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The structure, function, and evolutionary history of globin genes have been the subject of extensive investigation over a period of more than 40 years, yet new globin genes with highly specialized functions are still being discovered and much remains uncertain about their evolutionary history. Here we investigate the molecular evolution of the -globin gene family in a marsupial species, the tammar wallaby, Macropus eugenii. We report the complete DNA sequences of two -like globin genes and show by phylogenetic analyses that one of these genes is orthologous to embryonically expressed -globin genes of marsupials and eutherians and the other is orthologous to adult expressed -globin genes of marsupials and eutherians. We show that the tammar wallaby contains a third functional -like globin gene, -globin, which forms part of the -globin gene cluster. The position of -globin on the 3 side of the -globin cluster and its ancient phylogenetic history fit the criteria, originally proposed by Jeffreys et al. (1980), of a fossil -globin gene and suggest that an ancient chromosome or genome duplication preceded the evolution of unlinked clusters of - and -globin genes in mammals and avians. In eutherian mammals, such as humans and mice, -globin has been silenced or translocated away from the -globin locus, while in marsupials -globin is coordinately expressed with the adult -globin gene just prior to birth to produce a functional hemoglobin (2 2).  相似文献   
The Australian weevil Oxyops vitiosa was released in 1997 in Florida as a biological control agent of Melaleuca quinquenervia. The larvae of this agent are flush-feeders, found only on the growing tips of their host. Knowledge of this restriction to feeding on the growing tips and other nutritional requirements may assist in the establishment and dispersal of this species. Therefore, O. vitiosa survival was assessed when neonates were fed M. quinquenervia leaves from branches that had dormant buds or emerging bud leaves. Additionally, the influence of leaf quality from different sites and within sites was determined by the feeding of neonates emerging bud leaves collected at three sites and from three leaf qualities (poor, intermediate, and high). Within-site leaf qualities were described in the field by leaf color and in the laboratory by percentage dry mass and nitrogen. Larval survival was lowest when fed leaves from branches that had dormant buds. Associated with this low survival were high leaf toughness and percentage dry mass. When larvae were fed emerging bud leaves, most of the variation in larval survival and performance was attributed to differences in within-site plant quality. Generally, the highest-quality leaves had relatively low percentage dry mass and high percentage nitrogen. Larval survival generally decreased when fed the poor-quality leaves, and in one site, the intermediate-quality leaves. Larvae required less time to develop to adults when fed the high-quality leaves. Development time increased in females but not in males when the larvae were fed the poor-quality leaves. Adult biomass of both females and males generally increased when the larvae were fed the high-quality leaves from two of the three sites. The results indicate that the larvae of O. vitiosa are restricted to feeding on flush foliage with low toughness. Additionally, variations in foliar percentage dry mass and nitrogen influence larval survival and performance. This knowledge benefited the development of mass-production nursery sites and the selection of suitable release sites, which facilitated the establishment of this biological control agent.  相似文献   
Considerable uncertainty surrounds the impacts of anthropogenic climate change on the composition and structure of Amazon forests. Building upon results from two large‐scale ecosystem drought experiments in the eastern Brazilian Amazon that observed increases in mortality rates among some tree species but not others, in this study we investigate the physiological traits underpinning these differential demographic responses. Xylem pressure at 50% conductivity (xylem‐P50), leaf turgor loss point (TLP), cellular osmotic potential (πo), and cellular bulk modulus of elasticity (ε), all traits mechanistically linked to drought tolerance, were measured on upper canopy branches and leaves of mature trees from selected species growing at the two drought experiment sites. Each species was placed a priori into one of four plant functional type (PFT) categories: drought‐tolerant versus drought‐intolerant based on observed mortality rates, and subdivided into early‐ versus late‐successional based on wood density. We tested the hypotheses that the measured traits would be significantly different between the four PFTs and that they would be spatially conserved across the two experimental sites. Xylem‐P50, TLP, and πo, but not ε, occurred at significantly higher water potentials for the drought‐intolerant PFT compared to the drought‐tolerant PFT; however, there were no significant differences between the early‐ and late‐successional PFTs. These results suggest that these three traits are important for determining drought tolerance, and are largely independent of wood density—a trait commonly associated with successional status. Differences in these physiological traits that occurred between the drought‐tolerant and drought‐intolerant PFTs were conserved between the two research sites, even though they had different soil types and dry‐season lengths. This more detailed understanding of how xylem and leaf hydraulic traits vary between co‐occuring drought‐tolerant and drought‐intolerant tropical tree species promises to facilitate a much‐needed improvement in the representation of plant hydraulics within terrestrial ecosystem and biosphere models, which will enhance our ability to make robust predictions of how future changes in climate will affect tropical forests.  相似文献   
The normal cellular counterpart of the v-fms oncogene product is a receptor for the mononuclear phagocyte colony-stimulating factor, CSF-1. An interleukin-3 (IL-3)-dependent mouse myeloid cell line, FDC-P1, was infected with a murine retrovirus vector containing v-fms linked to a gene encoding resistance to neomycin (neo). Infected cells selected for resistance to the aminoglycoside G418 contained few proviral DNA copies per haploid genome, expressed low levels of the v-fms-coded glycoprotein, remained IL-3 dependent for growth, and were nontumorigenic in nude mice. In contrast, infected cells selected for their ability to grow in the absence of IL-3 contained an increased number of proviral insertions, expressed high levels of the v-fms-coded glycoprotein, and were tumorigenic in nude mice. The IL-3-independent cells expressed IL-3 receptors of comparable number and affinity to those detected in uninfected FDC-P1 cells and did not produce a growth factor able to support replication of the parental cells. Thus, the synthesis of high levels of the v-fms gene product in FDC-P1 cells abrogated their requirement for IL-3 and rendered the cells tumorigenic by a nonautocrine mechanism. The data suggest that v-fms encodes a promiscuous tyrosine kinase able to transform cells of the myeloid lineage that do not normally express CSF-1 receptors.  相似文献   
The process of perception requires not only the brain''s receipt of sensory data but also the meaningful organization of that data in relation to the perceptual experience held in memory. Although it typically results in a conscious percept, the process of perception is not fully conscious. Research on the neural substrates of human visual perception has suggested that regions of limbic cortex, including the medial orbital frontal cortex (mOFC), may contribute to intuitive judgments about perceptual events, such as guessing whether an object might be present in a briefly presented fragmented drawing. Examining dense array measures of cortical electrical activity during a modified Waterloo Gestalt Closure Task, results show, as expected, that activity in medial orbital frontal electrical responses (about 250 ms) was associated with intuitive judgments. Activity in the right temporal-parietal-occipital (TPO) region was found to predict mOFC (∼150 ms) activity and, in turn, was subsequently influenced by the mOFC at a later time (∼300 ms). The initial perception of gist or meaning of a visual stimulus in limbic networks may thus yield reentrant input to the visual areas to influence continued development of the percept. Before perception is completed, the initial representation of gist may support intuitive judgments about the ongoing perceptual process.  相似文献   
Animal signals function to elicit behaviors in receivers that ultimately benefit the signaler, while receivers should respond in a way that maximizes their own fitness. However, the best response may be difficult for receivers to determine when unreliable signaling is common. “Deceptive” alarm calling is common among tufted capuchins (Cebus apella nigritus) in competitive feeding contexts, and responding to these calls is costly. Receivers should thus vary their responses based on whether a call is likely to be reliable. If capuchins are indeed able to assess reliability, I predicted that receivers will be less likely to respond to alarms that are given during competitive feeding contexts than in noncompetitive contexts, and, within feeding contexts, that individuals inside or adjacent to a food patch will be less likely to respond to alarms than those further from the resource. I tested these predictions in a group of wild capuchins by observing the reactions of focal animals to alarm calls in both noncompetitive contexts and experimental feeding contexts. Antipredator escape reactions, but not vigilance reactions, occurred significantly less often in competitive feeding contexts than in noncompetitive contexts and individuals adjacent to food patches were more likely to respond to alarm calls than were those inside or further from food patches. Although not all predictions were fully supported, the findings demonstrate that receivers vary their behavior in a way that minimizes the costs associated with “deceptive” alarms, but further research is needed to determine whether or not this can be attributed to counterdeception.  相似文献   
Filamentous phage was the first display platform employed to isolate antibodies in vitro and is still the most broadly used. The success of phage display is due to its robustness, ease of use, and comprehensive technology development, as well as a broad range of selection methods developed during the last two decades. We report here the first combinatorial synthetic Fab libraries displayed on pIX, a fusion partner different from the widely used pIII. The libraries were constructed on four VL and three VH domains encoded by IGV and IGJ germ-line genes frequently used in human antibodies, which were diversified to mirror the variability observed in the germ-line genes and antibodies isolated from natural sources. Two sets of libraries were built, one with diversity focused on VH by keeping VL in the germ-line gene configuration and the other with diversity in both V domains. After selection on a diverse panel of proteins, numerous specific Fabs with affinities ranging from 0.2 nM to 20 nM were isolated. VH diversity was sufficient for isolating Fabs to most antigens, whereas variability in VL was required for isolation of antibodies to some targets. After the application of an integrated maturation process consisting of reshuffling VL diversity, the affinity of selected antibodies was improved up to 100-fold to the low picomolar range, suitable for in vivo studies. The results demonstrate the feasibility of displaying complex Fab libraries as pIX fusion proteins for antibody discovery and optimization and lay the foundation for studies on the structure-function relationships of antibodies.  相似文献   
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