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Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) US2, US3, US6 and US11 act in concert to prevent immune recognition of virally infected cells by CD8+ T-lymphocytes through downregulation of MHC class I molecules (MHC-I). Here we show that US2 function goes far beyond MHC-I degradation. A systematic proteomic study using Plasma Membrane Profiling revealed US2 was unique in downregulating additional cellular targets, including: five distinct integrin α-chains, CD112, the interleukin-12 receptor, PTPRJ and thrombomodulin. US2 recruited the cellular E3 ligase TRC8 to direct the proteasomal degradation of all its targets, reminiscent of its degradation of MHC-I. Whereas integrin α-chains were selectively degraded, their integrin β1 binding partner accumulated in the ER. Consequently integrin signaling, cell adhesion and migration were strongly suppressed. US2 was necessary and sufficient for degradation of the majority of its substrates, but remarkably, the HCMV NK cell evasion function UL141 requisitioned US2 to enhance downregulation of the NK cell ligand CD112. UL141 retained CD112 in the ER from where US2 promoted its TRC8-dependent retrotranslocation and degradation. These findings redefine US2 as a multifunctional degradation hub which, through recruitment of the cellular E3 ligase TRC8, modulates diverse immune pathways involved in antigen presentation, NK cell activation, migration and coagulation; and highlight US2’s impact on HCMV pathogenesis.  相似文献   
Enteric nervous system progenitor cells isolated from postnatal human gut and cultured as neurospheres can then be transplanted into aganglionic gut to restore normal patterns of contractility. These progenitor cells may be of future use to treat patients with Hirschprung’s disease, a congenital condition characterized by hindgut dysmotility due to the lack of enteric nervous system ganglia. Here we demonstrate that progenitor cells can also be isolated from aganglionic gut removed during corrective surgery for Hirschsprung’s disease. Although the enteric nervous system marker calretinin is not expressed in the aganglionic gut region, de novo expression is initiated in cultured neurosphere cells isolated from aganglionic Hirschsprung bowel. Furthermore, expression of the neural markers NOS, VIP and GFAP also increased during culture of aganglionic gut neurospheres which we show can be transplantation into cultured embryonic mouse gut explants to restore a normal frequency of contractility. To determine the origin of the progenitor cells in aganglionic region, we used fluorescence-activated cell sorting to demonstrate that only p75-positive neural crest-derived cells present in the thickened nerve trunks characteristic of the aganglionic region of Hirschsprung gut gave rise to neurons in culture. The derivation of enteric nervous system progenitors in the aganglionic gut region of Hirschprung’s patients not only means that this tissue is a potential source of cells for future autologous transplantation, but it also raises the possibility of inducing the differentiation of these endogenous cells in situ to compensate for the aganglionosis.  相似文献   
Stalk-eyed flies (Diptera: Diopsidae) possess eyes at the ends of elongated peduncles, and exhibit dramatic variation in eye span, relative to body length, among species. In some sexually dimorphic species, evidence indicates that eye span is under both intra- and intersexual selection. Theory predicts that isolated populations should evolve differences in sexually selected traits due to drift. To determine if eye span changes as a function of divergence time, 1370 flies from 10 populations of the sexually dimorphic species, Cyrtodiopsis dalmanni and Cyrtodiopsis whitei, and one population of the sexually monomorphic congener, Cyrtodiopsis quinqueguttata, were collected from Southeast Asia and measured. Genetic differentiation was used to assess divergence time by comparing mitochondrial (cytochrome oxidase II and 16S ribosomal RNA gene fragments) and nuclear (wingless gene fragment) DNA sequences for c. five individuals per population. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that most populations cluster as monophyletic units with up to 9% nucleotide substitutions between populations within a species. Analyses of molecular variance suggest a high degree of genetic structure within and among the populations; > 97% of the genetic variance occurs between populations and species while < 3% is distributed within populations, indicating that most populations have been isolated for thousands of years. Nevertheless, significant change in the allometric slope of male eye span on body length was detected for only one population of either dimorphic species. These results are not consistent with genetic drift. Rather, relative eye span appears to be under net stabilizing selection in most populations of stalk-eyed flies. Given that one population exhibited dramatic evolutionary change, selection, rather than genetic variation, appears to constrain eye span evolution.  相似文献   
The construction and use of two novel transposon(Tn)-delivery vectors is described. These vectors carry Inc.W or Inc.N broad-host-range transfer functions cloned next to the narrow-host-range replicon of pBR329. The host specificities of pSLX10 and pSLX23 both complement and extend the host specificities of existing Tn delivery vectors. Plasmids pSLX10 and pSLX23 were shown to transfer at high frequency in intergeneric matings. The lux genes which are present on each vector permit the visual monitoring of transconjugants which have retained a Tn element, but are devoid of plasmid molecules. pSLX10 and pLSX23 were efficiently used to generate a range of auxotrophic mutants in various strains of Pseudomonas as well as to clone genes from Serratia liquefaciens. These vectors may have general applicability to identify and clone genes in a wide range of Gram-negative bacteria.  相似文献   
Aim The question whether free‐living protists are generally cosmopolitan is currently a matter of debate. In this study we investigate the geographical distribution of a distinctive testate amoeba species, Nebela ansata, and use our data to assess the potential for highly restricted distribution patterns in some protist species. Location Global. Methods We analysed (1) 3400 testate amoeba publications from North America and other continents, (2) unpublished slides of the Penard Collection of the Natural History Museum, London, UK, and (3) 104 Sphagnum samples from eastern North America. Non‐metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) was used to visualize the similarities in testate amoeba community composition among 1012 North American samples, including two communities that contained N. ansata. Results We rediscovered N. ansata at a site in New Jersey located close to its type locality, and in Nova Scotia. We also report the existence of an apparently unpublished museum specimen originally collected from New Jersey. Our extensive literature survey confirmed the presence of this species only in the temperate part of eastern North America. The NMDS revealed that communities with N. ansata were less similar to each other than to communities from other parts of North America, suggesting that favourable habitats for N. ansata occur in other Sphagnum‐dominated peatlands, a habitat type that has been extensively sampled in North America and elsewhere. Main conclusions These data provide an unusually convincing case of a free‐living microorganism with a very limited distribution range in the temperate part of eastern North America. The remarkably restricted distribution of N. ansata highlights the extent of our ignorance about the natural history of free‐living microorganisms, and raises questions about the lack of attention to microbial diversity in conservation biology.  相似文献   
Phosphorylation of troponin I by protein kinase A (PKA) reduces Ca2+ sensitivity and increases the rate of Ca2+ release from troponin C and the rate of relaxation in cardiac muscle. In vitro experiments indicate that mutations that cause dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) uncouple this modulation, but this has not been demonstrated in an intact contractile system. Using a Ca2+-jump protocol, we measured the effect of the DCM-causing mutation ACTC E361G on the equilibrium and kinetic parameters of Ca2+ regulation of contractility in single transgenic mouse heart myofibrils. We used propranolol treatment of mice to reduce the level of troponin I and myosin binding protein C (MyBP-C) phosphorylation in their hearts before isolating the myofibrils. In nontransgenic mouse myofibrils, the Ca2+ sensitivity of force was increased, the fast relaxation phase rate constant, kREL, was reduced, and the length of the slow linear phase, tLIN, was increased when the troponin I phosphorylation level was reduced from 1.02 to 0.3 molPi/TnI (EC50 P/unP = 1.8 ± 0.2, p < 0.001). Native myofibrils from ACTC E361G transgenic mice had a 2.4-fold higher Ca2+ sensitivity than nontransgenic mouse myofibrils. Strikingly, the Ca2+ sensitivity and relaxation parameters of ACTC E361G myofibrils did not depend on the troponin I phosphorylation level (EC50 P/unP = 0.88 ± 0.17, p = 0.39). Nevertheless, modulation of the Ca2+ sensitivity of ACTC E361G myofibrils by sarcomere length or EMD57033 was indistinguishable from that of nontransgenic myofibrils. Overall, EC50 measured in different conditions varied over a 7-fold range. The time course of relaxation, as defined by tLIN and kREL, was correlated with EC50 but varied by just 2.7- and 3.3-fold, respectively. Our results confirm that troponin I phosphorylation specifically alters the Ca2+ sensitivity of isometric tension and the time course of relaxation in cardiac muscle myofibrils. Moreover, the DCM-causing mutation ACTC E361G blunts this phosphorylation-dependent response without affecting other parameters of contraction, including length-dependent activation and the response to EMD57033.  相似文献   
The properties of electron transport systems present in soluble and particulate fractions of spores of Bacillus megaterium KM?HAVE BEEN COMPARED WIth those of similar fractions prepared from exponential-phase vegetative cells of this organism. The timing and localization of modifications of the electron transport system occurring during sporulation have been investigated by using a system for separating forespores from mother cells at all stages during development [8]. Spore membranes contained cytochromes a + a3, and o at lower concentrations than in vegetative membranes, and in addition cytochrome c, which was not found in exponential-phase vegetative membranes. An NADH oxidase activity of similar specific activity was found in both spore and vegetative membranes but DL-glycerol 3-phosphate and L-malate oxidase activities were found only in vegetative membranes. A soluble NADH oxidase of low specific activity was found in spores and vegetative cells which probably involves a flavoprotein reaction with oxygen because the activity was stimulated by FAD or FMN and difference spectra of concentrated soluble fractions showed spectra typical of a flavoprotein. Particulate NADH oxidase was sensitive to all classical inhibitors of electron transport tested whereas soluble NADH oxidase was insensitive to many of these inhibitors. Cytochrome c was formed between stage I and II of sporulation and this coincided with a five-fold increase in NADH-cytochrome c reductase activity. Forespore membranes had lower contents of cytochromes than sporangial cell membranes but similar levels of NADH and L-malate oxidases; DL-glycerol 3-phosphate oxidase activity could not be detected in either membranes by stage III of sporulation. This characterization of spore electron transport systems provides a basis for suggestions concerning initial metabolic events during spore germination and the effect of a number of germination inhibitors.  相似文献   
The structure of the bay region (1R,2S,3R,4S)-N6-[1-(1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-2,3,4-trihydroxybenz[a]anthracenyl)]-2'-deoxyadenosyl adduct at X(7) of 5'-d(CGGACAXGAAG)-3'.5'-d(CTTCTTGTCCG)-3', incorporating codons 60, 61 (underlined), and 62 of the human N-ras protooncogene, was determined by NMR. This was the bay region benz[a]anthracene RSRS (61,3) adduct. The BA moiety intercalated above the 5'-face of the modified base pair. NOE connectivities between imino protons were disrupted at T16 and T17. Large chemical shifts at the lesion site were consistent with ring current shielding arising from the BA moiety. A large chemical shift dispersion was observed for the BA aromatic protons. An increased rise of 8.17 A was observed between base pairs A6 x T17 and X7 x T(16). The PAH moiety stacked with the purine ring of A6, the 5'-neighbor nucleotide. This resulted in buckling of the 5'-neighbor A6 x T17 base pair, evidenced by exchange broadening for the T17 imino resonance. It also interrupted sequential NOE connectivities between nucleotides C5 and A6. The A6 deoxyribose ring showed an increased percentage of the C3'-endo conformation. This differed from the bay region BA RSRS (61,2) adduct, in which the lesion was located at position X6 [Li, Z., Mao, H., Kim, H.-Y., Tamura, P. J., Harris, C. M., Harris, T. M., and Stone, M. P. (1999) Biochemistry 38, 2969-2981], but was similar to the benzo[a]pyrene BP SRSR (61,3) adduct [Zegar I. S., Chary, P., Jabil, R. J., Tamura, P. J., Johansen, T. N., Lloyd, R. S., Harris, C. M., Harris, T. M., and Stone, M. P. (1998) Biochemistry 37, 16516-16528]. The altered sugar pseudorotation at A6 appears to be common to both bay region BA RSRS (61,3) and BP SRSR (61,3) adducts. It could not be discerned if the C3'-endo conformation at A6 in the BA RSRS (61,3) adduct altered base pairing geometry at X7 x T16, as compared to the C2'-endo conformation. The structural studies suggest that the mutational spectrum of this adduct may be more complex than that of the BA RSRS (61,2) adduct.  相似文献   
Induction of DNA double-strand breaks in diploid wild-type yeast cells, and inactivation of diploid mutant cells (rad54-3) unable to repair DNA double-strand breaks, were studied with aluminium K (1.5 keV) and carbon K (0.278 keV) characteristic X-rays. The induction of DNA double-strand breaks was found to increase linearly with absorbed dose for both characteristic X-rays. Carbon K X-rays were more effective than aluminium K X-rays. Relative to 60Co gamma-rays the r.b.e.-values for the induction of DNA double-strand breaks were found to be 3.8 and 2.2 for carbon K and aluminium K X-rays respectively. The survival curves of the rad54-3 mutant cells were exponential for both ultrasoft X-rays. For inactivation of rad54-3 mutant cells, the r.b.e.-values relative to 60Co gamma-rays were 2.6 and 2.4 for carbon K and aluminium K X-rays, respectively. The DNA double-strand break data obtained with aluminium K and carbon K X-rays are in agreement with the data obtained for gene mutation, chromosome aberrations and inactivation of mammalian cells, suggesting that DNA double-strand breaks are the possible molecular lesions leading to these effects.  相似文献   
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