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Zusammenfassung Der Zusammenstellung liegen Befunde zu den brutbiologischen Parametern Gelegestärke, Schlüpftermin und Anzahl flügger Junge zugrunde, die von 1970–1995 an rund 1500 Erstbruten des Kleibers in Versuchsgebieten mit künstlichen Nisthöhlen bei Braunschweig und Essen gewonnen wurden. Die Vollgelege-Eizahl beträgt im Durchschnitt 6,8 Eier (nur Daten aus dem Braunschweiger Raum), der durchschnittliche Schlüpftermin fällt auf den 9. Mai (Braunschweig) und 6. Mai (Essen) und die Anzahl flügger Nestlinge liegt in erfolgreichen Bruten im Mittel bei 5,6 (Braunschweig) bzw. 5,2 (Essen). Im Untersuchungszeitraum kam es in beiden Gebietsregionen zu einer signifikanten Verfrühung des Bruttermins. Doch werden wohl erst die Befunde der kommenden Jahre zeigen können, ob die rezente Häufung früher Brutjahre beim Kleiber (diese Arbeit) und bei Kohl- und Blaumeisen (Winkel &Hudde unveröff.) bereits eine Folge des anthropogen bedingten global warming ist oder noch das normale Auf und Ab der Witterung widerspiegelt.
Long-term changes of breeding parameters of NuthatchesSitta europaea in two study areas of northern Germany
Between 1970 and 1995, nestbox data about clutch size, hatching date and fledging success were collected for a total of around 1500 first broods of Nuthatches in two north German study areas (near Brunswick 52.16 N 10.32 E and near Essen 51.24 N 6.59 E). The average clutch size was 6.8 eggs (Brunswick), the average hatching date 9 May (Brunswick) and 6 May (Essen), and the mean number of fledglings per successful brood 5.6 (Brunswick) and 5.2 (Essen). Over time hatching dates significantly advanced in both areas. Data of further years are needed to clarify if the recent unusual sequence of early breeding years in the Nuthatch is already a consequence of the anthropogenic greenhouse effect or just due to normal variation of weather conditions.
Summary 1. Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) is thought to be involved in the regulation of the diurnal activity of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and to act as a neurotransmitter in the brain. To date it is unknown whether the binding sites of the central CRF system are subject to diurnal variations. 2. We measured the number of CRF binding sites over the course of a complete 24-hr light-dark cycle in the pituitary, amygdala, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), cingulate cortex, visceral cortex, paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, hippocampus, and locus ceruleus of rats byin vitro receptor autoradiography with iodinated ovine CRF. A 24-hr time course was also established for plasma CRF and corticosterone. 3. The diurnal pattern of plasma CRF does not correlate with the pattern of plasma corticosterone. Within the brain, CRF binding in the basolateral nucleus of the amygdala showed a U-shaped curve with maximum levels in the morning and a wide hallow between 1500 and 0100. A biphasic profile with a small depression in the afternoon and a more pronounced depression in the second half of the activity period is characteristic for the other brain areas and the pituitary. The profile for the pituitary correlates with those for the BNST and the area of the locus ceruleus. Furthermore, the diurnal pattern of CRF binding sites in the BNST correlates with that of the hippocampus, and the daytime pattern of the visceral cortex is similar to that of both the hippocampus and the BNST. 4. Since the CRF-binding profiles in the brain and the pituitary clearly differ from the profiles of both plasma CRF and corticosterone, one may assume that the diurnal pattern of central CRF binding sites is not directly coupled to the activity of the HPA axis.  相似文献   
The fate of the anterior neural ridge was studied by following the relative movements of simultaneous spot applications of DiI and DiO from stage 15 through stage 45. These dye movements were mapped onto the neuroepithelium of the developing brain whose shape was gleaned from whole-mount in situs to neural cell adhesion molecule and dissections of the developing nervous system. The result is a model of the cell movements that drive the morphogenesis of the forebrain. The midanterior ridge moves inside and drops down along the most anterior wall of the neural tube. It then pushes forward a bit, rotates ventrally during forebrain flexing, and gives rise to the chiasmatic ridge and anterior hypothalamus. The midanterior plate drops, forming the floor of the forebrain ventricle, and, keeping its place behind the ridge, it gives rise to the posterior hypothalamus or infundibulum. The midlateral anterior ridge slides into the lateral anterior wall of the neural tube and stretches laterally into the optic stalk and retina, and then rotates into a ventral position. The lateral anterior ridge converges to the most anterior part of the dorsal midline during neural tube closure, then rotates anteriorly, and gives rise to telencephalic structures. Whole-mount bromodeoxyuridine labeling at these stages showed that cell division is widespread and relatively uniform throughout the brain during the late neurula and early tailbud stages, but that during late tailbud stages cell division becomes restricted to specific proliferative zones. We conclude that the early morphogenesis of the brain is carried out largely by choreographed cell movements and that later morphogenesis depends on spatially restricted patterns of cell division. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Der Verbeugungstriller männlicher Brandenten, eine epigame Lautäußerung, weist sowohl in syntaktischen wie auch phonetischen Parametern zyklische jahreszeitliche Veränderungen auf. Die Gesamtdauer der Lautäußerung vergrößert sich allmählich im Laufe des Frühjahrs. Dafür sind eine Verlängerung des tonalen Eingangselements und eine Vermehrung der Elemente der abschließenden Phrase verantwortlich. Dagegen verkürzt sich das 2. Element gleichzeitig. In allen untersuchten Elementen erhöht sich die Tonhöhe parallel zur Verlängerung des Rufes. Diese Veränderungen des Ausdrucksverhaltens geben vermutlich Änderungen innerer Zustandsgrößen wieder.
Seasonally changing bird call: the trill call of male Shelducks (Tadorna tadorna)
Both syntactic and phonetic features of the trill call accompanying the whistle-shake in adult male Shelducks are subject to cyclic annual changes. In the course of spring, the duration of the whole call increases gradually. This is caused by a prolongation of the first call element and insertion of additive elements in the final phrase. In contrast the second element is shortened by about 10 ms. At the same time, the pitch of all measured elements is raised. These findings are discussed in the framework of hormonal regulation and communicative function.
We investigated the Nco I restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of the tumor necrosis factor beta (TNFB) gene in 173 patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), 192 unrelated healthy controls, and eleven panel families, all of German origin. The phenotype frequency of the TNFB*1 allele was significantly increased in patients compared to controls (63.6% vs 47.1%, RR = 1.96, p <0.002). The results of a two-point haplotype statistical analysis between TNFB and HLA alleles show that there is linkage disequilibrium between TNFB*1 and HLA-A1, Cw7, B8, DR3, DQ2, and C4A DE. The frequency of TNFB*1 was compared in SLE patients and controls in the presence or absence of each of these alleles. TNFB*1 is increased in patients over controls only in the presence of the mentioned alleles. Therefore, the whole haplotype A1, Cw7, B8, TNFB*1, C4A DE, DR3, DQ2 is increased in patients and it cannot be determined which of the genes carried by this haplotype is responsible for the susceptibility to SLE. In addition, two-locus associations were analyzed in 192 unrelated healthy controls for TNFB and class I alleles typed by serology, and for TNFB and class II alleles typed by polymerase chain reaction/oligonucleotide probes. We found positive linkage disequilibrium between TNFB*1 and the following alleles: HLA-A24, HLA-B8, DRB1*0301, DRB1*1104, DRB1*1302, DQA1*0501, DQB1*0201, DQB1*0604, and DPB1*0101. TNFB*2 is associated with HLA-B7, DRB1*1501, and DQB1*0602.This study was supported by grants from the Federal Ministry of Research and Technology (BMFT/DFVLR, 01 VM 8608/9), the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD, 322/501/014/0), and SFB (217).This work is part of the doctoral thesis of M. P. Bettinotti.  相似文献   
The kinetic constraints that are imposed on cytochrome oxidase in its dual function as the terminal oxidant in the respiratory process and as a redox-linked proton pump provide a unique opportunity to investigate the molecular details of biological O2 activation. By using flow/flash techniques, it is possible to visualize individual steps in the O2-binding and reduction process, and results from a number of spectroscopic investigations on the oxidation of reduced cytochrome oxidase by O2 are now available. In this article, we use these results to synthesize a reaction mechanism for O2 activation in the enzyme and to simulate time-concentration profiles for a number of intemediates that have been observed experimentally. Kinetic manifestation of the consequences of coupling exergonic electron transfer to endergonic proton translocation emerge from this analysis. Energetic efficiency in this process apparently requires that potentially toxic intermediate oxidation states of dioxygen accumulate to substantial concentration during the reduction reaction.  相似文献   
Macrorestriction mapping is often the first step toward a thorough physical and genetic characterization of a bacterial genome. The problem of deducing the order of partially or completely digested macrorestriction fragments to yield a physical genome map may readily be solved by applying twodimensional pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (2D-PFGE) techniques. These powerful methods are quick and technically easy to perform; specifically, they are independent of DNA probes and should therefore be applicable to any bacterial species irrespective of its prior genetic characterization. In this article, detailed step-by-step protocols are given to set up, run, and evaluate 2D pulsed-field gels. Two basic methods are described: partial/complete 2D gels of one restriction enzyme and complete/complete 2D gels of two different restriction enzymes. Other topics include preparation of bacterial genomic DNA, screening for suitable rare-cutting restriction enzymes and determination of optimal running conditions. Accompanied by many notes, these protocols are meant to offer the novice a sound and rapid access to these important methods.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Unter Einsatz einer neuartigen, direkt vergrößernden Röntgentechnologie wurde die Konstruktion des Schnabelskeletts von schlupfreifen Jungvögeln untersucht. Wie die bei Verwendung sog. Mikrofokus-Röntgengeräte erzielten Röntgenaufnahmen erkennen lassen, weist das Schnabelskelett der Schlüpflinge — unabhängig vom Entwicklungsmodus — bei allen untersuchten Formen einen recht einheitlichen Bau auf. Sowohl der Ossifikationsgrad der Kiefer als auch die spezifische Osteoarchitektur der Knochenelemente des Schnabelapparates, insbesondere im Bereich der Substantia spongiosa des Os praemaxillare können als anatomische Anpassungen an die beim Sprengen der Eischale auftretenden mechanischen Belastungen des Kieferskeletts gewertet werden.
Construction principles of the beak skeleton in the hatchling
Summary The structure of the beak skeleton of hatchlings was analysed using a new direct magnifying X-ray technique. The application of these microfocus X-ray systems reveals a quite uniform construction of the beak skeleton in the hatchlings, independent from the mode of development of the bird species groups studied (precocial, altricial etc.). The amount of ossification as well as the specific osteoarchitecture of the jaw bones of the beak apparatus — especially in the region of Substantia spongiosa of the Os praemaxillare — may be considered as an anatomical adaptation to mechanical stress of the jaw bones during picking of the eggshell.
Summary The leaf shape of the mutantfiliformis (fil) ofHyoscyamus niger L. is strongly modified by external factors (like nutrition and light) as well as by the height of insertion. The name filiformis refers to thread-like leaves which always occur in the inflorencence; they may also be formed in the vegetative region, especially under short day conditions. Other leaves may have a small rhombic blade or a larger blade with irregular edges and deep incisions. Even pinnate leaves have been found. In contrast to the leaves of normalHyoscyamus, all mutant leaves (hypsophylls included) have a stalk-like basal portion that seems to be homologous to the basal part of the normal blade. This mutant is caused by one recessive factor which is linked neither toann nor topall.the submarginal initials of the normalHyoscyamus blade were always found dividing according to the periclinal-anticlinal type, while in the mutant the activity of the submarginal initials frequently resulted in a primarily biseriate mesophyll (so-called double-edged segmentation).This is apparently the first time that gene control of the mode of submarginal blade growth has been observed. Further differences between mutant and normalHyoscyamus concern the venation, the lengths of palisade cells and of stomata guard cells, the frequency of stomata per mm2, and the thickness of the blade.

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