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Retroviral vectors released from mouse-derived packaging cell lines are inactivated in human sera by naturally occurring antibodies due to the recognition of Galalpha1,3Galbeta1,4GlcNAc (alphagal-epitope) decorated surface proteins. In this study, an extensive analysis of the glycosylation potential of NIH3T3-derived PA317 packaging cells using combined MALDI/TOF-MS and HPAE-PAD reveals that 34% of the N-glycan moiety represents alphagal-epitope containing structures. Stable expression of glycosyltransferases and transport signal chimeras has been demonstrated to represent an efficient tool to alter cell- and species-specific glycosylation (Grabenhorst and Conradt, 1999. J. Biol. Chem. 274, 36107-36116). In order to reduce alphagal-epitope synthesis selected chimeric glycosyltransferases were constructed by fusing Golgi-signal sequences for compartment-specific localization with the catalytic domain of alpha2,3-sialyltransferase (ST3). Stable expression of these constructs in these cells resulted in a significant reduced alphagal-epitope synthesis, and moreover, a release of retroviral vectors showing an up to 3.5-fold increase in serum stability. Thus, our results suggest that the stably transfected cells stably transfected with chimeric glycosyltransferases compete efficiently with endogenous alpha1,3-galactosyltransferase. This approach allows favored glycodesign and we anticipate the applicability of such improved retroviral vectors produced by glycosylation engineered host cells for in vivo gene therapy and, furthermore, suggest the therapeutic benefit of this technology for xenotransplantation.  相似文献   
In nature most organisms have to manage conflicting demands of food gathering, predator avoidance, and finding a favorable abiotic environment (oxygen, temperature, etc.) in order to maximize their fitness. In the vertical water column of lakes with high solar ultraviolet radiation (UV) and invertebrate predators, zooplankton face two particularly strong and conflicting selective pressures. During daylight hours invertebrate predators often induce an upward vertical migration of zooplankton prey while potentially damaging UV forces a downward migration. We used 2.2 m long columns suspended vertically in a lake to conduct 2×2 factorial experiments to examine patterns of depth selection behavior by zooplankton in the presence and absence of both the invertebrate predator Chaoborus and UV. We hypothesized that Chaoborus and UV both affect the distribution of zooplankton and a combination of both factors would lead to a narrowing of depth distribution. We found that when Chaoborus were present zooplankton tended to be distributed at shallower depths in the columns, while in the presence of UV they exhibited a deeper distribution. Chaoborus themselves were always found near the bottom of the columns regardless of the UV treatment. Simultaneous exposure to predators and UV resulted in a peak of zooplankton (especially Daphnia catawba) distribution at intermediate depths. In a significant number of cases, depth range was narrowed in response to Chaoborus, UV, or both.  相似文献   
The low extracellular pH of inflamed or ischemic tissues enhances painful sensations by sensitizing and activating the vanilloid receptor 1 (TRPV1). We report here that activation of TRPV1 results in a marked intracellular acidification in nociceptive dorsal root ganglion neurons and in a heterologous expression system. A characterization of the underlying mechanisms revealed a Ca(2+)-dependent intracellular acidification operating at neutral pH and an additional as yet unrecognized direct proton conductance through the poorly selective TRPV1 pore operating in acidic extracellular media. Large organic cations permeate through the activated TRPV1 pore even in the presence of physiological concentrations of Na(+), Mg(2+), and Ca(2+). The wide pore and the unexpectedly high proton permeability of TRPV1 point to a proton hopping permeation mechanism along the water-filled channel pore. In acidic media, the high relative proton permeability through TRPV1 defines a novel proton entry mechanism in nociceptive neurons.  相似文献   
Daphnia may respond with an array of anti-predator defences(behavioural, morphological and life history) to a chemicalcue (kairomone) exuded by its predators: fish and Chaoborus.Given the wide array of potential responses, it is an interestingquestion whether anti-predator defences are coupled or independentof each other. Since anti-predator responses are costly andeven possessing the genetic information to respond to a certainpredator might involve a cost, clones may only react to predatorsthey co-occur with in nature. In this study, we provide evidencefor an uncoupling of responses by Daphnia pulex in several anti-predatordefences against Chaoborus. We were unable to detect a correlationbetween behavioural (migration), morphological (neck-spine induction)and life history [growth rate, neonate size and size at firstreproduction (SFR)] responses. Furthermore, anti-predator responsesdid not always comply with what is commonly believed. We foundthat Daphnia clones can migrate up or down when exposed to fishor Chaoborus kairomone and that population growth rate, neonatesize and SFR can increase or decrease in response to Chaoboruskairomone. We also show patterns in anti-predator defences thatseem to relate to the habitat from which clones were derived.Daphnia clones that were collected in habitats with Chaoborusas the dominant predator tended to react strongly to Chaoboruskairomone by migrating upward and producing neck-spines. Themigration behaviour against fish kairomone in these clones wasoften an unexpected upward migration. The Daphnia clone thatco-existed with fish predators showed a downward migration inthe presence of fish as well as Chaoborus kairomone. Clonesthat had occurred with either both or no predators had mixedresponses. We sometimes found an upward migration in combinationwith smaller body size as a response to Chaoborus kairomone.This may be interpreted as a behavioural defence against Chaoborusand a life-history defence against fish. Daphnia seem not toexhibit defence behaviour against predators they do not co-occurwith. It might be costly for Daphnia to maintain genetic informationto respond to these predators and protect that information fromgenetic drift.  相似文献   
Schwann cells in the peripheral nervous systems extend their membranes to wrap axons concentrically and form the insulating sheath, called myelin. The spaces between layers of myelin are sealed by myelin junctions. This tight insulation enables rapid conduction of electric impulses (action potentials) through axons. Demyelination (stripping off the insulating sheath) has been widely regarded as one of the most important mechanisms altering the action potential propagation in many neurological diseases. However, the effective nerve conduction is also thought to require a proper myelin seal through myelin junctions such as tight junctions and adherens junctions. In the present study, we have demonstrated the disruption of myelin junctions in a mouse model (Pmp22+/-) of hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies (HNPP) with heterozygous deletion of Pmp22 gene. We observed a robust increase of F-actin in Pmp22+/- nerve regions where myelin junctions were disrupted, leading to increased myelin permeability. These abnormalities were present long before segmental demyelination at the late phase of Pmp22+/- mice. Moreover, the increase of F-actin levels correlated with an enhanced activity of p21-activated kinase (PAK1), a molecule known to regulate actin polymerization. Pharmacological inhibition of PAK normalized levels of F-actin, and completely prevented the progression of the myelin junction disruption and nerve conduction failure in Pmp22+/- mice. Our findings explain how abnormal myelin permeability is caused in HNPP, leading to impaired action potential propagation in the absence of demyelination. We call it “functional demyelination”, a novel mechanism upstream to the actual stripping of myelin that is relevant to many demyelinating diseases. This observation also provides a potential therapeutic approach for HNPP.  相似文献   
Radiotherapy is a powerful cure for several types of solid tumours, but its application is often limited because of severe side effects in individual patients. With the aim to find biomarkers capable of predicting normal tissue side reactions we analysed the radiation responses of cells from individual head and neck tumour and breast cancer patients of different clinical radiosensitivity in a multicentric study. Multiple parameters of cellular radiosensitivity were analysed in coded samples of peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) and derived lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs) from 15 clinical radio-hypersensitive tumour patients and compared to age- and sex-matched non-radiosensitive patient controls and 15 lymphoblastoid cell lines from age- and sex- matched healthy controls of the KORA study. Experimental parameters included ionizing radiation (IR)-induced cell death (AnnexinV), induction and repair of DNA strand breaks (Comet assay), induction of yH2AX foci (as a result of DNA double strand breaks), and whole genome expression analyses. Considerable inter-individual differences in IR-induced DNA strand breaks and their repair and/or cell death could be detected in primary and immortalised cells with the applied assays. The group of clinically radiosensitive patients was not unequivocally distinguishable from normal responding patients nor were individual overreacting patients in the test system unambiguously identified by two different laboratories. Thus, the in vitro test systems investigated here seem not to be appropriate for a general prediction of clinical reactions during or after radiotherapy due to the experimental variability compared to the small effect of radiation sensitivity. Genome-wide expression analysis however revealed a set of 67 marker genes which were differentially induced 6 h after in vitro-irradiation in lymphocytes from radio-hypersensitive and non-radiosensitive patients. These results warrant future validation in larger cohorts in order to determine parameters potentially predictive for clinical radiosensitivity.  相似文献   
Secondary sexual traits are often costly to produce and therefore an individual’s appearance can signal its quality. As the quality of an individual influences the payoffs associated with the actions it can perform, its appearance should also influence its behavior. Here we investigate whether male zebra finches, Taeniopygia guttata, change their behavior (and their energetic states) after artificial manipulations of their appearance, using different colored leg bands, and if such effects carry over after the end of the manipulation, as might be expected if appearance-mediated social dynamics “lock” individuals into different states. During three experimental phases, in which all males in a group wore neutral colored leg bands at the beginning (phase I), then wore attractive, unattractive, and neutral colored bands, respectively (phase II), before wearing the neutral color again (phase III), we found no evidence of an effect of the appearance manipulation on state, weight or any behavioral traits we measured. Nevertheless, we found that individuals that stored more fat were more likely to initiate and win aggressive interactions but were less likely to be recipients of aggression. This association between energetic state and aggressive behavior is discussed from both strategic body mass regulation and sexual selection perspectives.  相似文献   
Knowledge about the effects of the neuropeptide oxytocin (OXT) on human sexual behaviors and partner interactions remains limited. Based on our previous studies, we hypothesize that OXT should be able to positively influence parameters of sexual function and couple interactions.  相似文献   
Polyamines (PAs) are ubiquitous aliphatic amines important and, in many cases, essential for plant growth, abiotic stress response, and tolerance. Here we provide evidence for genetic reprogramming of PA homeostasis that occurs during the de-etiolation, maturation, and senescence of the primary leaf in Hordeum vulgare (barley). We analyzed expression levels of key genes in the anabolic and catabolic branches of PA metabolism throughout the life cycle of etioplasts, at all steps of the functional assembly of the photosynthetic apparatus, and during leaf senescence. The changes in the total PAs titer of the leaf were followed throughout the different developmental stages. Furthermore, we align all three stages of the photosynthetic performance (rapid light-dependent de-etiolation, phase of optimal efficiency, and senescence-induced deterioration) with the changes in PA homeostasis. Finally, we focus on two phases during aging (early and late senescence) and we present their bioenergetic (for example, PSII maximal efficiency, ATPase conductivity) and genetic profiles, with emphasis on sensitive parameters that describe this process for the photosynthetic apparatus and PA metabolism, respectively. In conclusion, the fine tuning of PA homeostasis is regulated by the simultaneous genetic reprogramming of the anabolic and catabolic branches of PA metabolism and adjusts all the developmental changes from de-etiolation to maturation and senescence.  相似文献   
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