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Natural scrapie transmission from infected ewes to their lambs is thought to occur by the oral route around the time of birth. However the hypothesis that scrapie transmission can also occur before birth (in utero) is not currently favoured by most researchers. As scrapie is an opportunistic infection with multiple infection routes likely to be functional in sheep, definitive evidence for or against transmission from ewe to her developing fetus has been difficult to achieve. In addition the very early literature on maternal transmission of scrapie in sheep was compromised by lack of knowledge of the role of the PRNP (prion protein) gene in control of susceptibility to scrapie. In this study we experimentally infected pregnant ewes of known PRNP genotype with a distinctive scrapie strain (SSBP/1) and looked for evidence of transmission of SSBP/1 to the offspring. The sheep were from the NPU Cheviot flock, which has endemic natural scrapie from which SSBP/1 can be differentiated on the basis of histology, genetics of disease incidence and strain typing bioassay in mice. We used embryo transfer techniques to allow sheep fetuses of scrapie-susceptible PRNP genotypes to develop in a range of scrapie-resistant and susceptible recipient mothers and challenged the recipients with SSBP/1. Scrapie clinical disease, caused by both natural scrapie and SSBP/1, occurred in the progeny but evidence (including mouse strain typing) of SSBP/1 infection was found only in lambs born to fully susceptible recipient mothers. Progeny were not protected from transmission of natural scrapie or SSBP/1 by washing of embryos to International Embryo Transfer Society standards or by caesarean derivation and complete separation from their birth mothers. Our results strongly suggest that pre-natal (in utero) transmission of scrapie may have occurred in these sheep.  相似文献   


In Lagos, Nigeria, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and the Ministry of Health (MoH) commenced free antiretroviral treatment (ART) in a hospital-based clinic. We performed a cross-sectional study to compare factors associated with raised viral load between patients with (“experienced”) and without (“naïve”) prior antiretroviral (ARV) exposure at commencement of ART at the clinic. We also examined factors influencing ARV adherence in experienced patients prior to clinic entry.


We included adult patients receiving ART from MSF who answered a questionnaire about previous antiretroviral use. Multivariate logistic regression was used to estimate odds ratios (OR) for raised viral load (≥1000 copies/mL).


1246 (96%) patients answered: 1075 (86%) reported no, and 171 (14%) some, prior ARV exposure. ARV-naïve patients were more immunosuppressed at baseline: 65% vs 37% (p<0.001) had CD4<200; 17% vs 9% (p = 0.013) were WHO stage 4. Proportionately more experienced than naïve patients had raised viral loads (20% vs 9%, p<0.001) on ART in the MSF/MoH clinic. Raised viral load was associated with prior ARV experience (adjusted OR = 3.74, 95%CI 2.09–6.70, p<0.001) and complete interruption of current ART (adjusted OR = 3.71, 95%CI 2.06–6.68, p<0.001). Higher CD4 at time of VL and a higher self-rated score of recent adherence were associated with lower OR of a raised viral load. Among experienced patients who missed pills before joining MSF/MoH, most common reasons were because ARVS were not affordable (58%) or available (33%), with raised viral load associated with being unsure how to take them (OR = 3.16, 95%CI 1.10–9.12, p = 0.033).


Patients previously exposed to ARVs had increased OR of raised viral load. The cost and availability of ARVs were common reasons for missing ARVs before joining the MSF/MoH clinic, and inadequate patient knowledge was associated with raised viral load.  相似文献   
Chromosome duplication and transmission into daughter cells requires the precisely orchestrated binding and release of cohesin. We found that the Drosophila histone chaperone NAP1 is required for cohesin release and sister chromatid resolution during mitosis. Genome-wide surveys revealed that NAP1 and cohesin co-localize at multiple genomic loci. Proteomic and biochemical analysis established that NAP1 associates with the full cohesin complex, but it also forms a separate complex with the cohesin subunit stromalin (SA). NAP1 binding to cohesin is cell-cycle regulated and increases during G2/M phase. This causes the dissociation of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) from cohesin, increased phosphorylation of SA and cohesin removal in early mitosis. PP2A depletion led to a loss of centromeric cohesion. The distinct mitotic phenotypes caused by the loss of either PP2A or NAP1, were both rescued by their concomitant depletion. We conclude that the balanced antagonism between NAP1 and PP2A controls cohesin dissociation during mitosis.  相似文献   
Wnt signaling is required for both the development and homeostasis of the skin, yet its contribution to skin wound repair remains controversial. By employing Axin2LacZ/+ reporter mice we evaluated the spatial and temporal distribution patterns of Wnt responsive cells, and found that the pattern of Wnt responsiveness varies with the hair cycle, and correlates with wound healing potential. Using Axin2LacZ/LacZ mice and an ear wound model, we demonstrate that amplified Wnt signaling leads to improved healing. Utilizing a biochemical approach that mimics the amplified Wnt response of Axin2LacZ/LacZ mice, we show that topical application of liposomal Wnt3a to a non-healing wound enhances endogenous Wnt signaling, and results in better skin wound healing. Given the importance of Wnt signaling in the maintenance and repair of skin, liposomal Wnt3a may have widespread application in clinical practice.  相似文献   
Hydroxycinnamoyltransferase (HCT) from sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) participates in an early step of the phenylpropanoid pathway, exchanging coenzyme A (CoA) esterified to p-coumaric acid with shikimic or quinic acid as intermediates in the biosynthesis of the monolignols coniferyl alcohol and sinapyl alcohol. In order to elucidate the mode of action of this enzyme, we have determined the crystal structures of SbHCT in its apo-form and ternary complex with shikimate and p-coumaroyl-CoA, which was converted to its product during crystal soaking. The structure revealed the roles of threonine-36, serine-38, tyrosine-40, histidine-162, arginine-371, and threonine-384 in catalysis and specificity. Based on the exact chemistry of p-coumaroyl-CoA and shikimic acid in the active site and an analysis of kinetic and thermodynamic data of the wild type and mutants, we propose a role for histidine-162 and threonine-36 in the catalytic mechanism of HCT. Considering the calorimetric data, substrate binding of SbHCT should occur sequentially, with p-coumaroyl-CoA binding prior to the acyl acceptor molecule. While some HCTs can use both shikimate and quinate as an acyl acceptor, SbHCT displays low activity toward quinate. Comparison of the structure of sorghum HCT with the HCT involved in chlorogenic acid synthesis in coffee (Coffea canephora) revealed many shared features. Taken together, these observations explain how CoA-dependent transferases with similar structural features can participate in different biochemical pathways across species.Lignin is a major structural and protective component of plant cell walls. Lignin exists as a polymer of mainly three hydroxycinnamyl alcohols and related compounds, referred to as monolignols. The most common monolignols are coniferyl, sinapyl, and p-coumaryl alcohol (Ralph et al., 2004; Vanholme et al., 2010). After polymerization, structures derived from those compounds are referred to as guaiacyl, syringyl, and p-hydroxyphenyl subunits, respectively. The specific composition of lignin subunits varies among species, tissues, and developmental stages. Gymnosperm trees produce lignin that is primarily made of guaiacyl subunits, angiosperm trees contain guaiacyl and syringyl subunits, whereas grasses contain guaiacyl and syringyl subunits with small amounts (approximately 5%) of p-hydroxyphenyl residues. This observed variation in subunit composition across species may reflect the heterogeneity in substrate specificity and kinetic parameters among various monolignol biosynthetic enzymes (Weng et al., 2008).Biosynthesis of the monolignols occurs via the phenylpropanoid pathway using Phe precursors (Vanholme et al., 2010). Phe ammonia lyase, cinnamate-4-hydroxylase, and 4-coumarate coenzyme A (CoA) ligase (4CL) generate p-coumaroyl-CoA from Phe (Vanholme et al., 2010). Grasses can bypass cinnamate-4-hydroxylase by using Tyr as a substrate for Phe ammonia lyase (Neish, 1961; Rösler et al., 1997). The hydroxycinnamoyltransferase (HCT) enzymes exchange the CoA functionality esterified to p-coumaric acid with shikimic or quinic acid to allow for the subsequent conversion of the p-coumaroyl moiety to a caffeoyl moiety by p-coumarate-3′-hydroxylase (C3′H). The hydroxycinnamoyl-CoA shikimate hydroxycinnamoyltransferases (HSTs) exhibit preference for shikimate, whereas the hydroxycinnamoyl-CoA quinate hydroxycinnamoyltransferases prefer quinate as a substrate (Sander and Petersen, 2011). Subsequent reactions ultimately lead to coniferyl and sinapyl alcohol via reduction of the γ-carbon on the propane side chain and substitution of the C3 and C5 positions of the phenol ring (Boerjan et al., 2003).Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) is an attractive bioenergy crop with typical dry biomass yields between 20 and 25 Mg ha−1 and yields as high as 40 Mg ha−1 possible under optimal conditions (Venuto and Kindiger, 2008). Moreover, sorghum utilizes nitrogen-based fertilizer more efficiently than maize (Zea mays) and sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum), leading to less groundwater contamination and lower CO2 emission (Propheter and Staggenborg, 2010; Wortmann and Regassa, 2011). Overall, sorghum has a higher sugar yield potential per land area and requires less water for growth than maize, allowing it to grow in a more diverse range of environments (Saballos, 2008). The sorghum genome sequence has been released (Paterson et al., 2009), and Targeting Induced Local Lesions in Genomes populations exist (Xin et al., 2008) in which various cell wall mutants have been identified (Sattler et al., 2012; Vermerris and Saballos, 2012).A detailed understanding of the catalytic mechanism of phenylpropanoid-related enzymes will enable the targeted modification of lignin subunit composition. The presence of lignin poses a major obstacle to the production of biofuels and chemicals from lignocellulosic biomass, because of its ability to hinder the activity of enzymes required to degrade cellulose to sugars that can be fermented for ethanol production (Yang and Wyman, 2004; Berlin et al., 2006). Genetic modification of plant cell wall composition, especially lignin content and subunit composition, has been shown to improve biomass conversion to fermentable sugars (Chen and Dixon, 2007; Vermerris et al., 2007; Jung et al., 2012). In particular, HCT silencing in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) causes an accumulation of p-hydroxyphenyl residues in the lignin and decreased content of guaiacyl and syringyl residues, leading to a dwarf phenotype (Li et al., 2010). Down-regulation of HCT has also been shown to result in decreased plant growth in alfalfa (Medicago sativa; Shadle et al., 2007). Concomitantly, ruminant digestibility and the yield of fermentable sugars following enzymatic saccharification increased (Chen and Dixon, 2007; Shadle et al., 2007). Reduced HCT activity may alter cell wall polymer interactions and allow better access of cellulolytic enzymes to the cellulose. Therefore, it has the potential to reduce the energy and processing costs associated with the conversion of biomass to fuels and chemicals. However fine-tuning will be necessary to limit the negative impacts on plant growth, which will require a detailed understanding of the catalytic mechanism of HCT.Given the difference in lignin subunit composition among different species and the prominence of grasses among dedicated bioenergy crops, we have focused on elucidating the crystal structure and activity of monolignol-related enzymes of sorghum, starting with the HST-like HCT. HCT belongs to the BAHD superfamily of plant-specific acyl-CoA-dependent acyltransferases (Ma et al., 2005; D’Auria, 2006). However, the BAHD superfamily has functionally and structurally diverse members that frequently possess little (as low as 10%) sequence identity among them (St-Pierre and Luca, 2000). Recent studies led to the crystal structure of the HST-like HCT from robusta coffee (Coffea canephora), an angiosperm dicot with a binding pocket elucidated by molecular docking and mutagenesis (Lallemand et al., 2012). In this report, we present the three-dimensional structures of HCT in its apo-form and ternary complex, supplemented by mutagenic studies to elucidate its reaction mechanism and structural relationship to other members in this growing functional class.  相似文献   
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