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The Lomond Hills of Fife, an isolated upland area rising to over 500 m, provide an opportunity to investigate the effect of altitude on vegetation and climate in an area otherwise dominated by lower-lying land. The West Lomond site contains sediments of the Devensian Late-glacial period; they reveal a well-defined sequence of Bolling-Older Dryas-Allerod-Younger Dryas events, commencing ca. 12 190 radiocarbon years B.P. and a probable Amphi-Atlantic Oscillation between ca. 11 040 and 10 800 B.P. The Holocene record is constrained by low sediment input but does reveal a woodland presence at this altitude, dominated byBetula andCorylus. Size statistics forBetula pollen are presented and the implications of the vegetational and climatic record are discussed. The traditional view of a smooth progress towards more temperate conditions following the Younger Dryas is not supported; between 10 180 and 9120 B.P., three cooler periods are inferred, the earliest of which may belong to a terminal phase of the Younger Dryas. Comparative pollen ‘influx’ data strongly suggest thatQuercus,Ulmus andAlnus were not present locally. As a working hypothesis, it is suggested that the demise of woodland, from ca. 5950 B.P., was a result of exposure. Pollen indicative of human impact was probably derived from areas of lowland agricultural activity from ca. 5330 B.P. onwards.  相似文献   
Differentiation of HL-60 cells: cell volume and cell cycle changes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
HL-60 promyelocytic leukemic cells can differentiate into more mature myeloid cells with the addition of dimethylsulfoxide, butyric acid or retinoic acid and can differentiate into macrophages with the addition of phorbol ester 12-0-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA). After the addition of an inducer, the HL-60 cell volume shows a daily decrease while the cell number increases at a rate similar to the untreated control cells. Flow cytometry measurements show an increase in G1 cells and a decrease in S cells after day 1. Since the generation time is constant, the data suggest that the length of time spent in the different cell cycle stages has changed during differentiation. Within 3 hours after the addition of TPA to HL-60 cells, selective adhesion of G1 cells occurs. Smaller sized cells are recovered from the flask bottom and larger sized cells are recovered from the supernate. Flow cytometric analysis reveals a G1 and S block in cells obtained from both the supernatant and from the flask bottom. After 1 day of TPA incubation, there is preferential adhesion of G1 and G2 cells with the nonadherent cells being primarily in the S and G2 cell cycle stages and undergoing a cell cycle traverse.  相似文献   
The nitrate reductase activities (NRA) of 31 ditelosomic stocks were compared with that of the control plant [Chinese Spring (CS) euploid], using in vivo and in vitro assay procedures that had been optimized with respect to the euploid. Fourteen stocks exhibited significant differences in in vivo NRA from that of the euploid; the effect of removal of a chromosome arm was always to increase NRA. Eight of these stocks showed similar effects in vitro, although in three, a casein-sensitive factor had to be eliminated before the difference was expressed. Homoeologous group effects were evident among ditelosomics of groups 2, 4, and 7, while for three chromosomes (2D, 7A, and 7B), removal of either arm resulted in a similar increase in NRA in vivo and probably in vitro.P. W. Jones was supported by a Science Research Council C.A.S.E. award with the Plant Breeding Institute, Cambridge, U.K.  相似文献   
Empruthotrema kearni n. sp. and Thaumatocotyle pseudodasybatis Hargis, 1955 (Monogenea: Monocotylidae) are reported from the nasal fossae of the spotted eagle ray, Aetobatus narinari Euphrasen, 1790, from Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia. The discovery of E. kearni n. sp. is the first record of this genus from the Myliobatidae and a new geographical record for the genus. A comparison of T. pseudodasybatis from Florida, USA and from Queensland, Australia revealed morphometrical and microhabitat differences. The discovery of T. pseudodasybatis in Australian waters is a new geographical record for this species.  相似文献   
Immunoglobulins (Ig) in serum from barramundi vaccinated with bovine serum albumin (BSA) were purified by ammonium sulphate precipitation and affinity chromatography using BSA as the ligand. The BSA-binding activity of eluted putative Ig fractions was assessed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) before being pooled and characterised by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Double affinity purification did not improve the purity of the Ig preparation compared to single affinity purification. Barramundi Ig were injected into sheep to produce anti-Ig antisera which were assessed in an indirect ELISA as the secondary antibody to detect serum Ig in barramundi vaccinated with Cryptocaryon irritans theronts. Affinity-purified Ig induced a more specific reagent for use as secondary antibody in ELISA than did normal whole-barramundi sera. The heavy (H) chain of barramundi Ig had an apparent molecular weight of 70 kDa while that of the light (L) chain was 27 kDa in SDS-PAGE studies. Under non-reducing conditions 2 putative populations of Ig were identified, at 768 and 210 kDa. The N-terminal sequence of the barramundi Ig H chain showed 78% homology with channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus Ig H chain sequence.  相似文献   
Two major parasitic pests threaten honey bee populations, the external mite Varroa destructor and the internal mite Acarapis woodi (Rennie). Varroa are beginning to develop resistance to the main chemical defense fluvalinate, and alternative control methods are being pursued. Previous studies have shown that botanical oils, especially thymol, can be effective. Six release devices for either thymol or a blend of botanical oils known as Magic 3 were tested in beehives. The release devices were as follows: (1) low density polyethylene (LDPE) sleeves filled with Magic 3, (2) Magic 3-infused florist blocks, (3) thymol infused florist blocks, (4) a canola oil and thymol mixture wick release, (5) a plastic strip coated with calcium carbonate and Magic 3, and (6) an untreated control. There were significant decreases in varroa levels with the use of Magic 3 sleeves, but brood levels also decreased. Tracheal mite levels significantly decreased with the Magic 3 sleeve treatment, the Magic 3 florist block treatment, and the thymol canola wick treatment. A second experiment showed that changing the location of Magic 3 sleeves in the colony did not detrimentally effect brood levels, but also did not effectively control varroa mites.  相似文献   
The dielectric permittivity and conductivity of canine kidney tissue samples were measured at Rf frequencies between ?20 °C and +20 °C. Some of the kidneys had been perfused with DMSO (10%) in canine plasma, others with physiological saline alone. The DMSO greatly increases the conductivity of frozen tissue above that of tissue not treated with this cryoprotectant. Apparently, the chief reason for nonuniform heating of a partially frozen organ in a microwave field is the great change in tissue conductivity as it thaws. We suggest that the effect on the conductivity of tissue should be considered in the choice of a cryoprotectant for tissues which are to be thawed by microwave or radiofrequency irradiation.  相似文献   
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