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More than 400 isolates from the intestine and the external surface of farmed Scophtalmus maximus as well as from fish food and hatchery water were screened for inhibitory effects against the fish pathogen Vibrio anguillarum HI 11345 and seven other fish pathogens. The bacteria with inhibitory effects were then characterized with regard to their sites of colonization, especially the intestinal regions and sites within each region. Of the total number of bacterial isolates from the intestine, 28% were inhibitory against V. anguillarum HI 11345. A marine biochemical assay was used to order the inhibitory strains into different phena. Most inhibitory bacteria were found in the rinse and mucus fractions of the gastrointestinal tract. No correlations among the different phena, site of colonization, and inhibitory effect could be found; however, a biochemical diversity was noted in the strains with an inhibitory effect. Of the isolates with an inhibitory effect against V. anguillarum HI 11345, 60% had an inhibitory effect on five other fish-pathogenic serotypes of V. anguillarum. Inhibitory effects of the isolates were also shown against Aeromonas salmonicida and Aeromonas hydrophila.  相似文献   
Characterization of highly duplicated genes, such as genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), where multiple loci often co‐amplify, has until recently been hindered by insufficient read depths per amplicon. Here, we used ultra‐deep Illumina sequencing to resolve genotypes at exon 3 of MHC class I genes in the sedge warbler (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus). We sequenced 24 individuals in two replicates and used this data, as well as a simulated data set, to test the effect of amplicon coverage (range: 500–20 000 reads per amplicon) on the repeatability of genotyping using four different genotyping approaches. A third replicate employed unique barcoding to assess the extent of tag jumping, that is swapping of individual tag identifiers, which may confound genotyping. The reliability of MHC genotyping increased with coverage and approached or exceeded 90% within‐method repeatability of allele calling at coverages of >5000 reads per amplicon. We found generally high agreement between genotyping methods, especially at high coverages. High reliability of the tested genotyping approaches was further supported by our analysis of the simulated data set, although the genotyping approach relying primarily on replication of variants in independent amplicons proved sensitive to repeatable errors. According to the most repeatable genotyping method, the number of co‐amplifying variants per individual ranged from 19 to 42. Tag jumping was detectable, but at such low frequencies that it did not affect the reliability of genotyping. We thus demonstrate that gene families with many co‐amplifying genes can be reliably genotyped using HTS, provided that there is sufficient per amplicon coverage.  相似文献   
The MHC (Major Histocompatibility Complex) plays an important role in the immune system of vertebrates. MHC genes are extremely polymorphic and this variation is considered to be maintained by selection from pathogens. We investigate whether MHC diversity (number of different alleles per individual) affects the survival and recruitment of nestling house sparrows. We hypothesize that individuals with higher MHC diversity can recognize and combat a wider range of pathogens, and therefore are more likely to survive and recruit into the breeding population. Additionally, we hypothesize that specific MHC class I alleles (MHC‐I) could be associated with survival and recruitment. We screened MHC‐I genotypes in 518 house sparrow chicks hatched on Lundy Island but we found no evidence for a relationship between nestling survival, post‐fledging survival or recruitment success with MHC diversity. Then we investigated effects of specific MHC‐I alleles in 195 individuals from a single cohort. Twenty‐one MHC‐I alleles were tested for relationships with nestling survival, post‐fledging survival and recruitment, and we detected associations with survival for three different alleles. This pattern was, however, not different to what would be expected from random, so we could not conclude that particular MHC‐I alleles are associated with survival in house sparrows on Lundy Island. Nonetheless, one of these alleles (1105) showed both a tendency for a higher probability of surviving in nestlings, and a significant association with survival in fledglings. We envision that allele 1105 could be an interesting candidate gene for testing associations with survival in house sparrows in the future.  相似文献   
Patterns of selection acting on immune defence genes have recently been the focus of considerable interest. Yet, when it comes to vertebrates, studies have mainly focused on the acquired branch of the immune system. Consequently, the direction and strength of selection acting on genes of the vertebrate innate immune defence remain poorly understood. Here, we present a molecular analysis of selection on an important receptor of the innate immune system of vertebrates, the Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2), across 17 rodent species. Although purifying selection was the prevalent evolutionary force acting on most parts of the rodent TLR2, we found that codons in close proximity to pathogen-binding and TLR2-TLR1 heterodimerization sites have been subject to positive selection. This indicates that parasite-mediated selection is not restricted to acquired immune system genes like the major histocompatibility complex, but also affects innate defence genes. To obtain a comprehensive understanding of evolutionary processes in host-parasite systems, both innate and acquired immunity thus need to be considered.  相似文献   
Small populations are likely to have a low genetic ability for disease resistance due to loss of genetic variation through inbreeding and genetic drift. In vertebrates, the highest genetic diversity of the immune system is located at genes within the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). Interestingly, parasite‐mediated selection is thought to potentially maintain variation at MHC loci even in populations that are monomorphic at other loci. Therefore, general loss of genetic variation in the genome may not necessarily be associated with low variation at MHC loci. We evaluated inter‐ and intrapopulation variation in MHC genotypes between an inbred (Aldra) and a relatively outbred population (Hestmannøy) of house sparrows (Passer domesticus) in a metapopulation at Helgeland, Norway. Genomic (gDNA) and transcribed (cDNA) alleles of functional MHC class I and IIB loci, along with neutral noncoding microsatellite markers, were analyzed to obtain relevant estimates of genetic variation. We found lower allelic richness in microsatellites in the inbred population, but high genetic variation in MHC class I and IIB loci in both populations. This suggests that also the inbred population could be under balancing selection to maintain genetic variation for pathogen resistance.  相似文献   
Small population sizes can, over time, put species at risk due to the loss of genetic variation and the deleterious effects of inbreeding. Losing diversity in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) could be particularly harmful, given its key role in the immune system. Here, we assess MHC class I (MHC‐I) diversity and its effects on mate choice and survival in the Critically Endangered Raso lark Alauda razae, a species restricted to the 7 km2 islet of Raso, Cape Verde, since ~1460, whose population size has dropped as low as 20 pairs. Exhaustively genotyping 122 individuals, we find no effect of MHC‐I genotype/diversity on mate choice or survival. However, we demonstrate that MHC‐I diversity has been maintained through extreme bottlenecks by retention of a high number of gene copies (at least 14), aided by cosegregation of multiple haplotypes comprising 2–8 linked MHC‐I loci. Within‐locus homozygosity is high, contributing to low population‐wide diversity. Conversely, each individual had comparably many alleles, 6–16 (average 11), and the large and divergent haplotypes occur at high frequency in the population, resulting in high within‐individual MHC‐I diversity. This functional immune gene diversity will be of critical importance for this highly threatened species’ adaptive potential.  相似文献   
A major goal in evolutionary biology is to understand the genetic basis of adaptive traits. In migratory birds, wing morphology is such a trait. Our previous work on the great reed warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) shows that wing length is highly heritable and under sexually antagonistic selection. Moreover, a quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping analysis detected a pronounced QTL for wing length on chromosome 2, suggesting that wing morphology is partly controlled by genes with large effects. Here, we re‐evaluate the genetic basis of wing length in great reed warblers using a genomewide association study (GWAS) approach based on restriction site‐associated DNA sequencing (RADseq) data. We use GWAS models that account for relatedness between individuals and include covariates (sex, age and tarsus length). The resulting association landscape was flat with no peaks on chromosome 2 or elsewhere, which is in line with expectations for polygenic traits. Analysis of the distribution of p‐values did not reveal biases, and the inflation factor was low. Effect sizes were however not uniformly distributed on some chromosomes, and the Z chromosome had weaker associations than autosomes. The level of linkage disequilibrium (LD) in the population decayed to background levels within c. 1 kbp. There could be several reasons to why our QTL study and GWAS gave contrasting results including differences in how associations are modelled (cosegregation in pedigree vs. LD associations), how covariates are accounted for in the models, type of marker used (multi‐ vs. biallelic), difference in power or a combination of these. Our study highlights that the genetic architecture even of highly heritable traits is difficult to characterize in wild populations.  相似文献   
The spacer between the 16S and 23S rRNA genes of the chloroplast DNA has been implicated as an origin of replication in several species of plants. In the evening primrose, Oenothera, this site was found to vary greatly in size, with plastid genomes (plastomes) being readily distinguished. To determine whether plastome "strength" in transmission could be correlated with variation at oriB, the 16S rRNA-trnI spacer was sequenced from five plastomes. The size variation was found to be due to differential amplification (and deletion) of combinations of sequences belonging to seven families of direct repeats. From these comparisons, one short series of direct repeats and one region capable of forming a hairpin structure were identified as candidates for the factor that could be responsible for the differences between strong and weak plastome types. Ample sequence variation allowed phylogenetic inferences to be made about the relationships among the plastomes. Phylogenetic trees also could be constructed for most of the families of direct repeats. The amplifications and deletions of repeats that account for the size variation at oriB are proposed to have occurred through extensive replication slippage at this site.   相似文献   
No evidence for inbreeding avoidance in a great reed warbler population   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Inbreeding depression may drive the evolution of inbreedingavoidance through dispersal and mate choice. In birds, manyspecies show female-biased dispersal, which is an effectiveinbreeding avoidance mechanism. In contrast, there is scarceevidence in birds for kin discriminative mate choice, whichmay, at least partly, reflect difficulties detecting it. First,kin discrimination may be realized as dispersal, and this isdifficult to distinguish from other causes of dispersal. Second,even within small, isolated populations, it is often difficultto determine the potential candidates available to a femalewhen choosing a mate. We sought evidence for inbreeding avoidancevia kin discrimination in a breeding population of great reedwarblers (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) studied over 17 years.Inbreeding depression is strong in the population, suggestingthat it would be adaptive to avoid relatives as mates. Detaileddata on timing of settlement and mate search movements madeit possible to identify candidate mates for each female, andlong-term pedigrees and resolved parentage enabled us to estimaterelatedness between females and their candidate mates. We foundno evidence for kin discrimination: mate choice was random withrespect to relatedness when all mate-choice events were considered,and, after correction for multiple tests, also in all breedingyears. We suggest that dispersal is a sufficient inbreedingavoidance mechanism in most situations, although the lack ofkin discriminative mate choice has negative consequences forsome females, because they end up mating with closely relatedmales that lowers their fitness.  相似文献   
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