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When the glutamate concentration of cultures of Enterococcus hirae was raised from 20 to 300 micrograms/ml, the mass doubling time decreased from ca. 85 to 45 min in 9 min, but balanced growth was not reestablished for 30 to 40 min. During the unbalanced period of growth, RNA and protein synthesis proceeded more rapidly than did peptidoglycan synthesis, buoyant density increased from ca. 1.1024 to 1.1075 g/ml, and the rate of formation of new cell wall growth sites transitorily accelerated above the new growth rate. When studied as a function of cell size, all cultures showed buoyant density to decrease around cell separation, increase as cells increased in size, and then plateau when cells reached large volumes. Greater increases in buoyant density as a function of cell size were seen after shift-up, with the greatest increases observed at 15 to 20 min after shift-up, when the rate of formation of new sites was also maximal. In a population of cells examined by electron microscopy 15 min after shift-up, buoyant density and the frequency of cells with new sites increased as old sites approached the size of two poles. These data were consistent with a model whereby buoyant density increases in the terminal stages of the cell cycle when the surface grows slower than the cytoplasm. The greater the difference in the rates of inside to outside growth, the greater the increase in buoyant density and the more frequently new sites will be initiated.  相似文献   
To identify components of the mRNA export machinery in Schizosaccharomyces pombe, a screen was developed to identify mutations that were synthetically lethal with the conditional mRNA export allele rae1-167. Mutations defining three complementation groups were isolated, and here we report the characterization of npp106 (for nuclear pore protein of 106 kDa). This gene encodes a predicted protein that has significant similarity to the Nic96p nucleoporin of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Consistent with Npp106p being a nucleoporin, a functional green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged Npp106p localized to the nuclear periphery. In contrast to NIC96, the npp106 gene is not essential. Moreover, a delta npp106 mutant did not show cytoplasmic mislocalization of a simian virus 40 nuclear localization signal-GFP-LacZ reporter protein, and a fraction of cells had accumulation of poly(A)+ RNA in the nucleus. A consequence of the synthetic lethality between rae1-167 and npp106-1 was the accumulation of poly(A)+ RNA in the nucleus when cells were grown under synthetic lethal conditions. In addition to npp106-1, which is a nonsense mutation that truncates the protein at amino acid 292, the delta npp106 mutation was synthetically lethal with rae1-167, suggesting that the synthetic lethality is a consequence of the loss of a function of npp106. We further demonstrate that a region between amino acids 74 and 348 of Npp106p is required for complementation of the synthetic lethality. These results uncover a potential direct or indirect involvement of Npp106p in mRNA export.  相似文献   
Rapid expansion of the wind energy industry has raised concerns about the potential effects of anthropogenic disturbance on prairie grouse. While efforts have been made to address the effects of wind energy facilities on measures of fitness, their effect on the behaviors of prairie grouse has been largely neglected. To address these concerns, we investigated the effects of an existing wind energy facility in Nebraska that became operational in 2005 on the lekking behavior of male greater prairie‐chickens Tympanuchus cupido pinnatus between March and May 2013. Given the potential for disturbance caused by wind turbine noise to disrupt acoustic communication and thus behavior, we predicted that males at leks close to, compared to far from, the wind energy facility would spend more time in agonistic behaviors, and less in booming displays. Given the potential for wind turbine noise to reduce the number of females attending leks (hereafter ‘female lek attendance’), we also predicted that males at leks close to the wind energy facility would spend more time in non‐breeding behaviors and less time in breeding behaviors than males farther from the facility. Although we found no effect of the wind energy facility on female lek attendance, males at leks closer to the wind energy facility spent less time in non‐breeding behaviors than those at leks farther away. However, distance from the wind energy facility had no effect on time spent performing booming displays, flutter jumps, or in agonistic behaviors. Given that lekking behaviors of males influence mating success, our results may have consequences for the fitness of prairie grouse breeding in the vicinity of wind energy facilities.  相似文献   


Urine is a potential source of biomarkers for diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. RNA, including microRNA, is present in the urine enclosed in detached cells or in extracellular vesicles (EVs) or bound and protected by extracellular proteins. Detection of cell- and disease-specific microRNA in urine may aid early diagnosis of organ-specific pathology. In this study, we applied barcoded deep sequencing to profile microRNAs in urine of healthy volunteers, and characterized the effects of sex, urine fraction (cells vs. EVs) and repeated voids by the same individuals.


Compared to urine-cell-derived small RNA libraries, urine-EV-derived libraries were relatively enriched with miRNA, and accordingly had lesser content of other small RNA such as rRNA, tRNA and sn/snoRNA. Unsupervised clustering of specimens in relation to miRNA expression levels showed prominent bundling by specimen type (urine cells or EVs) and by sex, as well as a tendency of repeated (first and second void) samples to neighbor closely. Likewise, miRNA profile correlations between void repeats, as well as fraction counterparts (cells and EVs from the same specimen) were distinctly higher than correlations between miRNA profiles overall. Differential miRNA expression by sex was similar in cells and EVs.


miRNA profiling of both urine EVs and sediment cells can convey biologically important differences between individuals. However, to be useful as urine biomarkers, careful consideration is needed for biofluid fractionation and sex-specific analysis, while the time of voiding appears to be less important.  相似文献   
The ability of a number of known inhibitors of catalase activity to affect cytosolic and microsomal epoxide hydrolase activities in vitro, measured as enzymatic trans-stilbene oxide hydrolysis and styrene oxide hydrolysis, respectively, was investigated. Catalase and cytosolic epoxide hydrolase activities are inhibited by hydroxylated metabolites of 2-amino-4,5-diphenylthiazole (DPT). The metabolite hydroxylated on the 4-phenyl ring (4OH-DPT) and the metabolite hydroxylated on both phenyl rings (4,5-DIOH-DPT) are potent inhibitors of both enzymes; the metabolite hydroxylated on the 5-phenyl ring (5OH-DPT) is less potent. Unmetabolized DPT has no effect on either enzyme. 4OH-DPT inhibits, but 5OH-DPT enhances, microsomal epoxide hydrolase activity. 4,5-DIOH-DPT and DPT have no effect on this enzyme. Other compounds that inhibit both catalase and cytosolic epoxide hydrolase activities, but do not inhibit microsomal epoxide hydrolase activity, are nordihydroguaiaretic acid and 2-aminothiazole. Microsomal epoxide hydrolase activity is enhanced by 2-aminothiazole and levamisole in vitro. Thus these inhibitors of catalase are selective epoxide hydrolase inhibitors in that they inhibit cytosolic epoxide hydrolase activity in vitro, but have either no effect on, or increase the activity of, microsomal epoxide hydrolase in vitro. Conversely, the selective cytosolic epoxide hydrolase inhibitors 4-phenylchalcone oxide and 4'-phenylchalcone oxide do not inhibit catalase activity, nor does trichloropropene oxide, a selective microsomal epoxide hydrolase inhibitor.  相似文献   
DNA from mammalian cells has been shown to contain significant amounts of 5-methyl cytosine resulting from enzymatic transfer of methyl groups from s-adenosylmethionine to cytosine residues in the DNA polymer. The function of this modification is not known. We have found that DNA synthesized during chemically induced differentiation of friend erythroleukemia cells is hypomethylated, as measured by its ability to accept methyl groups transferred by homologous DNA methyltransferases in vitro. The extent of hypomethylation detected by this sensitive method is small, a decrease of less than 1.6 percent in 5-methylcytosine content. Hypomethylated DNA can be isolated from friend erythroleukemia cells grown in the presence of dimethyl sulfoxide, butyrate, hexamethylene-bis- acetamide, pentamethylene-bis acetamide, and ethionine. However, hypomethylated DNA is found only under conditions where differentiation is actually induced. DNA isolated from cells of a dimethyl sulfoxide- resistant subclone grown in the presence of that agent is not hypomethylated, although DNA of these cells becomes hypomethylated after growth in the presence of inducers that can trigger their differentiation. We also find that the DNA of friend erythroleukemia cells does not become hypomethylated when the cells are exposed to inducing agents in the presence of substances that inhibit differentiation. These results suggest a close link between genome modification by methylation and differentiation of friend erythroleukemia cells.  相似文献   
During development of fast contracting skeletal muscle in the rat hindleg, embryonic and neonatal forms of the myosin heavy chain are present prior to the accumulation of the adult fast type ( Whalen , R. G., Sell, S. M., Butler-Browne, G.S., Schwartz, K., Bouveret, P., and Pinset -H arstr ?m, I. (1981) Nature (Lond.) 292, 805-809). Polypeptide mapping of the heavy chain subunit using partial proteolysis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate has shown differences in the cleavage patterns for these various heavy chains. Using this technique, we have now examined subfragments, which represent functional domains, from several different myosin isozymes. The heavy chains of the S-1 subfragments containing either light chain 1 or light chain 3 are indistinguishable for the neonatal or fast myosin isozymes. We also isolated the S-1 fragments and the alpha-helical COOH-terminal half of the molecule (rod) from rat embryonic, neonatal, and adult fast and slow myosin, as well as myosin from cardiac ventricles. All of these S-1 and rod fragments were different, indicating that the previously reported differences among these different myosin heavy chain isozymes are located in both the S-1 and rod subfragments for all myosins examined. However, the polypeptide maps of neonatal and adult fast S-1 show clear similarities, as do the maps of slow and cardiac S-1. These similarities in the two pairs of polypeptide maps were confirmed by the results of immunoblotting experiments using antibodies to adult fast and to slow myosin.  相似文献   
L Liu  W Whalen  A Das    C M Berg 《Nucleic acids research》1987,15(22):9461-9469
A new approach to determining the sequence of cloned DNA is described. Unique regions near each end of the transposable element gamma-delta provide a pair of "portable" primer-specific sites for bidirectional sequencing by the dideoxy chain termination method. A set of gamma-delta insertions positioned about 200 bp apart over the entire cloned DNA allowed us to determine the sequence of both strands in a single parental plasmid without subcloning. The avtA (alanine-valine transaminase) gene of E. coli K-12 was sequenced by this approach. Surprisingly, gamma-delta insertions downstream of the coding region were found to significantly reduce avtA expression. We suggest that these nondisruptive insertions probably change the DNA topology and thereby alter gene expression.  相似文献   
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