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The two-component regulatory system PhoP/PhoQ has been shown to (i) control expression of virulence-associated traits, (ii) confer survival and growth within macrophages and (iii) play a role in Yersinia infections. However, the influence of PhoP on virulence varied greatly between different murine models of infection and its role in natural oral infections with frequently used representative isolates of Y. pseudotuberculosis was unknown. To address this issue, we constructed an isogenic set of phoP + and phoP variants of strain IP32953 and YPIII and analyzed the impact of PhoP using in vitro functionality experiments and a murine oral infection model, whereby we tested for bacterial dissemination and influence on the host immune response. Our results revealed that PhoP has a low impact on virulence, lymphatic and systemic organ colonization, and on immune response modulation by IP32953 and YPIII, indicating that PhoP is not absolutely essential for oral infections but may be involved in fine-tuning the outcome. Our work further revealed certain strain-specific differences in virulence properties, which do not strongly rely on the function of PhoP, but affect tissue colonization, dissemination and/or persistence of the bacteria. Highlighted intra-species variations may provide a potential means to rapidly adjust to environmental changes inside and outside of the host.  相似文献   
Unicellular, diazotrophic cyanobacteria temporally separate dinitrogen (N2) fixation and photosynthesis to prevent inactivation of the nitrogenase by oxygen. This temporal segregation is regulated by a circadian clock with oscillating activities of N2 fixation in the dark and photosynthesis in the light. On the population level, this separation is not always complete, since the two processes can overlap during transitions from dark to light. How do single cells avoid inactivation of nitrogenase during these periods? One possibility is that phenotypic heterogeneity in populations leads to segregation of the two processes. Here, we measured N2 fixation and photosynthesis of individual cells using nanometer-scale secondary ion mass spectrometry (nanoSIMS) to assess both processes in a culture of the unicellular, diazotrophic cyanobacterium Crocosphaera watsonii during a dark-light and a continuous light phase. We compared single-cell rates with bulk rates and gene expression profiles. During the regular dark and light phases, C. watsonii exhibited the temporal segregation of N2 fixation and photosynthesis commonly observed. However, N2 fixation and photosynthesis were concurrently measurable at the population level during the subjective dark phase in which cells were kept in the light rather than returned to the expected dark phase. At the single-cell level, though, cells discriminated against either one of the two processes. Cells that showed high levels of photosynthesis had low nitrogen fixing activities, and vice versa. These results suggest that, under ambiguous environmental signals, single cells discriminate against either photosynthesis or nitrogen fixation, and thereby might reduce costs associated with running incompatible processes in the same cell.  相似文献   
We present here a Tribute to Klaus Apel (1942–2017), a photosynthesis pioneer—an authority on plant molecular genetics—in five parts. The first section is a prologue. The second section deals with a chronological discussion of Apel’s research life, prepared by the editor Govindjee; it is based on a website article at the Boyce Thompson Institute (BTI) by Patricia Waldron (https://btiscience.org/explore-bti/news/post/bti-says-goodbye-klaus-apel/), as approved for use here by Keith C. Hannon and David Stern of BTI. The third section, which focuses on Apel’s pioneering work on singlet oxygen-mediated EXECUTER-dependent signaling in plants, is written by two of us (J-DR and CK). The fourth section includes three selected reminiscences, one from BTI and two from ETH (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule). This tribute ends with section five, which is a very brief presentation of Klaus Apel’s personal life, by Wiebke Apel.  相似文献   
Aim  Niche theory emphasizes the importance of environmental conditions for the distribution and abundance of species. Using a macroecological approach our study aimed at identifying the important environmental gradients for spiders. We generated numerical values of niche position and niche width. We also investigated relationships between these niche properties as well as the degree of phylogenetic conservatism in order to draw conclusions about the evolution of the habitat niche.
Location  Central Europe: lowlands of Austria, Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Switzerland.
Methods  We analysed 244 published spider communities from 70 habitat types by correspondence analysis. The resulting community scores were used to test for correlations with habitat characteristics. Species scores were used to derive niche position (mean scores) and niche width (standard deviation of scores). To test for niche conservatism we estimated variance components across the taxonomic hierarchy.
Results  The first two axes of the correspondence analysis were correlated with shading and moisture, respectively. Niche width had a hump-shaped relationship to both environmental gradients. β-diversity was strikingly higher in open habitats than in forests. Habitat niche conservatism was lower than phylogenetic conservatism in body size.
Main conclusions  Environmental factors are important drivers for the β-diversity of spiders, especially across open habitats. This underlines the importance of preserving the whole range of moisture conditions in open habitats. Narrow niches of species occurring at the ends of both environmental gradients indicate that adaptations to extreme habitats lead to constraints in ecological flexibility. Nevertheless, the habitat niche of species seems to evolve much faster than morphological or physiological traits.  相似文献   
Two major types of plaque-bearing adhering junctions are commonly distinguished: the actin microfilament-anchoring adhaerens junctions (AJs) and the desmosomes anchoring intermediate-sized filaments (IFs). Both types of junction usually possess the common plaque protein, plakoglobin, whereas the other plaque proteins and the transmembrane cadherins are mutually exclusive. For example, AJs contain E-, N-, or P-cadherin in combination with α- and β-catenin, vinculin and α-actinin, whereas in desmosomes, desmogleins and desmocollins are associated with desmoplakin and one or several of the plakophilins (PP1–3). Here we describe a novel type of adhering junction comprising proteins of both AJs and desmosomes and the tight junction (TJ) plaque protein, ZO-1, in a newly established, liver-derived tumorigenic rat cell line (RMEC-1). By immunofluorescence microscopy, cell-cell contacts are characterized by mostly continuous-appearing lines which are usually resolved by electron microscopy as extended arrays of closely spaced small plaque subunits. These plaque-covered regions are positive for plakoglobin, α- and β-catenin, the arm-repeat protein p120, vinculin, desmoplakin and protein ZO-1. They are positive for E-cadherin in cultures early on in passaging, but tend to turn negative for all known cadherins in densely grown cultures. On immunoblotting SDS-PAGE-separated proteins from dense-grown cell monolayers, “pan-cadherin” antibodies have reacted with a band at ~140 kDa, identified as N-cadherin by peptide fingerprinting of the immunoprecipitated protein, which for reasons not yet clear is modified or masked in immunolocalization experiments. The exact histological derivation of RMEC-1 cells is not known. However, the observations of several endothelial markers and the fact that all cells are rich in IFs containing vimentin and/or desmin, while only subpopulations also reveal IFs containing CKs 8 and 18, is suggestive of a mesenchymal, probably endothelial origin. We discuss the molecular relationship of this novel type of extended junction with other types of adhering junctions.  相似文献   
Recently, we established the Sleeping Beauty transposon system for germ line competent transgenesis in the pig. Here, we extend this approach to re-target a transposon-tagged locus for a site-specific gene knock-in, and generated a syngeneic cohort of piglets carrying either the original transposon or the re-targeted event. A Cre-loxP-mediated cassette exchange of the tagging transposon with a different reporter gene was performed, followed by flow cytometric sorting and somatic cell nuclear transfer of recombined cells. In parallel, the original cells were employed in somatic cell nuclear transfer to generate clone siblings, thereby resulting in a clone cohort of piglets carrying different reporter transposons at an identical chromosomal location. Importantly, this strategy supersedes the need for an antibiotic selection marker. This approach expands the arsenal of genome engineering technologies in domestic animals, and will facilitate the development of large animal models for human diseases. Potentially, the syngeneic cohort of pigs will be instrumental for vital tracking of transplanted cells in pre-clinical assessments of novel cell therapies.  相似文献   
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