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Biolistic transfection is proving an increasingly popular method of incorporating DNA or RNA into cells that are difficult to transfect using traditional methods. The technique routinely uses 'microparticles', which are ~1 μm diameter projectiles, fired into tissues using pressurised gas. These microparticles are efficient at delivering DNA into cells, but cannot efficiently transfect small cells and may cause significant tissue damage, thus limiting their potential usefulness. Here we describe the use of 40 nm diameter projectiles - nanoparticles - in biolistic transfections to determine if they are a suitable alternative to microparticles.


Examination of transfection efficiencies in HEK293 cells, using a range of conditions including different DNA concentrations and different preparation procedures, reveals similar behaviour of microparticles and nanoparticles. The use of nanoparticles, however, resulted in ~30% fewer damaged HEK293 cells following transfection. Biolistic transfection of mouse ear tissue revealed similar depth penetration for the two types of particles, and also showed that < 10% of nuclei were damaged in nanoparticle-transfected samples, compared to > 20% in microparticle-transfected samples. Visualising details of small cellular structures was also considerably enhanced when using nanoparticles.


We conclude that nanoparticles are as efficient for biolistic transfection as microparticles, and are more appropriate for use in small cells, when examining cellular structures and/or where tissue damage is a problem.  相似文献   
The KDM4/JMJD2 family of histone demethylases is amplified in human cancers. However, little is known about their physiologic or tumorigenic roles. We have identified a conserved and unappreciated role for the JMJD2A/KDM4A H3K9/36 tridemethylase in cell cycle progression. We demonstrate that JMJD2A protein levels are regulated in a cell cycle-dependent manner and that JMJD2A overexpression increased chromatin accessibility, S phase progression, and altered replication timing of specific genomic loci. These phenotypes depended on JMJD2A enzymatic activity. Strikingly, depletion of the only C. elegans homolog, JMJD-2, slowed DNA replication and increased ATR/p53-dependent apoptosis. Importantly, overexpression of HP1γ antagonized JMJD2A-dependent progression through S phase, and depletion of HPL-2 rescued the DNA replication-related phenotypes in jmjd-2(-/-) animals. Our findings describe a highly conserved model whereby JMJD2A regulates DNA replication by antagonizing HP1γ and controlling chromatin accessibility.  相似文献   
Since gastrin and its related peptides are secreted by a minority population of widely dispersed cells in mamamalian tissues it has, in the past, been difficult to study the subcellular aspects of their secretion. From published reports (1, 2) it seemed possible that a satisfactory system for such studies might be provided by the skin of certain amphibians such as Xenopus laevis since in these tissues high concentrations of peptides such as caerulein exist, and there is some indication (3) that this, or a similar gastrin-like peptide, may be a dermal gland secretory product. We have therefore explored this possibility by studying the structure, secretory process, and secretory product of the most prominent non mucous type of gland in the skin of X. laevis. These studies clearly demonstrate that most, if not all, of the caerulein in which the skin is contained in secretion granules within the dermal glands and that its release can be specifically evoked by adrenergic stimulation. The release process by a holocrine mechanism expels all of the stored secretion onto the skin surface and thus for biosynthetic studies it should now be possible to synchronize the processes which lead to the replenishment of the peptide.  相似文献   
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products were characterized for a repeated sequence family (designated "O-150") of the human filarial parasite Onchocerca volvulus. In phylogenetic inferences, the O-150 sequences clustered into closely related groups, suggesting that concerted evolution maintains sequence homology in this family. Using a novel mathematical model based on a nested application of an analysis of variance, we demonstrated that African rainforest and savannah strain parasite populations are significantly different. In contrast, parasites collected in the New World are indistinguishable from African savannah strains of O. volvulus. This finding supports the hypothesis that onchocerciasis was recently introduced into the New World, possibly as a result of the slave trade.   相似文献   
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The parathyroid hormone (PTH)-family consists of a group of structurally related factors that regulate calcium and bone homeostasis and are also involved in development of organs such as the heart, mammary gland and immune system. They interact with specific members of family 2 B1 G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs), which have been characterised in teleosts and mammals. Two PTH/PTHrP receptors, PTH1R and PTH2R exist in mammals and in teleost fish a further receptor PTH3R has also been identified. Recently in chicken, PTHfamily members involved in calcium transport were characterized and specific PTHRs are suggested to exist although they have not yet been isolated or functionally characterized. The aim of this study is to further explore the evolution and function of the vertebrate PTH/PTHrP system through the isolation, phylogenetic analysis and functional characterization of the chicken receptors. RESULTS: Two PTHRs were isolated in chicken and sequence comparison and phylogenetic analysis indicate that the chicken receptors correspond to PTH1R and PTH3R, which emerged prior to the teleost/tetrapod divergence since they are present in cartilaginous fish. The vertebrate PTH2R receptor and its ligand TIP39 have been lost from bird genomes. Chicken PTH1R and PTH3R have a divergent and widespread tissue expression and are also evident in very early embryonic stages of development. Receptor stimulation studies using HEK293 cells stably expressing the chicken PTH1R and PTH3R and monitoring cAMP production revealed they are activated by chicken 1-34 N-terminal PTH-family peptides in a dose dependent manner. PTH-L and PTHrP were the most effective peptides in activating PTH1R (EC50 = 7.7 nM and EC50 = 22.7 nM, respectively). In contrast, PTH-L (100 nM) produced a small cAMP accumulation on activation of PTH3R but PTHrP and PTH (EC50 = 2.5 nM and EC50 = 22.1 nM, respectively) readily activated the receptor. PTHrP also stimulated intracellular Ca2+ accumulation on activation of PTH1R but not PTH3R. CONCLUSION: Two PTHR homologues of the vertebrate PTH1R and PTH3R were isolated and functionally characterized in chicken. Their distinct pattern of expression during embryo development and in adult tissues, together with their ligand preference, suggests that they have acquired specific functions, which have contributed to their maintenance in the genome. PTH2R and its activating ligand, TIP39, are absent from bird genomes. Nonetheless identification of putative PTH2R and TIP39 in the genome of an ancient agnathan, lamprey, suggests the PTH/PTHrP ligand and receptor family was already present in an early basal paraphyletic group of vertebrates and during the vertebrate radiation diverged via gene/genome duplication and deletion events. Knowledge of the role PTH/PTHrP system in early vertebrates will help to establish evolution of function.  相似文献   


Chromosome four of Drosophila melanogaster, known as the dot chromosome, is largely heterochromatic, as shown by immunofluorescent staining with antibodies to heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) and histone H3K9me. In contrast, the absence of HP1 and H3K9me from the dot chromosome in D. virilis suggests that this region is euchromatic. D. virilis diverged from D. melanogaster 40 to 60 million years ago.


Here we describe finished sequencing and analysis of 11 fosmids hybridizing to the dot chromosome of D. virilis (372,650 base-pairs) and seven fosmids from major euchromatic chromosome arms (273,110 base-pairs). Most genes from the dot chromosome of D. melanogaster remain on the dot chromosome in D. virilis, but many inversions have occurred. The dot chromosomes of both species are similar to the major chromosome arms in gene density and coding density, but the dot chromosome genes of both species have larger introns. The D. virilis dot chromosome fosmids have a high repeat density (22.8%), similar to homologous regions of D. melanogaster (26.5%). There are, however, major differences in the representation of repetitive elements. Remnants of DNA transposons make up only 6.3% of the D. virilis dot chromosome fosmids, but 18.4% of the homologous regions from D. melanogaster; DINE-1 and 1360 elements are particularly enriched in D. melanogaster. Euchromatic domains on the major chromosomes in both species have very few DNA transposons (less than 0.4 %).


Combining these results with recent findings about RNAi, we suggest that specific repetitive elements, as well as density, play a role in determining higher-order chromatin packaging.  相似文献   
The structural genes for nitrogenase, nifK, nifD, and nifH, are crucial for nitrogen fixation. Previous phylogenetic analysis of the amino acid sequence of nifH suggested that this gene had been horizontally transferred from a proteobacterium to the gram-positive/cyanobacterial clade, although the confounding effects of paralogous comparisons made interpretation of the data difficult. An additional test of nif gene horizontal transfer using nifD was made, but the NifD phylogeny lacked resolution. Here nif gene phylogeny is addressed with a phylogenetic analysis of a third and longer nif gene, nifK. As part of the study, the nifK gene of the key taxon Frankia was sequenced. Parsimony and some distance analyses of the nifK amino acid sequences provide support for vertical descent of nifK, but other distance trees provide support for the lateral transfer of the gene. Bootstrap support was found for both hypotheses in all trees; the nifK data do not definitively favor one or the other hypothesis. A parsimony analysis of NifH provides support for horizontal transfer in accord with previous reports, although bootstrap analysis also shows some support for vertical descent of the orthologous nifH genes. A wider sampling of taxa and more sophisticated methods of phylogenetic inference are needed to understand the evolution of nif genes. The nif genes may also be powerful phylogenetic tools. If nifK evolved by vertical descent, it provides strong evidence that the cyanobacteria and proteobacteria are sister groups to the exclusion of the firmicutes, whereas 16S rRNA sequences are unable to resolve the relationships of these three major eubacterial lineages.   相似文献   
Abstract: Decapod crustacean material collected recently from the lower Callovian (Middle Jurassic) in Maine‐et‐Loire (north‐west France) comprises two new species of prosopid and one new species of tanidromitid crabs, of the genera Nodoprosopon and Tanidromites, respectively. Also represented in this faunule is a probable paguroid anomuran, in the form of isolated chelae here assigned to the genus Orhomalus, as well as appendicular remains of unknown affinity; some of the latter might belong to prosopid crabs. These anomurans and brachyurans co‐occur with a diverse benthic fauna in limestones with abundant iron ooids; their main interest lies in the fact that they add valuable data to the rather poor record of Middle Jurassic decapod crustaceans.  相似文献   
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