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The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment - Scientific Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) literature provides some examples of LCA teaching in higher education, but not a structured overview of...  相似文献   
Acute lung injury (ALI) is a complex disorder associated with an acute inflammatory response thought to contribute to tissue injury. Desmosine, a cross-linking amino acid present in elastin, is released during matrix degradation and cleared by the kidney. Results from animal models and human disease studies have suggested that ALI is associated with the release of desmosine, resulting in increased urinary desmosine. A radioimmunoassay was used to monitor urinary desmosine levels over 10 days in ten patients with ALI. The concentration of desmosine was measured with and without acid hydrolysis. Baseline urinary desmosine was increased in two of ten patients. The concentration of desmosine at baseline did not appear to be related to age, gender, neutrophil elastase (NE)/α1-antiprotease complex concentration or PaO2/FiO2 ratio. No meaningful changes in desmosine levels were noted after removal from mechanical ventilation. Baseline desmosine concentrations did not appear to correlate with the risk of death. The limited sensitivity, predictive correlations and dynamic modulation would suggest that urine desmosine has a limited role as a biomarker for ALI. Hydrolysis of urine samples appears necessary for optimal measurement of urine desmosine.  相似文献   
Aim was to elucidate autonomic responses to dynamic and static (isometric) exercise of the lower limbs eliciting the same moderate heart rate (HR) response. Method: 23 males performed two kinds of voluntary exercise in a supine position at similar heart rates: static exercise (SE) of the lower limbs (static leg press) and dynamic exercise (DE) of the lower limbs (cycling). Subjective effort, systolic (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP), mean arterial pressure (MAP), rate pressure product (RPP) and the time between consecutive heart beats (RR-intervals) were measured. Time-domain (SDNN, RMSSD), frequency-domain (power in the low and high frequency band (LFP, HFP)) and geometric measures (SD1, SD2) as well as non-linear measures of regularity (approximate entropy (ApEn), sample entropy (SampEn) and correlation dimension D2) were calculated. Results: Although HR was similar during both exercise conditions (88±10 bpm), subjective effort, SBP, DBP, MAP and RPP were significantly enhanced during SE. HRV indicators representing overall variability (SDNN, SD 2) and vagal modulated variability (RMSSD, HFP, SD 1) were increased. LFP, thought to be modulated by both autonomic branches, tended to be higher during SE. ApEn and SampEn were decreased whereas D2 was enhanced during SE. It can be concluded that autonomic control processes during SE and DE were qualitatively different despite similar heart rate levels. The differences were reflected by blood pressure and HRV indices. HRV-measures indicated a stronger vagal cardiac activity during SE, while blood pressure response indicated a stronger sympathetic efferent activity to the vessels. The elevated vagal cardiac activity during SE might be a response mechanism, compensating a possible co-activation of sympathetic cardiac efferents, as HR and LF/HF was similar and LFP tended to be higher. However, this conclusion must be drawn cautiously as there is no HRV-marker reflecting “pure” sympathetic cardiac activity.  相似文献   
NOA1 is an evolutionary conserved, nuclear encoded GTPase essential for mitochondrial function and cellular survival. The function of NOA1 for assembly of mitochondrial ribosomes and regulation of OXPHOS activity depends on its GTPase activity, but so far no ligands have been identified that regulate the GTPase activity of NOA1. To identify nucleic acids that bind to the RNA-binding domain of NOA1 we employed SELEX (Systemic Evolution of Ligands by EXponential Enrichment) using recombinant mouse wildtype NOA1 and the GTPase mutant NOA1-K353R. We found that NOA1 binds specifically to oligonucleotides that fold into guanine tetrads (G-quadruplexes). Binding of G-quadruplex oligonucleotides stimulated the GTPase activity of NOA1 suggesting a regulatory link between G-quadruplex containing RNAs, NOA1 function and assembly of mitochondrial ribosomes.  相似文献   
Despite the monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) being famous for its adaptations to the defensive traits of its milkweed host plants, little is known about the macroevolution of these traits. Unlike most other animal species, monarchs are largely insensitive to cardenolides, because their target site, the sodium pump (Na+/K+‐ATPase), has evolved amino acid substitutions that reduce cardenolide binding (so‐called target site insensitivity, TSI). Because many, but not all, species of milkweed butterflies (Danaini) are associated with cardenolide‐containing host plants, we analyzed 16 species, representing all phylogenetic lineages of milkweed butterflies, for the occurrence of TSI by sequence analyses of the Na+/K+‐ATPase gene and by enzymatic assays with extracted Na+/K+‐ATPase. Here we report that sensitivity to cardenolides was reduced in a stepwise manner during the macroevolution of milkweed butterflies. Strikingly, not all Danaini typically consuming cardenolides showed TSI, but rather TSI was more strongly associated with sequestration of toxic cardenolides. Thus, the interplay between bottom‐up selection by plant compounds and top‐down selection by natural enemies can explain the evolutionary sequence of adaptations to these toxins.  相似文献   
The most economically important diseases of grapevine cultivation worldwide are caused by the fungal pathogen powdery mildew (Erysiphe necator syn. Uncinula necator) and the oomycete pathogen downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola). Currently, grapegrowers rely heavily on the use of agrochemicals to minimize the potentially devastating impact of these pathogens on grape yield and quality. The wild North American grapevine species Muscadinia rotundifolia was recognized as early as 1889 to be resistant to both powdery and downy mildew. We have now mapped resistance to these two mildew pathogens in M. rotundifolia to a single locus on chromosome 12 that contains a family of seven TIR‐NB‐LRR genes. We further demonstrate that two highly homologous (86% amino acid identity) members of this gene family confer strong resistance to these unrelated pathogens following genetic transformation into susceptible Vitis vinifera winegrape cultivars. These two genes, designated r esistance to P lasmopara v iticola (MrRPV1) are the first resistance genes to be cloned from a grapevine species. Both MrRUN1 and MrRPV1 were found to confer resistance to multiple powdery and downy mildew isolates from France, North America and Australia; however, a single powdery mildew isolate collected from the south‐eastern region of North America, to which M. rotundifolia is native, was capable of breaking MrRUN1‐mediated resistance. Comparisons of gene organization and coding sequences between M. rotundifolia and the cultivated grapevine V. vinifera at the MrRUN1/MrRPV1 locus revealed a high level of synteny, suggesting that the TIR‐NB‐LRR genes at this locus share a common ancestor.  相似文献   


Insufficient angiogenesis and arteriogenesis in cardiac tissue after myocardial infarction (MI) is a significant factor hampering the functional recovery of the heart. To overcome this problem we screened for compounds capable of stimulating angiogenesis, and herein investigate the most active molecule, 5-Methoxyleoligin (5ML), in detail.

Methods and Results

5ML potently stimulated endothelial tube formation, angiogenic sprouting, and angiogenesis in a chicken chorioallantoic membrane assay. Further, microarray- and knock down- based analyses revealed that 5ML induces angiogenesis by upregulation of CYP26B1. In an in vivo rat MI model 5ML potently increased the number of arterioles in the peri-infarction and infarction area, reduced myocardial muscle loss, and led to a significant increase in LV function (plus 21% 28 days after MI).


The present study shows that 5ML induces CYP26B1-dependent angiogenesis in vitro, and arteriogenesis in vivo. Whether or not CYP26B1 is relevant for in vivo arteriogenesis is not clear at the moment. Importantly, 5ML-induced arteriogenesis in vivo makes the compound even more interesting for a post MI therapy. 5ML may constitute the first low molecular weight compound leading to an improvement of myocardial function after MI.  相似文献   
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