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Haploinsufficiency of SHANK3, caused by chromosomal abnormalities or mutations that disrupt one copy of the gene, leads to a neurodevelopmental syndrome called Phelan-McDermid syndrome, symptoms of which can include absent or delayed speech, intellectual disability, neurological changes and autism spectrum disorders. The SHANK3 protein forms a key structural part of the post-synaptic density. We previously generated and characterized mice with a targeted disruption of Shank3 in which exons coding for the ankyrin-repeat domain were deleted and expression of full-length Shank3 was disrupted. We documented specific deficits in synaptic function and plasticity, along with reduced reciprocal social interactions, in Shank3 heterozygous mice. Changes in phenotype owing to a mutation at a single locus are quite frequently modulated by other loci, most dramatically when the entire genetic background is changed. In mice, each strain of laboratory mouse represents a distinct genetic background and alterations in phenotype owing to gene knockout or transgenesis are frequently different across strains, which can lead to the identification of important modifier loci. We have investigated the effect of genetic background on phenotypes of Shank3 heterozygous, knockout and wild-type mice, using C57BL/6, 129SVE and FVB/Ntac strain backgrounds. We focused on observable behaviors with the goal of carrying out subsequent analyses to identify modifier loci. Surprisingly, there were very modest strain effects over a large battery of analyses. These results indicate that behavioral phenotypes associated with Shank3 haploinsufficiency are largely strain-independent.KEY WORDS: Shank3, Phelan-McDermid syndrome, Autism spectrum disorders, 22q13, Mouse strain, Genetic modifier, Behavior  相似文献   
The specificity of the interactions between plants and their consumers varies considerably. The evolutionary and ecological factors underlying this variation are unclear. Several potential explanatory factors vary with latitude, for example plant species richness and the intensity of herbivory. Here, we use comparative phylogenetic methods to test the effect of latitude on host range in scale insects. We find that, on average, scale insects that occur in lower latitudes are more polyphagous. This result is at odds with the general pattern of greater host-plant specificity of insects in the tropics. We propose that this disparity reflects a high cost for host specificity in scale insects, stemming from unusual aspects of scale insect life history, for example, passive wind-driven dispersal. More broadly, the strong evidence for pervasive effects of geography on host range across insect groups stands in stark contrast to the weak evidence for constraints on host range due to genetic trade-offs.  相似文献   
Stomata regulate CO2 uptake for photosynthesis and water loss through transpiration. The approaches used to represent stomatal conductance (gs) in models vary. In particular, current understanding of drivers of the variation in a key parameter in those models, the slope parameter (i.e. a measure of intrinsic plant water‐use‐efficiency), is still limited, particularly in the tropics. Here we collected diurnal measurements of leaf gas exchange and leaf water potential (Ψleaf), and a suite of plant traits from the upper canopy of 15 tropical trees in two contrasting Panamanian forests throughout the dry season of the 2016 El Niño. The plant traits included wood density, leaf‐mass‐per‐area (LMA), leaf carboxylation capacity (Vc,max), leaf water content, the degree of isohydry, and predawn Ψleaf. We first investigated how the choice of four commonly used leaf‐level gs models with and without the inclusion of Ψleaf as an additional predictor variable influence the ability to predict gs, and then explored the abiotic (i.e. month, site‐month interaction) and biotic (i.e. tree‐species‐specific characteristics) drivers of slope parameter variation. Our results show that the inclusion of Ψleaf did not improve model performance and that the models that represent the response of gs to vapor pressure deficit performed better than corresponding models that respond to relative humidity. Within each gs model, we found large variation in the slope parameter, and this variation was attributable to the biotic driver, rather than abiotic drivers. We further investigated potential relationships between the slope parameter and the six available plant traits mentioned above, and found that only one trait, LMA, had a significant correlation with the slope parameter (R2 = 0.66, n = 15), highlighting a potential path towards improved model parameterization. This study advances understanding of gs dynamics over seasonal drought, and identifies a practical, trait‐based approach to improve modeling of carbon and water exchange in tropical forests.  相似文献   
Drought‐related tree mortality occurs globally and may increase in the future, but we lack sufficient mechanistic understanding to accurately predict it. Here we present the first field assessment of the physiological mechanisms leading to mortality in an ecosystem‐scale rainfall manipulation of a piñon–juniper (Pinus edulisJuniperus monosperma) woodland. We measured transpiration (E) and modelled the transpiration rate initiating hydraulic failure (Ecrit). We predicted that isohydric piñon would experience mortality after prolonged periods of severely limited gas exchange as required to avoid hydraulic failure; anisohydric juniper would also avoid hydraulic failure, but sustain gas exchange due to its greater cavitation resistance. After 1 year of treatment, 67% of droughted mature piñon died with concomitant infestation by bark beetles (Ips confusus) and bluestain fungus (Ophiostoma spp.); no mortality occurred in juniper or in control piñon. As predicted, both species avoided hydraulic failure, but safety margins from Ecrit were much smaller in piñon, especially droughted piñon, which also experienced chronically low hydraulic conductance. The defining characteristic of trees that died was a 7 month period of near‐zero gas exchange, versus 2 months for surviving piñon. Hydraulic limits to gas exchange, not hydraulic failure per se, promoted drought‐related mortality in piñon pine.  相似文献   
Photosynthesis is often limited by the rate of CO(2) diffusion from the atmosphere to the chloroplast. The primary resistances for CO(2) diffusion are thought to be at the stomata and at photosynthesizing cells via a combination resulting from resistances of aqueous solution as well as the plasma membrane and both outer and inner chloroplast membranes. In contrast with stomatal resistance, the resistance of biological membranes to gas transport is not widely recognized as a limiting factor for metabolic function. We show that the tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) plasma membrane and inner chloroplast membranes contain the aquaporin Nt AQP1. RNA interference-mediated decreases in Nt AQP1 expression lowered the CO(2) permeability of the inner chloroplast membrane. In vivo data show that the reduced amount of Nt AQP1 caused a 20% change in CO(2) conductance within leaves. Our discovery of CO(2) aquaporin function in the chloroplast membrane opens new opportunities for mechanistic examination of leaf internal CO(2) conductance regulation.  相似文献   
TNF-alpha cytotoxic signaling involves lysosomal permeabilization with release of the lysosomal protease cathepsin B (ctsb) into the cytosol. However, the mechanisms mediating lysosomal breakdown remain unclear. Because caspase-8 and factor associated with neutral sphingomyelinase activation (FAN) have been implicated as proximal mediators of TNF-alpha-associated apoptosis, their role in lysosomal permeabilization was examined. Cellular distribution of ctsb-green fluorescent protein (ctsb-GFP) in a rat hepatoma cell line was imaged by confocal microscopy. ctsb-GFP fluorescence was punctate under basal conditions but became diffuse after treatment with TNF-alpha/actinomycin D. This cellular redistribution of ctsb-GFP was blocked by transfection with a vector expressing a dominant-negative Fas-associated protein with death domain (DeltaFADD), cytokine response modifier A, or a pharmacological caspase-8 inhibitor, IETD-fmk. Consistent with the concept that caspase 8-mediated apoptosis is also Bid-dependent in hepatocytes, ctsb-GFP release from lysosomes was reduced in hepatocytes from Bid(-/-) mice. Interestingly, transfection with a vector expressing a dominant-negative FAN (DeltaFAN) also blocked ctsb-GFP release and caspase-8 activation. Paradigms that inhibited ctsb-GFP release from lysosomes also reduced apoptosis as assessed by morphology and biochemical criteria. In conclusion, these studies suggest FAN is upstream of caspase-8/Bid in a signaling cascade culminating in lysosomal permeabilization.  相似文献   
Nonstructural carbohydrates (NSCs) are essential for maintenance of plant metabolism and may be sensitive to short‐ and long‐term climatic variation. NSC variation in moist tropical forests has rarely been studied, so regulation of NSCs in these systems is poorly understood. We measured foliar and branch NSC content in 23 tree species at three sites located across a large precipitation gradient in Panama during the 2015–2016 El Niño to examine how short‐ and long‐term climatic variation impact carbohydrate dynamics. There was no significant difference in total NSCs as the drought progressed (leaf P = 0.32, branch P = 0.30) nor across the rainfall gradient (leaf P = 0.91, branch P = 0.96). Foliar soluble sugars decreased while starch increased over the duration of the dry period, suggesting greater partitioning of NSCs to storage than metabolism or transport as drought progressed. There was a large variation across species at all sites, but total foliar NSCs were positively correlated with leaf mass per area, whereas branch sugars were positively related to leaf temperature and negatively correlated with daily photosynthesis and wood density. The NSC homoeostasis across a wide range of conditions suggests that NSCs are an allocation priority in moist tropical forests.  相似文献   
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