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The mitotic spindle plays an essential role in chromosome segregation during cell division. Spindle formation and proper function require that microtubules with opposite polarity overlap and interact. Previous computational simulations have demonstrated that these antiparallel interactions could be created by complexes combining plus- and minus-end-directed motors. The resulting spindles, however, exhibit sparse antiparallel microtubule overlap with motor complexes linking only a nominal number of antiparallel microtubules. Here we investigate the role that spatial differences in the regulation of microtubule interactions can have on spindle morphology. We show that the spatial regulation of microtubule catastrophe parameters can lead to significantly better spindle morphology and spindles with greater antiparallel MT overlap. We also demonstrate that antiparallel microtubule overlap can be increased by having new microtubules nucleated along the length of existing astral microtubules, but this increase negatively affects spindle morphology. Finally, we show that limiting the diffusion of motor complexes within the spindle region increases antiparallel microtubule interaction.  相似文献   
Formation of the neural tube plays a primary role in establishing the body plan of the vertebrate embryo. Here we describe the phenotype and physical mapping of a highly penetrant X-linked male-lethal murine mutation, exma (exencephaly, microphthalmia/anophthalmia), that specifically disrupts development of the rostral neural tube and eye. The mutation arose from the random insertion of a transgene into the mouse X Chromosome (Chr). Eighty-three percent of transgenic male embryos display an open, disorganized forebrain and lack optic vesicles. No transgenic males survive beyond birth. Hemizygous females show a variable phenotype, including reduced viability and occasional exencephaly and/or microphthalmia. Altered or reduced expression patterns of Otx2, Pax6, Six3, and Mrx, known markers of early forebrain and eye development, confirmed the highly disorganized structure of the forebrain and lack of eye development in affected exma male embryos. Physical mapping of the transgene by FISH localized a single insertion site to the interval between Dmd and Zfx on the X Chr. A 1-Mb contig of BAC clones was assembled by using sequences flanking the transgene and revealed that the insertion lies close to Pola1 and Arx, a gene encoding a highly conserved homeobox protein known to be expressed in the developing forebrain of the mouse. Data from Southern blots of normal and transgenic DNA demonstrated that a large segment of DNA encompassing Arx and including part of Pola1 was duplicated as a result of the transgene insertion. From the physical mapping results, we propose a model of the gross rearrangements that accompanied transgene integration and discuss its implications for evaluating candidate genes for exma.  相似文献   
Lung carcinoma development is accompanied by field changes that may have diagnostic significance. We have previously shown the importance of chromosomal aneusomy in lung cancer progression. Here, we tested whether genomic gains in six specific loci, TP63 on 3q28, EGFR on 7p12, MYC on 8q24, 5p15.2, and centromeric regions for chromosomes 3 (CEP3) and 6 (CEP6), may provide further value in the prediction of lung cancer. Bronchial biopsy specimens were obtained by LIFE bronchoscopy from 70 subjects (27 with prevalent lung cancers and 43 individuals without lung cancer). Twenty six biopsies were read as moderate dysplasia, 21 as severe dysplasia and 23 as carcinoma in situ (CIS). Four-micron paraffin sections were submitted to a 4-target FISH assay (LAVysion, Abbott Molecular) and reprobed for TP63 and CEP 3 sequences. Spot counts were obtained in 30–50 nuclei per specimen for each probe. Increased gene copy number in 4 of the 6 probes was associated with increased risk of being diagnosed with lung cancer both in unadjusted analyses (odds ratio = 11, p<0.05) and adjusted for histology grade (odds ratio = 17, p<0.05). The most informative 4 probes were TP63, MYC, CEP3 and CEP6. The combination of these 4 probes offered a sensitivity of 82% for lung cancer and a specificity of 58%. These results indicate that specific cytogenetic alterations present in preinvasive lung lesions are closely associated with the diagnosis of lung cancer and may therefore have value in assessing lung cancer risk.  相似文献   
The nalorphine (pupil) test for narcotic abuse is widely used in California. It is based on the ability of nalorphine to produce mydriasis in subjects who have recently taken morphine-like drugs and to produce miosis in others. The test will usually detect as little as 15 mg of morphine or comparable doses of other narcotics for several hours except in special circumstances. It is even more reliable for detection of chronic use of narcotics. A simple card pupillometer is adequate for measuring changes in pupil size resulting from nalorphine.Analysis for narcotics in urine by thin layer chromatography is also used, either alone or in conjunction with the pupil test, to detect drug abuse. In one study which included many urine speciments from subjects who had negative pupil tests the correlation between the pupil test and urinalysis was good (85 percent). When urinalysis was used to confirm suspicion of drug use resulting from a positive or equivocal pupil test, inter-method agreement dropped to about 50 percent for various reasons. Even so, use of the pupil test for screening and urinalysis for confirmation provides a satisfactory program for detection of narcotic abuse.  相似文献   
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