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Serendipita indica is an axenically cultivable fungus, which colonizes a broad range of plant species including the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Root colonization by this endophyte leads to enhanced plant fitness and performance and promotes resistance against different biotic and abiotic stresses. The involvement of MPK6 in this mutualistic interaction had been previously shown with an mpk6 A. thaliana mutant, which failed to respond to S. indica colonization. Here, we demonstrate that mpk6 roots are significantly less colonized by S. indica compared to wild-type roots and the foliar application of plant hormones, ethylene, or jasmonic acid, restores the colonization rate at least to the wild-type level. Further, hormone-treated mpk6 plants show typical S. indica-induced growth promotion effects. Moreover, expression levels of several genes related to plant defense and hormone signaling are significantly changed at different colonization phases. Our results demonstrate that the successful root colonization by S. indica depends on efficient suppression of plant immune responses. In A. thaliana, this process relies on intact hormone signaling in which MPK6 seems to play a pivotal role.  相似文献   
Derivatives of aminomethylenebisphosphonic acids constitute a class of promising herbicides. More than 40 N-substituted aminomethylenephosphonic acids were synthesized and evaluated for their herbicidal activity on common cress (Lepidium sativum L.) and cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). Some of the tested compounds were found to exhibit strong herbicidal properties being equal in activity with the popular herbicide glyphosate as well as parent N-pyridylaminomethylenephosphonic acids. N-Substituted iminodi(methylenephosphonic) acids, which may be considered as close analog of glyphosate, were inactive toward test plants. Received October 25, 1996; accepted May 9, 1997  相似文献   

One of the supposed mechanisms that may lead to breast cancer (BC) is an alteration of circadian gene expression and DNA methylation. We undertook an integrated approach to identify methylation pattern of core circadian promoter regions in BC patients with regard to clinical features. We performed a quantitative methylation-specific real-time PCR analysis of a promoter methylation profile in 107 breast tumor and matched non-tumor tissues. A panel of circadian genes CLOCK, BMAL1, PERIOD (PER1, 2, 3), CRYPTOCHROME (CRY1, 2) and TIMELESS as well as their association with clinicopathological characteristics were included in the analysis. Three out of the eight analyzed genes exhibited marked hypermethylation (PER1, 2, 3), whereas CLOCK, BMAL1, CRY2 showed significantly lower promoter CpG methylation in the BC tissues when compared to the non-tumor tissues. Among variously methylated genes we found an association between the elevated methylation level of PERs promoter region and molecular subtypes, histological subtypes and tumor grading of BC. Methylation status may be associated with a gene expression level of circadian genes in BC patients. An aberrant methylation pattern in circadian genes in BC may provide information that could be used as novel biomarkers in clinics and molecular epidemiology as well as play an important role in BC etiology.  相似文献   
The ovaries of aphids belonging to the families Eriosomatidae, Anoeciidae, Drepanosiphidae, Thelaxidae, Aphididae, and Lachnidae were examined at the ultrastructural level. The ovaries of these aphids are composed of several telotrophic ovarioles. The individual ovariole is differentiated into a terminal filament, tropharium, vitellarium, and pedicel (ovariolar stalk). Terminal filaments of all ovarioles join together into the suspensory ligament, which attaches the ovary to the lobe of the fat body. The tropharium houses individual trophocytes and early previtellogenic oocytes termed arrested oocytes. Trophocytes are connected with the central part of the tropharium, the trophic core, by means of broad cytoplasmic processes. One or more oocytes develop in the vitellarium. Oocytes are surrounded by a single layer of follicular cells, which do not diversify into distinct subpopulations. The general organization of the ovaries in oviparous females is similar to that of the ovaries in viviparous females, but there are significant differences in their functioning: (1) in viviparous females, all ovarioles develop, whereas in oviparous females, some of them degenerate; (2) the number of germ cells per ovariole is usually greater in females of the oviparous generation than in females of viviparous generations; (3) in oviparous females, oocytes in the vitellarium develop through three stages (previtellogenesis, vitellogenesis, and choriogenesis), whereas in viviparous females, the development of oocytes stops after previtellogenesis; and (4) in the oocyte cytoplasm of oviparous females, lipid droplets and yolk granules accumulate, whereas in viviparous females, oocytes accrue only lipid droplets. Our results indicate that a large number of germ cells per ovariole represent the ancestral state within aphids. This trait may be helpful in inferring the phylogeny of Aphidoidea.  相似文献   
Clarification of the cause of mental retardation, which has a prevalence of 2–3%, is a common reason for genetic consultation. On the basis of the cardinal sign of microcephaly, which also has a prevalence of 2–3%, an overview on different conditions with developmental delay/mental retardation is given according to the mode of inheritance. The current version of the Winter–Baraitser Dysmorphology Database lists 558 conditions with the combination of microcephaly and developmental delay/mental retardation. This makes clear that the following overview gives only a limited look at the comprehensive field of clinical genetics/dysmorphology.  相似文献   
The aim of the study was to evaluate the aminoglycoside resistance of Gram-negative bacilli isolated from patients. To the examination 35 strains of Enterobacteriaceae and 18 of non-fermentative bacteria were included. Resistance to aminoglycosides (gentamicin (G), netilmicin (Nt), tobramycin (T), amikacin (A), kanamycin (K), neomycin (N)) was established by disk diffusion method. Interpretation of enzymatic mechanisms was performed by Livermore. The most common enzymes AAC(6')I were found in Enterobacteriaceae group (mostly in E. cloaceae and P. mirabilis) and AAC(3') and in non-fermentative bacteria: AAC(6')I in P. aeruginosa and APH(3')VI and AAC(3')I in A. baumanii. The most frequent phenotype was resistance to six antibiotics (G, Nt, T, A, K, N) Resistance rates were high for gentamicin (>70 %) in both groups and amikacin (88,89 %) in non-fermentatives.  相似文献   
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