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Domestic species provide a unique opportunity to examine the effects of selection on the genome. The myostatin gene ( GDF-8 ) has been under strong selection in a number of cattle breeds because of its influence on muscle conformation and association with the 'double-muscling' phenotype. This study examined genetic diversity near this gene in a set of breeds including some nearly fixed for the allele associated with double-muscling (MH), some where the allele is segregating at intermediate frequency and some where the allele is absent. A set of microsatellites and SNPs were used to examine patterns of diversity at the centromeric end of bovine chromosome 2, the region where GDF-8 is located, using various statistical methods. The putative position of a selected gene was moved across the genomic region to determine, by regression, a best position of reduced heterozygosity. Additional analyses examined extended homozygous regions and linkage disequilibrium patterns. While the SNP data was not found to be very informative for selection mapping in this dataset, analyses of the microsatellite data provided evidence of selection on GDF-8 in several breeds. These results suggested that, of the breeds examined, the allele was most recently introduced into the South Devon. Limitations to the selection-mapping approach were highlighted from the analysis of the SNP data and the situation where the MH allele was at intermediate frequency.  相似文献   
A series of 21 gelada monkeys (Theropithecus gelada) all showed strong reactivity of their saliva for H substance, but no reactivity for either A or B. Tests on their sera in no case showed the simultaneous presence of both the agglutinins anti-A and anti-B; instead some animals had only anti-A, others had only anti-B, while the remainder had neither anti-A nor anti-B. These findings distinguish gelada monkeys from all other species of Old World monkeys tested to date. They also provide further evidence supporting the genetic independence of the H substance and the A-B-O blood groups.  相似文献   
Following domestication, livestock breeds have experienced intense selection pressures for the development of desirable traits. This has resulted in a large diversity of breeds that display variation in many phenotypic traits, such as coat colour, muscle composition, early maturity, growth rate, body size, reproduction, and behaviour. To better understand the relationship between genomic composition and phenotypic diversity arising from breed development, the genomes of 13 traditional and commercial European pig breeds were scanned for signatures of diversifying selection using the Porcine60K SNP chip, applying a between-population (differentiation) approach. Signatures of diversifying selection between breeds were found in genomic regions associated with traits related to breed standard criteria, such as coat colour and ear morphology. Amino acid differences in the EDNRB gene appear to be associated with one of these signatures, and variation in the KITLG gene may be associated with another. Other selection signals were found in genomic regions including QTLs and genes associated with production traits such as reproduction, growth, and fat deposition. Some selection signatures were associated with regions showing evidence of introgression from Asian breeds. When the European breeds were compared with wild boar, genomic regions with high levels of differentiation harboured genes related to bone formation, growth, and fat deposition.  相似文献   
Genes involved in cellular mechanisms to repair oxidative damage are strong candidates as etiologic factors for Alzheimer's disease (AD). One important enzyme involved in this mechanism is superoxide dismutase 2 (SOD2). The gene for this enzyme lies within a single haplotype block at 6q25.3, a region showing evidence for linkage to AD in a genome scan. We genotyped four single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in SOD2 in families of the National Institute of Mental Health-AD Genetics Initiative (ADGI): rs2758346 in the 5' untranslated region (UTR), rs4880 in exon 2, rs2855116 in intron 3 and rs5746136 in the 3'UTR. Under a dominant model, family-based association tests showed significant evidence for association of AD with the first three loci in a candidate gene set of families with individuals having age of onset of at least 50 years and two affected and one unaffected sibling, and in a late-onset subset of families (families with all affected individuals having age of onset of at least 65 years) from the full ADGI sample. The alleles transmitted more frequently to cases than expected under the null hypothesis were T, C, G, and G. Global tests of the transmission of haplotypes indicate that the first two loci have the most consistent association with risk of AD. Because of the high linkage disequilibrium in this small (14 kb) gene, and the presence of 100 SNPs in this gene, 26 of which may have functional significance, additional genotyping and sequencing are needed to identify the functionally relevant SNP. We discuss the importance of our findings and the relevance of SOD2 to AD risk.  相似文献   
Gram-negative bacteria possess specialized active transport systems that function to transport organometallic cofactors or carriers, such as cobalamins, siderophores, and porphyrins, across their outer membranes. The primary components of each transport system are an outer membrane transporter and the energy-coupling protein TonB. In Escherichiacoli, the TonB-dependent outer membrane transporter BtuB carries out active transport of cobalamin (Cbl) substrates across its outer membrane. Cobalamins bind to BtuB with nanomolar affinity. Previous studies implicated calcium in high-affinity binding of cyanocobalamin (CN-Cbl) to BtuB. We previously solved four structures of BtuB or BtuB complexes: an apo-structure of a methionine-substitution mutant (used to obtain experimental phases by selenomethionine single-wavelength anomalous diffraction studies); an apo-structure of wild-type BtuB; a binary complex of calcium and wild-type BtuB; and a ternary complex of calcium, CN-Cbl and wild-type BtuB. We present an analysis of the binding of calcium in the binary and ternary complexes, and show that calcium coordination changes upon substrate binding. High-affinity CN-Cbl binding and calcium coordination are coupled. We also analyze the binding mode of CN-Cbl to BtuB, and compare and contrast this binding to that observed in other proteins that bind Cbl. BtuB binds CN-Cbl in a manner very different from Cbl-utilizing enzymes and the periplasmic Cbl binding protein BtuF. Homology searches of bacterial genomes, structural annotation based on the presence of conserved Cbl-binding residues identified by analysis of our BtuB structure, and detection of homologs of the periplasmic Cbl-binding binding protein BtuF enable identification of putative BtuB orthologs in enteric and non-enteric bacterial species.  相似文献   
Toxins and viruses often initiate their attacks by binding to specific proteins on the surfaces of target cells. Bacterial toxins (e.g. bacteriocins) and viruses (bacteriophages) targeting Gram-negative bacteria typically bind to outer membrane proteins. Bacterial E-colicins target Escherichia coli by binding to the outer membrane cobalamin transporter BtuB. Colicins are tripartite molecules possessing receptor-binding, translocation, and toxin domains connected by long coiled-coil alpha-helices. Surprisingly, the crystal structure of colicin E3 does not possess a recognizable globular fold in its receptor-binding domain. We hypothesized that the binding epitope of enzymatic E-colicins is a short loop connecting the two alpha-helices that comprise the coiled-coil region and that this flanking coiled-coil region serves to present the loop in a binding-capable conformation. To test this hypothesis, we designed and synthesized a 34-residue peptide (E-peptide-1) corresponding to residues Ala366-Arg399 of the helix-loop-helix region of colicin E3. Cysteines placed near the ends of the peptide (I372C and A393C) enabled crosslinking for reduction of conformational entropy and formation of a peptide structure that would present the loop epitope. A fluorescent analog was also made for characterization of binding by measurement of fluorescence polarization. Our analysis shows the following. (i). E-peptide-1 is predominantly random coil in aqueous solution, but disulfide bond formation increases its alpha-helical content in both aqueous buffer and solvents that promote helix formation. (ii). Fluorescein-labeled E-peptide-1 binds to purified BtuB in a calcium-dependent manner with a Kd of 43.6 +/- 4.9 nm or 2370 +/- 670 nm in the presence or absence of calcium, respectively. (iii). In the presence of calcium, cyanocobalamin (CN-Cbl) displaces E-peptide-1 with a nanomolar inhibition constant (Ki = 78.9 +/- 5.6 nm). We conclude that the BtuB binding sites for cobalamins and enzymatic E-colicins are overlapping but inequivalent and that the distal loop and (possibly) the short alpha-helical flanking regions are sufficient for high affinity binding.  相似文献   
This paper explores patterns of genetic diversity near a locus known to have been under selection. The myostatin gene (GDF-8) has been shown to be associated with double muscling, a phenotype selected for in a number of cattle breeds. We examined population genetic parameters for microsatellite loci at varying distances from GDF-8 in double-muscled (DM) and non-double-muscled (non-DM) cattle breeds in order to assess patterns of diversity. A theoretical analysis was also performed to predict the patterns of diversity expected under different scenarios. We found differences in the patterns of heterozygosity, allele diversity and linkage disequilibrium between DM and non-DM breeds. However, there were some exceptions to the predicted patterns. These are discussed in light of the histories of the breeds and the potential for using microsatellite diversity for mapping trait genes in livestock populations.  相似文献   
Wiener MC  Richmond BJ 《Bio Systems》2002,67(1-3):295-300
Reliably decoding neuronal responses requires knowing what aspects of neuronal responses are stimulus related, and which aspects act as noise. Recent work shows that spike trains can be viewed as stochastic samples from the rate variation function, as estimated by the time dependent spike density function (or normalized peristimulus time histogram). Such spike trains are exactly described by order statistics, and can be decoded millisecond-by-millisecond by iterative application of order statistics.  相似文献   
Five chromosomal regions previously associated with milk production traits were tested in 16 families of Black and White cattle from the UK. The traits were also linearly transformed into genetically and phenotypically independent variables normalized by phenotypic variances ('canonical traits'). Significant associations with the untransformed and canonical traits were found for bovine chromosome 6. There was also evidence that chromosome 9 influenced these traits. The linear transformation clarified the effects of chromosomal regions; regions with effects on all three untransformed traits (milk, fat and protein yields) were generally condensed into an effect on a single canonical trait. Comparison of our results with those reported previously for American Holstein cattle suggested that the QTL may not be the same.  相似文献   
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