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Dendritic cells (DC) are potent antigen - presenting cells that can orientate the immune response towards a Th1 or a Th2 type. DC produce chemokines that are involved in the recruitment of either Th1 cells, such as IP10 (CXCL10), Th2 cells such as TARC (CCL17) and MDC (CCL22), or non-polarized T cells such as RANTES (CCL5) and MIP-lalpha (CCL3). We investigated whether monocyte-derived DC (MD-DC) generated from healthy donors or from patients sensitive to Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Dpt) and exposed to the cysteine-protease Der p 1(allergen of Dpt), could upregulate the expression of chemokines involved in type 1 or type 2 T cell recruitment. MD-DC were pulsed with either Der p 1 or with LPS as the control and the chemokines produced were evaluated using ELISA and chemotaxis assays. Der p 1-pulsed DC from allergic patients showed increased TARC (CCL17) and MDC (CCL22) production without modifying IP-10 (CXCL10) release. Der p 1-pulsed DC from healthy donors showed only increased IP-10 (CXCL10) secretion. RANTES (CCL5) and MIP-lalpha (CCL3) production were similarly increased when DC were from healthy or allergic donors. The selective Th2 clone recruitment activity of supernatants from Der p 1-pulsed DC of allergic patients was inhibited by anti-TARC (CCL17) and anti-MDC (CCL22) neutralizing Abs. By using anti-IP10 (CXCL10) blocking Abs, supernatants of Der p 1-pulsed DC from healthy donors were shown to be involved in the recruitment of Th1 cells. These results suggest that in allergic patients exposed to house dust mites, DC may favour the exacerbation of the Th2 response via the increase in type 2 chemokine production.  相似文献   
To assess the usefulness and applications of machine vision (MV) and machine learning (ML) techniques that have been used to develop a single cell-based phenotypic (live and fixed biomarkers) platform that correlates with tumor biological aggressiveness and risk stratification, 100 fresh prostate samples were acquired, and areas of prostate cancer were determined by post-surgery pathology reports logged by an independent pathologist. The prostate samples were dissociated into single-cell suspensions in the presence of an extracellular matrix formulation. These samples were analyzed via live-cell microscopy. Dynamic and fixed phenotypic biomarkers per cell were quantified using objective MV software and ML algorithms. The predictive nature of the ML algorithms was developed in two stages. First, random forest (RF) algorithms were developed using 70% of the samples. The developed algorithms were then tested for their predictive performance using the blinded test dataset that contained 30% of the samples in the second stage. Based on the ROC (receiver operating characteristic) curve analysis, thresholds were set to maximize both sensitivity and specificity. We determined the sensitivity and specificity of the assay by comparing the algorithm-generated predictions with adverse pathologic features in the radical prostatectomy (RP) specimens. Using MV and ML algorithms, the biomarkers predictive of adverse pathology at RP were ranked and a prostate cancer patient risk stratification test was developed that distinguishes patients based on surgical adverse pathology features. The ability to identify and track large numbers of individual cells over the length of the microscopy experimental monitoring cycles, in an automated way, created a large biomarker dataset of primary biomarkers. This biomarker dataset was then interrogated with ML algorithms used to correlate with post-surgical adverse pathology findings. Algorithms were generated that predicted adverse pathology with >0.85 sensitivity and specificity and an AUC (area under the curve) of >0.85. Phenotypic biomarkers provide cellular and molecular details that are informative for predicting post-surgical adverse pathologies when considering tumor biopsy samples. Artificial intelligence ML-based approaches for cancer risk stratification are emerging as important and powerful tools to compliment current measures of risk stratification. These techniques have capabilities to address tumor heterogeneity and the molecular complexity of prostate cancer. Specifically, the phenotypic test is a novel example of leveraging biomarkers and advances in MV and ML for developing a powerful prognostic and risk-stratification tool for prostate cancer patients.  相似文献   
The structure of trypanosomal triosephosphate isomerase (TIM)has been solved at a resolution of 2.1Å in a new crystal form grown at pH 8.8 from PEG6000. In this new crystal form (space group C2, cell dimensions 94.8 Å, 48.3 Å, 131.0 Å, 90.0°, 100.3°, 90.0°), TIM is present in a ligand-free state. The asymmetric unit consists of two TIM subunits. Each of these subunits is part of a dimer which is sitting on a crystallographic twofold axis, such that the crystal packing is formed from two TIM dimers in two distinct environments. The two constituent monomers of a given dimer are, therefore, crystallographically equivalent. In the ligand-free state of TIM in this crystal form, the two types of dimer are very similar in structure, with the flexible loops in the “Open” conformation. For one dimer (termed molecule-1), the flexible loop (loop-6) is involved in crystal contacts. Crystals of this type have been used in soaking experiments with 0.4 M ammonium sulphate (studied at 2.4 Å resolution), and with 40 μM phosphoglycolohydroxamate (studied at 2.5 Å resolution). It is found that transfer to 0.4 M ammonuum sulphate (equal to 80 times the Ki of sulphate for TIM), gives rise to significant sulphate binding at the active site of one dimer (termed molecule-2), and less significant binding at the active site of the other. In neither dimer does sulphate induce a “closed” conformation. In a mother liquor containing 40 μM phosphoglycolohydroxamate (equal to 10 times the Ki of phosphoglycolohydroxamate for TIM), an inhibitor molecule binds at the active site of only that dimer of which the flexible loop is free from crystal contacts (molecule-2). In this dimer, it induces a closed conformation. These three structures are compared and discussed with respect to the mode of binding of ligand in the active site as well as with respect to the conformational changes resulting from ligand binding. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The aims of the work were (1) to develop statistical tests to identify whether substitution takes place under a covariotide model in sequences used for phylogenetic inference and (2) to determine the influence of covariotide substitution on phylogenetic trees inferred for photosynthetic and other organisms. (Covariotide and covarion models are ones in which sites that are variable in some parts of the underlying tree are invariable in others and vice versa.) Two tests were developed. The first was a contingency test, and the second was an inequality test comparing the expected number of variable sites in two groups with the observed number. Application of these tests to 16S rDNA and tufA sequences from a range of nonphotosynthetic prokaryotes and oxygenic photosynthetic prokaryotes and eukaryotes suggests the occurrence of a covariotide mechanism. The degree of support for partitioning of taxa in reconstructed trees involving these organisms was determined in the presence or absence of sites showing particular substitution patterns. This analysis showed that the support for splits between (1) photosynthetic eukaryotes and prokaryotes and (2) photosynthetic and nonphotosynthetic organisms could be accounted for by patterns arising from covariotide substitution. We show that the additional problem of compositional bias in sequence data needs to be considered in the context of patterns of covariotide/covarion substitution. We argue that while covariotide or covarion substitution may give rise to phylogenetically informative patterns in sequence data, this may not always be so.   相似文献   
Tumorigenic and metastatic abilities of FL, transformed human amnion, Vero and LLC-MK2, continuous monkey kidney cell lines (CCLs), none of which produced lung metastases in nude mice, were studied in ATG-treated newborn Wistar rats. Effects of subcutaneous (s.c.) and intraperitoneal (i.p.) inoculation of 10(6) and 10(7) cells were compared. l.p. inoculation of the same number of FL cells produced larger primary tumors, increased incidence of lung metastasis and more metastases per rat than s.c. inoculation. The same was true of the higher inocula administered by either route as compared to the smaller inocula. The CCLs (Vero at passages 320 and 323, LLC-MK2 at passage 306) inoculated either s.c. or i.p. induced small tumors regressing in all animals. After s.c. inoculation of 10(6) Vero or LLC-MK2 cells lung metastases did not develop in any rats, but 10(7) inoculum and i.p. administration of both size inocula caused single lung metastases. Thus, increased sensitivity of the rat system was achieved by larger size of the s.c. inoculum or the i.p. route of inoculation. Highly sensitive assay is especially important for evaluation of possible metastatic abilities of CCLs.  相似文献   
Using synchrotron radiation, the X-ray diffraction intensities of crystals of p-hydroxy-benzoate hydroxylase, complexed with the substrate p-hydroxybenzoate, were measured to a resolution of 1.9 A. Restrained least-squares refinement alternated with rebuilding in electron density maps yielded an atom model of the enzyme-substrate complex with a crystallographic R-factor of 15.6% for 31,148 reflections between 6.0 and 1.9 A. A total of 330 solvent molecules was located. In the final model, only three residues have deviating phi-psi angle combinations. One of them, the active site residue Arg44, has a well-defined electron density and may be strained to adopt this conformation for efficient catalysis. The mode of binding of FAD is distinctly different for the different components of the coenzyme. The adenine ring is engaged in three water-mediated hydrogen bonds with the protein, while making only one direct hydrogen bond with the enzyme. The pyrophosphate moiety makes five water-mediated versus three direct hydrogen bonds. The ribityl and ribose moieties make only direct hydrogen bonds, in all cases, except one, with side-chain atoms. The isoalloxazine ring also makes only direct hydrogen bonds, but virtually only with main-chain atoms. The conformation of FAD in p-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase is strikingly similar to that in glutathione reductase, while the riboflavin-binding parts of these two enzymes have no structural similarity at all. The refined 1.9 A structure of the p-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase-substrate complex was the basis of further refinement of the 2.3 A structure of the enzyme-product complex. The result was a final R-factor of 16.7% for 14,339 reflections between 6.0 and 2.3 A and an improved geometry. Comparison between the complexes indicated only small differences in the active site region, where the product molecule is rotated by 14 degrees compared with the substrate in the enzyme-substrate complex. During the refinements of the enzyme-substrate and enzyme-product complexes, the flavin ring was allowed to bend or twist by imposing planarity restraints on the benzene and pyrimidine ring, but not on the flavin ring as a whole. The observed angle between the benzene ring and the pyrimidine ring was 10 degrees for the enzyme-substrate complex and 19 degrees for the enzyme-product complex. Because of the high temperature factors of the flavin ring in the enzyme-product complex, the latter value should be treated with caution. Six out of eight peptide residues near the flavin ring are oriented with their nitrogen atom pointing towards the ring.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
Characterization of a cycling murine pluripotent stem cell population   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the present report we describe the properties of pluripotent stem cells isolated with elutriation and Percoll density gradient centrifugation techniques from spleens of recovering thiamphenicol pretreated anemic mice. Cells with a diameter between 7.2 and 8.4 microns and sedimenting at a density of 1.065 g/ml had a high capacity to repopulate lethally irradiated mice with all the hemopoietic precursor cells. The spleen colonies formed on day 8 and day 12 after inoculation in irradiated recipients showed no morphological differences in mixed and lineage-specific composition. Day 12 colonies were much larger than day 8 colonies. Pluripotent stem cells isolated from regenerating spleens were very susceptible to 3'-thymidine; 65% of the cells were killed. Only 2% kill was found in stem cells present in vivo 4 days earlier in the bone marrow. The purified stem cells were probably all in cycle and possibly partly synchronized.  相似文献   
The history of chemical investigations into the yellow components of turmeric can be traced from 1815. Although the major yellow component of turmeric, curcumin, often is represented as a 1,3-diketone in the solid state and in nonaqueous solution, it exists in the enol form. The struggle to identify the chemical structure of curcumin continued for nearly a century and was complicated by the difficult purification of curcumin and by the presence of two additional yellow components. Food remains the main use for turmeric (old spice); its use as a dye has diminished since the 19th century, but it may have pharmaceutical uses (new spice).  相似文献   


Children with neuromuscular disorders with a progressive muscle weakness such as Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and Spinal Muscular Atrophy frequently develop a progressive scoliosis. A severe scoliosis compromises respiratory function and makes sitting more difficult. Spinal surgery is considered the primary treatment option for correcting severe scoliosis in neuromuscular disorders. Surgery in this population requires a multidisciplinary approach, careful planning, dedicated surgical procedures, and specialized after care.


The guideline is based on scientific evidence and expert opinions. A multidisciplinary working group representing experts from all relevant specialties performed the research. A literature search was conducted to collect scientific evidence in answer to specific questions posed by the working group. Literature was classified according to the level of evidence.


For most aspects of the treatment scientific evidence is scarce and only low level cohort studies were found. Nevertheless, a high degree of consensus was reached about the management of patients with scoliosis in neuromuscular disorders. This was translated into a set of recommendations, which are now officially accepted as a general guideline in the Netherlands.


In order to optimize the treatment for scoliosis in neuromuscular disorders a Dutch guideline has been composed. This evidence-based, multidisciplinary guideline addresses conservative treatment, the preoperative, perioperative, and postoperative care of scoliosis in neuromuscular disorders.  相似文献   
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