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Tennis requires skill, physical attributes, and strategy. Ball velocity and placement are two of the most important components in winning the faster-paced modern game. Although isokinetic testing has been used to evaluate physical characteristics and injury potential in tennis players, few studies have compared isokinetics and on-court performance. Such a comparison would help establish links between speed-specific properties of functioning muscles and stroke production and could affect overall training strategy. This study compared isokinetic peak torque (PT), average power (AP), and total work (TW) during specific testing patterns correlated with ball velocity or stroke accuracy during the service, forehand, and backhand and developed predictive equations for each stroke using these variables. Thirty-five players, aged 13-18 years with at least 4 years playing experience, were evaluated using internal and external shoulder rotation, leg extension, and diagonal throwing motions. Ball velocity was measured using a radar gun. Accuracy was evaluated on the basis of shot position and depth. Significant correlations were found between ball velocity and a number of isokinetic variables, while no significant correlations were observed with shot accuracy. Significant isokinetic variables for each stroke were entered into regression models. One isokinetic speed sufficiently predicted ball velocity for each stroke, since no increase in predictive capacity was observed with the addition of other isokinetic parameters. We conclude that isokinetics at testing speeds between 1.57 and 4.71 rad.s(-1) can effectively predict ball velocity, but not accuracy, and that our results may be helpful in planning strategies for training and rehabilitation.  相似文献   
We have reported on the design, synthesis, and biological characterization of (R)-4-[3,4-dioxo-2-(1,2,2-trimethyl-propylamino)-cyclobut-1-enylamino]-3-ethyl-benzonitrile (1), a novel, potent, and selective adenosine 5'-triphosphate-sensitive potassium (K(ATP)) channel opener with potential utility for the treatment of urge urinary incontinence (UUI). Excising the aniline-derived nitrogen atom of 1 or replacing it with an aralkyl group, led to bladder smooth muscle relaxant chemotypes 3 and 4, respectively. Prototype compounds in these series were found to produce significant increases in an iberiotoxin (IbTx)-sensitive hyperpolarizing current, thus suggesting that these relatively modest structural modifications resulted in a switch in the mechanism of action of these smooth muscle relaxants from K(ATP) channel openers to activators of the large-conductance Ca2+-activated potassium channel (BK(Ca)). We report herein the syntheses and biological evaluation of a series of substituted 3-amino-4-aryl-(and aralkyl-)cyclobut-3-ene-1,2-diones.  相似文献   
According to a number of previous reports, control of HIV replication in humans appears to be linked to the presence of anti-HIV-1 Gag-specific CD8 responses. During the chronic phase of HIV-1 infection, up to 75% of the HIV-infected individuals who express the histocompatibility leukocyte Ag (HLA)-A*0201 recognize the Gag p17 SLYNTVATL (aa residues 77-85) epitope (SL9). However, the role of the anti-SL9 CD8 CTL in controlling HIV-1 infection remains controversial. In this study we determined whether the pattern of SL9 immunodominance in uninfected, HLA-A*0201 HIV vaccine recipients is similar to that seen in chronically HIV-infected subjects. The presence of anti-SL9 responses was determined using a panel of highly sensitive cellular immunoassays, including peptide:MHC tetramer binding, IFN-gamma ELISPOT, and cytokine flow cytometry. Thirteen HLA-A*0201 vaccinees with documented anti-Gag CD8 CTL reactivities were tested, and none had a detectable anti-SL9 response. These findings strongly suggest that the pattern of SL9 epitope immunodominance previously reported among chronically infected, HLA-A*0201-positive patients is not recapitulated in noninfected recipients of Gag-containing canarypox-based candidate vaccines and may be influenced by the relative immunogenicity of these constructs.  相似文献   
The importance of tight hydrophobic core packing in stabilizing proteins found in thermophilic organisms has been vigorously disputed. Here, portions of the cores found in three thermophilic homologues were transplanted into the core of staphylococcal nuclease, a protein of modest stability. Packing of the core was evaluated by comparing interaction energy of the three mutants to the comprehensive mutant library built up previously at these same sites in staphylococcal nuclease. It was found that the interaction energy of one thermophilic sequence is extraordinarily favorable and the interaction energies of other two transplanted thermophilic sequences are good, comparable to the interaction energies of mutant cores based on cores found in mesophilic homologues. As expected when transferring just a portion of the core sequence, the mutant proteins were destabilized overall relative to wild-type staphylococcal nuclease. The overall conclusion is that improvement of packing interactions is a mechanism to confer stability employed in some proteins from thermophiles, but not all.  相似文献   
Crystal structures of histidyl-tRNA synthetase (HisRS) from the eukaryotic parasites Trypanosoma brucei and Trypanosoma cruzi provide a first structural view of a eukaryotic form of this enzyme and reveal differences from bacterial homologs. HisRSs in general contain an extra domain inserted between conserved motifs 2 and 3 of the Class II aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase catalytic core. The current structures show that the three-dimensional topology of this domain is very different in bacterial and archaeal/eukaryotic forms of the enzyme. Comparison of apo and histidine-bound trypanosomal structures indicates substantial active-site rearrangement upon histidine binding but relatively little subsequent rearrangement after reaction of histidine with ATP to form the enzyme's first reaction product, histidyladenylate. The specific residues involved in forming the binding pocket for the adenine moiety differ substantially both from the previously characterized binding site in bacterial structures and from the homologous residues in human HisRSs. The essentiality of the single HisRS gene in T. brucei is shown by a severe depression of parasite growth rate that results from even partial suppression of expression by RNA interference.  相似文献   
Myxococcus xanthus social gliding motility, which is powered by type IV pili, requires the presence of exopolysaccharides (EPS) on the cell surface. The Dif chemosensory system is essential for the regulation of EPS production. It was demonstrated previously that DifA (methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein [MCP]-like), DifC (CheW-like), and DifE (CheA-like) stimulate whereas DifD (CheY-like) and DifG (CheC-like) inhibit EPS production. DifD was found not to function downstream of DifE in EPS regulation, as a difD difE double mutant phenocopied the difE single mutant. It has been proposed that DifA, DifC, and DifE form a ternary signaling complex that positively regulates EPS production through the kinase activity of DifE. DifD was proposed as a phosphate sink of phosphorylated DifE (DifE∼P), while DifG would augment the function of DifD as a phosphatase of phosphorylated DifD (DifD∼P). Here we report in vitro phosphorylation studies with all the Dif chemosensory proteins that were expressed and purified from Escherichia coli. DifE was demonstrated to be an autokinase. Consistent with the formation of a DifA-DifC-DifE complex, DifA and DifC together, but not individually, were found to influence DifE autophosphorylation. DifD, which did not inhibit DifE autophosphorylation directly, was found to accept phosphate from autophosphorylated DifE. While DifD∼P has an unusually long half-life for dephosphorylation in vitro, DifG efficiently dephosphorylated DifD∼P as a phosphatase. These results support a model where DifE complexes with DifA and DifC to regulate EPS production through phosphorylation of a downstream target, while DifD and DifG function synergistically to divert phosphates away from DifE∼P.The proper regulation of bacterial motility is critical for the survival of bacteria in their natural environment. One such form of regulation is bacterial chemotaxis, which enables organisms to move toward more favorable niches and away from hazardous ones. Chemotaxis regulation in flagellated swimming bacteria has been well studied in model organisms such as Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis (2, 36). In general, environmental changes are detected and transduced to the cytoplasmic side of the cell by a transmembrane ternary signaling complex composed of methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins (MCPs), CheW, and CheA. Typically, MCPs anchor the complex to the membrane through their two transmembrane (TM) domains. Chemical changes in the environment are detected by the periplasmic domain of an MCP, resulting in conformational changes in the conserved cytoplasmic signaling domain. These changes can modulate the activity of the CheA kinase via interactions with CheW in the signaling complex. The response regulator CheY, another essential component of the bacterial chemotaxis pathway, is a substrate of the CheA kinase that accepts a phosphate from autophosphorylated CheA. Phosphorylated CheY (CheY∼P) interacts with the flagellar motor complex to effect bacterial swimming behavior. Although the dephosphorylation of CheY∼P can occur spontaneously, it is accelerated by phosphatases such as CheZ in E. coli and CheC as well as FliY in B. subtilis. The dephosphorylation of CheY∼P is critical for chemotaxis since it is one of the mechanisms for the desensitization of a stimulated chemotaxis pathway. This basic architecture of chemotaxis pathways is generally conserved in all the flagellated swimming bacteria examined to date (31, 36).Myxococcus xanthus is a gliding Gram-negative bacterium that encodes eight chemosensory systems based on the genome sequence (18, 54). This bacterium, which develops fruiting bodies under nutrient deprivation (25), is motile on surfaces by adventurous (A) and social (S) gliding motility (22). While A motility enables the movement of a cell that is well separated from others, S motility is functional only when cells are in close proximity. S motility is analogous to bacterial twitching in that both are powered by retraction of the type 4 pilus (Tfp) (24, 30, 38). M. xanthus S motility additionally requires exopolysaccharides (EPS) to function (29). For S motility, EPS on one cell is thought to provide the anchor and trigger for the retraction of Tfp from a neighboring cell, thus explaining the proximity requirement. Chemotaxis regulation in M. xanthus has also been investigated extensively (27, 54). One of the surprises from these investigations was that among the eight chemosensory systems, only Frz signal transduction plays a primary role in chemotaxis regulation and mutants in other systems have no or only specific defects in chemotaxis under certain experimental conditions.The M. xanthus Dif chemosensory system, while also important for tactic responses to certain species of phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) (8), plays a primary role in the regulation of EPS production (7, 53). difA, difC, and difE mutants produce no detectable levels of EPS, whereas difD and difG mutants overproduce EPS (3, 7, 53). Mutations in difD and difG have additive effects on EPS production but failed to suppress mutations in difE (6). Additional analysis, including the use of yeast two- and three-hybrid (Y2H and Y3H, respectively) systems, led to a working model for the regulation of EPS by the Dif system (6, 52). DifA (MCP-like), DifC (CheW-like), and DifE (CheA-like) were projected to form a ternary signaling complex as do the MCPs, CheW, and CheA in bacterial chemotaxis. DifE is proposed to be an autokinase whose activity is modulated by DifA in combination with DifC (6, 52). The output of the signaling complex is the phosphorylation of an unidentified downstream component by DifE. DifD (CheY-like) and DifG (CheC-like), negative regulators of EPS production, are proposed to be ancillary modulators of the output of DifE by partially diverting phosphate from the DifE kinase and thus away from its downstream target(s) (6). That is, DifD may accept phosphate from autophosphorylated DifE (DifE∼P) and DifG may function as a phosphatase to accelerate the autodephosphorylation of phosphorylated DifD (DifD∼P). Phosphorylation and dephosphorylation events, which are obviously critical to this model, had not been examined prior to this present report.In this study, we used purified Dif proteins expressed in E. coli to examine the autophosphorylation, phosphotransfer, and dephosphorylation properties of the Dif proteins in vitro. Our results provide strong evidence for most of the proposed biochemical and physical interactions among the Dif proteins. Necessary modifications of the model based on the results here are also discussed.  相似文献   
Compared to younger adults, seniors (> or = 60 yrs) often adopt a highly regular lifestyle, perhaps as an adaptive response to age-related changes in their sleep and circadian rhythms. At baseline, diary measures of lifestyle regularity (SRM-5) were obtained from 104 seniors of three separate groups. Thirty-three subjects were challenged by spousal bereavement or the need to care for a spouse at home with dementia (Challenged); 33 were suffering from formally diagnosed (DSM-IV) insomnia (Insomnia); and 38 were healthy, well-functioning older seniors in the second half of their eighth decade of life or later (Healthy Older). The objective of this study was to determine whether lifestyle regularity increased as a function of age within each of these three senior groups. Overall, age was significantly correlated with SRM-5 (r=0.41, p<0.001), with the SRM score increasing by 0.67 units/decade. The same was true for the Challenged and Insomnia groups, which also showed a significant correlation between SRM and age (Challenged: r=0.48, p<0.01; Insomnia: r=0.36, p<0.05), though with a slightly faster rate of SRM increase in the Challenged (0.95 units/decade) than Insomnia (0.55 units/decade) group. Perhaps there was no correlation between age and SRM (r=0.07, n.s.) in the Healthy Older group due to the small age range, although this group did have a higher overall SRM score than the other two groups (p<0.01). The study thus confirmed that the previously observed increase in lifestyle regularity over the adult lifespan persists into later life. This may represent an adaptive behavioral response that might be used in future therapeutic approaches.  相似文献   
The developmental bacterium Myxococcus xanthus utilizes gliding motility to aggregate during the formation of multicellular fruiting bodies. The social (S) component of M. xanthus gliding motility requires at least two extracellular surface structures, type IV pili (Tfp) and the fibril polysaccharide or exopolysaccharide (EPS). Retraction of Tfp is proposed to power S motility and EPS from neighbouring cells is suggested to provide an anchor and trigger for Tfp retraction. The production of EPS in M. xanthus is regulated in part by the Dif chemosensory pathway; however, the input signal for the Dif pathway in EPS regulation remains to be uncovered. Using a genetic approach combined with quantitative and qualitative analysis, we demonstrate here that Tfp function upstream of the Dif proteins in regulating EPS production. The requirement of Tfp for the production of EPS was verified using various classes of Tfp mutants. Construction and examination of double and triple mutants indicated that mutations in dif are epistatic to those in pil. Furthermore, extracellular complementation between various Tfp and dif mutants suggests that Tfp, instead of being signals, may constitute the sensor or part of the sensor responsible for mediating signal input into the Dif pathway. We propose that S motility involves a regulatory loop in which EPS triggers Tfp retraction and Tfp provide proximity signals to the Dif pathway to modulate EPS production.  相似文献   
The retinoblastoma (RB) and p16ink4a tumor suppressors are believed to function in a linear pathway that is functionally inactivated in a large fraction of human cancers. Recent studies have shown that RB plays a critical role in regulating S phase as a means for suppressing aberrant proliferation and controlling genome stability. Here, we demonstrate a novel role for p16ink4a in replication control that is distinct from that of RB. Specifically, p16ink4a disrupts prereplication complex assembly by inhibiting mini-chromosome maintenance (MCM) protein loading in G1, while RB was found to disrupt replication in S phase through attenuation of PCNA function. This influence of p16ink4a on the prereplication complex was dependent on the presence of RB and the downregulation of cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) activity. Strikingly, the inhibition of CDK2 activity was not sufficient to prevent the loading of MCM proteins onto chromatin, which supports a model wherein the composite action of multiple G1 CDK complexes regulates prereplication complex assembly. Additionally, p16ink4a attenuated the levels of the assembly factors Cdt1 and Cdc6. The enforced expression of these two licensing factors was sufficient to restore the assembly of the prereplication complex yet failed to promote S-phase progression due to the continued absence of PCNA function. Combined, these data reveal that RB and p16ink4a function through distinct pathways to inhibit the replication machinery and provide evidence that stepwise regulation of CDK activity interfaces with the replication machinery at two discrete execution points.  相似文献   
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