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Elastase of Pseudomonas aeruginosa is synthesized as a preproenzyme. After propeptide-mediated folding in the periplasm, the proenzyme is autoproteolytically processed, prior to translocation of both the mature enzyme and the propeptide across the outer membrane. The formation of the two disulfide bonds present in the mature enzyme was examined by studying the expression of the wild-type enzyme and of alanine for cysteine mutant derivatives in the authentic host and in dsb mutants of Escherichia coli. It appeared that the two disulfide bonds are formed successively. First, DsbA catalyzes the formation of the disulfide bond between Cys-270 and Cys-297 within the proenzyme. This step is essential for the subsequent autoproteolytic processing to occur. The second disulfide bond between Cys-30 and Cys-57 is formed more slowly and appears to be formed after processing of the proenzyme, and its formation is catalyzed by DsbA as well. This second disulfide bond appeared to be required for the full proteolytic activity of the enzyme and contributes to its stability.  相似文献   
The gram-negative bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa secretes many proteins into its extracellular environment via the type I, II, and III secretion systems. In this study, a gene, chiC, coding for an extracellular chitinolytic enzyme, was identified. The chiC gene encodes a polypeptide of 483 amino acid residues, without a typical N-terminal signal sequence. Nevertheless, an N-terminal segment of 11 residues was found to be cleaved off in the secreted protein. The protein shows sequence similarity to the secreted chitinases ChiC of Serratia marcescens, ChiA of Vibrio harveyi, and ChiD of Bacillus circulans and consists of an activity domain and a chitin-binding domain, which are separated by a fibronectin type III domain. ChiC was able to bind and degrade colloidal chitin and was active on the artificial substrates carboxymethyl-chitin-Remazol Brilliant Violet and p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-N,N',N"-triacetylchitotriose, but not on p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-N-acetylglucosamine, indicating that it is an endochitinase. Expression of the chiC gene appears to be regulated by the quorum-sensing system of P. aeruginosa, since this gene was not expressed in a lasIR vsmI mutant. After overnight growth, the majority of the ChiC produced was found intracellularly, whereas only small amounts were detected in the culture medium. However, after several days, the cellular pool of ChiC was largely depleted, and the protein was found in the culture medium. This release could not be ascribed to cell lysis. Since ChiC did not appear to be secreted via any of the known secretion systems, a novel secretion pathway seems to be involved.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Arbeit verzichtet bewußt auf empirische Beweise jeder Art, weil sie sich mit Vorgängen befaßt, die sich über lange Zeit erstrecken und deshalb der Beobachtung und dem Experiment einstweilen nicht zugänglich sind. Alle derartigen Versuche konnen bisher nicht überzeugen.Regulation der Populationsdichte liegt vor, wenn es irgendwelche endlichen Grenzen gibt, die vor ihr auf die Dauer nicht über- bzw. unterschritten werden. Da die Populationsdichte die auf sie ausgeübten Einflüsse im Laufe der Zeit summiert bzw. multipliziert, vermögen Zufallsfaktoren die Einhaltung solcher Grenzen nicht zu garantieren. Die Wetterereignisse konnen in ihrem zeitlichen Ablauf in periodischer und eventuell auch in aperiodischer Art von der Zufallserwartung abweichen, ohne dadurch aber die Überschreitung der Grenzen durch wetterbedingten Massenwechsel zu verhindern oder wesentlich zu verzögern. Auch das Zusammenw-irken mehrerer dichteunabhängiger Faktoren führt nicht zur Regulation.Wanderungen von Insekten können nur darn regulierend wirken, wenn sie in Abhängigkeit vor der Populationsdichte auftreten. Der regulierende Einfluß schützender Stellen im Biotop ist eine Folge intraspezifischer Konkurrenz. Änderungen in der Häufigkeit vor Genen oder Genanordnungen, welche eventuell mit dem Massenwechsel verbunden sind, können ebenfalls höchstens dann eine regulierende Wirkung haben, wenn sie dichteabhängig erfolgen.Alle dichteabhängigen Faktoren werden nicht nur vor der Populationsdichte, sondern auch vor anderen (diehteunabhängigen) Umweltkomponenten beeinflußt. Trotzdem ist die Dichteabhängigkeit das einzig mögliche regulierende Prinzip. Das Begriffssystem der Kybernetik gestattet eine eindeutige Beschreibung der Regulationsvorgänge. Dabei zeigt es sich, daß die Einhaltung irgendwelcher endlichen Dichtegrenzen und die Bestimmung der mittleren Populationsdichte zwei zwar zusammengehörige, aber wesensmäßig verschiedene Prozesse sind. Dichteunabhängige Faktoren (vor allem das Wetter) wirken einerseits als Führungsgröße, andererseits als kausales Agens für die Störgröße, dichteabhängige, vor allem die intraspezifische Konkurrenz, als Regler.Zur Beseitigung der bestehenden begrifflichen Schwierigkeiten wird vorgeschlagen, die Bezeichnung Regulation auf den Vorgang im Regelkreis (Populationsdichte — dichteabhängiger Faktor — dichteabhängige Sterblichkeit und Fruchtbarkeit - Populationsdichte) zu beschränken und die Festlegung der mittleren Populationsdichte als Determination zu bezeichnen. Das Wetter ist kein Regulations-, sondern ein Massenwechselfaktor, das Klima dagegen ist ein Determinationsfaktor.Die bisherigen Meinungsverschiedenheiten haben außer Mißverständnissen hauptsächlich drei Ursachen: 1. die ungenügende begriffliche Trennung zwischen Massenwechsel und Regulation, 2. ungenaue Vorstellungen über die Auswirkung dichteunabhängiger Faktoren, 3. fehlende Unterscheidung zwischen Regulation und Determination.  相似文献   
The therapeutic combination of the herpesvirus simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) thymidine kinase (TK) gene and the prodrug, ganciclovir (GCV), has found great utility for the treatment of many types of cancer. After initial phosphorylation of GCV by HSV-1 TK, cellular kinases generate the toxic GCV-triphosphate metabolite that is incorporated into DNA and eventually leads to tumor cell death. The cellular and pharmacological mechanisms by which metabolites of GCV lead to cell death are still poorly defined. To begin to address these mechanisms, different mutated forms of HSV-1 TK at residue Gln-125 that have distinct substrate properties were expressed in mammalian cell lines. It was found that expression of the Asn-125 HSV-1 TK mutant in two cell lines, NIH3T3 and HCT-116, was equally effective as wild-type HSV-1 TK for metabolism and sensitivity to GCV, bystander effect killing and induction of apoptosis. The major difference between the two enzymes was the lack of deoxypyrimidine metabolism in the Asn-125 TK-expressing cells. In HCT-116 cells expressing the Glu-125 TK mutant, GCV metabolism was greatly attenuated, yet at higher GCV concentrations, cell sensitivity to the drug and bystander effect killing were diminished but still effective. Cell cycle analysis, 4', 6'-diamidine-2'-phenylindoledihydrochloride staining, and caspase 3 activation assays indicated different cell death responses in the Glu-125 TK-expressing cells as compared with the wild-type HSV-1 TK or Asn-125 TK-expressing cells. A mechanistic hypothesis to explain these results based on the differences in GCV-triphosphate metabolite levels is presented.  相似文献   
Germline mutations in the DNA mismatch repair (MMR) genes MSH2 and MLH1 are responsible for the majority of hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC), an autosomal-dominant early-onset cancer syndrome. Genetic testing of both MSH2 and MLH1 from individuals suspected of HNPCC has revealed a considerable number of missense codons, which are difficult to classify as either pathogenic mutations or silent polymorphisms. To identify novel MLH1 missense codons that impair MMR activity, a prospective genetic screen in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was developed. The screen utilized hybrid human-yeast MLH1 genes that encode proteins having regions of the yeast ATPase domain replaced by homologous regions from the human protein. These hybrid MLH1 proteins are functional in MMR in vivo in yeast. Mutagenized MLH1 fragments of the human coding region were synthesized by error-prone PCR and cloned directly in yeast by in vivo gap repair. The resulting yeast colonies, which constitute a library of hybrid MLH1 gene variants, were initially screened by semi-quantitative in vivo MMR assays. The hybrid MLH1 genes were recovered from yeast clones that exhibited a MMR defect and sequenced to identify alterations in the mutagenized region. This investigation identified 117 missense codons that conferred a 2-fold or greater decreased efficiency of MMR in subsequent quantitative MMR assays. Notably, 10 of the identified missense codons were equivalent to codon changes previously observed in the human population and implicated in HNPCC. To investigate the effect of all possible codon alterations at single residues, a comprehensive mutational analysis of human MLH1 codons 43 (lysine-43) and 44 (serine-44) was performed. Several amino acid replacements at each residue were silent, but the majority of substitutions at lysine-43 (14/19) and serine-44 (18/19) reduced the efficiency of MMR. The assembled data identifies amino acid substitutions that disrupt MLH1 structure and/or function, and should assist the interpretation of MLH1 genetic tests.  相似文献   
On 1 October 2001, a 4-mo-old male white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) fawn was collected in Day County, South Dakota (USA), by South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks personnel. The fawn had sparse hair development on the ventral thorax, the lateral caudal and caudal aspects of the rear legs, the muzzle, around the eyes, and inside the ears. Remaining skin surfaces were devoid of hair. Histologic examination revealed normal hair follicle density although follicles were empty or contained keratin debris and fragments of hair shaft. The epidermis of the fawn was mildly thickened and melanin pigment was prominent within deep layers of the epidermis. Based on histologic examination, the deer was diagnosed with congenital hypotrichosis. Although this condition has been reported in domestic species and humans, this specimen represents the first documented case of congenital hypotrichosis in a cervid.  相似文献   
A Plackett-Burman design was employed to develop and optimize a novel crosslinked calcium-aluminum-alginatepectinate oilisphere complex as a potential system for the in vitro site-specific release ofMentha piperita, an essential oil used for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome. The physicochemical and textural properties (dependent variables) of this complex were found to be highly sensitive to changes in the concentration of the polymers (0%–1.5% wt/vol), crosslinkers (0%–4% wt/vol) and crosslinking reaction times (0.5–6 hours) (independent variables). Particle size analysis indicated both unimodal and bimodal populations with the highest frequency of 2 mm oilispheres. Oil encapsulation ranged from 6 to 35 mg/100 mg oilispheres. Gravimetric changes of the crosslinked matrix indicated significant ion sequestration and loss in an exponential manner, while matrix erosion followed Higuchi's cube root law. Among the various measured responses, the total fracture energy was the most suitable optimization objective (R 2 =0.88, Durbin-Watson Index=1.21%, Coefficient of Variation (CV)=33.21%). The Lagrangian technique produced no significant differences (P>.05) between the experimental and predicted total fracture energy values (0.0150 vs 0.0107 J). Artificial Neural Networks, as an alternative predictive tool of the total fracture energy, was highly accurate (final mean square error of optimal network epoch≈0.02). Fused-coated optimized oilispheres produced a 4-hour lag phase followed by zero-order kinetics (n>0.99), whereby analysis of release data indicated that diffusion (Fickian constantk 1=0.74 vs relaxation constantk 2=0.02) was the predominant release mechanism.  相似文献   
The 'host' properties of distally dialkylated calix[4]arenes and 4-tert-butylcalix[4]arenes in the presence of 1-chloro-4-(trifluoromethyl)benzene (BFT) were studied in chloroform solvent by intensity-independent spectrofluorometric method. The anisotropy decay experiments were found as suitable method to indicate the host-guest complex formation but it is unable to determine the strength of supramolecular interaction.  相似文献   
Elastase of Pseudomonas aeruginosa is synthesized as a preproenzyme. The signal sequence is cleaved off during transport across the inner membrane and, in the periplasm, proelastase is further processed. We demonstrate that the propeptide and the mature elastase are both secreted but that the propeptide is degraded extracellularly. In addition, reduction of the extracellular proteolytic activity led to the accumulation of unprocessed forms of LasA and LasD in the extracellular medium, which shows that these enzymes are secreted in association with their propeptides. Furthermore, a hitherto undefined protein with homology to a Streptomyces griseus aminopeptidase accumulated under these conditions.  相似文献   
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