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A total of 235 accessions of Tripsacum dactyloides (L.) L. representing natural populations from 88 locations distributed throughout ten states of the United States were collected in the wild and studied morphologically and cytologically. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was applied to 17 morphological characters recorded for 868 specimens from the 88 locations, which were further combined into 25 groups to facilitate analysis. Multivariate F ratios for six comparisons involving different groups were highly significant, indicating that the populations were significantly different on the basis of all 17 characters. Non-significant MANOVA F ratios for two comparisons between sympatric diploid and polyploid accessions showed them to be morphologically similar. Discriminant function (DF) analysis was employed to determine which characters contributed towards group discrimination. No one variable was found to distinguish between groups; rather, a combination of characters was necessary, and the combination changed with each comparison. Accessions were mainly either diploid (2n = 36) or tetraploid (2n = 72), with two triploids (2n = 54) reported from separate locations in Texas. Cytological data revealed that diploids and tetraploids occupy a more sympatric distribution than previously supposed. Morphological analysis suggested that diploids could not always be distinguished from polyploids on the basis of morphology alone, unless the appropriate characters were used. Information from cytological and morphological data showed Tripsacum dactyloides to be composed of many populations covering a wide range of variability, with each population possessing a characteristic combination of morphological attributes. It was concluded that T. dactyloides can be most meaningfully analyzed in terms of particular geographic regions, rather than attempting to elucidate natural relationships by correlating data from the entire United States.  相似文献   
Fibroblasts from many patients with osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) synthesize and secrete Type I collagen which is both overmodified and exhibits a decreased thermal denaturation temperature. We have examined the relationship between overmodification and decreased melting temperature in several favorable OI mutants by selectively inhibiting lysyl hydroxylase activity with the drug Minoxidil and comparing the melting profiles of the resultant undermodified collagen with untreated control. Minoxidil treatment causes an appreciable decrease in hydroxylysine with compensatory increases in lysine content, and the delayed sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic mobility of the overmodified collagen chains becomes normal. However, the decreased melting temperature was unchanged from untreated OI control. When unhydroxylated collagen produced by normal control and OI fibroblasts incubated with alpha,alpha'-dipyridyl was examined, mutant OI molecules melted at a lower temperature than control. These data indicate that the decreased thermal denaturation temperature of OI mutant collagen is independent of post-translational overmodification of lysine or hydroxylysine. Presumably, substitutions for glycine in the Gly-X-Y structural motif distort the helix and produce lower melting temperatures by presently unknown mechanisms.  相似文献   
The taxonomic importance of fatty acid composition at genus and sub-genus level was evaluated by analysing the fatty acid composition of fourteen different Microcystis isolates and seven additional members of the order Chroococcales. Fatty acid composition proved to be consistent within isolates. Isolates were clustered into two major groups, namely A and B. Group B contained all the Microcystis isolates and was further divided into subgroups of varying similarity indicating the existence of different taxa. The Microcystis isolates were characterised by a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (27–44%) and a low content of palmitoleate. The test organisms were arranged in a scheme indicating their possible phylogenetic relationship based on fatty acid composition and other phenotypic characteristics. According to our data the toxic strains, represented by different isolates, of Microcystis appear as a distinct group. Furthermore two dubious species namely Microcystis incerta and a Synechocystis sp. could clearly be reasigned to different genera. The results demonstrated that fatty acid composition is an effective taxonomic tool in clarifying taxonomical problems of Microcystis isolates. Department of Microbiology, University of the Orange Free State  相似文献   
The intergeneric hybrid between sugarcane (Saccharum sp.) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench.) was produced by pollinating sugarcane inflorescences of clone F 36-819 (2n = ca. 112) with diploid (2n = 20) ‘Rex’ sorghum pollen. The backcross four (BC4) population, produced by back-crossing twice with diploid and then twice more with tetraploid (2n = 40) ‘Rio’ sorghum, combined 40 Sorghum and 4-10 Saccharum chromosomes. Different BC4 individuals were morphologically distinct within and between chromosome complexes, indicating that their genomes must comprise different combinations of Sorghum and Saccharum chromosomes. Selfing for one or more generations results in almost complete elimination of Saccharum chromosomes and morphologically modified sorghums are recovered. Modified sorghums have various combinations of Saccharum characteristics superimposed on a basic Sorghum morphology. The presence of Saccharum characters in some of the recovered sorghums with 2n = 40 chromosomes indicates the potential for a gene transfer from sugarcane to sorghum.  相似文献   
Three anamorph genera of the Botryosphaeriaceae namely Diplodia, Lasiodiplodia and Dothiorella have typically dark, ovoid conidia with thick walls, and are consequently difficult to distinguish from each other. These genera are well-known pathogens of especially pine species. We generated a multiple gene genealogy to resolve the phylogenetic relationships of Botryosphaeriaceae with dark conidial anamorphs, and mapped host associations based on this phylogeny. The multiple gene genealogy separated Diplodia, Lasiodiplodia and Dothiorella and it revealed trends in the patterns of host association. The data set was expanded to include more lineages of the Botryosphaeriaceae, and included all isolates from different host species for which ITS sequence data are available. Results indicate that Diplodia species occur mainly on gymnosperms, with a few species on both gymnosperms and angiosperms. Lasiodiplodia species occur equally on both gymnosperms and angiosperms, Dothiorella species are restricted to angiosperms and Neofusicoccum species occur mainly on angiosperms with rare reports on Southern Hemisphere gymnosperms. Botryosphaeria species with Fusicoccum anamorphs occur mostly on angiosperms with rare reports on gymnosperms. Ancestral state reconstruction suggests that a putative ancestor of the Botryosphaeriaceae most likely evolved on the angiosperms. Another interesting observation was that both host generalist and specialist species were observed in all the lineages of the Botryosphaeriaceae, with little evidence of host associated co-evolution.  相似文献   
The causes of idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) remain unknown and the involvement of the tendons within the carpal tunnel structure in the aetiology of CTS cannot be excluded. Variants within the COL5A1 gene, an important regulator of fibril assembly in tendons, have previously been associated with modulating the risk of CTS. Furthermore, proteoglycans are also important structural components of tendons and variants within the aggrecan gene are associated with musculoskeletal soft tissue injuries. The aim of this study was to determine whether ACAN and BGN variants are associated with CTS.  相似文献   
Sex as a factor affecting recovered recombination in plant gametes was investigated in pearl millet, Pennisetum glaucum, by using reciprocal three-way crosses [(AxB)xCvCx(A x B)]. The two populations were mapped at 42 loci pre-selected to cover the majority of the genome. No differences in recombination distances were observed at the whole-genome level and only a few individual linkage intervals were found to differ, all in favour of increased recombination through the male. Distorted segregations found in the three-way crosses provide evidence of post-gametic selection for particular gene(s) or chromosome regions. The significance of these results for the design of pearl millet breeding programmes and inheritance experiments, as well as for other experimental strategies, is discussed.  相似文献   
The American Maydinae genera Zea and Tripsacum cross readily when not isolated from each other by gametophytic barriers, and it has been suggested that intergeneric introgression played a role in the evolution of maize. Four Zea chromosomes pair with members of at least one basic genome of tetraploid Tripsacum, and in hybrids involving octaploid Tripsacum all 10 chromosomes of the basic maize genome frequently compete successfully in synapsis with Tripsacum chromosomes. Hybrids that combine 36 Tripsacum and 10 maize chromosomes are female fertile. When they are pollinated by maize their offspring have 36 Tripsacum and 20 maize chromosomes, or again have 36 Tripsacum and 10 maize chromosomes, but the 10 Zea chromosomes are contributed by the new pollen parent. Later backcross generations also include plants with 36 Tripsacum and 12, 14, 16, or 18 maize chromosomes. Individuals with 2n = 56 produce an abundance of offspring with 18 Tripsacum and 20 maize chromosomes when backcrossed with maize. Further backcrossing results in elimination of Tripsacum chromosomes, and eventually plants with 2n = 20 Tripsacum-contaminated maize chromosomes are obtained. Two generations of selfing restore full fertility to these 2n = 20 plants and eliminate all obvious traces of Tripsacum morphology.  相似文献   
Foxtail millet (Setaria italica,) is grown as a cereal in southern Europe and in temperate, subtropical, and tropical Asia. Its closest wild relative isS. italica ssp.viridis (green foxtail). Green foxtail is native to temperate Eurasia, but was introduced and became widely established as a weed in temperate and warmer parts of the Americas. Spontaneous and cultivatedS. italica cross to produce fertile hybrids. Derivatives of such crosses, resembling foxtail millet in some inflorescence traits but with efficient natural seed dispersal, accompany the cereal across its range of cultivation. Giant green foxtail of Europe and the American corn belt is a weed of hybrid origin. Foxtail millet was domesticated in the highlands of central China; remains of cultivated foxtail millet are known from the Yang-shao culture period dating back some 5,000 yrs. Comparative morphology suggests that foxtail millet spread to Europe and India as a cereal soon after its domestication. Three cultivated races are recognized. Moharia, from Europe and southwestern Asia, includes cultivars with 5–52 culms, each bearing several, small, more or less erect inflorescences. Cultivars in race maxima are characterized by plants with 1–8 usually unbranched culms that bear large inflorescences; they occur in Transcaucasian Russia and the Far East. Race indica is intermediate in culm number (ave. 6.6) and inflorescence size between races moharia and maxima, and is cultivated in southern Asia.  相似文献   
de Wet , J. M. J. (Div. Botany, Pretoria, So. Africa.) Chromosome numbers and some morphological attributes of various South African Grasses. Amer. Jour. Bot. 47(1): 44—49. Illus. 1960.– Chromosome numbers are reported for 68 species and varieties of grasses belonging to 40 genera. These include first reports for the genera Megastachya, Lintonia, Plagiochloa, Ctenium, Oropetium and Beckeropsis. Cytological data were correlated with observations from leaf and embryo anatomy. A common ancestor is postulated for the tribes Oryzeae, Ehrharteae and Centotheceae. The genera Lasiochloa, Plagiochloa and Urochlaena appear to belong neither with the tribe Festuceae nor with the Eragrosteae but probably are closer related to the Danthonieae. Lintonia. Entoplocamia, Tetrachne and Fingerhuthia are characterized by the chloridoid-eragrostoid type of cytology and leaf anatomy but the bambusoid type of embryo anatomy. For these reasons they appear to represent relics of the original Eragostoid and Chloridoid stock. The South African representatives of the genus Crinipes differ from the tropical species in respect to leaf anatomy. The tropical species are typically of the arundinoid type, whereas the South African species appear to be related to the Danthonieae.  相似文献   
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