bats exhibits correlated evolution with (i) body size; (ii) high-frequency hearing sensitivity or (iii) pup isolation call frequency. Using published audiograms, we found that low-frequency hearing sensitivity is not dependent on body size but is related to high-frequency hearing. After controlling for high-frequency hearing, we found that low-frequency hearing exhibits correlated evolution with isolation call frequency. We infer that detection and discrimination of isolation calls have favoured enhanced low-frequency hearing because accurate parental investment is critical: bats have low reproductive rates, non-volant altricial young and must often identify their pups within large crèches.  相似文献   
Sex‐linked segregation distorters cause offspring sex ratios to differ from equality. Theory predicts that such selfish alleles may either go to fixation and cause extinction, reach a stable polymorphism or initiate an evolutionary arms race with genetic modifiers. The extent to which a sex ratio distorter follows any of these trajectories in nature is poorly known. Here, we used X‐linked sequence and simple tandem repeat data for three sympatric species of stalk‐eyed flies (Teleopsis whitei and two cryptic species of T. dalmanni) to infer the evolution of distorting X chromosomes. By screening large numbers of field and recently laboratory‐bred flies, we found no evidence of males with strongly female‐biased sex ratio phenotypes (SR) in one species but high frequencies of SR males in the other two species. In the two species with SR males, we find contrasting patterns of X‐chromosome evolution. T. dalmanni‐1 shows chromosome‐wide differences between sex‐ratio (XSR) and standard (XST) X chromosomes consistent with a relatively old sex‐ratio haplotype based on evidence including genetic divergence, an inversion polymorphism and reduced recombination among XSR chromosomes relative to XST chromosomes. In contrast, we found no evidence of genetic divergence on the X between males with female‐biased and nonbiased sex ratios in T. whitei. Taken with previous studies that found evidence of genetic suppression of sex ratio distortion in this clade, our results illustrate that sex ratio modification in these flies is undergoing recurrent evolution with diverse genomic consequences.  相似文献   
Staphylococcus aureus cells grown in a defined medium under conditions of high ionic stress (2.5 M NaCl) were significantly larger than cells grown under unstressed conditions, even though the cells grew much more slowly under stressed conditions. Analysis of the structure of peptidoglycan from stressed cells showed a shorter interpeptide bridge than in peptidoglycan from unstressed cells. Glycine betaine inclusion in the high-NaCl medium resulted in cells with sizes and interpeptide bridges similar to those of cells grown under unstressed conditions.  相似文献   
Ligands of the transforming growth factor β (TGFβ) superfamily, like Nodal and bone morphogenetic protein (BMP), are pivotal to establish left-right (LR) asymmetry in vertebrates. However, the receptors mediating this process are unknown. Here we identified two new type II receptors for BMPs in zebrafish termed bmpr2a and bmpr2b that induce a classical Smad1/5/8 response to BMP binding. Morpholino-mediated knockdown of bmpr2a and bmpr2b showed that they are required for the establishment of concomitant cardiac and visceral LR asymmetry. Expression of early laterality markers in morphants indicated that bmpr2a and bmpr2b act upstream of pitx2 and the nodal-related southpaw (spaw), which are expressed asymmetrically in the lateral plate mesoderm (LPM), and subsequently regulate lefty2 and bmp4 in the left heart field. We demonstrated that bmpr2a is required for lefty1 expression in the midline at early segmentation while bmpr2a/bmpr2b heteromers mediate left-sided spaw expression in the LPM. We propose a mechanism whereby this differential interpretation of BMP signalling through bmpr2a and bmpr2b is essential for the establishment of LR asymmetry in the zebrafish embryo.  相似文献   


HIV-associated tuberculosis is a common coinfection in Sub-Saharan Africa, which causes high morbidity and mortality. A sub-set of HIV-associated tuberculosis patients require prolonged hospital admission, during which antiretroviral therapy initiation may be required. The aim of this study was to document the causes of clinical deterioration of hospitalised patients with HIV-associated tuberculosis starting antiretroviral therapy in order to inform healthcare practice in low- to middle-income countries.


Prospective, observational cohort study of adult inpatients with HIV-associated tuberculosis starting antiretroviral therapy in a dedicated tuberculosis hospital in Cape Town, South Africa. Causes of clinical deterioration and outcome were recorded in the first 12 weeks of antiretroviral therapy. Patients with rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis were excluded.


Between May 2009 and November 2010, 112 patients (60% female), with a median age of 32 years were enrolled. At baseline the median CD4 count was 55 cells/mm3 (IQR 31–106) and HIV viral load 5.6 log copies/mL. All patients had significant comorbidity: 82% were bed-bound, 65% had disseminated tuberculosis and 27% had central nervous system tuberculosis. Seventy six patients (68%) developed 144 clinical events after starting antiretroviral therapy. TB-IRIS, hospital-acquired infections and significant drug toxicities occurred in 42%, 20.5% and 15% of patients respectively. A new opportunistic disease occurred in 15% of patients and a thromboembolic event in 8%. Mortality during the 12 week period was 10.6%.


High rates of TB-IRIS, hospital-acquired infections and drug toxicities complicate the course of patients with HIV-associated tuberculosis starting antiretroviral therapy in hospital. Despite the high morbidity, mortality was relatively low. Careful clinical management and adequate resources are needed in hospitalised HIV-TB patients in the 1st three months following ART initiation.  相似文献   
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