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The anaphase-promoting complex (APC), or cyclosome, is a cell cycle-regulated ubiquitin ligase that controls progression through mitosis and the G1 phase of the cell cycle. The APC is composed of at least 11 subunits; no structure has been determined for any of these subunits. The subunit APC10/DOC1, a one-domain protein consisting of 185 amino acids, has a conserved core (residues 22-161) that is homologous to domains found in several other putative ubiquitin ligases and, therefore, may play a role in ubiquitination reactions. Here we report the crystal structure of human APC10 at 1.6 A resolution. The core of the protein is formed by a beta-sandwich that adopts a jellyroll fold. Unexpectedly, this structure is highly similar to ligand-binding domains of several bacterial and eukaryotic proteins, such as galactose oxidase and coagulation factor Va, raising the possibility that APC10 may function by binding a yet unidentified ligand. We further provide biochemical evidence that the C-terminus of APC10 binds to CDC27/APC3, an APC subunit that contains multiple tetratrico peptide repeats.  相似文献   
Drebrin, an actin-binding 70-kDa protein with an unusually slow SDS-PAGE mobility corresponding to approximately 120 kDa, containing a proline-rich, profilin-binding motif, had originally been reported from neuronal cells, but recently has also been found in diverse other kinds of tissues and cell lines. In biochemical analyses of various cells and tissues, employing gel filtration, sucrose gradient centrifugation, immunoprecipitation and -blotting, we have identified distinct states of soluble drebrin: a approximately 4S monomer, an 8S, ca. 217-kDa putative trimer, a 13S and a > 20S oligomer. In the 8S particles only [35S]methionine-labelled drebrin but no other actin-binding protein has been detected in stoichiometric amounts. By immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy, drebrin-positive material often appeared as "granules" up to 400 nm in diameter, in some cell types clustered near the Golgi apparatus or in lamellipodia, particularly at leading edges, or in dense-packed submembranous masses at tips (acropodia) or ruffles of leading edges, in filopodia and at plaques of adhering junctions. We conclude that these drebrin complexes and drebrin-rich structures allow the build-up and maintenance of high local drebrin concentrations in strategic positions for the regulation of actin filament assembly, thereby contributing to cell motility and morphology, in particular local changes of plasticity and the formation of protrusions.  相似文献   
Heat shock proteins (Hsps) and molecular chaperones isolated from tumors or virally infected cells elicit an efficient CD8+ T cell response against bound antigenic peptides. This immune response is mediated by presentation of the peptides on MHC class I complexes of antigen-presenting cells (APCs), but the cellular mechanism of this presentation process is not yet understood. Here we provide evidence for the existence of a proteinaceous receptor on the surface of APCs that is specific for mammalian Hsp70. Using a flow cytometry-based assay, saturable binding of Hsp70 to the cell surface of macrophages and peripheral blood monocytes, but not of lymphocytes, can be demonstrated. The affinity of the receptor is in the sub-micromolar range (Kd < 100 nM). Only mammalian Hsc70/Hsp70, but not bacterial Hsp70, is bound with high affinity. Subsequent to binding, Hsp70 is taken up by endocytosis, resulting in an intracellular localization. Our results suggest that receptor-mediated endocytosis forms the basis for the demonstrated efficacy of Hsp70-peptide complexes as anti-tumor vaccines.  相似文献   
Abstract: The binding characteristics of the novel 11C-labeled nicotinic ligands (R,S)-1-methyl-2-(3-pyridyl) azetidine (MPA) and (S)-3-methyl-5-(1-methyl-2-pyrrolidinyl)isoxazole (ABT-418) were investigated in comparison with those of (S)-[11C]nicotine in vitro in the rat brain to be able to predict the binding properties of the new ligands for positron emission tomography studies in vivo. The data from time-resolved experiments for all ligands indicated fast binding kinetics, with the exception of a slower dissociation of [11C]MPA in comparison with (S)-[11C]nicotine and [11C]ABT-418. Saturation experiments revealed for all ligands two nicotinic receptor binding sites with affinity constants (KD values) of 2.4 and 560 nM and binding site densities (Bmax values) of 65.5 and 223 fmol/mg of protein for (S)-[11C]nicotine, KD values of 0.011 and 2.2 nM and Bmax values of 4.4 and 70.7 fmol/mg of protein for [11C]MPA, and KD values of 1.3 and 33.4 nM and Bmax values of 8.8 and 69.2 fmol/mg of protein for [11C]ABT-418. In competing with the 11C-ligands, epibatidine was most potent, followed by cytisine. A different rank order of potencies was found for (?)-nicotine, (+)-nicotine, MPA, and ABT-418 displacing each of the 11C-ligands. Autoradiograms displayed a similar pattern of receptor binding for all ligands, whereby [11C]MPA showed the most distinct binding pattern and the lowest nonspecific binding. We conclude that the three 11C-labeled nicotinic ligands were suitable for characterizing nicotinic receptors in vitro. The very high affinity of [11C]MPA to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, its low nonspecific binding, and especially the slower dissociation kinetics of the [11C]MPA from the putative high-affinity nicotinic acetylcholine receptor binding site compared with (S)-[11C]nicotine and [11C]ABT-418 raise the level of interest in [11C]MPA for application in positron emission tomography.  相似文献   
N-Glycoloylneuraminic acid (Neu5Gc) is synthesized as its CMP-giycosideby the action of CMPN-acetylneuramlnic acid (CMP-Neu5Ac) hydroxylase.This enzyme is a soluble cytochrome bs-dependent monooxygenaseand has been purified to apparent homogeneity from pig submandibularglands by precipitation with N-cetyN,N,N-trimethylam-moniumbromide and fractionation on Q-Sepharose, Cibacron Blue 3GA-Agarose,Reactive Brown 10-Agarose, Hexyl-Agarose and Superose S.12.This procedure resulted in an 8960-fold purification of thehydroxylase with a recovery of 0.8%. The molecular mass of thisprotein was shown to be 65 kDa on SDS-PAGE and 60 kDa as determinedby gel filtration on Superose S.12, which suggests that theenzyme is a monomer. The purified CMP-Neu5Ac hydroxylase isactivated by FeSO4 and inhibited by iron-binding reagents suchas o-phenanthroline, KCN, Tiron and ferro-zine. An apparentKm of 11 µM was determined for the substrate CMP-Neu5Acusing purified hydroxylase in the presence of Triton X-100-solubilizedmicrosomes. In a reconstituted system consisting of purifiedhydroxylase, cytochrome b5, cytochrome b5 reductase and catalase,an apparent Km of 3 µM was measured. The apparent Kmforcytochrome b5 in this system was 0.24 µM. Immunizationof a rabbit with enriched and purified hydroxylase led to anantiserum that inhibited CMP-Neu5Ac hydroxylase activity andreacted with the purified 65 kDa protein on a Western blot afterSDS-PAGE. Antibodies specific for this 65 kDa protein were isolatedand showed a strong reaction with the purified CMP-Neu5Ac hydroxylasefrom mouse liver after immunoblotting. Initial experiments withthis monospecific antibody suggest that the activity of thehydroxylase in a particular tissue correlates with the amountof immuno-reactive protein. cytochrome b5 N-glcoloylneuraminic acid hydroxylase pig submandibular gland mucin sialic acid  相似文献   
Sour rot is a disease complex that causes serious damage in viticulture. The common vinegar fly Drosophila melanogaster (Diptera: Drosophilidae) is associated with sour rot in overripe or otherwise damaged grapes. Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae) is an invasive species, which is suspected to induce sour rot in previously undamaged grapes due to the flies' ability to infest healthy, undamaged soft fruits with its serrated ovipositor. As a consequence, infection of healthy grapes by D. suzukii may facilitate the colonization by D. melanogaster. We investigated the single and combined effects of D. suzukii and D. melanogaster on sour rot development by measuring volatile acidity under near-natural conditions in the vineyard, along with laboratory experiments under controlled climate. In 2017, the combined field and laboratory experiments suggested that the presence of D. suzukii and D. melanogaster increased the volatile acidity levels at a similar rate. In 2018, the field experiments showed an only marginal increase in sour rot development in treatments with both Drosophila species. Under more favourable laboratory conditions, the presence of D. suzukii, but not D. melanogaster triggered sour rot emergence. A facilitating effect of D. suzukii infestation for D. melanogaster was not detectable. These findings suggest that D. suzukii does in fact have the potential to trigger sour rot, but will probably rarely do so under field conditions in the vineyard, at least in the studied region. Instead, our study showed that D. melanogaster can have a similar impact on sour rot development as D. suzukii, emphasizing the need of comparative studies.  相似文献   
In the tissue integration of melanocytes and melanoma cells, an important role is attributed to cell adhesion molecules, notably the cadherins. In cultured melanoma cells, we have previously described a more heterogeneous repertoire of cadherins than normal, including some melanoma subtypes synthesizing the desmosomal cadherin, desmoglein 2, out of the desmosomal context. Using biochemical and immunological characterization of junctional molecules, confocal laser scanning, and electron and immunoelectron microscopy, we now demonstrate homo- and heterotypic cell-cell adhesions of normal epidermal melanocytes. In human epidermis, both in situ and in cell culture, melanocytes and keratinocytes are connected by closely aligned membranes that are interspersed by small puncta adhaerentia containing heterotypic complexes of E- and P-cadherin. Moreover, melanocytes growing in culture often begin to synthesize desmoglein 2, which is dispersed over extended areas of intimate adhesive cell-cell associations. As desmoglein 2 is not found in melanocytes in situ, we hypothesize that its synthesis is correlated with cell proliferation. Indeed, in tissue microarrays, desmoglein 2 has been demonstrated in a sizable subset of nevi and primary melanomas. The biological meanings of these cell-cell adhesion molecule arrangements, the possible diagnostic and prognostic significance of these findings, and the implications of the heterogeneity types of melanomas are discussed. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. This work was supported in parts by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft to W. K. Peitsch (project PE 896/1) and the Deutsche Krebshilfe to W. W. Franke (project 10-2049).  相似文献   
Glycosphingolipids (GSLs) of the globo-series constitute specific receptors for Shiga toxins (Stxs) released by certain types of pathogenic Escherichia coli strains. Stx-loaded leukocytes may act as transporter cells in the blood and transfer the toxin to endothelial target cells. Therefore, we performed a thorough investigation on the expression of globo-series GSLs in serum-free cultivated Raji and Jurkat cells, representing B- and T-lymphocyte descendants, respectively, as well as THP-1 and HL-60 cells of the monocyte and granulocyte lineage, respectively. The presence of Stx-receptors in GSL preparations of Raji and THP-1 cells and the absence in Jurkat and HL-60 cells revealed high compliance of solid-phase immunodetection assays with the expression profiles of receptor-related glycosyltransferases, performed by qRT-PCR analysis, and Stx2-caused cellular damage. Canonical microdomain association of Stx GSL receptors, sphingomyelin, and cholesterol in membranes of Raji and THP-1 cells was assessed by comparative analysis of detergent-resistant membrane (DRM) and nonDRM fractions obtained by density gradient centrifugation and showed high correlation based on nonparametric statistical analysis. Our comprehensive study on the expression of Stx-receptors and their subcellular distribution provides the basis for exploring the functional role of lipid raft-associated Stx-receptors in cells of leukocyte origin.  相似文献   
The production of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) drives tumourigenesis in ulcerative colitis (UC). Recently, we showed that H2O2 activates DNA damage checkpoints in human colonic epithelial cells (HCEC) through c‐Jun N‐terminal Kinases (JNK) that induces p21WAF1. Moreover, caspases circumvented the G1/S and intra‐S checkpoints, and cells accumulated in G2/M. The latter observation raised the question of whether repeated H2O2 exposures alter JNK activation, thereby promoting a direct passage of cells from G2/M arrest to driven cell cycle progression. Here, we report that increased proliferation of repeatedly H2O2‐exposed HCEC cells (C‐cell cultures) was associated with (i) increased phospho‐p46 JNK, (ii) decreased total JNK and phospho‐p54 JNK and (iii) p21WAF1 down‐regulation. Altered JNK activation and p21WAF1 down‐regulation were accompanied by defects in maintaining G2/M and mitotic spindle checkpoints through adaptation, as well as by apoptosis resistance following H2O2 exposure. This may cause increased proliferation of C‐cell cultures, a defining initiating feature in the inflammation‐carcinoma pathway in UC. We further suggest that dysregulated JNK activation is attributed to a non‐apoptotic function of caspases, causing checkpoint adaptation in C‐cell cultures. Additionally, loss of cell‐contact inhibition and the overcoming of senescence, hallmarks of cancer, contributed to increased proliferation. Furthermore, there was evidence that p54 JNK inactivation is responsible for loss of cell‐contact inhibition. We present a cellular model of UC and suggest a sinusoidal pattern of proliferation, which is triggered by H2O2‐induced reactive oxygen species generation, involving an interplay between JNK activation/inactivation, p21WAF1, c‐Fos, c‐Jun/phospho‐c‐Jun, ATF2/phospho‐ATF2, β‐catenin/TCF4‐signalling, c‐Myc, CDK6 and Cyclin D2, leading to driven cell cycle progression.  相似文献   
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