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2D electrophoresis (2DE) is a prominent separation method for complex proteomes. Although recent advances have increased the utility of this method in quantitative proteomics studies, many sources of variance still exist. This review discusses the post-electrophoretic sources of variance in current 2DE analysis. The essential improvements in protein visualization and software algorithms that have made 2DE a leading quantitative proteomics method are briefly reviewed. A number of shortcomings in the post-electrophoretic analysis of 2DE data that require further attention are highlighted. Topics discussed include protein visualization and image acquisition, internal standards and normalization methods, background subtraction algorithms, normality of distribution, and the need for standardized tests for the evaluation of 2DE analysis software packages.  相似文献   
The Okavango Delta depends on water quantity and quality to sustain its ecosystem services. Whereas many studies have been carried out on its hydrology, few have been done on water quality in the delta. Water pH, electrical conductivity (EC), dissolved oxygen (DO), turbidity, total suspended solids (TSS) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) were monitored at 10 sites along the Okavango–Boro–Thamalakane–Lake Ngami system almost fortnightly from June 2008 to June 2010. Water quality in the delta was generally good, despite high evapotranspiration rates which would normally produce very saline waters. Electrical conductivity and water temperature increased with distance from Mohembo to Lake Ngami, the former most likely due to evapoconcentration. In contrast, pH, DO, turbidity and TSS decreased with distance from Mohembo to Boro at the lower end of the seasonal floodplain, before increasing again to Lake Ngami. Dissolved oxygen and TSS most likely declined due to biological uptake and particle sedimentation, respectively. Strong and significant relationships were observed between TSS and turbidity and between DOC and EC, indicating that turbidity and EC could be useful proxies for routine estimations of TSS and DOC, respectively, in the delta.  相似文献   
The genus Ceratocystis sensu stricto includes important fungal pathogens of woody and herbaceous plants. This genus is distinguished from species in Ceratocystis sensu lato by the presence of Chalara anamorphs. Ascospore shape has been used extensively in delineating Ceratocystis taxa, which show a large variety of ascospore shapes. Sequence analysis of one region of he 18S ribosomal RNA subunit and two regions of the 28S ribosomal RNA subunit showed that there was a majority of multiple substitutions at nucleotide sites and that there was a low transition/transversion ratio, T = 0.72. Both of these results suggest that these are well established, old species. Ascospore morphology, for the most part, was not congruent with the molecular phylogeny, and the use of morphological characters may be misleading in the taxonomy of these species.   相似文献   
Silica, an agent toxic for macrophages, administered i.v. to DBA/2 mice rapidly depresses the clearance of colloidal carbon by the reticuloendothelial system and reduces the in vitro phagocytic activity of peritoneal macrophages harvested 3 days after silica injection. Silica blocks the humoral immune response to sheep erythrocytes and the cell-mediated immune response to allogeneic fibroblasts when given before antigen. Silica also induces complex alterations in spleen cell responsiveness to concanavalin A involving both local and serum factors. Silica had no significant effect on the induction of interferon by statolon or Newcastle disease virus. No unequivocal evidence was obtained that silica has a direct depressive effect on cells other that macrophages, but indirect effects on lymphocytes were produced most likely by factors released from silica-lysed macrophages. Intravenous silica may prove useful for the separation of interferon induction and immune response stimulation in studies of host resistance to infection and oncogenesis. Considerable variation exists in the immunodepressive effects of different preparations of silica.  相似文献   
Carboxylesterases are enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of ester and amide moieties. These enzymes have an active site that is composed of a nucleophile (Ser), a base (His), and an acid (Glu) that is commonly known as a catalytic triad. It has previously been observed that the majority of carboxylesterases and lipases contain a second conserved serine in their active site [Proteins, 34 (1999) 184]. To investigate whether this second serine is also involved in the catalytic mechanism, it was mutated to an alanine, a glycine or a cysteine. Site-directed mutagenesis of this conserved serine resulted in a loss of specific activity, in both the S247G and S247A mutants (5- to 15-fold), which was due to a decrease in the rate of catalysis (kcat). Due to the instability of the S247C mutant no reliable data could be attained. A carbamate inhibitor, carbaryl, was then employed to investigate whether this decrease in the kcat was due to the rate of formation of the acyl-enzyme intermediate (k2) or the rate of deacylation (k3). The S247A mutant was found only to alter k2 (2.5-fold decrease), with no effect on k3. Together with information inferred from a human carboxylesterase crystal structure, it was concluded that this serine provides an important structural support for the spatial orientation of the glutamic acid, stabilizing the catalytic triad so that it can perform the hydrolysis.  相似文献   
Carboxylesterases hydrolyze many pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals and have broad substrate selectivity, requiring a suite of substrates to measure hydrolytic profiles. To develop new esterase substrates, a series of alpha-cyanoesters that yield fluorescent products upon hydrolysis was evaluated for use in carboxylesterase assays. The use of these substrates as surrogates for Type II pyrethroid hydrolysis was tested. The results suggest that these novel analogs are appropriate for the development of high-throughput assays for pyrethroid hydrolase activity. A set of human liver microsomes was then used to determine the ability of these substrates to report esterase activity across a small population. Results were compared against standard esterase substrates. A number of the esterase substrates showed correlations, demonstrating the broad substrate selectivity of these enzymes. However, for several of the substrates, no correlations in hydrolysis rates were observed, suggesting that multiple carboxylesterase isozymes are responsible for the array of substrate hydrolytic activity. These new substrates were then compared against alpha-naphthyl acetate and 4-methylumbelliferyl acetate for their ability to detect hydrolytic activity in both one- and two-dimensional native electrophoresis gels. Cyano-2-naphthylmethyl butanoate was found to visualize more activity than either commercial substrate. These applications demonstrate the utility of these new substrates as both general and pyrethroid-selective reporters of esterase activity.  相似文献   
Differential displacement of classical cadherins by VE-cadherin   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
VE-cadherin is an endothelial cell-specific, type II classical cadherin that plays an important role in permeability, vasculogenesis, and vascular remodeling. Endothelial cells express equal levels of VE- and N-cadherin; VE-cadherin is present injunctions while N-cadherin is diffusely expressed over the surface of the cell. The present study was designed first to determine if the ability of VE-cadherin to displace N-cadherin from junctions was endothelial-cell specific, and second to determine if VE-cadherin could displace other classical cadherins from cell junctions. Our data suggest that VE-cadherin specifically influences the cellular localization of N-cadherin, independent of cell type, and does not effect the localization of other classical cadherins.  相似文献   
It was previously reported that the establishment of the L5178Y cell tumor-dormant state in DBA/2 mice is mediated principally by a peritoneal cytolytic T-cell response that reaches peak levels 4 days after L5178Y cell challenge, lyses more than 99% but less than 100% of peritoneal L5178Y cells, and gradually wanes to background levels by 40–70 days postchallenge (DPC). At this time the majority of mice are clinically normal, and contain a relatively small number of L5178Y cells in the peritoneal cavity. During the tumor-dormant state, mice that harbor more than 104 L5178Y cells contain peritoneal macrophage-mediated cytolytic activity. We report here that tumor-dormant mice that contain fewer than 104 peritoneal L5178Y cells also produce cytolytic activity in vitro, but that it is synergistic, in that the cytolytic activity of adherent (AD) peritoneal cells (PEC) and nonadherent (NAD) PEC cultured together is greater than the additive lysis produced by these cell populations when cultured separately. This synergistic cytolytic activity is: (1) effector cell density dependent, (2) dependent on the tumor-dormant status of the NAD and AD PEC donor mice, (3) protracted in its kinetics during a 48-hr in vitro assay, and (4) dependent on an interaction between NAD T cells and AD phagocytic macrophages. The consistent detection of this in vitro-assayed cytolytic activity in PEC of tumor-dormant mice which harbor small endogenous tumor burdens suggests that it reflects an in vivo cytotoxic effector mechanism involved in the long-term maintenance of the tumor-dormant state.  相似文献   
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