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Boar taint is a major meat-quality defect in pigs and is due to excessive accumulation of skatole and androstenone in adipose tissue. The present work investigated the relationship between carcass weight, levels of skatole and androstenone in adipose tissue, and expression of the hepatic androstenone-metabolising enzyme 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3β-HSD), in 22 entire male and 22 entire female crossbred pigs (Large White (40%) × Landrace (40%) × Duroc (20%)). Animals of each gender were divided into two subgroups (11 pigs in each subgroup): (i) conventional weight (carcass weight 59 to 77 kg) and (ii) heavy weight (carcass weight 84 to 95 kg). No relationship between carcass weight and adipose tissue skatole level was found for entire male pigs (r2 = 0.013, P > 0.05). There was a significant negative relationship between carcass weight and expression of the hepatic 3β-HSD protein (r2 = 0.502, P < 0.001) and a significant negative relationship between 3β-HSD protein expression and androstenone level in adipose tissue (r2 = 0.24, P < 0.05) in entire males. No relationship was found between carcass weight and 3β-HSD protein expression in female pigs (r2 = 0.001, P > 0.05). 3β-HSD expression was 59% higher in conventional-weight male pigs when compared with heavy-weight animals (P < 0.05) and 36% higher in heavy-weight females when compared with heavy-weight males (P < 0.05). It is concluded that an increase in slaughter weight of entire commercial crossbred Large White pigs is accompanied by inhibition of expression of the hepatic 3β-HSD protein, which might result in a reduced rate of hepatic androstenone clearance with its subsequent accumulation in adipose tissue. It is suggested that regulation of pig hepatic 3β-HSD expression is under the control of sex hormones.  相似文献   
Yellowtail kingfish, Seriola lalandi support significant commercial and recreational fisheries as well as aquaculture operations throughout the world. Metazoan parasite infections of S. lalandi are of considerable economic and ecological importance, yet very little is known about wild parasite assemblages. S. lalandi were collected from the east coast and south coast of Australia and examined for metazoan parasites. Forty-three parasite taxa were identified, including 26 new host records. Four of the parasite species recovered have been previously associated with disease or mortality in Seriola aquaculture. Comparisons are made between ectoparasite and endoparasite prevalence and intensity of S. lalandi from New South Wales and Victoria. S. lalandi sampled from the east coast of Australia shared ectoparasites previously documented from this species in New Zealand, providing support that S. lalandi in the Tasman Sea comprise a single stock. Based on previously used criteria to evaluate the suitability of parasites as biological tags, the monogenean Paramicrocotyloides reticularis Rohde and the copepod Parabrachiella seriolae Yamaguti and Yamasu may be potentially useful for stock discrimination.  相似文献   
Three new species of Merizocotyle Cerfontaine, 1894 (Monogenea: Monocotylidae) are described from the nasal tissues of stingrays collected off Borneo. Merizocotyle macrostrobus n. sp. is described from the dwarf whipray Himantura walga (Müller & Henle) collected in shallow waters off Sematan, Sarawak, Malaysia. This species can be distinguished from the other members of the genus by the morphology of the sclerotised male copulatory organ, which is long with many twists and loops. The vaginae of this species are also long and looped. Merizocotyle papillae n. sp. is described from the roughnose stingray Pastinachus solocirostris Last, Manjaji & Yearsley collected off Sematan and Mukah, Sarawak, Malaysia. It is distinguished from the other species of Merizocotyle by the morphology of the male copulatory organ, which is a sclerotised tube that expands slightly and then tapers at the distal end, and by the presence of papillae on the dorsal edge of the haptor. Merizocotyle rhadinopeos n. sp. is described from the whitenose whip ray Himantura uarnacoides (Bleeker) collected off Manggar, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. It can be differentiated by the male copulatory organ, which is a short, narrow, curved, sclerotised tube tapering distally, and the path of the ovary, which runs anteriorly to the base of the o?type. We also provide details of new host and/or locality records for M. australensis (Beverley-Burton & Williams, 1989) Chisholm, Wheeler & Beverley-Burton, 1995, M. icopae Beverley-Burton & Williams, 1989 and M. pseudodasybatis (Hargis, 1955) Chisholm, Wheeler & Beverley-Burton, 1995.  相似文献   
The expression of HLA-DR1 (DRB1*0101) is associated with an enhanced risk for developing rheumatoid arthritis (RA). To study its function, we have solved the three-dimensional structure of HLA-DR1 complexed with a candidate RA autoantigen, the human type II collagen peptide CII (259-273). Based on these structural data, the CII peptide is anchored by Phe263 at the P1 position and Glu266 at P4. Surprisingly, the Lys at the P2 position appears to play a dual role by participating in peptide binding via interactions with DRB1-His81 and Asn82, and TCR interaction, based on functional assays. The CII peptide is also anchored by the P4 Glu266 residue through an ionic interaction with DRB1-Arg71 and Glu28. Participation of DRB1-Arg71 is significant because it is part of the shared epitope expressed by DR alleles associated with RA susceptibility. Potential anchor residues at P6 and P9 of the CII peptide are both Gly, and the lack of side chains at these positions appears to result in both a narrower binding groove with the peptide protruding out of the groove at this end of the DR1 molecule. From the TCR perspective, the P2-Lys264, P5-Arg267, and P8-Lys270 residues are all oriented away from the binding groove and collectively represent a positive charged interface for CII-specific TCR binding. Comparison of the DR1-CII structure to a DR1-hemagglutinin peptide structure revealed that the binding of these two peptides generates significantly different interfaces for the interaction with their respective Ag-specific TCRs.  相似文献   
Direct comparison and ranking of vaccine formulations in pre-clinical studies will expedite the identification of cancer vaccines for clinical trials. Two human ErbB-2 (Her-2) vaccines, naked DNA and whole cell vaccine, were tested side-by-side in wild type and Her-2 transgenic mice. Both vaccines can induce humoral and cellular immunity to the entire repertoire of Her-2 epitopes. Mice were electro-vaccinated i.m. with a mixture of pGM-CSF and pE2TM, the latter encodes Her-2 extracellular and transmembrane domains. Alternatively, mice were injected i.p. with human ovarian cancer SKOV3 cells that have amplified Her-2. In wild type mice, comparable levels of Her-2 antibodies (Ab) were induced by these two vaccines. However, T cell immunity and protection against Her-2+ tumors were superior in DNA vaccinated mice. In BALB Her-2 transgenic (Tg) mice, which were tolerant to Her-2, DNA and cell vaccines were administered after regulatory T cells (Treg) were removed by anti-CD25 mAb. Again, comparable levels of Her-2 Ab were induced, but DNA vaccines rendered greater anti-tumor activity. In B6xDR3 Her-2 Tg mice that expressed the autoimmune prone HLA-DR3 allele, higher levels of Her-2 Ab were induced by SKOV3 cell than by Her-2 DNA. But anti-tumor activity was still more profound in DNA vaccinated mice. Therefore, Her-2 DNA vaccine induced greater anti-tumor immunity than cell vaccine, whether mice were tolerant to Her-2 or susceptible to autoimmunity. Through such side-by-side comparisons in appropriate pre-clinical test systems, the more effective vaccine formulations will emerge as candidates for clinical trials. P. J. Whittington, O. Radkevich-Brown and J. B. Jacob have contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   
Rhythmic voltage oscillations resulting from the summed activity of neuronal populations occur in many nervous systems. Contemporary observations suggest that coexistent oscillations interact and, in time, may switch in dominance. We recently reported an example of these interactions recorded from in vitro preparations of rat somatosensory cortex. We found that following an initial interval of coexistent gamma ( approximately 25 ms period) and beta2 ( approximately 40 ms period) rhythms in the superficial and deep cortical layers, respectively, a transition to a synchronous beta1 ( approximately 65 ms period) rhythm in all cortical layers occurred. We proposed that the switch to beta1 activity resulted from the novel mechanism of period concatenation of the faster rhythms: gamma period (25 ms)+beta2 period (40 ms) = beta1 period (65 ms). In this article, we investigate in greater detail the fundamental mechanisms of the beta1 rhythm. To do so we describe additional in vitro experiments that constrain a biologically realistic, yet simplified, computational model of the activity. We use the model to suggest that the dynamic building blocks (or motifs) of the gamma and beta2 rhythms combine to produce a beta1 oscillation that exhibits cross-frequency interactions. Through the combined approach of in vitro experiments and mathematical modeling we isolate the specific components that promote or destroy each rhythm. We propose that mechanisms vital to establishing the beta1 oscillation include strengthened connections between a population of deep layer intrinsically bursting cells and a transition from antidromic to orthodromic spike generation in these cells. We conclude that neural activity in the superficial and deep cortical layers may temporally combine to generate a slower oscillation.  相似文献   
Non-native species often acquire novel interspecific interactions, which are central to several hypotheses of invasion success, including biotic resistance and invasional meltdown. However, the outcome of these interactions is not often linked with the demographic evidence based on the full life cycle of the species. The Philippine Ground Orchid (Spathoglottis plicata) has invaded Puerto Rico and has acquired both negative and positive interspecific interactions involving the native weevil Stethobaris polita and the invasive red fire ant Solenopsis invicta, respectively. We studied a population in the Rio Abajo Forest, and asked how these interactions affect population demography by using a combination of field, experimental and modelling approaches. Stage-structured matrix population models based on four years of field observations showed that the population of S. plicata is growing at a rate (λ) of 1.05 under natural conditions. When we modified fecundity values based on experimental exclusion of weevils and ants, the control treatment showed a similar λ. Excluding weevils increased λ to 1.20, whereas the exclusion of ants decreased λ to 1.03. When we incorporate demographic and environmental stochasticity in our models, exclusion of invasive red fire ants significantly reduces the orchid abundance over time. Although weevils offer some biotic resistance to S. plicata, these effects do not prevent orchid population growth and expansion. On the other hand, invasive red fire ants have a positive effect on the invasive orchid’s λ, partially supporting the invasional meltdown hypothesis. This study presents a method that allows one to combine opposing mechanisms of species interactions within the same quantitative framework, and the results highlight the importance of considering acquired plant–animal interactions and stochastic processes when evaluating the population growth rates and dynamics of invasive plants.  相似文献   
Frankincense oleoresin has been used in traditional medicine for more than 5000 years. The phytochemistry of frankincense (Boswellia spp.) resins includes triterpenoids (including boswellic acids and their derivatives), diterpenoids (cembrenoids and cneorubenoids), and essential oils. The macrocyclic cembrene diterpenoids may play a part in the biological activities of frankincense resin, but neither the biological targets nor the modes of interaction with the targets are currently known. How these macrocycles interact with biological macromolecules likely depends on what conformation(s) are energetically available to them. In this work, a conformational analysis of 15 Boswellia cembrene diterpenoids and 1 verticillane diterpenoid was carried out at the B3LYP/6-31G* and M06-2X/6-31G* levels of theory, including the SM8 aqueous solvation model. The lowest-energy conformations of boscartin B and incensole oxide were the same as the previously reported X-ray crystal structures, while the lowest-energy conformations of boscartins A and C were very similar to the crystal structures. Boscartins D-H and isoincensole oxide showed only one low-energy conformation for each compound and are predicted to be conformationally locked. Incensole, isoincensolol, and serratol are predicted to be conformationally mobile with several low-energy forms. The conformational mobility of Boswellia cembrenoid diterpenoids depends largely on the degree of epoxidation, either oxirane or tetrahydrofuran rings.  相似文献   
The Asian brush-clawed shore crab Hemigrapsus takanoi is a non-indigenous species along the Northern European coast. Although the history of range expansion of European H. takanoi has been well-documented, little is known about the genetic compositions of either the introduced European populations or the native Asian ones. We therefore collected H. takanoi broadly from their native Asian sites and introduced European ranges, and genotyped them by sequencing the mitochondrial 16S RNA gene and by analyzing nuclear microsatellite loci. Our results revealed that the H. takanoi Bay of Seine (France) populations consisted of a genetic admixture between populations in Japan and those in the Yellow Sea region. These French populations should be carefully monitored in the future, since the genetic admixture of multiple source populations may accelerate range expansion in non-indigenous organisms. Our results also suggested that shipping lines from East Asia were more probable vectors than historical juvenile oyster transportations from Japan for the foundation of present European H. takanoi populations. Interestingly, gene flow between populations in Japan and those in the Yellow Sea region (i.e., domestic invasion) was not observed despite the higher potential for artificial translocations via shipping lines in the native Asian range compared with those from Asia to Europe. The lack of domestic invasions implied that intra-specific priority effects of the resident H. takanoi populations played an important role in preventing the successful colonization of artificially-transferred individuals.  相似文献   
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