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The results of a serological survey of livestock in Kazakhstan, carried out in 1997–1998, are reported. Serum samples from 958 animals (cattle, sheep and goats) were tested for antibodies to foot and mouth disease (FMD), bluetongue (BT), epizootic haemorrhagic disease (EHD), rinderpest (RP) and peste des petits ruminants (PPR) viruses, and to Brucella spp. We also investigated the vaccination status of livestock and related this to changes in veterinary provision since independence in 1991. For the 2 diseases under official surveillance (FMD and brucellosis) our results were similar to official data, although we found significantly higher brucellosis levels in 2 districts and widespread ignorance about FMD vaccination status. The seroprevalence for BT virus was 23%, and seropositive animals were widespread suggesting endemicity, despite the disease not having being previously reported. We found a few seropositives for EHDV and PPRV, which may suggest that these diseases are also present in Kazakhstan. An hierarchical model showed that seroprevalence to FMD and BT viruses were clustered at the farm/village level, rather than at a larger spatial scale. This was unexpected for FMD, which is subject to vaccination policies which vary at the raion (county) level.  相似文献   
Processing of ovalbumin may result in proteins that differ more than 23 degrees C in denaturation temperature while the structural fold is not significantly affected. This is achieved by 1) conversion of positive residues into negative ones (succinylation); 2) elimination of negative charges (methylation); 3) reducing the proteins hydrophobic exposure (glycosylation); 4) increasing the hydrophobic exposure (lipophilization); or by 5) processing under alkaline conditions and elevated temperature (S-ovalbumin). The effect on the structural fold was investigated using a variety of biochemical and spectroscopic tools. The consequences of the modification on the thermodynamics of the protein was studied using differential scanning calorimetry and by monitoring the tryptophan fluorescence or ellipticity at 222 nm of protein samples dissolved in different concentrations of guanidine-HCl. The impact of the modification on the denaturation temperature scales for all types of modifications with a free energy change of about 1 kJ per mol ovalbumin per Kelvin (or 0.0026 kJ per mol residue per K). The nature of the covalently coupled moiety determines the impact of the modification on the protein thermodynamics. It is suggested that especially for lipophilized protein the water-binding properties are substantially lowered. Processing of globular proteins in a controlled manner offers great opportunities to control a desired functionality, for example, as texturizer in food or medical applications.  相似文献   
Upon microbial infection, specific Th1 or Th2 responses develop depending on the type of microbe. Here, we demonstrate that different microbial compounds polarize the maturation of human myeloid dendritic cells (DCs) into stably committed Th1 cell-promoting (DC1) or Th2 cell-promoting (DC2) effector DCs that polarize Th cells via different mechanisms. Protein extract derived from the helminth Schistosoma mansoni induced the development of DC2s that promote the development of Th2 cells via the enhanced expression of OX40 ligand. Likewise, toxin from the extracellular bacterium Vibrio cholerae induced development of DC2s as well, however, via an OX40 ligand-independent, still unknown mechanism. In contrast, toxin from the intracellular bacterium Bordetella pertussis induced the development of DC1s with enhanced IL-12 production, which promotes a Th1 cell development. Poly(I:C) (dsRNA, mimic for virus) induced the development of extremely potent Th1-inducing DC1, surprisingly, without an enhanced IL-12 production. The obtained DC1s and DC2s are genuine effector cells that stably express Th cell-polarizing factors and are unresponsive to further modulation. The data suggest that the molecular basis of Th1/Th2 polarization via DCs is unexpectedly diverse and is adapted to the nature of the microbial compounds.  相似文献   
Kursula P  Ojala J  Lambeir AM  Wierenga RK 《Biochemistry》2002,41(52):15543-15556
Biosynthetic thiolase catalyzes the formation of acetoacetyl-CoA from two molecules of acetyl-CoA. This is a key step in the synthesis of many biological compounds, including steroid hormones and ketone bodies. The thiolase reaction involves two chemically distinct steps; during acyl transfer, an acetyl group is transferred from acetyl-CoA to Cys89, and in the Claisen condensation step, this acetyl group is further transferred to a second molecule of acetyl-CoA, generating acetoacetyl-CoA. Here, new crystallographic data for Zoogloea ramigera biosynthetic thiolase are presented, covering all intermediates of the thiolase catalytic cycle. The high-resolution structures indicate that the acetyl group goes through four conformations while being transferred from acetyl-CoA via the acetylated enzyme to acetoacetyl-CoA. This transfer is catalyzed in a rigid cavity lined by mostly hydrophobic side chains, in addition to the catalytic residues Cys89, His348, and Cys378. The structures highlight the importance of an oxyanion hole formed by a water molecule and His348 in stabilizing the negative charge on the thioester oxygen atom of acetyl-CoA at two different steps of the reaction cycle. Another oxyanion hole, composed of the main chain nitrogen atoms of Cys89 and Gly380, complements a negative charge of the thioester oxygen anion of the acetylated intermediate, stabilizing the tetrahedral transition state of the Claisen condensation step. The reactivity of the active site may be modulated by hydrogen bonding networks extending from the active site toward the back of the molecule.  相似文献   
A number of reports have described the monoallelic expression of murine cytokine genes. Here we describe the monoallelic expression of the human IL-1alpha gene in CD4+ T cells. Analysis of peripheral blood T cell clones derived from healthy individuals revealed that the IL-1alpha gene shows predominantly monoallelic expression. Monoallelic expression was observed in Th0, Th1, and Th2 cell clones. In addition, we demonstrate monoallelic expression in T cell clones from rheumatoid arthritis patients derived from synovial fluid of the knee joint, suggesting that the occurrence of this phenomenon is not different from that in clones derived from healthy individuals. The finding of monoallelic expression of a cytokine gene in human CD4+ T cell clones provides evidence for allele-specific silencing/activation as another layer of regulation of IL-1alpha gene expression.  相似文献   
Genomic organization of the human interleukin-12 receptor β2-chain gene   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
 The interleukin-12 receptor (IL-12R) is composed of two subunits, referred to as β1 and β2. Both chains are necessary for high-affinity IL-12 binding and signalling, although only the IL-12Rβ2 chain contains the intracellular tyrosine residues responsible for STAT4 activation. This study presents the intron-exon organization of the human IL-12Rβ2-chain gene. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers designed across the cDNA (U46198) were used to trace introns, by comparing PCR product sizes obtained using cDNA and genomic DNA as templates. PCR products spanning introns were sequenced to determine the exact splice sites and flanking regions. The coding region of the gene was found to consist of 15 exons and 14 introns. All intron-exon boundaries are consistent with the consensus sequence for splice junctions (5′ GT/AG 3′). Comparison of the intron-exon organization with the human GCSFR gene indicated a remarkably well conserved genomic organization between these two class I cytokine receptors. Interestingly, we identified an alternatively spliced mRNA, encoding a putative, truncated protein, lacking all signalling potential. Received: 21 July 1999 / Revised: 2 September 1999  相似文献   


High-throughput experiments, such as with DNA microarrays, typically result in hundreds of genes potentially relevant to the process under study, rendering the interpretation of these experiments problematic. Here, we propose and evaluate an approach to find functional associations between large numbers of genes and other biomedical concepts from free-text literature. For each gene, a profile of related concepts is constructed that summarizes the context in which the gene is mentioned in literature. We assign a weight to each concept in the profile based on a likelihood ratio measure. Gene concept profiles can then be clustered to find related genes and other concepts.  相似文献   
Nisin A is a pentacyclic antibiotic peptide produced by various Lactococcus lactis strains. Nisin displays four different activities: (i) it autoinduces its own synthesis; (ii) it inhibits the growth of target bacteria by membrane pore formation; (iii) it inhibits bacterial growth by interfering with cell wall synthesis; and, in addition, (iv) it inhibits the outgrowth of spores. Here we investigate the structural requirements and relevance of the N-terminal thioether rings of nisin by randomization of the ring A and B positions. The data demonstrate that: (i) mutation of ring A results in variants with enhanced activity and a modulated spectrum of target cells; (ii) for the cell growth-inhibiting activity of nisin, ring A is rather promiscuous with respect to its amino acid composition, whereas the bulky amino acid residues in ring B abolish antimicrobial activity; (iii) C-terminally truncated nisin A mutants lacking rings D and E retain significant antimicrobial activity but are unable to permeabilize the target membrane; (iv) the dehydroalanine in ring A is not essential for the inhibition of the outgrowth of Bacillus cells; (v) some ring A mutants have significant antimicrobial activities but have decreased autoinducing activities; (vi) the opening of ring B eliminates antimicrobial activity while retaining autoinducing activity; and (vii) some ring A mutants escape the nisin immune system(s) and are toxic to the nisin-producing strain NZ9700. These data demonstrate that the various activities of nisin can be engineered independently and provide a basis for the design and synthesis of tailor-made analogs with desired activities.  相似文献   
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