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AIMS: The genus Enterococcus includes opportunistic pathogens such as E. faecalis and E. faecium, and is also used to assess water quality. Speciation of enterococci in environmental studies can be particularly problematic, therefore protocols for unambiguous, DNA-based analysis could receive wide use in applications ranging from water quality monitoring to microbial source tracking. The goal of this work was to investigate the usefulness of PCR for speciation of putative, biochemically identified E. faecalis and E. faecium isolated from water, faeces and sewage. METHODS AND RESULTS: Putative enterococci (n = 139) were isolated on mEI agar from dog, human, gull and cow faeces, and from sewage, freshwaters and marine waters. A total of 128 isolates passed standard physiological tests for the genus, and were speciated by the API 20 Strep (APIStrep) biochemical test system. 42.2% were identified as E. faecalis, and all were confirmed by PCR. 19.5% were biochemically identified as E. faecium, but only seven were PCR-positive. CONCLUSIONS: The 16S rDNA of PCR-positive and PCR-negative E. faecium, including isolates that were inconclusively identified by APIStrep, was sequenced. All formed a monophyletic clade with E. faecium sequences in Genbank. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Biochemical identification of E. faecalis agreed 100% with PCR assays, therefore a simple protocol of isolation on mEI followed by PCR should be useful for environmental studies. Discrepancies among biochemical identification, PCR confirmation and DNA sequencing were noted for E. faecium, indicating that routine isolation/identification of E. faecium from environmental samples is a much more difficult task.  相似文献   
Whitlock MC 《Genetics》2003,164(2):767-779
New alleles arising in a population by mutation ultimately are either fixed or lost. Either is possible, for both beneficial and deleterious alleles, because of stochastic changes in allele frequency due to genetic drift. Spatially structured populations differ from unstructured populations in the probability of fixation and the time that this fixation takes. Previous results have generally made many assumptions: that all demes contribute to the next generation in exact proportion to their current sizes, that new mutations are beneficial, and that new alleles have additive effects. In this article these assumptions are relaxed, allowing for an arbitrary distribution among demes of reproductive success, both beneficial and deleterious effects, and arbitrary dominance. The effects of population structure can be expressed with two summary statistics: the effective population size and a variant of Wright's F(ST). In general, the probability of fixation is strongly affected by population structure, as is the expected time to fixation or loss. Population structure changes the effective size of the species, often strongly downward; smaller effective size increases the probability of fixing deleterious alleles and decreases the probability of fixing beneficial alleles. On the other hand, population structure causes an increase in the homozygosity of alleles, which increases the probability of fixing beneficial alleles but somewhat decreases the probability of fixing deleterious alleles. The probability of fixing new beneficial alleles can be simply described by 2hs(1 - F(ST))N(e)/N(tot), where hs is the change in fitness of heterozygotes relative to the ancestral homozygote, F(ST) is a weighted version of Wright's measure of population subdivision, and N(e) and N(tot) are the effective and census sizes, respectively. These results are verified by simulation for a broad range of population structures, including the island model, the stepping-stone model, and a model with extinction and recolonization.  相似文献   
We have identified, in four diverse human populations, five common single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the coding region of the gene for the blood coagulation protease factor XI. Each SNP has an allele frequency >5% in at least one population. Three of the SNPs (C472T, A844G, and T1234C), spread out over approximately 10 kb of genomic DNA, are in marked linkage disequilibrium (LD) with one another (P < 10(-4)). Interestingly, haplotypes associated with the linked SNPs are conserved across all populations studied, despite significantly different allele frequencies between populations. The presence of such common, widely dispersed haplotypes could complicate the interpretation of LD studies and emphasizes the need for a better understanding of general patterns of LD to facilitate identification of genes for common disorders.  相似文献   
We have resolved a central and long-standing paradox in understanding the amplification of rod phototransduction by making direct measurements of the gains of the underlying enzymatic amplifiers. We find that under optimized conditions a single photoisomerized rhodopsin activates transducin molecules and phosphodiesterase (PDE) catalytic subunits at rates of 120-150/s, much lower than indirect estimates from light-scattering experiments. Further, we measure the Michaelis constant, Km, of the rod PDE activated by transducin to be 10 microM, at least 10-fold lower than published estimates. Thus, the gain of cGMP hydrolysis (determined by kcat/Km) is at least 10-fold higher than reported in the literature. Accordingly, our results now provide a quantitative account of the overall gain of the rod cascade in terms of directly measured factors.  相似文献   
The antibiotic resistance patterns of fecal streptococci and fecal coliforms isolated from domestic wastewater and animal feces were determined using a battery of antibiotics (amoxicillin, ampicillin, cephalothin, chlortetracycline, oxytetracycline, tetracycline, erythromycin, streptomycin, and vancomycin) at four concentrations each. The sources of animal feces included wild birds, cattle, chickens, dogs, pigs, and raccoons. Antibiotic resistance patterns of fecal streptococci and fecal coliforms from known sources were grouped into two separate databases, and discriminant analysis of these patterns was used to establish the relationship between the antibiotic resistance patterns and the bacterial source. The fecal streptococcus and fecal coliform databases classified isolates from known sources with similar accuracies. The average rate of correct classification for the fecal streptococcus database was 62.3%, and that for the fecal coliform database was 63.9%. The sources of fecal streptococci and fecal coliforms isolated from surface waters were identified by discriminant analysis of their antibiotic resistance patterns. Both databases identified the source of indicator bacteria isolated from surface waters directly impacted by septic tank discharges as human. At sample sites selected for relatively low anthropogenic impact, the dominant sources of indicator bacteria were identified as various animals. The antibiotic resistance analysis technique promises to be a useful tool in assessing sources of fecal contamination in subtropical waters, such as those in Florida.  相似文献   
Pre-steady state Cl- efflux experiments have been performed to test directly the idea that the transport inhibitor H2DIDS (4,4'-diisothiocyanatodihydrostilbene-2,2'-disulfonate) binds preferentially to the outward-facing state of the transporter. Cells were equilibrated with a medium consisting of 150 mM sodium phosphate, pH 6.2, N2 atmosphere, and 80-250 microM 36Cl-. Addition of H2DIDS (10-fold molar excess compared with band 3) induces a transient efflux of Cl-, as expected if H2DIDS binds more tightly to outward-facing than to inward-facing states. The size of the H2DIDS-induced efflux depends on the Cl- concentration and is about 700,000 ions per cell at the highest concentrations tested. The size of the transient efflux is larger than would be expected if the catalytic cycle for anion exchange involved one pair of exchanging anions per band 3 dimer. These results are completely consistent with a ping-pong mechanism of anion exchange in which the catalytic cycle consists of one pair of exchanging anions per subunit of the band 3 dimer.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to identify loci associated with Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis ( Map ) infection status in US Holsteins using the Illumina BovineSNP50 BeadChip whole genome single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) assay. Two hundred forty-five cows from dairies in New York, Pennsylvania and Vermont enrolled in longitudinal herd studies between January 1999 and November 2007 were assessed for the presence of Map in both faecal and tissue samples. An animal was considered tissue infected if any sample contained at least one colony forming unit of Map per gram of tissue (CFU/g) and the same definition was employed for faecal samples. Each animal was genotyped with the Illumina BovineSNP50 BeadChip and after quality assurance filtering, 218 animals and 45 683 SNPs remained. We sought to identify loci associated with four different case/control classifications: presence of Map in the tissue, presence of Map in faeces, presence of Map in both tissue and faeces and presence of Map in tissue but not faeces. A case–control genome wide association study was conducted to test the four different classifications of Map infection status (cases) when compared with a Map -negative control group (control). Regions on chromosomes 1, 5, 7, 8, 16, 21 and 23 were identified with moderate significance ( P  < 5 × 10−5). Two regions, one on chromosome 3 (near EDN2 ) and another on chromosome 9 (no positional gene candidates), were identified with a high level of association to the presence of Map in tissue and both tissue and faeces respectively ( P  <   5 × 10−7, genome-wide Bonferonni P  <   0.05).  相似文献   
Ecological niche models predict plant responses to climate change by circumscribing species distributions within a multivariate environmental framework. Most projections based on modern bioclimatic correlations imply that high-elevation species are likely to be extirpated from their current ranges as a result of rising growing-season temperatures in the coming decades. Paleoecological data spanning the last 15,000 years from the Greater Yellowstone region describe the response of vegetation to past climate variability and suggest that white pines, a taxon of special concern in the region, have been surprisingly resilient to high summer temperature and fire activity in the past. Moreover, the fossil record suggests that winter conditions and biotic interactions have been critical limiting variables for high-elevation conifers in the past and will likely be so in the future. This long-term perspective offers insights on species responses to a broader range of climate and associated ecosystem changes than can be observed at present and should be part of resource management and conservation planning for the future.  相似文献   
The number of genetically distinct individuals within a community is a key component of biodiversity and yet its impact at different trophic levels, especially upon the diversity of functionally important soil microorganisms is poorly understood. Here, we test the hypothesis that plant communities that are genetically impoverished will support fewer species of root-associated fungi. We used established grassland mesocosms comprising non-sterile natural soil supporting defined communities of 11 clonally-propagated plant species. Half of the mesocosms contained one genotype per species and half 16 genotypes per species. After 8 years growth, we sampled roots from the mesocosms and measured root-associated fungal richness and diversity using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP). Contrary to our hypothesis, we found that the roots of genetically impoverished communities contained more species of fungi and had greater diversity compared to genetically rich communities. Analysis of the plant species composition of the mesocosm communities indicated that genotypic diversity affects root-fungal diversity indirectly through its influence upon plant species diversity. Our findings highlight the need to include feedbacks with plant intraspecific diversity into existing models describing the maintenance of soil biodiversity.  相似文献   
The primary olfactory sensory system is part of the PNS that develops from ectodermal placodes. Several cell types, including sensory neurons and support cells, differentiate within the olfactory placode to form the mature olfactory organ. The olfactory placodes are thought to arise from lateral regions of the anterior neural plate, which separate from the plate through differential cell movements. We determined the origins of the olfactory placodes in zebrafish by labeling cells along the anterior-lateral edge of the neural plate at times preceding the formation of the olfactory placodes and examining the later fates of the labeled cells. Surprisingly, we found that the olfactory placode arises from a field of cells, not from a discrete region of the anterior neural plate. This field extends posteriorly to the anterior limits of cranial neural crest and is bordered medially by telencephalic precursors. Cells giving rise to progeny in both the olfactory organ and telencephalon express the distal-less 3 gene. Furthermore, we found no localized pockets of cell division in the anterior-lateral neural plate cells preceding the appearance of the olfactory placode. We suggest that the olfactory placodes arise by anterior convergence of a field of lateral neural plate cells, rather than by localized separation and proliferation of a discrete group of cells.  相似文献   
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