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Membrane-associated carbonic anhydrase purified from bovine lung   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
We found carbonic anhydrase activity associated with particulate fractions of homogenates of rat, rabbit, human, and bovine lungs. These membrane-associated carbonic anhydrases were remarkably stable in solutions containing sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). The bovine enzyme was dissolved with SDS and purified by affinity chromatography and gel filtration. The purified enzyme contains glucosamine, galactose, and sialic acid; it is at least 20% carbohydrate. The apparent molecular weight by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (52,000) may be higher than the actual molecular weight due to the presence of carbohydrate. The enzyme contains cystine, an amino acid that is absent in bovine erythrocyte carbonic anhydrase. Dithiothreitol greatly accelerated the rate of inactivation of the membrane-associated enzyme in SDS, so disulfide bonds appear to stabilize this enzyme. The specific CO2-hydrating activity was about half that of the erythrocyte enzyme. Acetazolamide inhibits the membrane-associated enzyme (Ki = 10 nM) nearly as well as the erythrocyte enzyme (Ki = 3 nM). Antibody to bovine erythrocyte carbonic anhydrase did not inhibit the membrane-associated enzyme. Other investigators have accumulated a good deal of evidence for carbonic anhydrase on the luminal surface of pulmonary capillaries. The enzyme described here appears to be a new isozyme whose properties are consistent with such a localization.  相似文献   
An established cell line of human lung fibroblasts with a high number of surface receptorsfor mouse epidermal growth factor (mEGF) was used to develop a simple and highly sensitive radioreceptor assay for EGF. 125I-Labeled mEGF competed mole for mole with unlabeled mEGF for specific receptors. Optimal range for discriminating EGF concentrations in body fluids and tissue extracts by a competitive binding assay was between 5 and 100 ng/ml. Interassay correlation of variation was 8.47% and the recovery of highly purified mEGF added to serum and urine samples was greater than 95%. Human serum and amniotic fluids contained about 24 and 4 ng/ml, respectively, of mEGF equivalents. Concentrations of mEGF in mouse urine and serum were highly variable and were 2- to 10-fold greater than that previously detected by radioimmune assay. Hypophysectomy nearly abolished submaxillary mEGF content in both male and female mice, but testosterone treatment of hypophysectomized animals restored normal concentrations of mEGF to the glands. mEGF added to culture medium disappeared with time as a function of the number of cellular EGF receptors indicating cellular degradation of the growth factor. The radioreceptor assay for EGF is based on the close biologic relationship between the cell receptor site and the native hormone and should prove to be a useful complementary tool to characterize the physiological role of EGF.  相似文献   
Protoplasts obtained from oat leaves floated on buffer for 18hr show high nuclease activity, low rates of incorporation ofamino acids and nucleosides into macromolecules, and high ratesof spontaneous lysis. Addition to the leaf flotation mediumof the senescence retardants cycloheximide or kinetin, of thedibasic amino acids L-lysine or L-arginine, or of the diaminesputrescine or cadaverine reduces the rise in nuclease activityand spontaneous lysis of protoplasts, and increases the rateor extent of presumptive protein and nucleic acid synthesis.The diamines, which also retard chlorophyll degradation in theexcised leaves, appear to act both on the membrane and on systemscontrolling macromolecular synthesis and breakdown. By contrast,the senescence promoter L-serine hastens chlorophyll degradationfrom excised leaves and does not improve protoplasts derivedfrom those leaves. (Received July 4, 1977; )  相似文献   
To identify those glycoproteins whose synthesis or modification is necessary for memory formation, we have studied the uptake of radiolabelled fucose into synaptic plasma membranes (SPMs) and postsynaptic densities (PSDs) derived from two specific left and right forebrain loci, at two different times after training of 1-day-old chicks on a one-trial passive avoidance learning task. To increase the reliability of the comparison, a double-labelling method was used. Tissue samples from intermediate medial hyperstriatum ventrale (IMHV) and lobus parolfactorius (LPO) were isolated at 6 and 24 h after training. At both times, training resulted in region-specific changes, both increases and decreases, in incorporated radioactivity into pre- and postsynaptic glycoproteins. After 6 h, there was a relative decline in incorporation into both SPMs and PSDs of the right IMHV of trained chicks, a decline that persisted in the PSDs until 24 h. A small decline in incorporation in SPMs from the right LPO of trained chicks at 6 h was reversed by 24 h, by which time there was a 64% increase in incorporation into SPMs and a 24% increase into PSDs of the left LPO. Sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis of left and right hemisphere samples containing LPO revealed that 6 h after training the main effect was presynaptic, including a reduction of incorporation into high molecular mass glycoproteins, of 150-180 kDa, and an increase in a lower molecular mass (41 kDa) fraction. By 24 h after training, a left hemisphere presynaptic glycoprotein of molecular mass approximately 50 kDa showed the biggest increase in fucosylation. In addition, a wide group of postsynaptic glycoproteins of both hemispheres, in the ranges 150-180, 100-120, and 33 kDa now showed increases in incorporation. Some other fractions showed decreases. These results are in accord with previous data on incorporation obtained using the amnesic agent 2-deoxygalactose. They also support the hypothesis that memory formation involves the strengthening of connections between pre- and postsynaptic neurons of the LPO by growth or modulation of pre- and postsynaptic structures.  相似文献   
Bacillus brevis 47 was cultivated in 2 liter fermentors in semidefined media containing polypeptone with or without glucose or fructose. Neither sugar was essential for growth or extracellular (S-layer) protein production, and 2.5 to 3.0 g/L protein was accumulated in the medium. When present, glucose was used very slowly, however, fructose was used much more quickly. Dramatic changes in metabolic indicators (dissolved oxygen and pH) were seen when fructose became depleted, and protease was produced, decreasing the amount of protein ultimatelv accumulated in the medium. Using the change in dissolved oxygen as a marker for the time of addition, polypeptone, fructose, or both were used to stimulate protein production. With the addition of polypeptone, on stimulation was achieved, but protease production was suppressed. Addition of fructose did result in a small stimulation of protein production (to 5 g/L) if added once. Further additions resulted in more growth, but no increase in protein production. Various combinations of polypeptone and fructose were also used, with the most effective combination (fructose added early, fructose and polypeptone added later) resulting in an accumulation of 15 g/L protein in the medium. This is comparable to that seen when B. brevis 47 is grown in a complex glucose medium and stimulated with polypeptone addition at 21 hours. These results are discussed with respect to the structure and function of S-layer proteins, as well as the use of this organism for the production of heterologous proteins.  相似文献   
Summary Females and males of three tree species did not differ in growth or mortality over an interval of 9.5 years. Comparing between sexes and across species, there was no consistent pattern of effects of short-term (1 year) growth and fecundity on longer-term gorwth or mortality. Effects of size were significant (but minor) for growth in one species, and were significant for mortality in two species. Soil type affected mortality in one species, but affected growth in all three species. Sex and size are not consistently strong bases for predicting the performance of adult trees.  相似文献   
Quantitative fluorometry has been used to monitor circulation in transplanted toes and cutaneous flaps in our unit since 1982. Analysis of 177 uncomplicated transplants monitored by quantitative fluorometry shows that this technique has low false indication rates for arterial occlusion (0.6 percent of patients) and venous occlusion (6.2 percent of patients). None of these patients was reexplored because of a false monitor reading, and except for single abnormal sequences, monitoring appropriately indicated intact circulation throughout the postoperative period. Quantitative fluorometry has correctly indicated vascular complications in 21 (91.3 percent) of 23 transplants over an 8-year period. The salvage rate (85.7 percent) of the fluorescein-monitored reexplored transplants was significantly higher than the salvage rates of similar reexplored transplants not monitored with fluorescein and of reexplored muscle flaps (which cannot be monitored with the fluorometer used at this unit). These clinical data indicate that quantitative fluorometry is a valid and useful postoperative monitor for transplanted toes and cutaneous flaps.  相似文献   
Summary Single unit spikes and evoked field potentials were recorded in different parts and depths of the corpus cerebelli and auricle of immobilized rays before and after stimulating with light, electric fields, touch, tail bending and direct shock to mechanoreceptive nerves of the lateral line.Discrete areas of the cerebellum are responsive to these modalities and the areas show limited overlap; they are all distinct from the area reported by Plassmann to be responsive to angular acceleration. The visual and tactile-proprioceptive areas are large; the electric area is small. Most units are excited only by one modality.The tail is represented only in the posterior lobe; trigeminal innervation extends from the posterior onto the anterior lobe, suggesting some topographic projection.The dynamic characteristics of the responses were examined particulary in the visual units. To a flash, units discharge up to six bursts of spikes in 500 ms. This pattern is reduced at repetition rates > 1/s; above ca. 4/s units tend to fire irregularly. Various kinds of units are found in respect to the succession of responses to short trains of flashes. Some units fire much better to objects moving in a limited visual field with a certain direction and rate.Abbreviation EP evoked potential  相似文献   
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