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Most people with a spinal cord injury rate neuropathic pain as one of the most difficult problems to manage and there are no medical treatments that provide satisfactory pain relief in most people. Furthermore, psychosocial factors have been considered in the maintenance and aggravation of neuropathic spinal cord injury pain. Psychological interventions to support people with spinal cord injury to deal with neuropathic pain, however, are sparse. The primary aim of the CONECSI (COping with NEuropathiC Spinal cord Injury pain) trial is to evaluate the effects of a multidisciplinary cognitive behavioural treatment programme on pain intensity and pain-related disability, and secondary on mood, participation in activities, and life satisfaction.  相似文献   
An analysis of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) using eight residential insertion sequence (IS) elements as hybridization probes reveals that the genome of resting bacteria is more dynamic than it was long believed. Escherichia coli strains stored in agar stabs for up to 30 yr accumulate a genetic variation which is correlated to time of storage. This spontaneous mutagenesis is often IS-specific, with particularly high activity for IS5, and thus suggests that transpositional DNA rearrangements are a major cause for the observed genetic polymorphism. The RFLP patterns indicate a burst of IS30 transposition to occur occasionally. Mutation rate is estimated by two different methods to roughly 10(-5) IS-related DNA rearrangements per bacterial chromosome per hour of storage for the eight IS elements studied. A pedigree derived from the RFLP data reveals that populations had evolved independently in each stab and showed no signs of convergence. Relics of an assumed ancestral population were still present in the stab cultures, but the elder stabs provided mostly mutants. These results indicate that cells placed under nutritional deprivation might have a highly plastic genome and suggest that such plasticity might play an adaptive role.   相似文献   
In recent years, diverse scholars have addressed the issue of the chemosensory perceptions associated with traditional medicines, nevertheless there is still a distinct lack of studies grounded in the social sciences and conducted from a cross-cultural, comparative perspective. In this urban ethnobotanical field study, 254 informants belonging to the Gujarati, Kashmiri and English ethnic groups and living in Western Yorkshire in Northern England were interviewed about the relationship between taste and medicinal perceptions of five herbal drugs, which were selected during a preliminary study. The herbal drugs included cinnamon (the dried bark of Cinnamomum verum, Lauraceae), mint (the leaves of Mentha spp., Lamiaceae), garlic (the bulbs of Allium sativum, Alliaceae), ginger (the rhizome of Zingiber officinale, Zingiberaceae), and cloves (the dried flower buds of Syzygium aromaticum, Myrtaceae). The main cross-cultural differences in taste perceptions regarded the perception the perception of the spicy taste of ginger, garlic, and cinnamon, of the bitter taste of ginger, the sweet taste of mint, and of the sour taste of garlic. The part of the study of how the five selected herbal drugs are perceived medicinally showed that TK (Traditional Knowledge) is widespread among Kashmiris, but not so prevalent among the Gujarati and especially the English samples. Among Kashmiris, ginger was frequently considered to be helpful for healing infections and muscular-skeletal and digestive disorders, mint was chosen for healing digestive and respiratory troubles, garlic for blood system disorders, and cinnamon was perceived to be efficacious for infectious diseases. Among the Gujarati and Kashmiri groups there was evidence of a strong link between the bitter and spicy tastes of ginger, garlic, cloves, and cinnamon and their perceived medicinal properties, whereas there was a far less obvious link between the sweet taste of mint and cinnamon and their perceived medicinal properties, although the link did exist among some members of the Gujarati group. Data presented in this study show how that links between taste perceptions and medicinal uses of herbal drugs may be understood as bio-cultural phenomena rooted in human physiology, but also constructed through individual experiences and culture, and that these links can therefore be quite different across diverse cultures.  相似文献   
Recombinant adenoviral vectors (AdV) are potent vehicles for antigen engineering of dendritic cells (DC). DC engineered with AdV to express full length tumor antigens are capable stimulators of antigen-specific polyclonal CD8+ and CD4+ T cells. To determine the impact of AdV on the HLA class I antigen presentation pathway, we investigated the effects of AdV transduction on antigen processing machinery (APM) components in human DC. Interactions among AdV transduction, maturation, APM regulation and T cell activation were investigated. The phenotype and cytokine profile of DC transduced with AdV was intermediate, between immature (iDC) and matured DC (mDC). Statistically significant increases in expression were observed for peptide transporters TAP-1 and TAP-2, and HLA class I peptide-loading chaperone ERp57, as well as co-stimulatory surface molecule CD86 due to AdV transduction. AdV transduction enhanced the expression of APM components and surface markers on mDC, and these changes were further modulated by the timing of DC maturation. Engineering of matured DC to express a tumor-associated antigen stimulated a broader repertoire of CD8+ T cells, capable of recognizing immunodominant and subdominant epitopes. These data identify molecular changes in AdV-transduced DC (AdV/DC) that could influence T cell priming and should be considered in design of cancer vaccines.  相似文献   
Immunotherapy has become an important part of hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) transplantation and cancer therapy. Regenerative and reparative properties of somatic cell-based therapies hold tremendous promise for repairing injured tissue, preventing and reversing damage to organs, and restoring balance to compromised immune systems. The principles and practices of the diverse aspects of immune therapy for cancer, HSC transplantation and regenerative medicine have many commonalities. This meeting report summarizes a workshop sponsored by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) and Production Assistance for Cellular Therapies (PACT), held on 23–24 April 2009 at the National Institutes of Health (NIH, USA). A series of scientific sessions and speakers highlighted key aspects of the latest scientific, clinical and technologic developments in cell therapy, involving a unique set of cell products with a special emphasis on converging concepts in these fields.  相似文献   
We tested the hypothesis that therapeutic vaccination against HIV-1 can increase the frequency and suppressive function of regulatory, CD4+ T cells (Treg), thereby masking enhancement of HIV-1-specific CD8+ T cell response. HIV-1-infected subjects on antiretroviral therapy (N = 17) enrolled in a phase I therapeutic vaccine trial received 2 doses of autologous dendritic cells (DC) loaded with HIV-1 peptides. The frequency of CD4+CD25hiFOXP3+ Treg in blood was determined prior to and after vaccination in subjects and normal controls. Polyfunctional CD8+ T cell responses were determined pre- and post-vaccine (N = 7) for 5 immune mediators after in vitro stimulation with Gag peptide, staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB), or medium alone. Total vaccine response (post-vaccine–pre-vaccine) was compared in the Treg(+) and Treg-depleted (Treg-) sets. After vaccination, 12/17 subjects showed a trend of increased Treg frequency (P = 0.06) from 0.74% to 1.2%. The increased frequency did not correlate with CD8+ T cell vaccine response by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay for interferon γ production. Although there was no significant change in CD8+ T cell polyfunctional response after vaccination, Treg depletion increased the polyfunctionality of the total vaccine response (P = 0.029), with a >2-fold increase in the percentage of CD8+ T cells producing multiple immune mediators. In contrast, depletion of Treg did not enhance polyfunctional T cell response to SEB, implying specificity of suppression to HIV-1 Gag. Therapeutic immunization with a DC-based vaccine against HIV-1 caused a modest increase in Treg frequency and a significant increase in HIV-1-specific, Treg suppressive function. The Treg suppressive effect masked an increase in the vaccine-induced anti-HIV-1-specific polyfunctional response. The role of Treg should be considered in immunotherapeutic trials of HIV-1 infection.  相似文献   
Although considerable progress has been made in dissecting the signaling pathways involved in the innate immune response, it is now apparent that this response can no longer be productively thought of in terms of simple linear pathways. InnateDB ( www.innatedb.ca ) has been developed to facilitate systems‐level analyses that will provide better insight into the complex networks of pathways and interactions that govern the innate immune response. InnateDB is a publicly available, manually curated, integrative biology database of the human and mouse molecules, experimentally verified interactions and pathways involved in innate immunity, along with centralized annotation on the broader human and mouse interactomes. To date, more than 3500 innate immunity‐relevant interactions have been contextually annotated through the review of 1000 plus publications. Integrated into InnateDB are novel bioinformatics resources, including network visualization software, pathway analysis, orthologous interaction network construction and the ability to overlay user‐supplied gene expression data in an intuitively displayed molecular interaction network and pathway context, which will enable biologists without a computational background to explore their data in a more systems‐oriented manner.  相似文献   
Our recent studies have demonstrated that human immature dendritic cells (DCs) are able to directly and effectively mediate apoptotic killing against a wide array of cultured and freshly-isolated cancer cells without harming normal cells. In the present study, we demonstrate that this tumoricidal activity is mediated by multiple cytotoxic TNF family ligands. We determine that human immature DCs express on their cell surface four different cytotoxic TNF family ligands: TNF, lymphotoxin-alpha(1)beta(2), Fas ligand, and TNF-related apoptosis inducing ligand; while cancer cells express the corresponding death receptors. Disruptions of interactions between the four ligands expressed on DCs and corresponding death-signaling receptors expressed on cancer cells using specific Abs or R:Fc fusion proteins block the cytotoxic activity of DCs directed against cancer cells. The novel findings suggest that DC killing of cancer cells is mediated by the concerted engagement of four TNF family ligands of DCs with corresponding death receptors of cancer cells. Overall, our data demonstrate that DCs are fully equipped for an efficient direct apoptotic killing of cancer cells and suggest that this mechanism may play a critical role in both afferent and efferent anti-tumor immunity.  相似文献   
The supernatant of a cell line of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (SCCHN), PCI-50, was previously shown to induce activation, promote proliferation and increase antitumor cytotoxicity of freshly purified human natural killer (NK) cells and CD4+ T lymphocytes [Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (1994) in press]. This supernatant was found also to promote the growth of a variety of hematopoietic cell lines, including Jurkat, THP-1, K562, NK-92 or Epstein-Barr-virus-transformed B cell lines. The Jurkat cell line was selected as a reporter cell in an 18-h proliferation assay established to measure the growth-promoting activity of PCI-50 supernatant. The presence of soluble tumor-derived factors able to induce proliferation of Jurkat cells was demonstrated in the supernatant produced by several other SCCHN cell lines but not in that produced by a gastric cancer cell line (HR) or renal cell carcinoma line (5117G8). The growth-promoting PCI-50 supernatant was shown to contain 28±0.5 pg/ml interleukin-6, (IL-6) in vitro but was negative for interferon , IL-1, IL-2, IL-4, tumor necrosis factor , granulocyte/macrophage-colony-stimulating factor and IL-12. The addition of any of these recombinant cytokines to Jurkat cell cultures did not significantly promote growth, while PCI-50 supernatant was consistently growth-stimulatory. This supernatant neither enhanced intracellular Ca2+ concentration in Jurkat cells nor induced up-regulation of activation antigens on the cell surface, although it supported growth of Jurkat cells in the absence of IL-2. The growth-promoting activity in the PCI-50 supernatant was acid-labile at pH 2 for 4 h, heat-resistant at 96 °C for 1 h and sensitive to treatments with trypsin and pepsin. Preincubation of the PCI-50 producer cells with tunicamycin or cyclohexamide reduced the level of growth-promoting activity in the supernatant. A partial purification of this activity was achieved using Amicon filtration, chromatography on concanavalin-A-Sepharose and then a hydroxyapatite column and high-pressure liquid chromatography gel filtration. The partially purified glycoprotein had a molecular mass of 50–70 kDa, as detemined by gel filtration.This work was supported in part by the Pathology Education and Research Foundation and American Cancer Society grant IM-696 to TLW  相似文献   
Efforts to define serological correlates of protection against COVID-19 have been hampered by the lack of a simple, scalable, standardised assay for SARS-CoV-2 infection and antibody neutralisation. Plaque assays remain the gold standard, but are impractical for high-throughput screening. In this study, we show that expression of viral proteases may be used to quantitate infected cells. Our assays exploit the cleavage of specific oligopeptide linkers, leading to the activation of cell-based optical biosensors. First, we characterise these biosensors using recombinant SARS-CoV-2 proteases. Next, we confirm their ability to detect viral protease expression during replication of authentic virus. Finally, we generate reporter cells stably expressing an optimised luciferase-based biosensor, enabling viral infection to be measured within 24 h in a 96- or 384-well plate format, including variants of concern. We have therefore developed a luminescent SARS-CoV-2 reporter cell line, and demonstrated its utility for the relative quantitation of infectious virus and titration of neutralising antibodies.  相似文献   
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