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Viruses can evade immune surveillance, but the underlying mechanisms are insufficiently understood. Here, we sought to understand the mechanisms by which natural killer (NK) cells recognize HIV-1-infected cells and how this virus can evade NK-cell-mediated immune pressure.

Methods and Findings

Two sequence mutations in p24 Gag associated with the presence of specific KIR/HLA combined genotypes were identified in HIV-1 clade C viruses from a large cohort of infected, untreated individuals in South Africa (n = 392), suggesting viral escape from KIR+ NK cells through sequence variations within HLA class I—presented epitopes. One sequence polymorphism at position 303 of p24 Gag (TGag303V), selected for in infected individuals with both KIR2DL3 and HLA-C*03:04, enabled significantly better binding of the inhibitory KIR2DL3 receptor to HLA-C*03:04-expressing cells presenting this variant epitope compared to the wild-type epitope (wild-type mean 18.01 ± 10.45 standard deviation [SD] and variant mean 44.67 ± 14.42 SD, p = 0.002). Furthermore, activation of primary KIR2DL3+ NK cells from healthy donors in response to HLA-C*03:04+ target cells presenting the variant epitope was significantly reduced in comparison to cells presenting the wild-type sequence (wild-type mean 0.78 ± 0.07 standard error of the mean [SEM] and variant mean 0.63 ± 0.07 SEM, p = 0.012). Structural modeling and surface plasmon resonance of KIR/peptide/HLA interactions in the context of the different viral sequence variants studied supported these results. Future studies will be needed to assess processing and antigen presentation of the investigated HIV-1 epitope in natural infection, and the consequences for viral control.


These data provide novel insights into how viruses can evade NK cell immunity through the selection of mutations in HLA-presented epitopes that enhance binding to inhibitory NK cell receptors. Better understanding of the mechanisms by which HIV-1 evades NK-cell-mediated immune pressure and the functional validation of a structural modeling approach will facilitate the development of novel targeted immune interventions to harness the antiviral activities of NK cells.  相似文献   
Shrimp farming in the Americas began to develop in the late 1970s into a significant industry. In its first decade of development, the technology used was simple and postlarvae (PLs) produced from wild adults and wild caught PLs were used for stocking farms. Prior to 1990, there were no World Animal Health Organization (OIE) listed diseases, but that changed rapidly commensurate with the phenomenal growth of the global shrimp farming industry. There was relatively little international trade of live or frozen commodity shrimp between Asia and the Americas in those early years, and with a few exceptions, most of the diseases known before 1980 were due to disease agents that were opportunistic or part of the shrimps' local environment. Tetrahedral baculovirosis, caused by Baculovirus penaei (BP), and necrotizing hepatopancreatitis (NHP) and its bacterial agent Hepatobacterium penaei, were among the "American" diseases that eventually became OIE listed and have not become established outside of the Americas. As the industry grew after 1980, a number of new diseases that soon became OIE listed, emerged in the Americas or were introduced from Asia. Spherical baculovirus, caused by MBV, although discovered in the Americas in imported live Penaeus monodon, was subsequently found to be common in wild and farmed Asian, Australian and African penaeids. Infectious hypodermal and hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHHNV) was introduced from the Philippines in the mid 1970s with live P. monodon and was eventually found throughout the Americas and subsequently in much of the shrimp farming industry in the eastern hemisphere. Taura syndrome emerged in Penaeus vannamei farms in 1991-1992 in Ecuador and was transferred to SE Asia with live shrimp by 1999 where it also caused severe losses. White Spot Disease (WSD) caused by White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) emerged in East Asia in ~1992, and spread throughout most of the Asian shrimp farming industry by 1994. By 1995, WSSV reached the eastern USA via frozen commodity products and it reached the main shrimp farming countries of the Americas located on the Pacific side of the continents by the same mechanism in 1999. As is the case in Asia, WSD is the dominant disease problem of farmed shrimp in the Americas. The most recent disease to emerge in the Americas was infectious myonecrosis caused by IMN virus. As had happened before, within 3years of its discovery, the disease had been transferred to SE Asia with live P. vannamei, and because of its impact on the industry and potential for further spread in was listed by the OIE in 2005. Despite the huge negative impact of disease on the shrimp farming industry in the Americas, the industry has continued to grow and mature into a more sustainable industry. In marked contrast to 15-20years ago when PLs produced from wild adults and wild PLs were used to stock farms in the Americas, the industry now relies on domesticated lines of broodstock that have undergone selection for desirable characteristics including disease resistance.  相似文献   
A characteristic, well-studied feature of the pathogenic protists belonging to the family Trypanosomatidae is the compartmentalisation of the major part of the glycolytic pathway in peroxisome-like organelles, hence designated glycosomes. Such organelles containing glycolytic enzymes appear to be present in all members of the Kinetoplastea studied, and have recently also been detected in a representative of the Diplonemida, but they are absent from the Euglenida. Glycosomes therefore probably originated in a free-living, common ancestor of the Kinetoplastea and Diplonemida. The initial sequestering of glycolytic enzymes inside peroxisomes may have been the result of a minor mistargeting of proteins, as generally observed in eukaryotic cells, followed by preservation and its further expansion due to the selective advantage of this specific form of metabolic compartmentalisation. This selective advantage may have been a largely increased metabolic flexibility, allowing the organisms to adapt more readily and efficiently to different environmental conditions. Further evolution of glycosomes involved, in different taxonomic lineages, the acquisition of additional enzymes and pathways - often participating in core metabolic processes - as well as the loss of others. The acquisitions may have been promoted by the sharing of cofactors and crucial metabolites between different pathways, thus coupling different redox processes and catabolic and anabolic pathways within the organelle. A notable loss from the Trypanosomatidae concerned a major part of the typical peroxisomal H(2)O(2)-linked metabolism. We propose that the compartmentalisation of major parts of the enzyme repertoire involved in energy, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism has contributed to the multiple development of parasitism, and its elaboration to complicated life cycles involving consecutive different hosts, in the protists of the Kinetoplastea clade.  相似文献   
The biogeographical patterns of the obligate freshwater fishes of Nuclear Middle America, a region that expands from southern Guatemala to northern Nicaragua, are described herein. Historically, three broad ichthyological provinces have been assigned to Nuclear Middle America: the Usumacinta, and the San Juan in the Atlantic slope and the Chiapas-Nicaragüense in the Pacific slope. With the use of correspondence analysis and unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean cluster analysis of a presence/absence matrix of 76 obligate freshwater fishes, we identified four ichthyological provinces in Nuclear Middle America: (1) the Honduras and Guatemala Caribbean Highlands Province, (2) the Honduras and Nicaragua Mosquitia Province, (3) the Chiapas-El Salvador-Nacaome Province, and (4) the Choluteca and Nicaragua Pacific Province. Differences between provinces in species composition and species turnover between provinces were tested by analysis of similarity, the calculation of beta-diversity indices and an indicator species analysis. We then further characterized each province by identifying the number of endemics and classifying species according to their salinity tolerance. The most striking patterns of Nuclear Middle America freshwater fish distribution are its paucity of primary freshwater fishes and limited numbers of endemics. The four ichthyological provinces are distinct as indicated by the ANOSIM and beta-diversity analysis, although one province showed low beta-diversity values. These results suggest that, despite of the active geological history that characterized the region, there has been limited isolation of species in any given province, and historical drainage connectivity has been high.  相似文献   
A folate receptor targeted didemnin B conjugate was synthesized using a hydrophilic peptide spacer linked to folate via a releasable disulfide carbonate linker. Cell cytotoxicity and TNF-α inhibition in RAW264.7 macrophage-like cells exhibited IC(50)s of 13 and 5 nM, respectively. Folate didemnin B was found to be ~50-100 fold more potent than didemnin B itself. More importantly, activity of the prodrug was blocked by excess folic acid, demonstrating receptor-mediated cellular uptake of the conjugate.  相似文献   
POT1 (protection of telomere 1) is a highly conserved single-stranded telomeric binding protein that is essential for telomere end protection. Here, we report the cloning and characterization of a second member of the mouse POT family. POT1b binds telomeric DNA via conserved DNA binding oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide (OB) folds. Compared to POT1a, POT1b OB-folds possess less sequence specificity for telomeres. In contrast to POT1a, truncated POT1b possessing only the OB-folds can efficiently localize to telomeres in vivo. Overexpression of a mutant Pot1b allele that cannot bind telomeric DNA initiated a DNA damage response at telomeres that led to p53-dependent senescence. Furthermore, a reduction of the 3' G-rich overhang, increased chromosomal fusions and elevated homologous recombination (HR) were observed at telomeres. shRNA mediated depletion of endogenous Pot1b in Pot1a deficient cells resulted in increased chromosomal aberrations. Our results indicate that POT1b plays important protective functions at telomeres and that proper maintenance of chromosomal stability requires both POT proteins.  相似文献   
Gonadotropins and GnRH have been used to electively induce ovulation in llamas and alpacas, but critical evaluation of the natural interval to ovulation after mating has not been performed nor has a direct comparison of the effects of natural mating versus hormone treatments on this interval and subsequent luteal development. The objectives of this study were to compare the effects of hormonal treatments and natural mating on ovulation induction, interval to ovulation, and luteal development in llamas. The ovaries of llamas were examined by transrectal ultrasonography once daily. Llamas with a large follicle were assigned randomly to be: (1) mated with an intact male (mated; n=10); (2) given 5 mg of LH im (LH; n=11); or (3) 50 microg of GnRH im (GnRH; n=10). Ultrasound examinations were performed every 4h from treatment (day 0) to ovulation and thereafter once daily for 15 consecutive days to monitor CL growth and regression (n=5 per group). Plasma progesterone concentrations were measured at days 0, 3, 6, 9, and 12 after treatment to evaluate CL function. The size of the largest preovulatory follicle at the time of treatment did not differ among groups (11+/-0.6, 10.5+/-0.8, 11.8+/-0.9 mm, for mated, LH, and GnRH groups, respectively; P=0.6). No differences were detected among groups (mated, LH, and GnRH) in ovulation rate (80%, 91%, 80%, respectively; P=0.6), or interval from treatment to ovulation (30.0+/-0.5, 29.3+/-0.6, 29.3+/-0.7h, respectively; P=0.9). Similarly, no differences were detected among groups (mated, LH, and GnRH) in maximum CL diameter (14.2+/-0.3, 13.2+/-0.5, and 13.0+/-0.7 mm, respectively; P=0.5), the day of maximum CL diameter (7.6+/-0.2, 7.6+/-0.2, and 7.4+/-0.4 mm, respectively; P=0.6), or the day on which the CL began to regress (12.3+/-0.3 [non-pregnant, n=3], 11.8+/-0.6, 12.2+/-0.4, respectively; P=0.4). The diameter of the CL and plasma progesterone concentrations changed over days (P<0.0001) but the profiles did not differ among groups. In summary, ovulation rate, interval to ovulation, and luteal development were similar among llamas that were mated naturally or treated with LH or GnRH. We conclude that both hormonal preparations are equally reliable for inducing ovulation and suitable for synchronization for artificial insemination or embryo transfer program.  相似文献   
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