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The Vaal River, South Africa, historically had a rich diversity of native submerged macrophytes with at least 13 species from 5 families recorded. Over the past 10 years there has been a noticeable reduction in the occurrence and diversity of submerged macrophytes in the river. It is possible that this is linked to the recent increase in the populations of invasive alien grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella Cuvier & Valenciennes (Cyprinidae) in the river, where populations have been a concern since 2005. Grass carp invasions worldwide have been shown to have severe impacts on macrophyte biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. This fish is an aggressive feeder on submerged macrophytes, as well as being an ecosystem engineer that can change water and sediment chemistry.  相似文献   
Primmorphs (a three-dimensional sponge primary cell culture system) have been revealed to be a cell/tissue nano-factory for the production of tailor-made hybrid nanostructures. Growth of primmorphs is stimulated by the presence of a titanium alkoxide precursor tolerating titania (TiO2) concentrations up to 250 μM. The presence and activity of silicatein in primmorphs has been analyzed by gel electrophoresis and Western blotting. Results of studies by scanning transmission electron microscopy with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy have revealed silica and titania to be co-localized on nanosized spicules. Our findings suggest that the incorporation of titania into the nanosized spicule is enzymatically mediated via active silicatein in an orchestrated mechanism.  相似文献   
Many groups show higher species richness in tropical regions but the underlying causes remain unclear. Despite many competing hypotheses to explain latitudinal diversity gradients, only three processes can directly change species richness across regions: speciation, extinction and dispersal. These processes can be addressed most powerfully using large-scale phylogenetic approaches, but most previous studies have focused on small groups and recent time scales, or did not separate speciation and extinction rates. We investigate the origins of high tropical diversity in amphibians, applying new phylogenetic comparative methods to a tree of 2871 species. Our results show that high tropical diversity is explained by higher speciation in the tropics, higher extinction in temperate regions and limited dispersal out of the tropics compared with colonization of the tropics from temperate regions. These patterns are strongly associated with climate-related variables such as temperature, precipitation and ecosystem energy. Results from models of diversity dependence in speciation rate suggest that temperate clades may have lower carrying capacities and may be more saturated (closer to carrying capacity) than tropical clades. Furthermore, we estimate strikingly low tropical extinction rates over geological time scales, in stark contrast to the dramatic losses of diversity occurring in tropical regions presently.  相似文献   
Estimates of diversification rates are invaluable for many macroevolutionary studies. Recently, an approach called BAMM (Bayesian Analysis of Macro‐evolutionary Mixtures) has become widely used for estimating diversification rates and rate shifts. At the same time, several articles have concluded that estimates of net diversification rates from the method‐of‐moments (MS) estimators are inaccurate. Yet, no studies have compared the ability of these two methods to accurately estimate clade diversification rates. Here, we use simulations to compare their performance. We found that BAMM yielded relatively weak relationships between true and estimated diversification rates. This occurred because BAMM underestimated the number of rates shifts across each tree, and assigned high rates to small clades with low rates. Errors in both speciation and extinction rates contributed to these errors, showing that using BAMM to estimate only speciation rates is also problematic. In contrast, the MS estimators (particularly using stem group ages), yielded stronger relationships between true and estimated diversification rates, by roughly twofold. Furthermore, the MS approach remained relatively accurate when diversification rates were heterogeneous within clades, despite the widespread assumption that it requires constant rates within clades. Overall, we caution that BAMM may be problematic for estimating diversification rates and rate shifts.  相似文献   
Patterns of species richness among clades can be directly explained by the ages of clades or their rates of diversification. The factors that most strongly influence diversification rates remain highly uncertain, since most studies typically consider only a single predictor variable. Here, we explore the relative impacts of macroclimate (i.e., occurring in tropical vs. temperate regions) and microhabitat use (i.e., terrestrial, fossorial, arboreal, aquatic) on diversification rates of squamate reptile clades (lizards and snakes). We obtained data on microhabitat, macroclimatic distribution, and phylogeny for >4000 species. We estimated diversification rates of squamate clades (mostly families) from a time‐calibrated tree, and used phylogenetic methods to test relationships between diversification rates and microhabitat and macroclimate. Across 72 squamate clades, the best‐fitting model included microhabitat but not climatic distribution. Microhabitat explained ~37% of the variation in diversification rates among clades, with a generally positive impact of arboreal microhabitat use on diversification, and negative impacts of fossorial and aquatic microhabitat use. Overall, our results show that the impacts of microhabitat on diversification rates can be more important than those of climate, despite much greater emphasis on climate in previous studies.  相似文献   
Induction of innate immune pathways is critical for early anti-microbial defense but there is limited understanding of how teleosts recognize microbial molecules and activate these pathways. In mammals, Toll-like receptors (TLR) 1 and 2 form a heterodimer involved in recognizing peptidoglycans and lipoproteins of microbial origin. Herein, we identify and describe the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) TLR1 gene ortholog and its mRNA expression. Two TLR1 loci were identified from a rainbow trout bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library using DNA sequencing and genetic linkage analyses. Full length cDNA clone and direct sequencing of four BACs revealed an intact omTLR1 open reading frame (ORF) located on chromosome 14 and a second locus on chromosome 25 that contains a TLR1 pseudogene. The duplicated trout loci exhibit conserved synteny with other fish genomes that extends beyond the TLR1 gene sequences. The omTLR1 gene includes a single large coding exon similar to all other described TLR1 genes, but unlike other teleosts it also has a 5′ UTR exon and intron preceding the large coding exon. The omTLR1 ORF is predicted to encode an 808 amino-acid protein with 69% similarity to the Fugu TLR1 and a conserved pattern of predicted leucine-rich repeats (LRR). Phylogenetic analysis grouped omTLR1 with other fish TLR1 genes on a separate branch from the avian TLR1 and mammalian TLR1, 6 and 10. omTLR1 expression levels in rainbow trout anterior kidney leukocytes were not affected by the human TLR2/6 and TLR2/1 agonists diacylated lipoprotein (Pam2CSK4) and triacylated lipoprotein (Pam3CSK4). However, due to the lack of TLR6 and 10 genes in teleost genomes and up-regulation of TLR1 mRNA in response to LPS and bacterial infection in other fish species we hypothesize an important role for omTLR1 in anti-microbial immunity. Therefore, the identification of a TLR2 ortholog in rainbow trout and the development of assays to measure ligand binding and downstream signaling are critical for future elucidation of omTLR1 functions.  相似文献   
The role of okadaic acid (OA) in the defense system of the marine demosponge Suberites domuncula against symbiotic/parasitic annelids was examined. Bacteria within the mesohyl produced okadaic acid at concentrations between 32 ng/g and 58 ng/g of tissue (wet weight). By immunocytochemical methods and by use of antibodies against OA, we showed that the toxin was intracellularly stored in vesicles. Western blotting experiments demonstrated that OA also existed bound to a protein with a molecular weight of 35,000 which was tentatively identified as a galectin (by application of antigalectin antibodies). Annelids that are found in S. domuncula undergo apoptotic cell death. OA is one candidate inducer molecule of this process, since this toxin accumulated in these symbionts/parasites. Furthermore, we identified the cDNA encoding the multifunctional prosurvival molecule BAG-1 in S. domuncula; it undergoes strong expression in the presence of the annelid. Our data suggest that sponges use toxins (here, OA) produced from bacteria to eliminate metazoan symbionts/parasites by apoptosis.  相似文献   
Like in all other Metazoa, also in sponges (Porifera) proliferation, differentiation, and death of cells are controlled by apoptotic processes, thus allowing the establishment of a Bauplan (body plan). The demosponge Lubomirskia baicalensis from the Lake Baikal is especially suitable to assess the role of the apoptotic molecules, since its grade of construction is highly elaborated into an encrusting base and branches composed of modules lined up along the apical-basal axis. The four cDNAs, ALG-2, BAK, MA-3, and Bcl-2, were isolated from this sponge species. The expression levels of these genes follow characteristic gradients. While the proapoptotic genes are highly expressed at the base of the branches and comparably low at the top, the pro-survival gene follows an opposite gradient. Parallel with the tuned expression of these genes, the activities of the apoptosis-executing enzymes caspase-8 (IETDase activity) and caspase-3 (DEVDase activity) are lowest at the top of the branch and highest at their base. This characteristic expression/activity pattern of the genes/enzymes, which had been determined in a few specimens, collected from an unpolluted, natural site, appears reversed in specimens collected from an anthropogenically polluted site. These findings indicate the involvement of apoptotic proteins in the axis formation (branches) in L. baicalensis.  相似文献   
A classic paradigm in evolutionary biology is that geographically isolated clades inhabiting similar selective regimes will diversify to create similar sets of phenotypes in different locations (e.g., similar stickleback species in different lakes, similar Anolis ecomorphs on different islands). Such parallel radiations are not generally expected to occur in sympatry because the available niche space would be filled by whichever clade is diversified first. Here, we document a very different pattern, the parallel evolution of similar body-size morphs in three sympatric clades of plethodontid salamanders ( Desmognathus, Plethodon, Spelerpinae) in eastern North America. Using a comprehensive, time-calibrated phylogeny of North American plethodontids from nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences, we show that these three clades have undergone replicated patterns of evolution in body size and that this parallel diversification occurred in broad-scale sympatry. At the local scale, we find that coexisting species from these clades are more similar in body size than expected under a null model in which species are randomly assembled into communities. These patterns are particularly surprising in that competition is known to be important in driving phenotypic diversification and limiting local coexistence of similar-sized species within these clades. Although parallel diversification of sympatric clades may seem counterintuitive, we discuss several ecological and evolutionary factors that may allow the phenomenon to occur.  相似文献   
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